30 day Shred Starting May 1st Come and Join me!



  • MissMom3
    MissMom3 Posts: 101 Member
    I'm in!! I have started twice now but didn't even make it to level 2....but I will do it this time! I will take some pics tonight and get started!
  • pellenga
    pellenga Posts: 66 Member
    Well, my video didn't come in the mail yesterday, so I went Geocaching for an hour yesterday instead. The one my son & looked for was deep in the woods. I did lots of climbing over big fallen trees & balanacing across branches so I wouldn't fall in the mud. I'm pretty sore today so I guess it makes up for it for today. =) The good news is that we actually found the Geocash! :bigsmile:
  • Changingmyfatitude
    Changingmyfatitude Posts: 97 Member
    Hi Everyone

    Just got mine in the post today, very excited to give this a try.
  • huango
    huango Posts: 1,007 Member
    (Sorry for double posting - not sure which one to post in)

    Could someone help w/ my question:

    Done w/ my Day 2.

    Questions for those who has done 30DS before and is in good/great shape: when do you move to Level 2?

    I don't find Level 1 easy, but even using 7.5# dumbbells, I don't feel sore at all.
    I read about other people's posts about feeling it in their quads or shoulders etc, but I don't feel any, especially not any good soreness.

    --> When should I move to Level 2?

    I thought to stick w/ Level 1 for at least 7 days to make sure that I can do it every day, instead of dreading the tough workout which may persuade me to not do the workout.

    Thanks for your insight.
  • rmhollin
    rmhollin Posts: 1
    I have changed my diet, the pounds are slowly coming off, I need to exercise but to be honest am really an exercise virgin.....will I be able to realistically do this 30 day program ???
  • focus4fitness
    focus4fitness Posts: 551 Member
    I just saw this but I actually started the 30 day shred yesterday. Yay Count me in too!!
  • kargreen
    kargreen Posts: 55
    Day two of shredding... Good luck everyone!
  • mogriff1
    mogriff1 Posts: 325 Member
    I did Level 1 this morning (1st time), what a great work out, though those jumping jacks and push ups are the devil! Lots of reps too with the weights! OMG! But I enjoyed it.

    I go to the gym 5-6 days a week and typically work out at home on rainy days, weight lifting days and if I'm in a conflict with scheduling so unfortunatley I wont be doing 30DS everyday :-( , but will surely keep it in heavy rotation with a few of my other at home work out DVD's. So I guess that means I can't join the group huh??? I love JM, she's a beast!:smile:
  • 86toronado
    86toronado Posts: 19
    I'd love to join too, I actually started on 4/30. Question for everybody who does it everyday though, how do you work through the soreness? Wednesday should have been Day 3 for me, but I was just too sore. Will do day 3 today, Thursday. I think I'm going to aim for 5 days/week anyway, since my work schedule makes working out everyday unrealistic (16 hour back to back night shifts at least once a week)
  • sgreene87
    sgreene87 Posts: 323 Member
    Day 3 on level one. Dang pushups get me every darn time! I will defeat them one of these days and get through the whole set without modification. Anyone else notice that Natalie cheats when she thinks the camera is not on her. Love that I am not the only one :laugh:
  • babygurl1
    babygurl1 Posts: 196 Member
    I'm in started on Tuesday. My Thighs are killing me!!! Jillian is a monster!
  • huango
    huango Posts: 1,007 Member
    Day 3 done, and this is my REST day (no other workout). Yay!
    I may die tomorrow when I do day 4 before my intense body pump class. Hopefully my husband knows CPR. :)

    Can you do 2 of 30DS workouts in 1 day?
    We're going camping this weekend, so unless I drag my butt out of bed at 4am to do day 5 (we're leaving at 6am), I'm thinking I'll do Day 5 and 6 on Sunday (one in the late afternoon and other in the evening)?

  • lorem0313
    lorem0313 Posts: 3
    I was really ore too especially my legs!! I just had to hold on to things when i wanted to sit down lol but i kept working out ignoring the sorness and today it doesnt hurt that much anymore i started the 30DS on 4/30 so today is day 4 for me just push threw it youll do great.
  • Lmdaniels
    Lmdaniels Posts: 91 Member
    Anyone else notice that Natalie cheats when she thinks the camera is not on her. Love that I am not the only one :laugh:

    I have noticed that! I'm surprised they didn't edit that.
  • Jodieh75
    Jodieh75 Posts: 60 Member
    I have just started this today, so I'm a few days behind you. I love it so count me in too!
  • babygurl1
    babygurl1 Posts: 196 Member
    I'm watching Natalie now..Gotta catch her cheating just so I can make myself feel a little better! lol Is that bad?? Got my workout in at 11:00 last night but I got it in now my butt is dragging today! Hope everyone has a great day!
  • huango
    huango Posts: 1,007 Member
    Done w/ Day 4.

    I really like this 30DS, because I was kinda dreading the workout this morning as I was starting it. But then I remembered that it's only another 15minutes or so and I'd be done. That notion really helped me do it, and once I started, it was nice to work out, and to know that I'll be done w/ my workout already.

    Well, off to my Gold's Body Pump for some heavy lifting!

    Keep up the good work everyone!

  • Whisperinghorse
    Whisperinghorse Posts: 202 Member
    Where does she cheat?? I'll look out for it tomorrow :noway:

    day 2 for me today enjoying it although I have to cheat with side lunge/arm raise... my weights are too heavy!!! But they're the lightest I have.. :sad:
  • Kylabgeek
    Kylabgeek Posts: 47 Member
    Yay! I was able to do my video today! Ran a mile yesterday with no additional knee swelling or pain, so I gave the video a try today. I did level 2 and while it was hard, it wasn't any harder than my first day of level 1. It will be interesting to see if I am sore tomorrow.

    Great job everyone!

    6/30 complete!:happy:
  • huango
    huango Posts: 1,007 Member
    Where does she cheat?? I'll look out for it tomorrow :noway:

    day 2 for me today enjoying it although I have to cheat with side lunge/arm raise... my weights are too heavy!!! But they're the lightest I have.. :sad:

    1. The one time I saw her "cheat" is during the lunge/bicep curl part, where JM is w/ Anita (or whatever the other girl's name is), and you can see Natalie in the background in a standup lunge mode, but just doing bicep curls.

    2. Hey, you're doing something. Keep up the good work. Be sure that your form is correct, so that you don't injure something and get the most out of your workout. So if you need to drop those weights to keep your side lunge (while sticking your butt back - so your knee does not go over your toes), so be it!
