Falling off the wagon on weekends?



  • hjohns65
    hjohns65 Posts: 66 Member
    Uh. I did this BADLY this weekend. I really need to learn how to let my healthy habits roll over into my decisions at parties and such. I REALLY goofed between Saturday and Sunday. Ugh.

    ME TOO!!! After reading this post and the replies in the thread- I am beating myself up a little less now! I'm glad I'm not the only one who A)partakes in an occasional weekend drink, and B)indulges a little-although some of my snacks this weekend could've been meals :s
  • justfungrandma
    justfungrandma Posts: 91 Member
    I do not make the best choices on the weekend, mostly because we are going out and I am less in control of what I eat. During the week, I stay at home and watch the grandbabies, so I eat very structured and clean. The weekends I have way more trouble with that! I do still log everything, and I generally dont go over, but WHAT I am consuming is not good. We all just have to do our best, but this is LIFE, so we cant be too hard on ourselves either. If MOST days are good, that is what counts!
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    i hate the term "starting over" and "every day is a new day." this isn't a board game that you just start over or cheat at. you must learn about what makes you lose your resolve on the weekend, and try to over come it.

    is it lack of healthier options? then make sure to have prepared food in your fridge. i make about 3-5 pound sof chicken breast a week to have handy.

    is it a hectic schedule? then make sure you take healthy snacks with you where you go. almonds, apples, raisins, and cashews are all handy and easy to carry snacks.

    are you restricting yourself TOO much during the week? then allow yourself a some treats mon-fri. for instance, i like to eat pizza 1-2 times a week, and i allow myself about a few alcoholic drinks a week.
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    This is why I changed my weigh-in day to Friday or Saturday instead of Mondays. Even if I didn't do "bad" calorie-wise on weekends, I always had something more sodium packed if I went out to eat than if I cooked at home, so my weight was always up a couple pounds on Monday morning, but back down a few days later. When you realize it's just normal fluctuation, it's nothing to beat yourself up over.

    Hmmm, good thinking. Maybe I should change to Friday...
  • yustick
    yustick Posts: 238 Member
    Weekends are harder for me too. What is really scarry is that experience has taught me that if I let the weekend get too much out of control, I may not make it back on track on Monday.

    I am finding it very helpful to log food in advance. I went to Red Robin yesterday, before I went, I pulled calorie information off their website. I considered what sacrifices I would make to save calories and then recorded what I planned to eat. I also entered the meals for the rest of my day, so I would know where I would end up. I ended up eating less at Red Robin then I would have allowed myself, the fries were simply not worth it.

    I also try to remember that I can eat whatever I want whenever I want. The calorie goal set is what I need to do to lose 2 pounds per week. I can eat more, if I want to lose less or if I want to make up for it by exercising more or cutting calories elsewhere. I am trying to avoid the feelings of deprivation and guilt since they just seem to make things worse.
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    There is no "Wagon" or falling or starting over.

    Change your mental state. IF YOU WANT IT, GET IT. Act upon the choices that will get you to success. Become aware, every day, of what you WANT. Dont just say it. WANT IT.
  • bouselhoff
    I have SUCH a hard time with this, and I know I shouldn't. I feel like I am binging every single weekend. I never thought before of saving extra calories during the week and using those as my Saturday or Sunday night treat! Hell, the calories I burn during the week could easily allow for a Saturday AND Sunday night treat! Maybe then I won't go so crazy throughout the entirety of the weekend. THANK YOU to everyone for helpful suggestions.. now I know I'm not alone!!! :)
  • kmontana98
    Everyone is going to have the no so good days. Keep in mind it wasn't on day or one meal that caused your weight gain in the first place. As long as you still continue to track everything you are eating you keep a better eye on it and will likely make a better choice next time. Not necessarily a different food, but maybe not quite so much of it. You will also do a little better if your aren't always eating a doing the exact same thing everyday. Don't know alot about it, but I hear that carb loading and having higher calorie days followed by lower keeps your weightloss at a steady pace. Something to look into I think :)
  • stacymama5
    stacymama5 Posts: 391 Member
    I'm thinking if you weighed in on Mondays, you would stop those wild weekends in no time!!
  • sunshine45356
    sunshine45356 Posts: 78 Member
    I allow myself a cheat (meal) on sundays. Has never hurt my weight loss. I dont gain an oz from it. 1 meal is not going to make a difference or...shouldnt. A whole day...no way! That would be waaaay to many calories. I work out teice on monday to make up for the extra calories. As long as you have a plan you should be fine with just 1 blowout meal a week. it actually helps rev up your metabolism! Good Luck!
  • cycleholic
    cycleholic Posts: 119 Member
    Thanks for the motivation!

    Weekends are the bane of my existence. :sad: I'm going to try some of your suggestions
  • mrsjennifermaffei
    Yes and I need to stop that as of TODAY!

    No reason we can't be good all weekend but still get the snacks and stuff we like. We need to figure this out!
  • ImLizzard
    ImLizzard Posts: 1 Member
    I actually do better on the weekend with eating. I let myself off the hook on the walking. I have a office job so I really need the walks during the week but am more active on the weekends with normal stuff.
  • tweetybaby69
    tweetybaby69 Posts: 258 Member
    Definitely. During the week, I am more conscious of what I am eating and do not have the refridgerator lurking around the corner. Whatever pack in my cooler, that is what I am eating and when its gone I am done eating. I weigh in on Saturday mornings, so my Fridays are not too bad. Saturday is usually my "cheat " day the fridge is nearby and water does not look as appealing. But I log everything good or bad and work hard to get back on track come Sunday evening into Monday morning. :embarassed:
  • maggie4097
    maggie4097 Posts: 156
  • Crucker73
    Crucker73 Posts: 53 Member
    I like the idea of weighing in on Friday. This can also be reason for you to not over do it if you see that you have lost pounds/inches. I think you do need to allow yourself some wiggle room to prevent a total meltdown when the put that plate of chicken and cheese nachos loaded with sour cream in front of you. Everything in moderation. And if you slip up really bad, just make sure you ramp up the exercise. If I know we are going out to eat and I may fall off the wagon - I will make sure I go to the gym that day or directly after.
  • phoenix8633
    phoenix8633 Posts: 137 Member
    I suffer from this as well, I can do really well all week and then as soon as the weekend hits I can just scoff, i know it's down to boredom because a few weeks ago when we had that lovely week in March I was out all day saturday raking my lawn etc and didn't stop until about 3pm.
    But I can't rake my grass every weekend can I? i do need to find something to do on a weekend which will take my mind off wanting to pig out and feeling guilty after i've done it!
  • merilewa
    merilewa Posts: 19 Member
    You know what...it is Monday and yes I find myself in the same boat every Monday. Basically feel like I am starting fresh again. I struggle so much with the weekends. Funny thing happened today, but not really. Yesterday I was so thirsty for coca cola...so I drank it. My husband was surpised to see me drinking it. So today he offered me some and I replied "no thank you, it is Monday. I do not drink pop on Mondays. I am usually good on Mondays". He agreed with me that I usually do good all week long, but I do eat more on weekends. I might struggle because there is a break in the normal routine. I am not sure.
  • merilewa
    merilewa Posts: 19 Member
    I am new to myfitnesspal, but enjoying reading all of the posts.
  • OnMyWeigh464
    OnMyWeigh464 Posts: 447 Member
    I use to struggle on the weekends but now I don't. I see it as just any normal day for me. We do have lots of things going on during the weekends and I do my best. We have people over for potluck dinner lots and I make a healthy slow-cooker pulled pork and I provide a veggie tray. When we go to other people's houses for potluck, again I bring something healthy. I'm at the mercy of other people and what they bring so if there IS junk food and more often than not it's 90% junk (I bring the other 10% LOL) then I'll have a small piece of something or a small handful of chips or whatever. I weigh in at TOPS on Mondays so I tend to not "cheat" on the weekends the way I use to. And actually it's been 3 months since I restarted this journey and my tummy actually gets upset now when I eat junk.