Ladies? Ever cut your hair short and regretted it?



  • shannairl
    shannairl Posts: 65
    I got my hair cut really short when I was 18 - I'd had waist-length hair since I was a little girl and it was something I'd always wanted. But my hair is naturally curly so it was less Michelle Williams and more Justin Bieber with a kink - I thought it looked great until someone mistook me for my father!!!! Have never had it short since but it's something else to tick off the bucket list :) It didn't take long to grow back, so I think if it's something you've always wanted then go for it. It's just hair, it will come back! x
  • rkennedy54
    Aqua Duckie, Your hair looks great. You are very pretty with short hair and I love your smile :smile:
  • MissMisery1313
    I chopped off my hair 20 years ago and have kept it that way ever since with no regrets. My long hair just got in my way.

    The pic in my avatar was taken about 2 weeks ago.
  • AlbaAngel25
    AlbaAngel25 Posts: 484 Member
    ohhh I have been having this debate with myself for the past few months. I have long hair, (i used to wear extentions, but since the pregnancy and baby, my hair grew like crazy!!)
    I want to cut my hair a-line short so bad. Butttt, my hair is naturally curly and i would have to blowdry/flat iron straight every day. Plus, I have never had it short ever , so i am definitely scared of change. I asked my husband what he would think. He said i would probably regret it , and that i shouldn't do it as i look good with long hair.

    One day, i will do an A-line hair cut. Just not brave enough now!!!

    oh btw my hairdresser said that if i cut it that short it will never grow to the length i have it now, again. So thats a big turn off to me!
  • alias1001
    alias1001 Posts: 634 Member
    I probably will never cut my hair.

    Sadly, it's part of my identity. Long, red, and curly. I know that not everyone feels that way, but it's just the way I am.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I never had my hair pixie-cut short, but every time I chopped it to chin length, I think, "Why do I ever grow my hair out?!"

    LOL me too! My hair is perfect chin length. When it's long, it gets unruly and almost impossible to deal with. Too short and it goes into the white girl fro. Chin length is perfect.
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    I had my hair down to my mid-back, dyed red. I loved it.

    It took one bad break up and a very ballsy stylist to agree to chop it off for me. She gave me a cup of tea and I cried as she cut my hair to my chin. She even asked me if I wanted to stop because I was crying, but I powered through it. I loved my new look at the end of it, though! I don't think I've ever had a cut I've regretted. Color, however...
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    nope. Never regretted. Actually I keep getting it shorter and shorter.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I did pretty short last year (donated 11in). I didn't really like the cut. Didn't work well with my hair thickness (too short on top with thick hair = REALLY puffy, I need some length to hold it down). I had to let it grow for a year until I got it back to a place I like, but then I cut it short again, but this time a different style that I REALLY like, and works better for my hair. Make sure you have a trusted stylist who will tell you what will work for your hair and what won't.
  • nuttyengineer
    nuttyengineer Posts: 112 Member
    I cut my hair super short when I was in high school and have kept it that way ever since. I love it, but that's also partially because my hair is extremely unruly and thick and hard to take care of when it's long... and I would shed by the handful when it got to shoulder-length.

    Anyways, I don't think that I will ever go back to longer hair.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    Yes - I have had my hair cut short twice and regretted it both times. They were nice cuts and cute styles, and I got lots of compliments from people, but the short hair just wasn't me. I felt like my head was tiny. I couldn't put my hair up anymore when I worked out. I felt ugly. I hated looking in the mirror. I looked older. I think short hair looks cute on lots of other women, it's just not for me.
  • fitspo124
    fitspo124 Posts: 26 Member
    Not regretted it but I do miss long hair every time I get mine chopped. I currently have pretty long hair and I'm loving it since I can braid my hair and they are so in. To be honest, I really want a pixie cut or a shoulder length bob but I'm scared that I'll miss braiding my hair.
  • eodvarka
    eodvarka Posts: 30
    Oh yeah, for sure!
    There was this one time I didn't cut my hair for over 2 or 3 years, just to grow it out. I always wanted long hair and finally had it, until I decided I was tired of it and chopped it all off, up to my ears! I would do anything to get it back!
  • beckylawrence70
    beckylawrence70 Posts: 752 Member
    No and I never could or would, my hair has always been long, it's almost to my waist........:)
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    As soon as the weight came off my face, I chopped ALL my hair off. I now have slightly longer than a "boy" cut <
  • dianacrum
    dianacrum Posts: 67
    I did it, and I loved it at I am regretting it (almost 3 years later!!).....the problem for me is the "in-between" because I get irritated and cut it all off again!! It is now just above my shoulders and I SWEAR it's not growing!! I even had my hair colored (all over color) and when I went in for another color the stylist said she saw very little regrowth!! (and that was 12 weeks later!!! and I did get a trim after 6 weeks, because I heard keeping it trimmed and healthy helps it grow)
    Anyone got any tips for helping my hair grow?!?!?
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    When I was a senior in high school, I made a last minute hair appointment to get my hair fixed for prom. (My parents said we couldn't afford it and I would have to fix it myself, but they came up with $40 for me to get it done). When I got to the salon, the woman said, "Oh, I really don't know what to do with long hair... I usually work on short hair." My hair was past the halfway point on my back. So, I said, "Alrighty, well cut that crap off and let's get goin on this!" She cut it short.... like short short all over... even had to shave a little neckline edge in the back and I was in shock for a good hour. I had my mom drive me to the park so I could sit on a park bench and cry. Then, I got some bottled water and a comb and unfluffed it (she had it very Golden Girls looking). When I got to prom, everyone asked me to turn around so they could see my updo and they were even more shocked that there was nothing left in the back! It was awwwwwwwwwwwwwesome! I have vowed that when I get to ONDERLAND, I'm cutting it off that short again just cause I can. No regrets. It's hair. It will more than likely grow back :)
  • reka74
    reka74 Posts: 70
    I always regretted. No more cutting for me only trimming.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    As soon as the weight came off my face, I chopped ALL my hair off. I now have slightly longer than a "boy" cut <

    Your haircut is perfect for your face. Looks great on you!
  • jlr_12
    jlr_12 Posts: 170 Member

    I always had super long it cut really short once when I was 13 and absolutely HATED it. A few years ago I decided to shave my head for Head For The Cure, to raise money for cancer research and donate my hair. That explains the bald picture...the other 2 are at different stages of it growing out. There were obviously some awkward stages, but for the most part I really loved having short hair! The main reason I grew it back was because I gained weight and didn't like how it looked at much anymore. I often think about cutting it again. So much easier to take care of!