Beautiful Blue Team WEEK 7

RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
Our team is shrinking! :noway:



  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Shrinkage is a good thing in the area of weight loss :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    What a cool idea! Props!! :happy:
  • Cariñosita
    Cariñosita Posts: 184 Member
    Great Job Ladies!!
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Hey there back from my vacation in Italy.

    Had an awesome time, and I was able to go for lots of walks, which counter acted all the bread/pasta/pizza/beer I had.

    2 weeks ago: 210
    Today : 208
  • emmie110
    emmie110 Posts: 176
    Good job everyone! I lost .2 this week - haven't been good about getting my exercise in. I'm overwhelmed with school (taking 3 classes this summer). But it's a new week, right? :drinker:
  • TaraDenise
    TaraDenise Posts: 164 Member
    Good job! I need to get in on a group next time. We have a challenge going on at my job, but I need all of the motivation and support I can get.

    I suck at excel, and could not figure out how to get the percentages to automatically calculate on our spreadsheet, so we're using a different site where we have to plug in the numbers to get the %, then go back and put the number into the spreadsheet. : /
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Looking good--I wonder where the rest of the team is?? Maybe we are not exciting enough. :wink: But down 21 lbs isn't bad at all!! I am glad to be going down in numbers-(lb wise, :laugh: )-lets keep it up!!:flowerforyou:
  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668
    I'm still here! Maybe if we think of a challenge, we'll get some people back. How about "no chocolate for a week?" Kidding!:laugh: I could never survive that challenge.:blushing:
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    I'm still here! Maybe if we think of a challenge, we'll get some people back. How about "no chocolate for a week?" Kidding!:laugh: I could never survive that challenge.:blushing:

    I'm in! My hubby keeps taunting me with sweets-:laugh: good luck buddy. I sturdy on this one this time.:laugh:
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hey there back from my vacation in Italy.

    Had an awesome time, and I was able to go for lots of walks, which counter acted all the bread/pasta/pizza/beer I had.

    2 weeks ago: 210
    Today : 208

    Italy!! Pasta!! Pizza!! Bread!! Beer!! & a 2 pound loss!! Sounds like HEAVEN!! :happy:

    Welcome Back & Congrats!! :smile:

    Congrats to everyone this week!! :smile:
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    Rach - Glad that you were able to drain the blisters on your feet. I hope that they feel pretty good today!!

    My weigh in was 135 today. Up 1 lb I think. :ohwell:

    I have worked out the past two days and hope to workout again once I get home tonight. Congrats to all of you that lost this week. Lots of you pulled some big numbers too!!

    I think we are all in need of a challenge. You name it and I am in.

    :heart: J
  • alapointe
    alapointe Posts: 369 Member
    Great job this week ladies. I better be down next week after my TOM is over. I will struggle with the chocolate challenge, but isn't that what a challenge is? Come on ladies I know it is hard, but we can do it. Fight through those cravings. I am in- no chocolate for 1 week.

    Uh oh guess i will have to get a vanilla cake for my daughters birthday.
  • ngwife4life
    ngwife4life Posts: 569
    I'm back and I owned up to the 3 pounds I gained while hubby was home. So much for maintaining, eh?! I think some of it is water weight as I was not drinking anywhere near enough water! I'm always afraid to drink too much on road trips because I have to stop and tinkle every 30 minutes... and we were up in the mountains where it would have been me and a bush or rock! I sent him off today and I'm hoping I can keep out of the ice cream carton for comfort. I have a date with a chocolate chip bagel tonight, though! I may be good and stick to half of it so I can have the other half later. I have about 44 weeks until he comes home and I want to lose at least 48 more pounds... so I better get my butt in gear!!! :smile:
  • ngwife4life
    ngwife4life Posts: 569
    Hey there back from my vacation in Italy.

    Had an awesome time, and I was able to go for lots of walks, which counter acted all the bread/pasta/pizza/beer I had.

    2 weeks ago: 210
    Today : 208

    Italy!! Pasta!! Pizza!! Bread!! Beer!! & a 2 pound loss!! Sounds like HEAVEN!! :happy:

    Welcome Back & Congrats!! :smile:

    Congrats to everyone this week!! :smile:

    Yes! I was thinking the same thing!!! I would've certainly come back 5 pounds heavier. Awesome job!
  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668
    Great job this week ladies. I better be down next week after my TOM is over. I will struggle with the chocolate challenge, but isn't that what a challenge is? Come on ladies I know it is hard, but we can do it. Fight through those cravings. I am in- no chocolate for 1 week.

    Uh oh guess i will have to get a vanilla cake for my daughters birthday.

    So we're doing the chocolate challenge?:happy: This will be be a hard one for me, but I will try to stick to it!:bigsmile:
  • alapointe
    alapointe Posts: 369 Member
    I am doing the chocolate challenge. This is something i struggle with so it will be a good challenge for me, expecially this week.

    Anyone else want to do it with me?:flowerforyou:
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Hey there back from my vacation in Italy.

    Had an awesome time, and I was able to go for lots of walks, which counter acted all the bread/pasta/pizza/beer I had.

    2 weeks ago: 210
    Today : 208

    Italy!! Pasta!! Pizza!! Bread!! Beer!! & a 2 pound loss!! Sounds like HEAVEN!! :happy:

    Welcome Back & Congrats!! :smile:

    Congrats to everyone this week!! :smile:

    Yes! I was thinking the same thing!!! I would've certainly come back 5 pounds heavier. Awesome job!

    I was expecting the same thing to have gained 5 lbs, especially since I stopped my water intake.exactly how you explained it, every 30 mins etc:laugh: I also started to get bloated after a week, since.......
    ok, I gotta vent. :mad:
    Why oh why....
    Some places they have the "turkish toilets". If your not sure what it is, go into google click on images and type in "turkish toilets".. I heard many stories about a hole in the ground. For a man to go #1, ok no problem, but.. that's IT!!! :mad:
    I've heard that women can "sorta get used to squating, bushes, out in public for #1, but these "toilets "are all porcelain, newer looking.. why would they install them.. it's just wrong. The wedding we were at, that's all these "toilets" were. The men's and womans. Imagine :explode: ... vent over....

    We did make sure we did alot of walking though. The car was parked for few days as we travelled to the next little cities/towns and of course walked through the shopping/restaurant area's and the beaches.

    Since I've been back, had lots of water to do some flushing and thought I would bump it up a notch and walk for 80 mins each day burning according to my Polar F6 (900 calories).

    Chocolate challenge... oh oh.....
    I have a saying for sweets/chocolates/cookies.

    If it's in the house, I'll eat it.
    If it's not in the house, I won't crave it.

    Well the fiancee brought some chocolates back from Europe.:embarassed: :glasses:
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    So chocolate challenge it is!! This will be great for me seeing how I tend to snack on chocolate at work and home all the time.

    Anyone up for a little exercise challenge to? Maybe a few situps a day?
  • Carrie6o6
    Carrie6o6 Posts: 1,443 Member
    Rachel! I cant believe how amazing your voice! sheesh! I wish I could sing! Your AMAZING!! :bigsmile: :drinker:
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Rachel! I cant believe how amazing your voice! sheesh! I wish I could sing! Your AMAZING!! :bigsmile: :drinker:


  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Good job everyone - Rach and Laura you rock!!!

    I am a tad frustrated after a 4 week loss of 10 pounds then nothing for a week now - still holding my own-still doing what I need to...will keep on - just thinking about how I felt this time last year and what I looked like is enough to keep me going.

    I'd be cheating you if I joined a no chocolate challenge-I haven't had any in - oh I don't remember when...