Any Female Console Gamers??? Whats your favorite game?



  • ratherbeskiing
    ratherbeskiing Posts: 847 Member
    COD- PS3

    I also have a Wii but mostly work out games- I like Endless Ocean (I believe the second one) if I just want to chill and relax
  • amanda8o
    amanda8o Posts: 352 Member
    Me and hubby are big gamers,last night we played Resident Evil 5 for awhile,we have a ps3 and 360,love the Bioshock games,Borderland is awesome and Final Fantasy,really any RPG!
  • cel81xtreme
    killer instinct 2 and Punch Out hacked to play on PC. Then ive tried but i cant break my WoW additiction, Seems impossible. Playing WoW MoP Beta, Been in Diable 3 Beta for 9 months(boring), Alittle BattleField, TF2,Rift,Starwars,League of Legends.

    Most Game Playing has taken a Back Seat to my addiciton to My Fish Tanks and Working out. (Granted I still log into WoW everyday.)

    EDIT: just realized title said FEMALE.... :)
  • tiggersstar
    tiggersstar Posts: 193 Member
    The only games I have ever managed to finish was the first prince of persia game and a very early tomb raider for the playstaion1…I got stuck in the middle of the 3 subsequent prince of persia games, another 2 tomb raider games and all other games I have ever been given, lol

  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,365 Member
    Posting again to remind all you MFP Gamers to add us on Xbox live: janerubix

    I personally would love some more friends, and I don't have any MFP friends on XBL :[
  • avafrisbee
    avafrisbee Posts: 234 Member
    Yes. We have an xbox 360, PS 2 (3 of them actually), Wii, Nintendo DS (3DS give me a headache if I play for more than 10 min at a time)

    I am a Zelda freak so I have all of those although the only ones I really ever liked was The Legend of Zelda (first NES one), A Link to the Past (SNES), Ocarina of Time (N64) and 4 swords (Game Boy Advanced), Skyward Sword is also pretty good but I have found the level designed by the stupid team and am taking a break. I've played just about all of them but those are the 3 best in my opinion.

    I am really disappointed with Skyrim. Oblivion was pretty good, I just didn't like the leveling strategy. I mean a rat should not be a threat at level 23. I also think the NPG's should level with you if the monsters do. Still Skyrim is okay.

    Not big into first person shooters but After Dark was pretty good and I've been known to play Half life, Splinter Cell and Resident Evil,

    Like the all the Mario Bros. RPG's or as my hubby calls them "linear adventure quests" Don't like mario parties or super smash bros or anything like that.

    Fable 1,2 and 3. Except the second half of Fable 3 was sloppy and hurried.

    I'm currently playing Star Wars for the connect and that is a lot of fun. I also like Dance Central, Kinect Adventures and a sports game. For the Wii I like Zelda SwS and Wii Fit Plus right now.
  • Charlottecm86
    Oh yes I am. Just finished Skyrim and looking for my next RPG. Any ideas anyone. I'm completed the normal, dragonage, fallout etc

    Anything to keep me occupied while the footie's on :-)
  • Charlottecm86
    I am really disappointed with Skyrim. Oblivion was pretty good, I just didn't like the leveling strategy. I mean a rat should not be a threat at level 23. I also think the NPG's should level with you if the monsters do. Still Skyrim is okay.

    Totally agree! Graphics were amazing but the play not so much. Trouble was the producers went on and on about how great the game would be. Bit of a let down
  • almc170
    almc170 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I'm a complete Sims geek--I love all 3 versions. If I can pull myself away from the PC for long enough, I"ll play a few Wii games from time to time. My favorite Wii game is probably Rune Factory Frontier.
  • alassin_sane
    alassin_sane Posts: 12 Member
    I'm currently playing Star Wars for the connect and that is a lot of fun. I also like Dance Central, Kinect Adventures and a sports game. For the Wii I like Zelda SwS and Wii Fit Plus right now.

    I really want Kinect Star Wars, it looks awesome!

    Loving Dance Central as well. :-)
  • Asiral
    Asiral Posts: 133
    I kick *kitten* at Pacman and I love Tomb Raider-Laura Croft

    My sister and I rock at Tomb Raider. We make a good team. She plays, and I keep a look out for things that she may miss. Its pretty funny to watch us according to my husband lol.
  • Asiral
    Asiral Posts: 133
    I'm a complete Sims geek--I love all 3 versions. If I can pull myself away from the PC for long enough, I"ll play a few Wii games from time to time. My favorite Wii game is probably Rune Factory Frontier.

    You really cant go wrong with Sims
  • Asiral
    Asiral Posts: 133
    Yes. We have an xbox 360, PS 2 (3 of them actually), Wii, Nintendo DS (3DS give me a headache if I play for more than 10 min at a time)

    I am a Zelda freak so I have all of those although the only ones I really ever liked was The Legend of Zelda (first NES one), A Link to the Past (SNES), Ocarina of Time (N64) and 4 swords (Game Boy Advanced), Skyward Sword is also pretty good but I have found the level designed by the stupid team and am taking a break. I've played just about all of them but those are the 3 best in my opinion.

    I am really disappointed with Skyrim. Oblivion was pretty good, I just didn't like the leveling strategy. I mean a rat should not be a threat at level 23. I also think the NPG's should level with you if the monsters do. Still Skyrim is okay.

    Not big into first person shooters but After Dark was pretty good and I've been known to play Half life, Splinter Cell and Resident Evil,

    Like the all the Mario Bros. RPG's or as my hubby calls them "linear adventure quests" Don't like mario parties or super smash bros or anything like that.

    Fable 1,2 and 3. Except the second half of Fable 3 was sloppy and hurried.

    I'm currently playing Star Wars for the connect and that is a lot of fun. I also like Dance Central, Kinect Adventures and a sports game. For the Wii I like Zelda SwS and Wii Fit Plus right now.

    Haha I hear ya about being a Zelda nerd. Shoot, my dog's name is Deku after the Great Deku Tree :P
  • ShrinkingNinja
    ShrinkingNinja Posts: 460 Member
    Halo got me into gaming.

    Love the Splinter Cell Series

    Fallout 3

  • ShrinkingNinja
    ShrinkingNinja Posts: 460 Member
    Borderland was awesome too

  • MamaVeronicaWorksOut
    MamaVeronicaWorksOut Posts: 43 Member
    I play the Call of Duty series on the XBOX 360.

    And I'm also a love of Mario Bros. :)
  • JeanDescole
    JeanDescole Posts: 152
    I have a PS3 and a DS now, my favourite game on PS3 at the moment is still Skyrim (been playing it for ages now!) and on the DS I like the Professor Layton type games. I used to have a gamecube and then a wii, and I loved Zelda on them.

    I have a DS and a 3DS, and the Professor Layton series are by far my favourite games, but I also like Super Mario, Brain Training & the Lego series. I'm waiting for Animal Crossing: New Leaf and Fire Emblem: Awakening this summer!
  • MissFuchsia
    MissFuchsia Posts: 526 Member
    Xbox 360:
    Fable II

    I don't play as much as I used to but I'm sure I'll be glued to the new Tomb Raider game when it arrives
  • agirlscamaro
    agirlscamaro Posts: 175 Member
    If i play a console game it's usually Halo (any version). I have a variety of more fitness games that i'll play I just rented COD, it's ok. I'm glad I rented it and didn't spend $60 on it.

    I play PC games more, World of Warcraft specifically.
  • xFamousLastWordsx
    xFamousLastWordsx Posts: 301 Member
    I have an SNES, N64, Gameboy Color, Gamecube and DS.
    I love Mario games, especially the party series or Mario kart. :D