Is there any foods you DONT enter into the meter?



  • nikkiprickett
    nikkiprickett Posts: 412 Member
    WHY?! enter everything-
    just remember you're only cheating yourself.
  • gracie2586
    gracie2586 Posts: 69 Member
    I don't log my binges just because i have no idea how. I consume too much during a binge to keep track and i don't log my vitamins, coffee, or tea since i honestly didn't know they had calories or anything in them that i needed to log so i guess i better start doing that now lol
  • Jen32285
    Jen32285 Posts: 281 Member
    I add pretty much everything.
  • fmbomzo
    fmbomzo Posts: 382 Member
    I don't log green tea or spices or vitamins.
  • Kayley
    Kayley Posts: 327 Member
    Diet soda, gum, and mustard.
  • thegeordielass
    thegeordielass Posts: 208 Member
    The only thing that passes my mouth without being logged is medication.
  • fuzzyslipperz
    fuzzyslipperz Posts: 49 Member
    I'm a maintainer (eight years now) and when I am logging, I don't log diet soda, mustard, vitamins, the occasional SF gum, a few sliced pickles, stevia (without fillers), etc. Nor do I log spices or anything else legitimately calorie free or < 5 calories. Never had a problem losing or maintaining weight this way. I do log fruits and vegetables, condiments with calories.. And apples do NOT have negative calories. :P
  • jenbooks
    jenbooks Posts: 55 Member
    *Apples (negative food - means, you burn more calories digesting it than it contains)

    no such animal.

    Well, duh, they're *vegetables*!
  • ScarletShopaholic
    ScarletShopaholic Posts: 169 Member
    All food gets logged and water, but not tea and not the one diet drink I might have in a day. It's not cheating because it's not gonna have that much affect on my calories, and it hasn't stopped me losing so far, so I'm not bothered. And I don't log them because I can't be bothered to measure how much exactly I drink, not because I want to 'cheat' my calories. It's not affecting my weight loss, so I think it's cool.
  • vonnywaft
    vonnywaft Posts: 182
    I don't log food stolen from my daughter, those are her calories surely - lol.
    I don't log black coffee,green tea,diet coke or water,so MFP thinks I don't drink anything!
    I don't log herbs and spices and sometimes don't log ketchup.
    I tend to generalise with veg, so I'll lump similar veg together like a previous poster I might put mixed veg down as broccoli.
    But I'm fairly honest with myself and the act of logging or deciding not to log keeps me aware of what I'm doing.
  • adamlb
    adamlb Posts: 106 Member
    I don't log decaf coffee/tea, or a splash of sauce into a sandwich - hardly seems worth the effort! Everything else goes in though, weighed at that.
  • iwantahealthierme13
    iwantahealthierme13 Posts: 337 Member
    water (except on the little cup thingy)
    0 cal, decaffeinated tea

    that's basically all I have that is 0 cals
    I don't drink diet drinks

    I don't log spices except for salt and ground pepper (which is 3 calories per peppercorn by the way!)
    I log my vitamin supplements just to remind myself to take them but I don't log medication (I would if it had calories, lol)

    Lettuce & Celery are negative calories but not apples! (that being said I log lettuce and celery, lol)
  • rehtaeh78
    rehtaeh78 Posts: 90
    I don't enter my water just because I KNOW I'm getting enough so I don't need to track it. Everything else goes in so I stay accountable, even my diet sodas!
  • darlingkaya
    I dont enter!

    *Diet sodas
    *Veggies (as long as its not potatoes)
    *Apples (negative food - means, you burn more calories digesting it than it contains)

    What about you guys ! ? =)

    Careful, apples are not negative food. They are around 70 calories per apple, you need to include them.

    There are no negative foods, the only thing that is zero calories is plain water.

    I dont think you understand what negative calories means... its not zero calories. It means that your body burns more calories digesting the food then it actually contains ;) so by the time you have digested the apple it has burnt off ;)
  • JayByrd107
    JayByrd107 Posts: 282 Member
    Anything I don't eat I leave out.
  • Hairhacker
    Hairhacker Posts: 174 Member
    veggies...unless potatoes or corn...condiments such as mustard that are super low in cals....that's pretty much it, I log everything else.
  • Skeena4
    Skeena4 Posts: 209 Member
    I log everything but my vitamin D chew, which I probably should since it's yummy... but I ran out of it anyway.
    I don't log water either, except on the water counter, and coke zero. But everything else is out there for all to see.
  • Inebriated
    Inebriated Posts: 271
    I don't log diet pop, tea, spices, gum (unless I chew multiple pieces), sugar twin (I use very little of it so there's no reason for me to log it), pickles and coffee.
  • katysmelly
    katysmelly Posts: 380 Member
    squash (drinking kind) thats like 5 cal a glass

    Me, neither. I think it's 3 cals. I don't drink it all that often but I do sometimes finish my kids' so it won't go to waste.