Health Food is too.......

mfinney Posts: 314
edited September 19 in Food and Nutrition

This is a spin-off from another post, where someone made the comment that health food is too expensive, that's why they choose to eat other things....

I'm not picking on anyone, but let's get real with ourselves shall we?

How much is fruit?? I don't know about you, but I can pick up apples, oranges, bananas, etc. pretty reasonable... same thing with veggies.... how much is a can of tuna? 84-95 cents a can around here.... how much were those hot pockets???? let's see, i can either get a package of bologna :sick: or i can get a jar of peanut butter.....

a bag of doritos or a canister of nuts?
ice cream or cottage cheese?
eggs or poptarts?
is a 24 pack of pop really cheaper than water out of the faucet?? for that matter, is it cheaper than a case of bottled water?
is juice really that expensive?......i mean koolaid is cheap... until you buy the bag of sugar you need to make a couple pitchers....
how much is an apple compared to a snickers bar?

just some thoughts.... feel free to add your own... and let's get real! it's about discipline, not money that we eat the way we do!!

when you finally say NO MORE EXCUSES... then NO MORE EXCUSES....

if you want to quit eating unhealthy, quit buying crap for food.....

you don't quit smoking and then go buy cigarettes... think about it!!!


  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member

    I always roll my eyes a bit when I hear this excuse... because processed foods are way more expensive than anything from the produce dept.
  • czewwhat
    czewwhat Posts: 8,715

    This is a spin-off from another post, where someone made the comment that health food is too expensive, that's why they choose to eat other things....

    I'm not picking on anyone, but let's get real with ourselves shall we?

    How much is fruit?? I don't know about you, but I can pick up apples, oranges, bananas, etc. pretty reasonable... same thing with veggies.... how much is a can of tuna? 84-95 cents a can around here.... how much were those hot pockets???? let's see, i can either get a package of bologna :sick: or i can get a jar of peanut butter.....

    a bag of doritos or a canister of nuts?
    ice cream or cottage cheese?
    eggs or poptarts?
    is a 24 pack of pop really cheaper than water out of the faucet?? for that matter, is it cheaper than a case of bottled water?
    is juice really that expensive?......i mean koolaid is cheap... until you buy the bag of sugar you need to make a couple pitchers....
    how much is an apple compared to a snickers bar?

    just some thoughts.... feel free to add your own... and let's get real! it's about discipline, not money that we eat the way we do!!

    when you finally say NO MORE EXCUSES... then NO MORE EXCUSES....

    if you want to quit eating unhealthy, quit buying crap for food.....

    you don't quit smoking and then go buy cigarettes... think about it!!!

    Well said! Eat it if you can read the label! Toss the rest!
  • vanimami
    vanimami Posts: 433 Member
    I completely agree! Thanks for sharing!:smile:
  • jowily
    jowily Posts: 189 Member
    As my kids would say "TRU DAT!"
  • NykkieC
    NykkieC Posts: 622 Member
    I second the Amen!

    I've found that my husband and I actually spend LESS on food now that we're eating healthier, we don't spend much money on restaurants as we did before, and we're only buying essentials when we go to the grocery store.

    Thanks! :flowerforyou:
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Finally...someone who is willing to speak the truth! :bigsmile:
  • GinaB30
    GinaB30 Posts: 725 Member
    I think the difference for most people (especially those with LOW income)...
    Is that they can't afford to run back and forth to the grocery store all the time to pick up fresh things, especially when those thins go bad quite quickly.

    ......and I don't know where you guys are from but here in NS Canada, we pay a LOT for produce (depending on the time of year).....but then when summer hits we get the good deals from locally grown stuff...
    I LOVE fresh cherries, grapes, etc- but I can't afford to pay the high prices in the winter...and I've seen a head of brocolli cost $3.99 before, for a very SMALL's crazy!
    I think it depends on the income and where you live- personally I think it is quite expensive to eat 100% healthy all the time.
    Take for example low fat whole wheat tortilla's....LOVE those.....they are $3.99 here for a 10 pkg. A pack of 10 does NOT last long when you have three kids and two adults to feed.

    lol edit// except one of the three kids only eats breast milk at the moment..=oP
  • kelligirl
    kelligirl Posts: 210
    Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I couldn't have said it better myself. In fact, I'm going to use those comparisons the next time I hear someone use that excuse. "Excuses" - that's all they are.

    I know people who have bought diet pills/products and diet food/plans (me for one) - (now *there* is an expensive proposition).... eating clean, real food, is simpler, and in most cases no more or at least not that much more expensive!

    edit - For those concerned with fresh being too expensive.... buy frozen. Stock up on fresh during the summer and freeze things for the winter. It does require some time and planning. P.S. I do agree about the tortillas though.... those buggers are pricey!
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    I feel exactly the same way..... ITs not until we change our mindset that we actually do ourselves some good. I have heard some people on here saying that they want to lose weight and then they talk so negatively about any type of change from their current lifestyle. I feel sorry for them, because I know nothing is going to work for them until they change their MIND to change their BODY!!!
    THAnks for sharing this. :drinker:
  • xsargex
    xsargex Posts: 768
    I agree. Alot of my vegan friends eat alot of processed/name-brand vegan food and preach to me about the healthy aspects of their eating-habits. Then I compare the nutrtional facts with the raw and fresh items I eat.... its pretty hilarious really. I'm not knocking on a vegan-lifestyle, but don't fool yourself into thinking that these food companies aren't trying to make money. Its like saying that because the bag of food says "organic" on it...that its just that and good for you. Sorry but its just not that simple.

    As far as purchasing vegetables and fruits. I use the farmers markets. If you make a good business relationship with some of the vendors. Become a repeat buyer. They'll be more inclined to hook you up. Thats what I've found.
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    You're on a roll Finn...

    I haver to admit this is one of the topics that irks me THE most, and I usually avoid in fear of getting flammed
    You're eating less....buying u don't have to buy organic to eat clean/healthy
    Personally, I never really understood the argument that eating better costs more
    I hear some of u that depending on where u live, there may be certain obstacles.....but for the most part, I feel like it's an excuse
    *ducking and running the other way*

    Good luck everyone :flowerforyou:

  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    I agree. Alot of my vegan friends eat alot of processed/name-brand vegan food and preach to me about the healthy aspects of their eating-habits. Then I compare the nutrtional facts with the raw and fresh items I eat.... its pretty hilarious really. I'm not knocking on a vegan-lifestyle, but don't fool yourself into thinking that these food companies aren't trying to make money. Its like saying that because the bag of food says "organic" on it...that its just that and good for you. Sorry but its just not that simple.

    As far as purchasing vegetables and fruits. I use the farmers markets. If you make a good business relationship with some of the vendors. Become a repeat buyer. They'll be more inclined to hook you up. Thats what I've found.

    That's one of the reasons I could no longer be a vegan...went back to being a plain ol' vegetarian so that I could cut out a lot of the processed crap. :wink:
  • czewwhat
    czewwhat Posts: 8,715
    I think the difference for most people (especially those with LOW income)...
    Is that they can't afford to run back and forth to the grocery store all the time to pick up fresh things, especially when those thins go bad quite quickly.

    ......and I don't know where you guys are from but here in NS Canada, we pay a LOT for produce (depending on the time of year).....but then when summer hits we get the good deals from locally grown stuff...
    I LOVE fresh cherries, grapes, etc- but I can't afford to pay the high prices in the winter...and I've seen a head of brocolli cost $3.99 before, for a very SMALL's crazy!
    I think it depends on the income and where you live- personally I think it is quite expensive to eat 100% healthy all the time.
    Take for example low fat whole wheat tortilla's....LOVE those.....they are $3.99 here for a 10 pkg. A pack of 10 does NOT last long when you have three kids and two adults to feed.

    lol edit// except one of the three kids only eats breast milk at the moment..=oP

    your tortilla example works out to $ .798 per person if each eats two in a meal! cheaper than french fries at the local burger joint! read your grocery adds, you will be surprised! I never pay more than $1 per pound for anything produce. Melons can be .25 per pound sliced up that is very cheap!
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I think a lot of people associate "health food" with specialized stores rather than with "healthY food". It is true that there are some products that you can only get at a specialized "health food" store, but for the most part, you can buy healthY food right at your normal grocery store.

    A little research goes a long way. Plan ahead and try to select products that have been processed the LEAST. If you look for low carb or low fat options of your favorite items, generally, you can find them. If your store charges an arm and a leg for fresh fruit/veggies, try a vegetable stand...often they're more organic as well (less chemicals used to grow them).
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    So, are you living off apples or actually buying groceries? Yes, an apple is cheaper than a Snickers bar, but Kashi meals are $4.00 compared to .94 cents for a Banquet meal. 93/7 beef is close to $4 a lb, and 80/20 is close to a $1 per lb. Kashi cereal is about 3.94 for a 12 oz box even a Wal Mart, and the huge 3 lb bags of Walmart Brand Capn Crunch are like $2.50. Nature's Pride all natural bread is 1.97, and the cheapo white Walmart bread is .89 cents. It's not an excuse, it's a legitimate reason for difficulty affording healthy, fresh food, and especially for anything pre-made and healthy.
  • moujie
    moujie Posts: 229
    Interesting article about this on ABCNEWS.COM:
  • Cyndi1
    Cyndi1 Posts: 484 Member
    I live in Nova Scotia as well and I think it comes down to what you are willing to spend. I don't find produce to expensive - yes off season can be a little increase in the buget but buying from the frozen section is not cheaper either , you don't know what's really in the food. It's OK to pick foods that you like- you don't have to blame money for the issue rather that is what you want to buy. Healthy eating is about choices.
    I agree stop with the excuses....

    I love junk but if I want to be healthier then I have to chose this type of food a whole lot less. Good Luck!
  • GinaB30
    GinaB30 Posts: 725 Member
    I think the difference for most people (especially those with LOW income)...
    Is that they can't afford to run back and forth to the grocery store all the time to pick up fresh things, especially when those thins go bad quite quickly.

    ......and I don't know where you guys are from but here in NS Canada, we pay a LOT for produce (depending on the time of year).....but then when summer hits we get the good deals from locally grown stuff...
    I LOVE fresh cherries, grapes, etc- but I can't afford to pay the high prices in the winter...and I've seen a head of brocolli cost $3.99 before, for a very SMALL's crazy!
    I think it depends on the income and where you live- personally I think it is quite expensive to eat 100% healthy all the time.
    Take for example low fat whole wheat tortilla's....LOVE those.....they are $3.99 here for a 10 pkg. A pack of 10 does NOT last long when you have three kids and two adults to feed.

    lol edit// except one of the three kids only eats breast milk at the moment..=oP

    your tortilla example works out to $ .798 per person if each eats two in a meal! cheaper than french fries at the local burger joint! read your grocery adds, you will be surprised! I never pay more than $1 per pound for anything produce. Melons can be .25 per pound sliced up that is very cheap!

    Well my main thing is really the produce...I love it, but it is really expensive here for things like fresh peaches, pears, appricots, watermelon, etc....
    I think in some cases (especially when I catch a great sale) it is a lot cheaper to eat healthy....and then in other times....not so much.
    We thankfully grow our own rhubarb, and pears....but take for example cherries were on SALE last week for $2.99 a pound....regularly $5.99/pound
  • naugustyniak
    naugustyniak Posts: 836 Member
    I agree. Alot of my vegan friends eat alot of processed/name-brand vegan food and preach to me about the healthy aspects of their eating-habits. Then I compare the nutrtional facts with the raw and fresh items I eat.... its pretty hilarious really. I'm not knocking on a vegan-lifestyle, but don't fool yourself into thinking that these food companies aren't trying to make money. Its like saying that because the bag of food says "organic" on it...that its just that and good for you. Sorry but its just not that simple.

    As far as purchasing vegetables and fruits. I use the farmers markets. If you make a good business relationship with some of the vendors. Become a repeat buyer. They'll be more inclined to hook you up. Thats what I've found.

    My daughter took a nutrition class for her chef degree. They said "organic" food is only about 80% organic anyway. I think I will save my money and take my chances on the stuff that is not labeled organic but is healthy. BTW I totally agree with the if you can't pronounce/read it, don't eat it thing.
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Nice one Matt! :wink:

    I agree completely!

    If nothing else, I buy the produce that is in season and usually less strawberries right now! :love: :love:

    I keep my freeze stocked with frozen veggies too which don't have to be expensive and are nutritious.

    And whole-grain breads, tuna, etc.....I buy what is on sale usually!

    Doesn't have to be spendy! :wink: :glasses:
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