Beautiful Blue Team WEEK 7



  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    hmo4 ~ look at that new AV!!!! You skinny lil thang, you! I'm soooo jealous!

    AV?:huh: Still wish I could get that annoying layer of body fat off. I have to eat clean I know and I HATE it! Thanks ...:flowerforyou:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    hmo4 ~ look at that new AV!!!! You skinny lil thang, you! I'm soooo jealous!


    Your profile main are looking GA GEOUS!
  • alapointe
    alapointe Posts: 369 Member
    hmo4 ~ look at that new AV!!!! You skinny lil thang, you! I'm soooo jealous!

    AV?:huh: Still wish I could get that annoying layer of body fat off. I have to eat clean I know and I HATE it! Thanks ...:flowerforyou:

    You and your daughter look great. Awesome job again, you are an inspiration.
  • ngwife4life
    ngwife4life Posts: 569
    I was all set to do the 30 day shred when my daughter woke up early from her nap again today, only I didn't even manage to get started this time! Housework always comes first and then my workouts because I figure I'm still burning calories with housework and I can't stand to live in grime for both my sanity and my daughter's health.

    Anyway, you exercise divas inspired me to figure something out to burn at least SOME calories! I ended up dancing around my living room with weights while my daughter played. I incorporated some level 1 Shred moves (squat & press, jumping jacks, jump rope, etc) and danced around while I was cooking dinner. I can't put my exercise mat down because my daughter thinks it's her playmat but I managed to get in about 60 crunches before she decided to climb on me. All in all, I'm proud of her for self-entertaining for 20 minutes while I worked out. I just have to tell myself that it's 160 calories more than what I would've burned had I sat on the floor with her and played while my dinner was cooking.

    It was a good change, though. I'm really bored of the Shred now but I'm still not up to doing level 2 yet. I'm bored of just walking, too (no jogging stroller and no funds to purchase one). The good thing about my new job is that I should have access to a free workout room in the next few months - I just have to work up the courage to go with all the smokin' hot cops and recruits working out in there!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I just have to work up the courage to go with all the smokin' hot cops and recruits working out in there!

    There's nothing hotter than a girl that takes care of herself! :bigsmile:
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    So I sat the other night and wrote out some weight loss goals to keep myself motivated. I figured that seeing the scale hardly move that I have to give myself more time to for the weight to come off. So I decided that if I could lose 2 lbs every 3 weeks that I would be extremely happy with that. So the day that I set this up I was at 136 and now I am at 134, I am so excited. I set my mini goal weight to be 134 at the beginning of July. So 1 mini goal achieved now I am working on another 2 lb goal.
    This week has been super busy. I haven't had time to get a workout in but I believe I will have time tomorrow morning to run!!
    I am so glad to see you all here and pushing forward.
    :smile: :drinker: :smile:
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    my weight is 198.4 today
  • AZWildcatnNC
    AZWildcatnNC Posts: 178 Member
    Weight today is 229.8. Goodbye 230s, hello 220s, hope to visit 210s soon...:laugh:
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I'm so proud of this team...everyone is doing so well and pushing so hard! :love:

    I was shocked that I lost over this last week. With all this drama, lack of sleep, and barely any exercise, I was sure I had gained. Not to mention the lack of meals, most of what I did eat was fast food though I probably managed to stay in my calories.....I haven't been logging. :blushing:

    Back on track though! My little brother comes home in 15 days! :bigsmile: I set a goal a few weeks back when I weighed 196....I told him I would weigh 185 when he got home, and I'm at 188.2 now. 3.2lbs in 15 days....nooooo problem!!! :drinker:
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    You guys are sooo awesome! Way to dance around and burn some cals! That's my fave way to exercise most days!
    Rach-glad you're smilin' after all that crap. You are doing so awesome, he, and the others can eat their hearts out.:wink:

    As for me, actually wasn't hungry yesterday much, so I only had about 1000 cals (healthy food for once), and was ok with it, since I ate about 10,000 cals the prior 2 days! Apparently it's "normal" for your body to be wonky for a couple days after a Marathon. :huh: Feel great, had an awesome clean breaky. I bought some coconut oil at the marathon expo-it's really good! My daughter even likes it! Put it into my oatmeal today. I feel younger already!:laugh: :laugh:

    Going to yet ANOTHER Doc for some Orthotics to be made. My feet are always soo achey at night. Hope it helps-they're not cheap. Thank God for Health Insurance! My weigh in is next week. Haven't stepped on the scale at all this month:noway: :noway: So hopefully I'll see some kind of downward movement. Chat later...:drinker:
  • ngwife4life
    ngwife4life Posts: 569
    Go, Rach!!! You can do it!

    I only last .5 pound from last week but I know that I'm probably still seeing the effects of my husband's leave. My body has a good 1-2 week lag with progress so I just KNOW I'll see something better on the scale next week. I wasn't perfect this week and I'm really fine with that. I did much better than I have been and I know I'm back on the right track. I'm logging every last bite and have been steadily exercising every other day. Once I can keep that up for a few weeks, I'll be adding in more time and more workouts per week. :bigsmile:

    About working out with the hot cops: I'll try to tell myself that, Rach! I had a girl in gym class ridicule me the entire semester (making comments about jiggling flab while I ran and such) and ever since then, I have been mortified to work out in public. I faced my fears this year and started taking my daughter for walks but I've still been too scared to step into a gym. I know I can do this. I know I HAVE to. That stupid girl cannot have any more control over my life! :tongue:
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    About working out with the hot cops: I'll try to tell myself that, Rach! I had a girl in gym class ridicule me the entire semester (making comments about jiggling flab while I ran and such) and ever since then, I have been mortified to work out in public. I faced my fears this year and started taking my daughter for walks but I've still been too scared to step into a gym. I know I can do this. I know I HAVE to. That stupid girl cannot have any more control over my life! :tongue:

    I'm not making it up! Haha. I've been told by numerous guy friends that they find an out-of-shape girl that is working to be healthy (not obsessive about it of course) more attractive than a 'skinny' girl that couldn't care less...all those guy friends are fit of course. Biking, rock climbing, white water rafting type guys haha.

    I've noticed it a lot from all sorts of people though. They don't seem to care what stage of your 'transformation' you're in, they're just impressed that you're there!!

    I know how you feel though, because though I'd love to join a gym I just feel way too self-concious. I'm getting there though. I wear capri's outside now on walks with my friend, and that was HUGE for me! My legs haven't seen the light of day in years. :laugh:
  • Carrie6o6
    Carrie6o6 Posts: 1,443 Member
    I weighed in today and I weighed 190! My weight has went up 8lbs! TOM again.. which sucks! But I know my eating hasnt been good.

    I have been plateauing between 182-190 for the last who knows... 3 or 4 months. I get down to 182 then TOM comes and I go back up... then go down.. then up... you get the idea.

    I figured if I can stick to my eating and have 2 binge days a month (NEED it for TOM haha) I will be at my goal by the end of the year. I want to work out at least 3 times a week at 30mins for now. Of course losing weight is all just simple math... It is so easy yet I have such a hard time :grumble:

    My husband was asking me how he can help motivate me.. what would make me want to do this... and really theres nothing... I dont want anything... Im not really doing it for any reason... I just want to be thin (not even thin.. just healthy) and look great, but it seems that is not even really a motivation for me. I know one thing that makes me want to keep going is seeing how much better I look in photos now.. and when ppl compliment my weight loss, but that "high" always fades away. My biggest problem is eating when im not hungry. I eat because it tastes good and I want to, not because I have to.

    Ive been at this since last Feb... My start weight was 220lbs, and now Im 190lbs. Many say that I have done good.. but I know I could have done so much more! My goal was to be at 190lbs LAST june!! And im at 190lbs now.. It really gets me down. I could have done more, I could have been at my goal by now!! But I just cant control my eating... :sad:

    Today I want to start over. I will record my eating again and stay between 1400-1500 unless exercise... I always drink my water.. I die without it now hahaha 3 workouts a week at least.. 30 mins. Allow myself 2 binge days a month. Start weight 190lbs, goal 160lbs by the end of December.

    Do you think this is all attainable? Should I change something? Suggestions please!! haha
  • Carrie6o6
    Carrie6o6 Posts: 1,443 Member
    How do you like my profile pic???

    Best father daughter pic EVER! hahahaha
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    How do you like my profile pic???

    Best father daughter pic EVER! hahahaha

    Amazing! Hahahaha
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    My very recent ex-bf just got denied a green card. Our wonderful immigration board told him either you get married or get out, and they, as well as his lawyer, are keeping the thousands of dollars I loaned him.

    I am completely crushed right now, and just want to run away. :brokenheart: :cry:

    Exercise just may be what helps you feel better. :wink: I am very sorry--I don't get the government, and I probably never will. Good luck! I wish you and him the best. :flowerforyou:

    I have a friend whose ex-GF had the same thing happen. She has lived here since she was 8yrs old (12yrs) and she was told she has until December to get married or her whole family has to leave. But I work with a lot of immigrants who were able to get there citizenship in less than two years. The whole system is screwy and complicated. :explode:
  • Carrie6o6
    Carrie6o6 Posts: 1,443 Member
    ARRRG!! Im cooking up my breakfast and I am quite hungry.. Im frying up some potatos... and either my husband or brother in law have hid the salt on me!!!!!! :explode: This SUCKS!! I cant believe them!! They always threaten me, but this time they have taken it away! :sad: I have no seasoning salt! I have nothing else to replace it! arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrg!!

    Oh my goodness!! I just LOVE this food diary thing where you can make it public!! I JUST noticed it!! I think this will help me soooo much! AWESOME! :bigsmile:
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member

    last week 208
    This week 209.

    I've also started wogging not enough like the C25k, but more of a cal burn than walking.
    Dam!:mad: With that calorie burn thought for sure I'd see lower.

    I'm more pissed because I did see 207 before weekend, but now I know I sabatoged myself this past weekend at a friends trailer with BBQ and beers.

    On the positive: Feels good to be wogging, I do about 2 miles, sometimes 4 miles (and it's steadily improving, so I'll just think of that positive for the week, and think about not letting last weekend happen again.
  • ngwife4life
    ngwife4life Posts: 569

    last week 208
    This week 209.

    I've also started wogging not enough like the C25k, but more of a cal burn than walking.
    Dam!:mad: With that calorie burn thought for sure I'd see lower.

    I'm more pissed because I did see 207 before weekend, but now I know I sabatoged myself this past weekend at a friends trailer with BBQ and beers.

    On the positive: Feels good to be wogging, I do about 2 miles, sometimes 4 miles (and it's steadily improving, so I'll just think of that positive for the week, and think about not letting last weekend happen again.

    Remember that your hard work can take a few weeks to show up on the scale AND you have to go over your weekly calorie allotment by 3500 to genuinely gain a pound. I'm sure you'll see it slide right back off next week if you keep up the good work. You're doing awesome, don't let it get you down!
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    This week is going to be crazy that is for sure. Monday we headed to the cites for two days which means the lifestyle changed a lot. I'm home now and watching what I'm eating and WILL be doing the wii active tonight and then tomorrow night I have tae kwon do. :drinker: I'm going to officially join tomorrow. So that is two days a week and then the other three i will do the wii active along with walking at night with my family. This weekend is going to be nuts because my husband and I are going on our first Motorcycle run. I will try my best but can't promise much more than that. Crazy week. I have feel way off the wagen but plan on getting back on. I need to get back on. Everyone keeps looking at me and says I don't need to loose anymore but they don't see what I see or see the scale. I was hoping to loose it all by my birthday so still keeping my fingers crossed. That damn diet sunkist is evil. Last summer it was tea. Bad habits. O and Dairy Queen isn't any better. I LOVE sherbet however.

    Everyone is doing such a great job wtg you guys. Keep your chin up.