AB Challenge!



  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668
    I DID IT!!!!!!!!! First night!!!!!!!!!!:bigsmile: The reverse crunches were the hardest!

    Although I stopped doing the obliques because my left rib started making this popping feeling and it felt really weird. I looked up the video but I still don't think I'm doing the exercise right. Anybody else have that problem?

    There's this really effective ab exercise where you lay on your back and stick your legs in their air. Then you start crossing and un-crossing your legs up and down. It hurts! I think we should add that to our list at some point.
  • vanimami
    vanimami Posts: 433 Member
    I DID IT!!!!!!!!! First night!!!!!!!!!!:bigsmile: The reverse crunches were the hardest!

    Although I stopped doing the obliques because my left rib started making this popping feeling and it felt really weird. I looked up the video but I still don't think I'm doing the exercise right. Anybody else have that problem?

    There's this really effective ab exercise where you lay on your back and stick your legs in their air. Then you start crossing and un-crossing your legs up and down. It hurts! I think we should add that to our list at some point.
    I think I get that feeling, too, but i just re-adjust myself so that it doesn't do it anymore.

    I almost forgot I had to do abs today and when I just realized it, I was like :grumble: HOnestly, I just had dinner and it's already like 8:00, so I may not do them :embarassed: Not because I'm lazy , but who wants to do abs when they're full (ok, maybe a LEEEETLLE bit of laziness in there :frown: ) We'll see, I'll update everyone tomorrow. Have a good night!
  • christine918
    christine918 Posts: 261
    I did it yesterday for the first time! I feel great! Gonna make a go at it again today! Have a great day everyone!

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  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668
    So what exactly is everyone's reasons for doing the Ab Challenge?

    Mine is to have my core be stronger and less flabby.:blushing:
  • schlieffen
    schlieffen Posts: 269
    So what exactly is everyone's reasons for doing the Ab Challenge?

    Mine is to have my core be stronger and less flabby.:blushing:

    To be less flabby too :laugh: but I've always been a bad sloucher, so improving my core strength is a good way to improve my posture
  • 135gratitude
    135gratitude Posts: 364
    Hey Guys! How are we doing? Everyone hanging in?

    Should we add to the list for Monday? The leg cross overs sounded good!

    I have limited computer access, so please forgive me if I'm not checking in as regularly.

    Keep up the great work!
  • vanimami
    vanimami Posts: 433 Member
    So what exactly is everyone's reasons for doing the Ab Challenge?

    Mine is to have my core be stronger and less flabby.:blushing:

    Mine is to get rid of of my tire, look less flabby and to have finally have flat abs w/ no love handles :happy:

    BTW, I did NOT do them yesterday, I"m such a loser :laugh: Anyways, I'm hitting the gym at 4:00 today and am lifting weights and prolly some cardio afterwards, so I'll get 'er done today! :smile:
  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668
    Well, I don't have any time to do the whole routine tonight, so I'll just throw in some crunches right now. I am such a slacker.:grumble: But I promise do a full ab workout tomorrow.