would you tattoo....?



  • FatUncleRob
    FatUncleRob Posts: 341
    I very much disagree. Even if it were to go bad, its still a great story and can always be modified. For me I dont have to worry about that

    I'm not planning on getting a tattoo, but I agree. I think it's kinda sad that people are reluctant to have one with their partner's name.
  • illiquod
    illiquod Posts: 23
    I think it's fine to get your spouse's name tattooed on you as long as your future spouses are all named the same name.
  • Caro1991
    Caro1991 Posts: 97
    Obviously, the question is: Would you?

    I don't have any tats, nor will I ever get one. But you are the only one who can answer the question for you. Are you making your decision based on the opinions here? What is the consensus?
    i think I would, but not sure about the name thing. And no, this has always been my thought. I just wanted to see othera opinions
  • Punktorian
    Punktorian Posts: 224 Member
    It really depends on how you view tattoos. I would consider it because I look at them in context of when they are done, whatever happens later is irrelevant to that time. They reflect who we were at that point in time not who we will always be. My main concern would be with a future partner having a problem with it, which is understandable. On the other hand I'm not too fond of text tattoos in an aesthetic sense so that would probably be the main reason I would not get it.
  • jiigglybutt
    jiigglybutt Posts: 345 Member
    my sister in law has a B on her hip for her ex husband. she hasn't gotten it covered yet because it's pretty big and she can't decide what she wants.
    she recently got an A for her current boyfriend on her finger
    I told her if they ever break up, she could just get the rest of the alphabet tattooed randomly on her body :bigsmile:
  • cellokitty91
    cellokitty91 Posts: 127 Member
    I think that sounds neat. I have my spouse's initials on my rib and he has mine on his chest... I think its a serious decision but if you love each other unconditionally what's the problem? I don't want to plan for failure! But I def don't suggest it for everybody.
  • DeckerDoll
    DeckerDoll Posts: 201
    to those afraid of getting a lover's name tattooed on u...i would say you're afraid of committment

    Sometimes no matter how much one commits, the other person walks away.

    BUT not gonna lie, I have a tattoo that is not "matching" but I drew it based off of my husband's. Zodiac signs and whatnot type stuff. Matching style I guess you could call it?
  • jiigglybutt
    jiigglybutt Posts: 345 Member
    My dad got "My Heart Belongs To Deborah" tattooed really big on his chest and broke up with her 2 days afterwards. and got another girlfriend exactly 3 days after that. and exactly 3 days after that, she broke up with him because of his lovely tattoo.
    He should have just gotten "My Heart Belongs To __________________" and write the name of his current girlfriend in a sharpie. and by the time it wears off, it'll be time to put another name there. :indifferent:
  • kmpatsey
    kmpatsey Posts: 1 Member
    I would like my mums signature.
  • 81Kyra
    81Kyra Posts: 115
    My husband has my name across his knuckles :)
  • Caro1991
    Caro1991 Posts: 97
    For All: I want to say that I have read everyones comments, some made me laugh and some made me sad/cry, but everyone is different. I will say that he is not just by boyfriend, he is also the father of my two babies(i know that does not mean much to some) but I will not get his name as some of yall said, not till we been together for 20yrs or maybe 10, I will say that I love tattoos and also jordans, we have a history that will always be with me.so I dont mind getting the symbol in his name. Thanks to all once again :)
    Ps apologies for not replying to everyone of ypu, my phone is goin slow since my son used up all my gb lol
  • tcchasse
    tcchasse Posts: 20
    My husband and I BOTH have a special tattoo with each other's names on it. He picked one out and I designed my own. I also have a whole back piece with all my children's names hidden in it. My husband has tattoo's of the grandkids names on him. So my thought is everyone has to decide if tattooing is for them and a name is for life. We knew we would always stay married and have been for 24yrs so there is no issue there for us and we love tattooos.
  • TitanGM
    TitanGM Posts: 1,161 Member
  • kimber0607
    kimber0607 Posts: 994 Member
    Never ever ever never
    I married my HS sweetheart....2 kids later he turned out to be a lying cheat.....even before when I trusted him 100% would never
    personally think it is a bonehead move..kids yes...a guy even your hubby..hell no
  • forgtmenot
    forgtmenot Posts: 860 Member
    Personally I think getting a SO's name is kind of trashy looking. I would never do it no matter how much I loved the person even if I I was married to them.