Body by Vi



  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    I've had good success with the program, (19 pounds in 5 weeks) and have never been hungry. I've found the diet very easy to live with. I feel great and have loads of energy so I know the nutritional value is there.

    My shakes average about 250 calories (1 cup skim milk & 1 cup of frozen berries). The nutri cookies are great on the run- very filling.

    Visalis may not be for everyone, to each their own I say. It's certainly a lot healthier than juicing or other extreme diet fads.

    I've found good success with no program and have never been hungry. I've found this very easy to live with. I feel great and have loads of energy so I know the nutritional value is there.

    I don't need to live on liquid meals when I don't want to, real cookies taste great, and real food is very filling, without the modified fillers.

    Visalis may not be for anyone, but to each their own I say. There's certainly no studied evidence that it's healthier then other extreme diet fads (which aren't good either).

    ......When you end a sentence with it's healthier then other awful things, I don't think you make a very good point ;)
  • lorraine311
    lorraine311 Posts: 127 Member
    I never mentioned I was a promoter. Not looking to sell just want to share something I have had great results with...just like others share products they believe in..yourself included.
  • Fit_Canuck
    Fit_Canuck Posts: 788 Member
    I never mentioned I was a promoter. Not looking to sell just want to share something I have had great results with...just like others share products they believe in..yourself included.

    You advertise your Body by Vi company in your own profile also called yourself a "promoter" in that same profile and then you say you don't mention your a promoter? MFP is supposed to be about Healthy and Wellness, not a place for people to come advertise their multi-level marketing schemes.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    I never mentioned I was a promoter. Not looking to sell just want to share something I have had great results with...just like others share products they believe in..yourself included.

    You advertise your Body by Vi company in your own profile also called yourself a "promoter" in that same profile and then you say you don't mention your a promoter? MFP is supposed to be about Healthy and Wellness, not a place for people to come advertise their multi-level marketing schemes.

    Agreed! To say nothing of sending out random friend requests like the one I got from her out of the blue. A little network marketing on MFP?
  • SteffieMark
    SteffieMark Posts: 1,723 Member
    It's easy to tell by certain profiles and lists of non-stop "Body by Vi!!!!" forum posts, who is actually working at being healthy and who is here just to advertise. I won't point fingers at anyone, you do what you think you gotta do. I don't make or enforce the rules.

    But, it is a little disheartening when someone asks "What is the best protein powder" as a forum topic (Which happens everyday) and everyone is just waiting to pounce on it with what they're selling. BBV is not the only culprit, there are others too.
  • Fit_Canuck
    Fit_Canuck Posts: 788 Member
    It's easy to tell by certain profiles and lists of non-stop "Body by Vi!!!!" forum posts, who is actually working at being healthy and who is here just to advertise. I won't point fingers at anyone, you do what you think you gotta do. I don't make or enforce the rules.

    But, it is a little disheartening when someone asks "What is the best protein powder" as a forum topic (Which happens everyday) and everyone is just waiting to pounce on it with what they're selling. BBV is not the only culprit, there are others too.

    Not the only culprit just the popular scheme right now, another in a line of Monavie, Xocai chocolate and other "miracle" products.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    I never mentioned I was a promoter. Not looking to sell just want to share something I have had great results with...just like others share products they believe in..yourself included.
    Dear, I don't believe in so much as a hair product. Also, you're lying in your profile? The first sentence in your profile is about how you promote a body by vi challenge, you even used the word promote. Actually, pretty much the only thing mentioned in your profile is specific to that product...

    And BTW, in the guidelines:
    4. No Advertising, Self-Promotion, or Fund-Raising

    a) You may not post any links or mentions of other services, websites, or businesses from which you or an associate might benefit financially or otherwise. You also may not solicit off-Forum contact from which you might benefit, e.g. "message me for more info", “I can get you free samples”, etc.
    You hijacked one of my unrelated to shakes threads to sent me "Body by Vi Shakes are wonderful!! I can inbox u with lots of info!" You then tried to friend me with your profile full of vi stuff including your body by vi website.

  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    I never mentioned I was a promoter. Not looking to sell just want to share something I have had great results with...just like others share products they believe in..yourself included.
    Dear, I don't believe in so much as a hair product. Also, you're lying in your profile? The first sentence in your profile is about how you promote a body by vi challenge, you even used the word promote. Actually, pretty much the only thing mentioned in your profile is specific to that product...

    And BTW, in the guidelines:
    4. No Advertising, Self-Promotion, or Fund-Raising

    a) You may not post any links or mentions of other services, websites, or businesses from which you or an associate might benefit financially or otherwise. You also may not solicit off-Forum contact from which you might benefit, e.g. "message me for more info", “I can get you free samples”, etc.
    You hijacked one of my unrelated to shakes threads to sent me "Body by Vi Shakes are wonderful!! I can inbox u with lots of info!" You then tried to friend me with your profile full of vi stuff including your body by vi website.


    Oh Yeah!!
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    NOT posting this to start an argument, just wanted to share an article I read today regarding Body by Vi. You hear all the good things about it, but rarely do you hear the truth - it really is just another fad diet, no matter HOW you market it...

    What good things? Anyone who does a little research knows it's a just a big expensive scam and you can easily make shakes just like it for a fraction of the cost.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    NOT posting this to start an argument, just wanted to share an article I read today regarding Body by Vi. You hear all the good things about it, but rarely do you hear the truth - it really is just another fad diet, no matter HOW you market it...

    I actually started reading this until I got to this part.......

    "“I’m not hungry for 4-5 hours or all day.” Again anything that curves someones appetite to a point where they are not eating for long periods of time I have an issue with. Not eating for long periods of time will:

    1) Drop blood sugar which will prevent your body from using fat for energy,

    2) Will cause your body to revert to using muscle for energy which will slow down your metabolism

    3) This muscle loss in turn will cause your body to store more fat in the long term. "

    Anyone who believes any of these is going to happen after not eating for 4-5 hours should not be a trainer or be telling others what to do as a professional in the field........Now don't get me wrong.....I am not a fan of Body By Vi either............I think it's more like a cult than a healthy eating option.....That said this article should be taken with a grain of salt.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I wasn't completely convinced by the article (he didn't come across as very bright) but I tend to agree with some of his comments - "weight loss shakes" aren't designed for weight loss, they are designed for profit.
    I'm cynical enough to think that of course those companies want people to drop weight quickly, stop the product, put weight on, start back with the product... the never ending cycle is very good for fattening the wallets of the manufacturers.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    I wasn't completely convinced by the article (he didn't come across as very bright) but I tend to agree with some of his comments - "weight loss shakes" aren't designed for weight loss, they are designed for profit.
    I'm cynical enough to think that of course those companies want people to drop weight quickly, stop the product, put weight on, start back with the product... the never ending cycle is very good for fattening the wallets of the manufacturers.

    Bingo! Well said!
  • aelaura71
    Thought I would add something that was recently pointed out to me... Apparently I am not losing any weight because I am on the wrong program. Instead of using the "Shape kit" I should be using the "Transformation kit" which includes some metabolism enhancer thingy. Sounds like crap to me!!! Oh, and this Transformation kit is also $249 a month!!!! Apparently eating well and exercise aren't enough!!! Talk about discouraging!!!!
  • mdsjmom98
    mdsjmom98 Posts: 333 Member
    To be honest I am getting sick of people on my facebook and leaving me messages wanting me to join this.. When I post things that I can't afford anything after all pay checks they ask me if I want to join.. God some respect.. (sorry venting) but it is getting very old from people wanting me to join this..

    ^^THIS^^ Tired of people trying to get me to do this. Sheesh!!
  • Zumbagurl64
    Zumbagurl64 Posts: 155 Member
    I've been trying the BBV for about a month now and WILL NO be ordering anymore after this is gone, spent too much money on it not to finish using it. I've been on the health kick for about a year now and have done just as good on my own with diet and exercise, just have had a tough time with these last ten pounds so thought what the heck, my zumba instructor started promoting it, using it, alot of the gals have bought it and started using it. Yes, they've been losing pounds and inches, but they weren't "trying" before this either I don't think.... I honestly didn't do any research on it before i bought it, wish I had.....

    The best program for me has been MFP hands down!

    To each their own though......
  • MzVonda
    MzVonda Posts: 87
    No it is not magical, it helps some who once felt they couldn't do it....everyone finds their own thing to jump start their road to a healthier lifestyle and for me it was Body by Vi.....why down talk something that has help hundreds of people...I have not only regain my energy and my life but I have made some supportive friends that only wants to see me succeed! I love the shakes and incorporating them with making healthier choices and using sites such as has CHANGED MY LIFE!!! It could have been anything else that could have done it, but for me it was Body By VI!!!!
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I feel kind of bad for the promoters- I mean they're the biggest victims of the scam. Multi-level marketing is not even about the product, they make all their money by roping people in and getting them so far in the hole that they have no way out but shameless product promotion. On the other hand I don't support any miracle products to get thin quick....but you can see how the same people that would buy in to getting thin quick would bite in to getting rich quick selling BBV.

    There is no money to be made in sensible nutrition, exercise and whole foods.

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Cheers to cat fats!
  • jaxandmaksmom
    jaxandmaksmom Posts: 262 Member
    I dont know why people down grade the product. I think if it works for this person then congrats on finding your way to getting to the goal you need to get to, If it doesnt then ok I hope you find something else,

    I think to say this is a scam and a quick fix is kinda being rude to people who are only here for the same thing as everyone else. to get the support and encouragment to get to a healthy life style.

    I do have a question. if this works for people and it helps and teaches them that they have to keep there calories down and is kind of a stepping stone to a healthier lifestyle... why is it so bad and everyone "craps" on it.. when getting gastric bypass surgery is a stepping stone as well.
    I mean you get your stomach smaller to make you fuller faster... but if you dont follow the plan you will strecth it out and not lose there too...

    I guess what I am trying to say.. is to **** on someone for using this for there "tool" for losing weight... it is not cool to me.. who are you to choose what others use for there tools????

    I think if we all showed respect for the paths others take then it would be nice.

    and that includes the promotors trying to drill it down peoples throat, If they say no.. leave it... if they want it they will find someone within an arms reach selling it ( since it seems everyone is.)

    I guess i am just wishing people could show respect and stop calling people stupid for using it... or saying that they wont sucessed when they stop using the shakes or whatever else. Lets all just encourage and help each other rather then beat down and make people who are honestly trying to better themselves feel bad about how they are doing it.

    yours in respect.. i wish each person the best in there lifestyle choices
  • Fit_Canuck
    Fit_Canuck Posts: 788 Member
    I dont know why people down grade the product. I think if it works for this person then congrats on finding your way to getting to the goal you need to get to, If it doesnt then ok I hope you find something else,

    I think to say this is a scam and a quick fix is kinda being rude to people who are only here for the same thing as everyone else. to get the support and encouragment to get to a healthy life style.

    I do have a question. if this works for people and it helps and teaches them that they have to keep there calories down and is kind of a stepping stone to a healthier lifestyle... why is it so bad and everyone "craps" on it.. when getting gastric bypass surgery is a stepping stone as well.
    I mean you get your stomach smaller to make you fuller faster... but if you dont follow the plan you will strecth it out and not lose there too...

    I guess what I am trying to say.. is to **** on someone for using this for there "tool" for losing weight... it is not cool to me.. who are you to choose what others use for there tools????

    I think if we all showed respect for the paths others take then it would be nice.

    and that includes the promotors trying to drill it down peoples throat, If they say no.. leave it... if they want it they will find someone within an arms reach selling it ( since it seems everyone is.)

    I guess i am just wishing people could show respect and stop calling people stupid for using it... or saying that they wont sucessed when they stop using the shakes or whatever else. Lets all just encourage and help each other rather then beat down and make people who are honestly trying to better themselves feel bad about how they are doing it.

    yours in respect.. i wish each person the best in there lifestyle choices

    You'll notice the common themes in the responses are the following

    1. Yes it is most definitely a pyramid scheme ( Multi-Level Marketing Scheme )
    2. The product itself has been proven to not be very healthy for you
    3. The company hides the nutritional information from the general public so that it doesn't get scrutinized
    4. The person advocating it the most on this thread is herself a promoter and advertises the product and her business in her profile which is against the terms of use for this site
    5. This is a health and wellness site , using it to promote a product that has known adverse effects to health.