advice needed baddddd



  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    To be quite honest, the way someone disciplines or chooses not to discipline their children is a huge huge aspect of ones personality. To me, this is showing he is avoid ant of most emotional issues or emotional responsibilities, he would probably rather you be the authoritarian because it is easier for him not to be the bad guy to his son whom he probably has a lot of guilt from the way the kid is the way the kid is.

    I could be reading to much into it and drawing incorrect conclusions but, it is a pretty good standard to hold someone by in how they handle other relationships.

    Is he going to be avoid ant and distant from you when you have issues in the future ?

    Is he going to refuse to take part in your sons life as well ?

    Not to be a debbie downer here but yeah... I think you see where this is all going.
  • PSTreasure
    A 19 year old that smokes pot but does not work? Where is he getting the pot? I'd say if he can't be respectful and pull his own weight, he needs to be pushed out of his cushy, enabling nest! It is not a good thing for a 14 year old to see the way he acts! He will think that it's normal to be a deadbeat and to use foul language and be disrespectful to his elders! He is doing something illegal in your home. If it were me, I would give him a choice of either behaving the way you expect him to or going out on his own. As long as you tolerate his horrible behavior, he won't change and he won't leave. He has it too easy!! You can also call the police. That is extreme, but if someone else calls the police first, you could lose your son. You are allowing him to be exposed to an illegal activity. Tough love is hard, but you have to make his father see the reality of the situation. Good luck!