Fit and Fun Sized (those under 5'4") for May 2012



  • knittermom07
    knittermom07 Posts: 94 Member
    I am just barely fun sized. I am 5'3" and stuck at 135. Would love to get these next 5 pounds off in the next few weeks before going to Disney. So I have been mainly running only 3 miles at a time however. So I thought I would add in some weight training too. Hoping that it helps to kick me into gear. Hope that everyone here finds support and encouragement.
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    Shorteh here~

    5ft 3 and I currently weigh 151lbs, down from 164lbs at the start of this journey and my all time high was 180lbs at pregnancy.

    April was AWESOME for me. Starting mid-march until now, I've lost 13lbs. The scale has only just stopped going down, so I'm trying something new this month. BYE BYE SCALE. I'm only weighing myself tonight at the gym, once on my anniversary (to see if I met a personal goal) and then at the end of the month. No more daily deliberations and beating myself up.
  • Emancipated_Tai
    Emancipated_Tai Posts: 751 Member
    My scale did not move for 3 months..actually, I did move the same 5lbs up and down. I upped my caloric intake from 1200 to 1400 and kept the same exercise regiment. I was able to lose 12.8lbs in April. My profile pic is the 30 day result.

    EAT MORE!!! 1200 a day will not help you lose weight. As of yesterday I upped my calories to 1600. I'm planning to get under 200 for may.

    Height: 5 Feet
    SW: 260 (before MFP)
    CW: 208
    GW: 150 (toned)

    If you want to move the scale, eat more food. Stay away from processed food, its high in sodium. I also lowered my carbs. I would suggest checking out either phase one of the south beach diet, which I did the whole month of April. Another good one is Jamie Eason LiveFit program. She gives you a 12 week diet and exercise plan.

    Good luck!

    PS: My diary is open if anyone wants to look.
  • phillieschic
    phillieschic Posts: 615
    I'm 5'4".

    HW: 252
    CW: 160
    GW: 140 (but that may change when I get there!)

    Funny thing is, I don't feel like I'm short...LOL...I guess maybe I am. Oh well! Welcome and healthy thoughts to you!
  • thomassd1969
    thomassd1969 Posts: 564 Member
    I am 5ft 3in and CW is 164lbs. I eat anywhere from 1640 cal a day to 2200 depending on my work outs. I do couch to 5K every other day and rules of weight lifting inbetween. I started at 183 lbs in Jan. I would like to get to around 140 lbs and see what I need to do from there. My body doesnt lose weight quickly like others but I gain muscle very fast so I am ok with the weight. My measurements have change a lot. I have went from a waist size of 39 (jan) to 34 (april). The cellulite is disappearing in my legs so I am thrilled. I really dont feel like I am short either but my finacee is 6ft 5in so maybe that balances out. LOL
  • lawsonk
    lawsonk Posts: 7
    I'm 5'3" weighing in at 151.4 -- started out at 158.8 dropped down to 145 then gained 6 pounds back. I am going on vacation the last week of May and I have set a goal of 10 pounds for this month. My problem is I'm not very motivated to exercise, but I can force myself to do it, but I get bored really quick with exercising. I am stuck in my house all day, so I'm unable to walk or jog outside. I do own an elliptical, so that helps.

    Any advice on motivating me for this PLEASE add me and push me HARD!


  • pduckworth
    pduckworth Posts: 133
    Fun sized over here :D

    I'm 5'1" ... SW 135 ... CW 129 ... GW: 100

    Feel free to add me!
  • ChshireKat
    ChshireKat Posts: 117
    Has any one played with the online calculators the BMI, BMR, and body fat percentage things? I found one at that does a bodyfat percentage base on measurments (waist, hip, wrist, forearm and weight), according to it I am at the high end of acceptable, about 25% chubby, but my BMI is 40 or so.
    I am not actuallu losing weight, the doctors scale sets me at 235 clothed and shod; but I have a pair of slacks that I bought in November that have 3 buttons, one inside, one outside, and one on a belt tab, I wasn't able to close the belt tab when I bought them but this morning I was able to button all 3 without the waist band digging in.
    I think the doctor should be required to take measurments rather then just my weight and height. It would sure help me more then "lose weight yada, yada, yada, yada" that I normally get.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Calories - what I have learned here. I never ate under my BMR and use the calculator here in MFP. It is just when I got to 150 that I had to eat 1200 to loose weight. 1200 is not much, so I do eat my exercise calories. That is what went wrong last year. I stopped exercising 30 minutes a day 6 days a week. Even though I am a lightweight exerciser, stopping made me put 10 pounds back on.

    Logging - Log and measure everything. I hate measuring things so, I measure stuff about every other month and I always use the same bowl as the food was measured in. (Just a little OCD)

    Exercise - It does matter. Pick stuff you will do and stick with it. Don't worry if you are just starting out, you will get better and it will get easier.

    For May I want to get back to 30 minutes of exercise 6 days a week. On May 11th I am going to check out a Tai Chi class that I can afford. My DD had major hip surgery 2 years ago. Swimming and Tai Chi were part of the rehab as she could not bear full weight for a long time. We got hooked on both but had to quit the Y due to money. We found a public pool we love and now we may be finding a Tai Chi class we can go to. We are exercise buddies. DD says she does not want to get to where my mom and I are and have to do so much work to get in shape. Thanks kiddo!

    Welcome to everyone. You have joined by posting here. Check in as often as you like, but try to at least do weekly updates on your progress.

  • LollipopViolet
    LollipopViolet Posts: 121 Member
    Well, it's been an interesting few days...

    My grandfather was told he's very close to being Type 2 Diabetic, and my mum was today told her cholesterol is a tad high. The first of these really shook me, I don't want that to be me. My mum's news has further illustrated that I NEED to lose a LOT of weight, now.

    Anyway, I normally weigh myself every day, just to keep tabs, and log it once a week on here. I started out at 182lbs, then dropped to 180, and today, I'm 179lbs. Since my last MFP log was Sunday, I'll wait til Sunday again to log my new weight.

    This week I've been working really hard at making good choices, and controlling my sweet tooth/sugar addiction. I've found it OK, and today decided to see what would happen if I had a treat. So, I went to Starbucks for a large caramel creme frappucino. I know, I know, there are better treats, but I've not drank one for months, and had been walking up and down hills all morning.

    Now, normally, if I give into one "treat", it leads to another. And usually another. But today, I then went and had a relatively healthy lunch.

    Then I walked past the cupcake stall and resisted
    After that, just down the way in the local shopping centre, is a Millie's Cookies. Resisted that too.

    So I proved I can do it, I just need to keep it up.

    That being said, I'm off to the seaside on Sunday with my boyfriend, and another couple. I'll REALLY have to work hard to be good there! Although we'll be walking a lot, I don't want that to be an excuse to over-eat.

    I'm now feeling hungry, so I'm off to find some fruit :)
  • JamCubeChi
    JamCubeChi Posts: 378 Member
    :drinker: 5' 1.25" (GOTTA ADD THE 1/4 INCH THERE-EVERY LITTLE BIT COUNTS), plus at my age, we start to loose some height. CW 155- been on MFP for some time now, lost 4 pounds then gained back 2 over the Easter holiday. 1200 cals per day-find it very difficult most days to stay there or under, usually go over. My crazy work schedule does not help any-on the road a LOT and tend to just grab what I can. Currently living in South Florida. Feel free to add me for support. Good luck to all.
  • Blu4dayz
    Blu4dayz Posts: 12
    Fun sized momma here... I am 5'2" and currently weigh 153. I got up to about 167 and then i realized I was a little more than chubby. I started doing Paleo diet in April and lost 4 pounds without exercising but I lost inches. My plan is to start my workouts now and burn baby burn while eating good and nutritious food.

    LEts go shorty!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    I had the greatest walk yesterday. DD and I went to a re-enactment of two Civil War battles: The Battle for New Mexico and the Battle at Glorietta. It was fun and fantastic walking up and down hills to see the battles, plus walking to the battlefield from the parking area and back. Plus walking around the historical sites and walking back and forth to the lunch spot. Lunch was traditional Spanish Colonial fare (beans, chili and tortillas).

    In between the battles we walked and visited the two camps (North and South). I have to say the North ruled on the camp sites. lol But, the South had the better Calvary.

    It was at an old ranch that was an overnight stop on the Camino Real, the road from Mexico City to Santa Fe, then on to Denver. It predates Colonial America and even Spanish Colonial periods. Once on the ranch, which had three villages, it is all walking, no cars allowed. It is no wonder people could eat 3,000+ calories a day and not be overweight,

  • tanya7712
    tanya7712 Posts: 441 Member
    Hi Guys,

    So I lost 1 pond this week. Because I lost a lot of weight already, I decided to treat myself to highlights. I am blonde now, haven'nt been blonde for years. It came out great and everyone loves it, including my husband. He keeps saying that he got himself a new wife because I look so different now (LOL). I also went from a size 10 when I started this journey again and now I am a size 7. I wanna get down to a size 4 but I am very happy with my sucess so far. It really is a great feeling once you start losing a lot of weight and it shows. I am very happy right now :bigsmile:
  • ChshireKat
    ChshireKat Posts: 117
    HI all,
    On Sunday I missed my hike with my sister because the park & rec closed the nature preserve we were hiking at. So we ran errands with her kids instead. I got my garden arranged on the lovely Sunday, temps in the hi 70's; but constant rain to really wam led to an allergy reaction and I missed work on Monday becasue I was caughing and sounded like a man with a 2 pack a day smoking habit. So unenventfull week. This next paycheck I have to buy a scale as mine kicked the bucket 2 months ago.
    Happy humpday everyone.
  • tanya7712
    tanya7712 Posts: 441 Member
    Yeah, thats a lot of smoking in one day. I smoke too but I smoke here and there. I would'nt really say its a habit, more like a social smoker.
  • ChshireKat
    ChshireKat Posts: 117
    Early release from my office, woohoo!! Have a good mothersday weekend everyone.
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    I'm 5'3,..... "and a half" So yes I'm fun sized too
    51 kg, 1200 cals of fresh clean food a day. High fat, high protein, high vegie carbs. No wheat products.
    I exercise a least 4 x a week. walking - at the gym doing weights class or aerobics.
    Feeling good! :wink:
  • mjlobeau
    mjlobeau Posts: 28 Member
    i'm short too. 5'2". Lost 14 lbs last year on weight watchers and gained 9 back. ugh. now i'm down 3 on those 9. having a hard time eating the 1200 cals. i'm way under. working on it tho!
  • mogriff1
    mogriff1 Posts: 325 Member
    Hello all! Here's a little info about me:

    SW 148 (jan 2012)
    CW 134.8
    GW 130

    I'm not too focused on my goal weight right now, because I've actually reached 'goal size'. I am now back into a size 6 and small tops! So now I am focusing on strengthening, toning and endurance. Although these last 5 pounds are taking forever to come off, I AM LOSING INCHES! So I am not concerned about the scale, the tape measurer does not lie.

    BTW, I workout 6 days a week, so I EAT to fuel my activity level. I eat at my TDEE with a 250-500 calorie deficit, so I aim to eat about 1850-2000 calories a day. (When I was eating too few calories (1300), I felt sick, weak, drained, grumpy and no energy.

    Anyhow, that's my story in a nutshell. :wink: