A Phrase the Pisses you off and a Weird but Tasty Food Combo



  • squintana1979
    Phrase: "Does a bear poop in the woods?" (Sarcastic comment meaning, "Yes, I'm being serious.) Why no...a bear does not ALWAYS poop in the woods...what if the bear is at the zoo?

    Food Combo: Liver and onions smothered in ketchup, Funyuns dipped in ketchup, or Red Devil cayenne pepper sauce on popcorn.

    And no, I'm not pregnant. :glasses:
  • CeeRawr89
    CeeRawr89 Posts: 328 Member
    When I put on make up and people say "OMG you look so good today!"
    What is that supposed to mean? I don't when I don't wear make up :( WAAH

    Weird food combo, peanut butter pickle sandwich
  • the_great_unknown
    the_great_unknown Posts: 194 Member
    Not really phrases, but in general... I HATE when people say "nom nom nom" nails on a chalkboard! Also, when people use THEN and THAN incorrectly.

    Weird food combo? Umm.. sausage dipped in syrup.

    I totally agree with the "nom...." I can't even type it! Seriously? Also, "I could care less". That means you care. Pass it on.

    For the food, I don't think I have any weird food combos. I'm pretty dull, I guess.
  • lisakyle_11
    lisakyle_11 Posts: 420 Member
    not sure if this is officially a phrase or not, but it drives me crazy when people say or write "Get Er Dun"... just seems low-brow and classless (again, imo).

    food combos: pizza with salsa...mmm.
  • xHelloQuincyx
    xHelloQuincyx Posts: 884 Member
    "i was really taken aback"
    ice cream with french frys
  • CeeRawr89
    CeeRawr89 Posts: 328 Member
    When I put on make up and people say "OMG you look so good today!"
    What is that supposed to mean? I don't when I don't wear make up :( WAAH

    Weird food combo, peanut butter pickle sandwich

    Also, spam cut into cubes, fried with diced tomatoes with macaroni. My guilty food tastes SO good:blushing:
  • LadyDiaw
    LadyDiaw Posts: 10
    Can't think of a phrase but i love Hot dog sandwiches with mayo, ketchup, and relish.
  • the_great_unknown
    the_great_unknown Posts: 194 Member
    I hate when people tell me I can't do things. Like when my husband told me I wouldn't lose the weight! BOOM

    Weird and delicious food would be cooked Brown rice mixed with honey mustard dressing, a little water, and some hidden valley ranch powder. Sounds horrible, but the combination of flavors makes my mouth happy:)

    Wow, your transformation has been amazing! Good job.
  • wdwghettogirl
    wdwghettogirl Posts: 559 Member
    I HATE when people say things like "I seen that yesterday." NO! You SAW that! Or any other misuse of words. BTW... IRREGARDLESS is NOT a word!! It's REGARDLESS!!! *Bah!*

    My weird food comes straight from Italy... tuna on pizza. YUM!
  • MysticMaiden22
    MysticMaiden22 Posts: 325 Member
    "It's not you, it's me."

    Nacho Cheese Doritos and cottage cheese
  • msliu7911
    msliu7911 Posts: 639 Member
    "It is what it is."

    I DESPISE THIS. Obviously its not what it isn't... so why would you even say something like that?! And I feel people overuse this to just shrug off the issue at hand.

    On a lighter note...back when I used to eat this stuff- I loved french fries dipped in ketchup/mayo mixed together!! Talk about a heart attack! :)
  • sunshinel397
    Phrase is more of a word.....K. I hate "K". Especially over a text.

    This! "K" makes me see a million shades of rage.

    Weird food combo: cheez-its and peanut butter with chocolate chips, cinnamon raisin bagels with jalapeno slices and cream cheese
  • divalivious
    divalivious Posts: 213 Member

    wendy's french fries with frosty...haven't had that in prob a year

    oh yesssss!! been forever since i have had them that way.

    grew up with dill pickle sandwiches (dill pickles sliced on bread with some mayo)

    grilled cinnamon buns with cheese been years since had that
  • mccarol1956
    mccarol1956 Posts: 422 Member
    Phrase: It ain't over till the fat lady sings..

    Food: soft serve vanilla ice cream with pickled beets on it.
  • DisneySkaGirl
    Guess for me its when I talk to some one and after every sentence they have to say "right". They dont have to comment after every sentence......."right". Makes it seem as if they are mentally challenged or some thing.

    HATE THAT! Any variation of that, like saying yes, yeah, or okay after every few words.

    I also get pissed when people go on a long diatribe about something being categorically right/wrong and then say "but to each their own" as if they didn't actually have any opinion at all. Opinions, when not attacking or rude, should be something you're proud of.

    Weird food is super buttery popcorn while drinking strong and sugary coffee... they complement each other divinely.
  • Raezor1207
    Raezor1207 Posts: 80 Member
    Phrase: "Where is it at?" Drop the at, damn it! Where is it works perferctly fine!
    Fodd combo: Light cottage cheese with dill pickle chips
  • EchoOfYourPast
    EchoOfYourPast Posts: 459 Member
    Phrase : (on eating food..esp. at work) "You can eat that...you don't have anything to worry about."
    Food: I have a million ....but...one Churches fried chicken drumstick with Rico's cheese sauce
    San :)
  • harribo_mum
    People who say "lol" as a word in rl conversations.
    I have an aunt who always says "I'm not being funny but *insert rude or nasty comment here*.

    As for food um I thought peanut butter and jam was weird (I'm from the UK) but that's obviously not.
  • gizziemonkey
    I hate it when someone says "whatever" I just find it to be so negative.

    Favorite weird food combination: light cottage cheese and black olives
  • Susabelle64
    Susabelle64 Posts: 207 Member
    I hate being calleD ma'am. Ugh. It's so condescending. "clearly, I'm younger than you Ma'am."

    I am so opposite
    I AM A MA'AM!

    When I get called Ma'am, I want to go die in a hole somewhere. Especially when the person using the phrase appears older than I am. (It's a touchy subject for me...)

    This is so weird for me, Ma'am used to bother me, and then I spent 10 years in the South. Now I dont even notice it unless it is spoken with that "tone". You know the one, where they would really rather call you something nasty but insert Ma'am instead! Otherwise I learned it was word of respect, had nothing to do with age, I even learned how to used it properly, though I'm back in the NW now and it definitely is not part of the local vocabulary here!