Beautiful Blue Team WEEK 7



  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I'd be cheating you if I joined a no chocolate challenge-I haven't had any in - oh I don't remember when...

    Me too! I can't remember the last time I had's just not my thing I guess.
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    I'm in, day 3 already done.:flowerforyou:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    So chocolate challenge it is!! This will be great for me seeing how I tend to snack on chocolate at work and home all the time.

    Anyone up for a little exercise challenge to? Maybe a few situps a day?

    Should we say 10 a day this week - maybe up it to 15 a day next week and keep adding 5 each week?

    It could be any sort of ab work - crunches, crunches with a twist, planks, sit ups, reverse crunches
  • Cariñosita
    Cariñosita Posts: 184 Member
    I'm up for any challenge. I really need to get back on track. chocolate :sad: and ab work. The chocolate will be difficult, but I love ab work!! Good luck everyone!!
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    Ok so I have had no chocolate at all today so far and it is extremely difficult. I also did 25 situps this morning!!

    I think while we are challenging ourselves I am going to give up my diet pepsi.

    Good Luck everyone!
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    So I just entered my food from lunch and was so surpirsed. I very often get an italian bmt from subway which is about 450 calories. Today I made an italian bmt with no cheese and then had a kiwi and 2 cups of mixed vegetables and I came in under 450 calories and am much fuller and saved some $$$.

    Just thought I would share.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    I love the italian BMT but try to avoid it - I usually get the club or roasted chicken - next day I have a few extra calories - I'm gonna treat myself that sounds so good!

    I do the same thing with fruit and veggies - or applesauce, or an apple - it really does fill you up way more than the chips (even if they are baked) and way better in nutrition
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    I love the italian BMT but try to avoid it - I usually get the club or roasted chicken - next day I have a few extra calories - I'm gonna treat myself that sounds so good!

    I do the same thing with fruit and veggies - or applesauce, or an apple - it really does fill you up way more than the chips (even if they are baked) and way better in nutrition

    in regards to "apples" - I have started tracking my sugar in MFP and my apples put me way over. Should I really be concerned I mean it is fruit and natural sugar it isn't like I am eatting a candy bar. any help would be great.
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    I'm in for the sit up challenge, but it should be every 2nd day (need to rest the muscles in between for growth), with a variety, and to your max reps. I did several last night, and am going to do them tomorrow. Actually am going to do them at least 3 X/week, hopefully from now on. I'm taking it easier till Sun.-the marathon-and I challenge you guys to do something REALLY KICKA$$ this weekend. Then we'll all be sore on Monday!:drinker: So when you can't do another rep or any longer-do ten more, or for at least 10 min. longer :wink: :bigsmile: .Who's in on that?
  • Carrie6o6
    Carrie6o6 Posts: 1,443 Member
    im up for the challenge.. also i will do 10 push up things of my couch.. i find it easier from up there
  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668
    I had to give up my favorite chocolate granola bar for this challenge! And I was so eager to drink lots of water today, I ended up drinking out of somebody else's water bottle (I seriously thought it was mine!:embarassed: ):laugh:

    I am now officially not sick, and I am back to exercising. So 10 situps a day? I can do that!:happy:
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    Alright starting today I'm not going to be eating any chocolate and I'm not going to be drinking diet sunkist. that is my challenge to myself. I think I broke my toe so I haven't been doing much for exercise. Its just throbbing in pain. I'm going to join tae kwon do for sure. I didn't go tonight due to the toe and monday we are going to be out of town. So next thursday I will bring my checkbook and join and then doing my wii active the inbetween days. :drinker:
  • cellorocker
    cellorocker Posts: 290
    Why oh why....
    Some places they have the "turkish toilets". If your not sure what it is, go into google click on images and type in "turkish toilets".. I heard many stories about a hole in the ground. For a man to go #1, ok no problem, but.. that's IT!!! mad
    I've heard that women can "sorta get used to squating, bushes, out in public for #1, but these "toilets "are all porcelain, newer looking.. why would they install them.. it's just wrong. The wedding we were at, that's all these "toilets" were. The men's and womans. Imagine explode ... vent over....

    LOL, I spent three weeks in China last summer, that's all we had, unless we were at a Best Western or something. We called 'em the "squatty potties" and everywhere we went, we asked around for "western toilets."

    But, oh yeah, the squatty potties suck. Especially when you're sick because you forgot to only drink bottled water. Ever tried to squat with diarrhea?
    OK, lol, TMI. =D
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    Great News: I didn't eat any chocolate today, I didn't drink any pop today, I did 3 reps of 25 situps and I drank 64 ounces of water!!!

    I got home and got on the treadmill I was only able to do 1.25 miles compared to my 2.5 when I am out at the track. It seems so much harder. It felt like I was running and running and the numbers weren't moving on the display. It was definately more of a workout because I had to stay at a consistent pace (until I slowed it down). I was dripping in sweat but once I got done I felt amazing. I also did a little bit of wii active tonight (love it).

    I even have calories left over and am not at all hungry. Going to take a shower and then off to bed.

    I hope that all the Beautiful Blues had a great day!!

    :heart: J
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    So like a dummy since yesterday was a rest day - I forgot to do the ab work-OOPS

    down 1.2 this morning - yay!

    Happy Friday everyone!
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    My shoulder is a mess and sore-still grinds and clicks. I was on my treadmill walking, late last night thinking, why? Here is someone who actually loves all kinds of exercise, challenges,has all kinds of support (my hubby actually grabbed me and took me down with him to workout last night), and at 41 I'm a wash up. My body is falling apart. I warm up, stretch, go hard-except latley with my arm,eat well-usually, and this is what I get:cry: i might as well sit back and chow, cause I'm gonna lose my job, my ability to do exercising-which I love. :sad:

    j-I bought the Wii active to try. Now I'll have to wait a bit. What are the exercises like?
    Day4-No sweets!:flowerforyou:
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Of course we would do a no chocolate challenge this week,:grumble: I was planning a great chocolate feast for Father's day. I guess it would be partly for me too.:blushing: But I will change my plans and do something healthier without chocolate, I guess:noway: My goal has been to go without sweets/treats 6 days a week anyway so today is day for without--It's not hard if it isn't in the house. :bigsmile: I have been doing some ab work, but I will add it in more in force, it hasn't been the priority. 10 situps is doable though. Keep up the good work everyone!:drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • ngwife4life
    ngwife4life Posts: 569
    You guys are brave to do a no chocolate challenge. I know the minute I say I'm in, I'll end up eating it for the next 300 days. I'm so self-sabotaging!

    I'm back to journaling for the whole day again and back on track for getting all my water in. I started the 30 day shred while my daughter was napping and she woke up as I finishing the second circuit. And it wasn't a "wake up happy and play in my crib" kind of wake up. It was a "I got my leg stuck in the crib and I'm going to scream until you fix it" kind of wake up. I used my new HRM and burned 188 calories, though! That should cover the BOX of Green Giant Glazed Carrots I just ate all by myself. At least I didn't go back for more mashed potatoes! I really need to go grocery shopping... thankfully, my parents are coming tomorrow to watch my daughter so I can go run all of my errands. She's not been sleeping very well since my husband left and I think it's a combination of missing him and cutting teeth. She's been somewhat grouchy at times so I rather go out by myself if I'm getting free childcare! I might actually remember to use all of my coupons this time. :smile:

    I wish you all much motivation to make it through this weekend!
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    My shoulder is a mess and sore-still grinds and clicks. I was on my treadmill walking, late last night thinking, why? Here is someone who actually loves all kinds of exercise, challenges,has all kinds of support (my hubby actually grabbed me and took me down with him to workout last night), and at 41 I'm a wash up. My body is falling apart. I warm up, stretch, go hard-except latley with my arm,eat well-usually, and this is what I get:cry: i might as well sit back and chow, cause I'm gonna lose my job, my ability to do exercising-which I love. :sad:

    j-I bought the Wii active to try. Now I'll have to wait a bit. What are the exercises like?
    Day4-No sweets!:flowerforyou:

    I love my wii active. I got a goldgym restiance band because the one that comes with it wasn't enough for me. Its really nice because one day you work on your upper body the next day you may work on your theighs more and legs. I'm doing the 30 day challenge.
  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668
    My shoulder is a mess and sore-still grinds and clicks. I was on my treadmill walking, late last night thinking, why? Here is someone who actually loves all kinds of exercise, challenges,has all kinds of support (my hubby actually grabbed me and took me down with him to workout last night), and at 41 I'm a wash up. My body is falling apart. I warm up, stretch, go hard-except latley with my arm,eat well-usually, and this is what I get:cry: i might as well sit back and chow, cause I'm gonna lose my job, my ability to do exercising-which I love. :sad:

    j-I bought the Wii active to try. Now I'll have to wait a bit. What are the exercises like?
    Day4-No sweets!:flowerforyou:

    I know a little how you feel. When I broke my leg a few years ago, I thought I couldn't exercise ever again! (I know now that was not true AT ALL) I had to walk on crutches for a month, no exercise, and it was torture. So I don't know exactly how you feel, but it must stink. Don't give up on your healthy eating though. That counts just as much as the exercising.:flowerforyou: