Fit and Fun Sized (those under 5'4") for May 2012

jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
Hello everyone,

This forum is for those of us who are shorter vs taller in stature. While we share many of the same concerns and problems as our taller friends, we find additional challenges due to our height.

We try to check in here on at least a weekly basis as many of us are in multiple forums and groups. How did you do for April? What are you planning to do for May?

For April I did meet my goal of getting back into daily exercise, but did not see the scale move (yet). I also came to accept the fact that I have to stick to 1200 calories a day if I want May to be successful.

For May, I plan to exercise 30 minutes everyday. I joined a walking challenge going around on Facebook, so I hope that will help. If I can't get to walk, I will do the stationary bike.

Welcome to all who wish to post here,



  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    I should explain my avatar is my teenage daughter on prom night and my 94 year old Mom. My age is somewhere in between 17 and 94. lol
  • Ddkrause
    Ddkrause Posts: 15
    I too am fun sized, (5'2") but still working on the fit part! The 1200 calories is really hard for me some days, and sometimes I just go over! I have been on fitnesspal for about 35 days and didn't see any movement in the scale in the month before I was counting every calorie. It really is about what you put in your mouth! I have a buddy and we are doing the couch to 5k, starting week 7 today and a little afraid! I have lost 9 pounds and would be thrilled to reach my goal of losing 30. I am hoping to keep up with the c25k and adding cardio on the off days. Either tennis when weather permits or going to the gym and doing elliptical to keep things happening. Did the Jillian Michales 30 days shred for a long time and got bored, but I think we are going to add that back into the mix. Got to keep it interesting or I will fall off the wagon!!!!! Question for you, do you always eat back your burned calories? I am still tossing around that whole idea.
  • Seminolegirl97
    Seminolegirl97 Posts: 307 Member
    I am 5' and 163 and live in FL. Which for oh 9 months out of the year I wear dresses and shorts. Not good for a short over weight girl.. I have been working full time and going to school at night for 3 years. I finally have the summer off and am determined to lose the weight I have gained in the last 3 years. Not all of it (this summer takes times), but 20 lbs would be a good start. I could use some support from the fellow Short Girls. I hate pant shopping. What about you? I would love to walk in to any store and buy pants, but no I have to weigh the cost of the pants and then cost of the hem job that has to happen. Depressing all around. Hope to gain some new friends! Add me please! Good luck everyone in their journey. May is going to be Awesome!!
  • forgetregret
    forgetregret Posts: 66 Member
    uuuuff I've had a long journey of going up and down with my weight. These past few days I've been on extreme binging mode cuz I'm stressed out about a lot of things but I'm planning a trip 2 months from now and I NEED to lose weight for it otherwise I'm gonna be so miserable and feel so uncomfortable so hopefully this will give me the motivation I need. I'm almost 5'3 by the way :P
  • fairestthings
    fairestthings Posts: 335 Member
    I should explain my avatar is my teenage daughter on prom night and my 94 year old Mom. My age is somewhere in between 17 and 94. lol

  • fairestthings
    fairestthings Posts: 335 Member
    Hi :smile: I'm 5'0" and weigh 133 right now. I started at 137 -- my highest non-pregnancy weight -- and lost the water weight. I seem to be stuck perpetually above 130. I was on a diet at the beginning of the year and gradually got off of it, gaining back every pound.

    Right now I'm commited to the treadmill. Every morning my husband works (not M-F, but 3-4 days a week) I will run 2 miles which usually takes me about 25 minutes then I do a half hour of calisthentics/HIIT. On days he doesn't work I utilize one day as a rest day and then the other days I walk 30-120 minutes either on the treadmill or out and about.

    I *NEED* to lose about 15-20#. I was formerly a ballet dancer and I'm not used to being so chubby. I - hate - it. Would love more friends on here too :):heart:
  • LollipopViolet
    LollipopViolet Posts: 121 Member
    I'm 5ft 2, 182lbs currently, and live in the UK.

    I have a lot of deadlines at university in May (all of them, in fact) and as it's my final year I'm having to put the work first. However, my goal next month is to stick to my calorie goal every day, cut back on the sugary snacks and drinks and keep my diet in check until such a time as I can get back to the gym.

    I'm going to try and walk as much as I can - and sit playing guitar as I found out this burns calories - hooray!
  • dirtbikegirl5
    dirtbikegirl5 Posts: 391 Member
    I am 5'2". I am consistently working out (formally/timed) for 30 minutes per day and then I do extra throughout the day that I don't log. I am on 1200 calories per day. For April, I did well, but for May I would like to up my workout each day and cut out some foods that I have been having (popcorn).
  • FitSuga
    FitSuga Posts: 262 Member
    April was just okay for me. I lost weight but, I did gain ( what I believe is just water weight) 4 lbs over my two weeks of vacation. I really intended to try and log the whole time but really failed on that. Some things, like wedding food etc I didn't even know where to begin trying to log it and I was busy the whole time. ( this was also a working vacation for me - photography). I did stay active though. I ate pretty bad too, though I tried to stay under my TDEE of 2400 , so for may I'm really looking to get back on track and into my normal routine. I only recently got back and I've had a hard time trying to get back to normal, but I think I'm finally easing back in! I'm hoping to lose 5 lbs in may, workout 5-6 days a week 30 min to an hour.

    I haven't logged my 4 lb gain since I think getting my sodium levels down to normal and drinking lots of water will fix that. If it doesn't then I'll record it and hope to lose that on top of the 5 goal.
  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    I am 5 31/2. I currently weigh 144.5. i live in the UK I exercise most days a combination of running, kettlebells, strength training, zumba and whatever else i fancy trying. I have a half marathon in May and would like to lose another 9 lbs or so but not working to a time scale want to do this healthily more bothered about toning up really. I have 3 children one big baby and twins so the abs need work.
  • daybyday
    daybyday Posts: 537 Member
    In April I kind of yo-yo'd. My diet/eating always has room for improvement! Exercise has been good. My foot is still kind of sore at times but I work through it. I've been doing quite a bit of yoga/Pilates for stress relief and I've found a new love in "wogging" walk/jogging. For May, I would like to be down at least 5 pounds by months' end and exercise 5 days a week steadily!!
  • daybyday
    daybyday Posts: 537 Member
    I should explain my avatar is my teenage daughter on prom night and my 94 year old Mom. My age is somewhere in between 17 and 94. lol
    Ha Ha Jeannie!!
  • kurenaikumo
    kurenaikumo Posts: 271 Member
    5'1" and currently 130...

    In April I lost a total of 10lbs (I lost 3 before I found this site...). I have about 20 more to go to get back to my "normal" weight (All my adult life I've been around 105-110 until I quit smoking last April.....) This is the first time in my life I've ever had to actively "try" to lose weight.

    For May, more of the same. 1200 calories, at least 60 mins cardio a day and my dumb bell/exercise ball routines!
  • babygurl1
    babygurl1 Posts: 196 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: hahaha Jeannie!! Funny stuff I needed that after the night I had last night! I hope everyone has a great day!
  • tanya7712
    tanya7712 Posts: 441 Member
    I would like to join. My name is Tanya and I am 5'2" I am 138 right now and hope to be at 130 by the end of this month. I started my jouney at about 156. I am married and have a daughter who is 5. Looking forward to getting to know all of you!
    ALKSHANNON Posts: 4 Member
    I am 5,1' okay okay I am 5 but I have a question I just started sunday and I am on a 1200cal plan

    both days I was under my cal count is that a bad thing??? well sunday I did not know that I was going to do this and I had Ihop (soo bad for you) but I did work out and was only under 10cals not too bad right but then monday came started my diet and workout plan with out work out I was under 35cals but with workout it jumped to under 500 something is that bad am I doing it wrong?

    Now dont get me wrong I love that I have lost 2lbs but I have always been told I dont eat much I am just wondering should I make myself eat more? to hit my goal?
    Help Help Help
  • tanya7712
    tanya7712 Posts: 441 Member
    I would eat some of your excersice calories. Being under by 500 cal is too much. Hope this helps. I am on 1200 calories too. Feel free to add me so you can see my diary.
  • skendrick0601
    skendrick0601 Posts: 58 Member
    I am 5'3" and just started with this plan last Thursday. I weighed in at 156.6 on my first day. I haven't been back on the scale yet. I want to try to only weigh in once a week. I lost 30 lbs. prior to finding this site and I do work out regularly. I just recently rode in the MS 150 which is a 150 mi bike ride from Houston to Austin over the course of two days. It was the best thing I've ever done. However, while training and after riding, your body tends to think that you should pull a chair up to the refrigerator and eat....constantly. I maintained my weight loss during the 3 months of training and then the ride. I do know that if I don't start being mindful of my eating and exercise routine, the 30 lb loss can quickly go in the other direction. My goal is to lose another 16 lbs. and then maintain. A five pound weight loss for the month of May seems totally doable and a challenge/goal is just what I need to move forward!

    I look forward to checking in often during the month!
  • drinkmoreh2o
    Hello c: I'm 5 feet and currently weigh 139lbs. I'm following the Weight Watchers pointsplus program and try to work out every day. I am 21 years old and live in Ontario, Canada. I'd love to have some weight-loss buddies c:
  • stephaniekhani
    stephaniekhani Posts: 77 Member
    Hiya! I'm 5'1" and weigh 162lbs (started off at 185lbs!). April was a really tough month for me after Jan-March went supremely well! I think part of it has to do with me ditching the personal trainer after 3 months (got to be way too expensive) and going it alone.

    It's been raning for just under 2 weeks straight here which means I haven't been able to go for my daily walks, weekend runs and it's made it really depressing and demotivating. It's also made going to the gym difficult because the last thing you want to do is go out in the rain, get wet, sweat in the gym and go back out in the rain. Gross. My calories have been slightly off (I'm on 1200) as well and I've found myself falling back into some of my pre-Jan habits like snacking on "bad stuff" and having massive cravings for things like chocolate.

    I've been feeling rather bloated and gross the last few days and I'm dreading the weekly weigh-in tomorrow morning.