For those of you that drink coffee



  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    what ever is handy...and sometimes black
  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    I try to use half and half or almond milk but sometimes we use the whole milk (it's what I was brought up on.)

    I also cut the sugar out and use Splenda instead.

    For the past few months, though, I've switched to Celestial Seasonings English Tea with two Splenda. I can drink as much as I want and there's zero calories. My limit is always two cups though (moderation), throughout the day with large containers of water for good measure.
  • nyxt
    nyxt Posts: 60
    I skip the creamers and add some cinnamon to the grounds and vanilla to the water before brew. Very tasty without all the calories

    sounds great! definitely have to try this!
  • JSheehy1965
    JSheehy1965 Posts: 404
    8 O'Clock French Roast - grind my own - put in a cafetiere (French Press) and drink hot, black and strong. No sugar. No cream. mm-mmmm
  • bfairlamb
    bfairlamb Posts: 31
    Eight O' Clock or Gevalia, Grind my own beans. Do some other little tweaks :)))
    Truvia (or sugar) and Light Cream. I agree with whomever has said they're not giving up their coffee how they like it.
    I'll give up the calories on my coffee. It's like other people's cookies, or candies or pop or whatever.
    I NEED NEED NEED my coffee, like other people need other things.
    Some people get a sweet tooth, I get a COFFEE tooth lmao. Some days, like today, I over indulge :)
    Can't help it. I'm Italian :)