Any Female Console Gamers??? Whats your favorite game?



  • fuzzyslipperz
    fuzzyslipperz Posts: 49 Member
    Still finishing skyrim and bioshock 2. Takes me forever since I have limited gaming time these days! I have a wii (rarely used) and an xbox. I also play PC MMORPG (have played everquest, then WoW, currently playing Rift).
  • Tigerblossom84
    I'm into Skyrim, Fable 3, Final Fantasies, Fallout series, etc. However, I never seem to finish games that I start.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    I don't really game nowadays, but my favourites used to be;

    - Final Fantasy
    - Metal Gear Solid
    - Mario

    Ah, mind's gone blank! I'll add more when I remember :laugh:
  • Pinkemi
    Pinkemi Posts: 963 Member
    I am an avid female gamer! :D So much so that my boyfriend (who is also a gamer) takes the mickey out of me.

    I play on an Xbox 360... love the CoD series.

    Recently have got extremely addicted to Dragon Age 1 and 2! Fell in love with Alistair. hehe

    My xbox live name is Pinkemi if anyone wants to add me. :)
  • martymum
    martymum Posts: 413 Member

    I cried when I finished Saw(although parts were monotonous)...played it in the dark and was scary as hell.

    Play COD: MW3 most nights with my clan, love AC, skyrim(was ok) cannot get into ME not matter how much I try much to hubbys annoyance cos he wants me to play multiplayer with him.


    xbox360 ftw!
  • magicae
    magicae Posts: 19
    I don't play a whole lot on colsoles, but when I do it's We Love Katamari. :)

    On the computer my favourite games are both of the Portal games. And I also play WoW, though I'm on a break at the moment.
  • yuliyax
    yuliyax Posts: 288
    Skyrim elder scrolls , Fable 3, Red dead redemption, assasins creed (all of them), sims 3, batman(all of them), portal 2, Dead rising 2..
  • Tivo8MyNeighbors
    Tivo8MyNeighbors Posts: 151 Member
    Oh, yeah...big ol' gamer nerdress here. Oblivion, Skyrim, all the Resident Evil...Also a fair shot on Tiger Woods' golf for Wii, but I don't want to buy the new version. He'd only use the money for hookers LOL :)
  • ZombieChaser
    ZombieChaser Posts: 1,555 Member
    Yay I love all you ladies! I'm both a console and PC gamer - but taking a break for fitness and new routine at the moment. I have a very long gaming history but my fave right now is Dragon Age...I too, fell in love with Alistair, and in the second one, Anders...all 3 times despite my best efforts LOL...what can I say...I love me a crazy mage ;)

    Fave Console Game: Borderlands... cannot wait for BL2 in Sept!
  • bitterfusion
    bitterfusion Posts: 82 Member
    Meeeee! although much less than I used to :(...

    PlayStation(s): Spyro <3, Little Big Planet, Crash Bandicoot, Guitar Hero, Prince of Persia series
    Gameboy/DS: ZELDA <3, Professor Layton series, Mario, Pokemon etc.
  • DebraAukett
    DebraAukett Posts: 128 Member
    I love my Wii games and then on PC I play WoW when I get the chance
  • kristina509
    kristina509 Posts: 43 Member
    I haven't played a console game in YEARS, but I do love some World of Warcraft, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Aion, Rift, etc....I don't currently play all those but I have enjoyed them!
  • LottieLou13
    LottieLou13 Posts: 574 Member
    I <3 my Xbox 360
    Feel free to add me! FoldingStars13

    I also have a Wii, MegaDrive, Dreamcast, PS2 and Gamecube

    I mostly play COD , simply because I love whipping boys bums on there online.... :happy: But I also love the Bioshock games, Assassin Creeds, I'm currently playing LA Noire. The Fables are ok but I did'nt really enjoy Fable 3. I'm not really into 'fantasy' sort of bow and arrow games...give me a gun any day. But I have played Oblivion and help my housemate out with Skyrim sometimes.

    Also I'm an achievement *kitten* so I have lots of games on my tag which I kinda wish aren't there, the Saw game being one of them. It was monotonous and a the game play was far too clunky for my liking but easy achievements.

    *edit - I can't spell
  • LottieLou13
    LottieLou13 Posts: 574 Member
    I get lost in it - wishing I could climb and free run like he does!

    Tell me about it :laugh: If I had half his abilities.....!

    I can absolutely say that the Saw game was truly awful, I got about an hour into it and then stopped; I just could not play it any more.

    The Lost game is rubbish don't waste your money. I only played it for the easy achievements

    Is it cos it scary or just .... crap?

    I keep seeing the video game for Lost in the shops, and it gets cheaper and cheaper, but my better judgement tells me it's not worth getting - anyone played it who can persuade me otherwise?

    Oh, and I've played all the CSI games that are out so far and love them!
  • LottieLou13
    LottieLou13 Posts: 574 Member
    I get lost in it - wishing I could climb and free run like he does!

    Tell me about it :laugh: If I had half his abilities.....!

    Yeah but he drowns in 2 foot of water? What is that about?! (at least in the first game) :huh:
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    I totally forgot how much I love the Fable games. The only 'modern' games I've ever cared enough to finish. Until this year I was also a huge Sims fan, but that's ended now and I won't be buying any more Sims games ever.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    All of the Hit Man games
    All of the Metal Gear Solid games
    All of the Assassin's Creed Games
    All of the Resident Evil games
  • alassin_sane
    alassin_sane Posts: 12 Member
    I have a few consoles, my laptop isn't capable of playing games though sadly. :-(

    Xbox 360: Playing through Tomb Raider Legend and Devil May Cry at the moment, but really love Eternal Sonata, and anything Kinect.

    Wii: Have a fair few dance games for this (Just Dance etc), plus CSI. Big fan of Nights (first played Nights into Dreams on Saturn, then had to get Journey into Dreams as soon as I saw it). Playing through Resident Evil 4 at the moment.

    PS / PS2: Mostly SingStar for PS2, still love the PS1 Tomb Raider games, Crash Bandicoot and Resident Evil, also the Oddworld games.

    GBA / DS / 3DS: Pokemon, Phoenix Wright and Professor Layton mainly, although anything puzzle based will keep me occupied.

    I also have some older stuff that I still like to play, still have my Amstrad and Mega Drive. :-)

    Wouldn't mind a few gaming girl friends myself, if anyone wants to add me!
  • invisibubble
    invisibubble Posts: 662 Member
    Fallout 3 and New Vegas and Borderlands are the ones I play the most. I like old Final Fantasies, the Arkham games, Resi games (bar 5 and Racoon City)... erm, it's hard to think on the spur of the moment. Saints Row is fun for a bit. Most platformers can GTFO. Old Zeldas are awesome.
  • Asiral
    Asiral Posts: 133
    yep im into games etc with console do you have iv got a wii ps2 and 3ds well my sons have the 3ds crash bandicoot is my fav

    Oh nice. I love my old school games. I have most of my old school mario and such downloaded on my wii. But I currently own an xbox, ps3, wii, and 3DS. What can I say? Im a Nintendo girl at heart, but I enjoy other games too. Call me silly, but I LOVE Harvest Moon (Who doesnt love a good RPG of farming ;)) and Animal Crossing for sure.