Body by Vi



  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member

    You do realize that soy is in like...everything these days, right?


    All the more reason to eat REAL, unprocessed, WHOLE foods!
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member

    You do realize that soy is in like...everything these days, right?

    All the more reason to eat REAL, unprocessed, WHOLE foods!
  • NathanJ79
    NathanJ79 Posts: 36
    It's a pyramid scheme. Remember that big pyramid scheme from the '90s that nobody made any money off of, and the feds shut down a few times? Amway? Yeah. They're illegal. The government goes after anybody who makes money off it. Is that something you want to succeed in? I could rob a bank if coming by money illegally was acceptable to me. It isn't, so pyramid schemes and bank robberies are equally out.

    As for the BMW, that's only if you make a certain quota. If you fail to meet the quota just once, you get stuck with the payments. The quota makes Visalus more profit than the BMW payments are.

    Another thing that is interesting.... Google them. You'll find some bad reviews, but they all only start out bad, and end up trying to sell you the product. Visalus has spent a ton of money burying their bad press. Do you want to trust a company that does that? Apple Computer got caught using child labor to assemble their tablets and handhelds (e.g. iPhone). Did they spend a ton of money to bury the story? No, they acknowledged it and promised to do better. It didn't hurt their stock prices (much). Visalus, on the other hand, decided they would lose more money if the truth was widely known, than they spent to bury the bad press.

    Food for thought.

    P.S.: Visalus works, same way MFP does. It's basic diet science. It's also overpriced, illegal, and will strain your friendships. You can apply basic diet science without breaking the law or the bank.
  • zumbagirlwf
    zumbagirlwf Posts: 18 Member
    I am a body by vi promoter and Two of my customers have lost 7-8 lbs in the last week. They can be as little to as much calories as you like, depending on what you put in them. Most of the ones I drink have about 350 calories in them.

    Losing 7 pounds in a week isn't healthy!
    I have also lost 7-8 lbs busting my *kitten* in a week. Is that not healthy either. Don't tell that to the biggest loser.
    Totally not Bull **** its called Dedication. Was working out twice a day and counting calories.
    I wouldn't compare the real world to the Biggest Loser at all.
    If you really lost 7 pounds in a week, you would need a 3,500 calorie deficit every single day. Yea right that is BS :P
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    It's a pyramid scheme. Remember that big pyramid scheme from the '90s that nobody made any money off of, and the feds shut down a few times? Amway? Yeah. They're illegal. The government goes after anybody who makes money off it. Is that something you want to succeed in? I could rob a bank if coming by money illegally was acceptable to me. It isn't, so pyramid schemes and bank robberies are equally out.

    As for the BMW, that's only if you make a certain quota. If you fail to meet the quota just once, you get stuck with the payments. The quota makes Visalus more profit than the BMW payments are.

    Another thing that is interesting.... Google them. You'll find some bad reviews, but they all only start out bad, and end up trying to sell you the product. Visalus has spent a ton of money burying their bad press. Do you want to trust a company that does that? Apple Computer got caught using child labor to assemble their tablets and handhelds (e.g. iPhone). Did they spend a ton of money to bury the story? No, they acknowledged it and promised to do better. It didn't hurt their stock prices (much). Visalus, on the other hand, decided they would lose more money if the truth was widely known, than they spent to bury the bad press.

    Food for thought.

    P.S.: Visalus works, same way MFP does. It's basic diet science. It's also overpriced, illegal, and will strain your friendships. You can apply basic diet science without breaking the law or the bank.

    I'm just waiting for the IRS to make BANK on all the unpaid income taxes... :wink:
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    zumbagirl, simmer down...I'll be ticked if you get my thread locked...
  • dwiebe85
    dwiebe85 Posts: 123
  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
    To be honest I am getting sick of people on my facebook and leaving me messages wanting me to join this.. When I post things that I can't afford anything after all pay checks they ask me if I want to join.. God some respect.. (sorry venting) but it is getting very old from people wanting me to join this..

    Yup, reminds me all about Advocare (sorry for those who like Advocare), but if I am interested, then I will ask, dont try to sell it to me.
  • SteffieMark
    SteffieMark Posts: 1,723 Member
    My story is a little different. I spent the first 50 years of my life as a thin person. I was very active and athletic. I also ate very little. I have just never been a big eater, I don't eat for comfort or any emotions. I ate because I had to. Period. I had no problems with weight until I started having mobility trouble due to asthma and arthritis in my lower back. Less movement equalled weight gain. Over the last 4 years, I have gained a person! Well, a small person. :ohwell:

    I, like so many, have 'friends' that are selling this stuff. I fell for it and started using the product at the end of February. Still not a regular eater, it has allowed me to at least get used to having something in my system, other than just dinner. I seriously had no idea what healthy eating was, ever. Joining MFP has helped me so much and I am 'learning' to actually eat real food. I don't always like it but, I want to be healthy and achieve my goals. And I will succeed. My last shipment of BBV arrived today and I have cancelled my "Autoship" order with them. I cannot waste any more money on them. If I want a shake in the future, I know how to make healthy shakes with fruit and other things, I can add a protein powder if I choose to. I am learning to eat healthy. I love fruit, something I did without for so many years. I love exercising, Stability Ball and Kettlebells for the win!

    I really cannot complain too much about the product. It did what I needed it to do but, something else could have done the same thing. It is not a miracle shake, there is so much hype involved in it. I received no information at all from the ones professing to be so excited for my health to return. Instead, I got "Let me explain to you how you can get your shakes free and make money". I didn't order to be hounded to death, so they could make more money.

    It has turned all friends of the girl who sold to me (Who I have known since 6th grade), into business opportunities. It is all money motivated with little concern for how someone is really doing, except are they still ordering. I hate the mentality behind it. It is all they talk about now. Facebook is nothing but "Let me sell you something to change your life", the entire dynamic is changed. It is almost cult like. I am just happy I never jumped on the MLM wagon and tried to sell it. I choose to not be associated with it any longer.

    *These are my opinions and if you're a BBV promoter, you do not have to agree with them.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    I am a body by vi promoter and Two of my customers have lost 7-8 lbs in the last week. They can be as little to as much calories as you like, depending on what you put in them. Most of the ones I drink have about 350 calories in them.

    Losing 7 pounds in a week isn't healthy!
    I have also lost 7-8 lbs busting my *kitten* in a week. Is that not healthy either. Don't tell that to the biggest loser.
    Totally not Bull **** its called Dedication. Was working out twice a day and counting calories.
    I wouldn't compare the real world to the Biggest Loser at all.
    If you really lost 7 pounds in a week, you would need a 3,500 calorie deficit every single day. Yea right that is BS :P

    Still for that to be 7 pounds of fat you would have to have a deficit of 3,500 calories every single day. And if you somehow managed that you would be losing a lot of muscle right along with it. Not healthy in anyway. Just doesn't add up.
  • SuperSexyDork
    SuperSexyDork Posts: 1,669 Member
    Body by Vi worked for me. It was so much better than the normal Slimfast & Atkins shakes i been drinking. Healthier for you than the slimfast, and the body by vi gave me energy. I think it is well woth the price i paid for it, i liked it so good i ordered 2 more 30 meal pkgs. It was more filling to me too than the slimfast & atkins shakes.

    Or you could just eat real food and forget the shakes....

    Or make your own shakes. It's so easy to make healthy, home-made smoothies. And a lot less expensive that premade stuff.

    I make my own 300 calorie protein shakes that have 28 grams of protein... I'll use them as a meal replacement sometimes but it's REAL food! Greek yogurt, mixed berries, half a banana, skim milk, spinach, vanilla whey protein and sometimes some truvia. There are a lot of different variations but its fairly easy to come up with something awesome...
  • lorraine311
    lorraine311 Posts: 127 Member
    I started drinking the shakes two years ago. My friend was a customer who became a promoter. He told me about the shakes. Sure...I'll try them...why not.....great nutrition. I lost the ten pounds I wanted to lose within two weeks. Have kept it off and continue to drink a shake everyday for breakfast. Haven't been sick since drinking the shakes. Have never felt better!! It"s not a diet. It's not a fad. they are delicious, yes visalus is a mlm but,what? There are plenty
    of meal replacement shakes you can buy. I have tried quite a few. I've decided to stick with the one that in my opinion tastes the full of great nutrition...and happens to be very affordable.
  • valorieflowers
    Thanks for starting this thread. It is really hard to find any honest feedback on this product that isn't just opinions of people selling it. I considered trying it as I know someone who is losing weight on it, but I was uneasy about so much soy and about the sucralose (since I would use it so frequently) and most of all the hint of pyramid schemeyness. However faced with such a seemingly effective, but undesirable option to address my weight problem I was sort of pushed into finally getting in gear to lose weight by good old fashion balanced, healthy food, portion control and exercise. Now that I have proven to myself that I don't need any special pill or shake etc. to get results, I am glad I didn't bother with it.
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    I started drinking the shakes two years ago. My friend was a customer who became a promoter. He told me about the shakes. Sure...I'll try them...why not.....great nutrition. I lost the ten pounds I wanted to lose within two weeks. Have kept it off and continue to drink a shake everyday for breakfast. Haven't been sick since drinking the shakes. Have never felt better!! It"s not a diet. It's not a fad. they are delicious, yes visalus is a mlm but,what? There are plenty
    of meal replacement shakes you can buy. I have tried quite a few. I've decided to stick with the one that in my opinion tastes the full of great nutrition...and happens to be very affordable.

    Great nutrition??! You think 21 of 24 ingredients being synthetic is great?! Did you even read the blog?

    The point of this post was not to have people blindly defend Body by Vi because it "makes them feel good", but to actually read the blog and not just rely on the marketeers...since when is eating REAL food such a bad thing? The Western diet disgusts me...
  • Toddrific
    Toddrific Posts: 1,114 Member

    You do realize that soy is in like...everything these days, right?

    All the more reason to eat REAL, unprocessed, WHOLE foods!

    Last I knew soy was a real food.
    It's trendy to bash soy. People have ate it for quite a long time. Just because it's relatively new to the western diet doesn't make it a bad food.

    I'm in no way defending Vi, but it's really just a straw man argument. Most of the ingredients in Vi are in common every day foods and are perfectly safe and healthy. The only real verifiable negative thing about Vi is its cost (and I'm sure you can get it free if you sucker other people into using it). Many people around these parts already do a protein shake and take a multivitamin. That's the essence of Vi.
  • FlyByJuly
    FlyByJuly Posts: 564 Member
    A real life friend tried to sell me on this a few months ago and was so indignant when I said it sounded like SlimFast. I have the time and money (generally) to prepare real food, why would I want to forego some killer seitan tacos and asparagus for an overpriced milkshake?

    This is SO off-topic, but I just have to say this; I freakin' LOVE your kettlebell!!!

    Edit: WTH? THis didn't even go to the post I was commenting on!!
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    A real life friend tried to sell me on this a few months ago and was so indignant when I said it sounded like SlimFast. I have the time and money (generally) to prepare real food, why would I want to forego some killer seitan tacos and asparagus for an overpriced milkshake?

    This is SO off-topic, but I just have to say this; I freakin' LOVE your kettlebell!!!

    Edit: WTH? THis didn't even go to the post I was commenting on!!

    I took notice of the kettlebell, too! LOL!
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member

    You do realize that soy is in like...everything these days, right?

    All the more reason to eat REAL, unprocessed, WHOLE foods!

    Last I knew soy was a real food.
    It's trendy to bash soy. People have ate it for quite a long time. Just because it's relatively new to the western diet doesn't make it a bad food.

    I'm in no way defending Vi, but it's really just a straw man argument. Most of the ingredients in Vi are in common every day foods and are perfectly safe and healthy. The only real verifiable negative thing about Vi is its cost (and I'm sure you can get it free if you sucker other people into using it). Many people around these parts already do a protein shake and take a multivitamin. That's the essence of Vi.

    Soy is not all bad - it's what they do to it that can make it bad for you. Yes, it's both demonized and praised in the Western culture, but generally speaking, the more natural (unprocessed) a food is, the better.
  • ChasingSweatandTears
    ChasingSweatandTears Posts: 504 Member
    Sigh... I wish I could get my friend to wise up to this. She's broke but keeps shelling out money for this crap. And you know what? Shes always falling off track and bingeing. Shes replacing two meals a day with it. I know lots of people drinking it. And they tried to push it on me too. All so they could get it for free. Well I know a fad when I see one and it's too freakin expensive anyway! Not to mention, many protein shakes upset my stomach. I drink protein shakes but I stick with 100% egg protein and I do that in the mornings only or as a snack. I get all my calories in real food.

    And along with that, I have people trying to sell me Mila and claiming that it cures depression lmao. That's a fine product, but it will not cure depression and its seriously overpriced as well.

    I'm all about supporting home based business, but not schemes or false claims. I actually do buy wild tree products because I like them but they don't claim to change your life or anything. To each their own I guess, but I really hate that I can't talk sense into people I know about this stuff.
  • Jill1013
    Jill1013 Posts: 2
    I am a single mom, i work full time at my one job and part time at another. Junk food and fast food were a way of life for me until i ballooned to an unhealthy weight. I was sick.. when i wasnt working i was at home sick and depressed. My kids were missing a great life that was possible with me.. i just couldnt handle it anymore. I had a friend who sold the body by vi stuff. i told him i was intrested in it. but also told him 1. I DONT WANT TO SELL IT and 2.I DONT WANT PRESURE TO SELL IT 3. IF I WANT OUT DONT BUG ME. he agreed. I orderd. i freaking love the stuff. I have looked for a while for a low carb higher protein shake.. that was easy.. and tasted good.. cause most taste like crap... and i found it all with these

    When i started this stuff on Jan 1 i thought there is no way this will work. Well i sit here 4 and half months later i have lost 45 lbs.. and about 35 inches. I have energy, i have went from being a sad lonely person.. to a happy healthy person. i have the energy to work out and i have the confidence building so that that i feel better and better about myself.

    Yes i know people are sick of the constant buy it use it sell it. But i simply say no. I do get the product for free but that is only because i have had friend who have seen the pounds droping and energy rising and said i need to try this stuff.. and it is the same for them.. they buy as my customer.. and i dont bug them.. and my sales guy doesnt bug me.. and i have my best friend who has lost ten pounds in a months.. another friend dropped 6 lbs in a week and got diabetes in check.

    Fine you dont like it.. fine you think it is a scam.. but the fact is there are people out there who need the hand hold the easy and the convience. It works for us. It gives us the extra power and boost. I think for that reason people would be happy that others have found something to get them on the road to healthy... the personal trainers at my gym have said it works... some even use it for training purposes. My dr has looked at it.. he says it is fine.. and has checked me out and told me i have improved leaps and bounds since jan.

    I just think that some people want to hate this. but are unwilling to look at those of us that have success.. yes i am sure i could do it myself making the shakes.. but i dont have the time.. and to tell the truth.. my food bill has gone down.. i dont have to buy lunches and breakfasts anymore and dont stop at mcdonalds or tim hortons or subway every day. I dont stop and get coffee... cause i stoped all caffine intake. .(I spend 99 bucks a month ( well i did i get it free now) and am saving about 300 a month on breakfast and lunches alone).... now i make a quick shake and i have my meal.

    So i am sorry some people hate it.. but it works for me. I am no longer sitting at home wishing i was dead.. I am now excited to get up in the morning have my shake work hard all day.. and then go to the gym and work out so hard that i am dripping in sweat.. those are the things that make me happy now.... i think for those reasons people would be willing to respect this as a choice for people that works.....

    just wanted to put another spin on it.... :wink: