Fit and Fun Sized (those under 5'4") for May 2012



  • Amber50lbsDown
    Amber50lbsDown Posts: 255 Member
    Hi !!!! I love the tittle fun sized !!!
    Im 5 foot 2
    SW :183
    CW: 155

    I started at christmas 2011 and lost 10lbs before starting MFP. 18 since then.
    I was on 1200 cals and netting 700-1200 but realized that wasnt enough when I plataued in the end of March I uped to 1300 net and feel much better with that.
    The calculations confuzel me the H>B calcs say 1500 and the Katch-Mc calcs say 1293 so I figured 1300 would be good balance.
    Its working so far.
    I really was hoping to be down to GW by Oct, I dont think thats realistic now but deff realistic by Dec. so we shall see.
    Im currently half way through the 30DS and love to use my wii and just be as active as possible with the kids and ridding my bike.
  • firstjog11
    firstjog11 Posts: 58 Member
    Hi, I'm 5'3" and cw is 140. Looking to lose about 20 pounds. Not really losing anything now for 6 months. I know it is the calories in vs out problem, but my metabolism has changed over the past 2 years. Youth is no longer on my side, even though I'm 35. (No, I'm not old, but I'm not young either.) Glad to see this topic, need some motivation from girls who know what it's like to be on the "petite" side.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Just popping in to say hello to all the new posters.

    I ate more when I was exercising more. Unfortunately, life got in the way of going to the gym. I was told not to eat below my BMR and that worked for me until my BMR got to 1200 calories a day, then I stopped loosing, got fustrated and put some weight back on. the BMR is under the Tools tab for all the new Bs. So I wish I exercised enough to eat more. Good for you on getting in all the exercise!

  • leopard_barbie
    leopard_barbie Posts: 279 Member
    5'3" and goal weight is anything between 112 and 126 depending on how I look. Currently 140.
  • CottonCandyKisses
    CottonCandyKisses Posts: 246 Member
    I'm 4'11 and currently 111. Lost 6 pounds since I've started, but have been stuck at 111 for 5 weeks now. I would like to get down to 105. For exercise I walk, jog, do zumba, yoga, crossfit, pilates, kettlebell, and weights. I try to change it up alot. 1200 calories a day and my diary is open if you want to take a peek!
  • jstaads
    jstaads Posts: 7
    I am 4"11, 130 lbs and 22 years old. After baby #2 I'm having lots of trouble losing the weight..
    (I'm new, so please add me=)
  • emmy3111
    emmy3111 Posts: 482 Member
  • blessed0679
    I am 5'2 my weight fluctuates betwween 170-173 lbs depending on water retention I may gain for the day. My goal is to weigh between 150-155 lbs (toned). It has been a struggle, I once weighed 208 lbs so I am proud of the weight loss so far but it seems as though my body has hit a huge plateau. I recently joined MFP about a week ago and when I enter the foods I eat and my exercises for the day it says that I am under my calorie goal. I am so confused and frustrated about what this could mean I dont want to give up, I really need to lose this weight it seems so easy for me to gain weight, but losing anymore has been tough. I have not done too well for the month of April I am hoping by the end of May I can at least figure out what I can do to start losing weight again as I once did in the past year and a half. I just can't give up this time I refuse! :noway: Good luck to all the shorties on here lol! If we continue to encourage each other and give each other advice I believe we all will be successful for the month of May and for the rest of our weight loss journey!!
  • jenbroussard71
    jenbroussard71 Posts: 235 Member
    Is there a "fun size" group that I can join? I am 5'3". I started on MFP at 158.8 and hopefully the scale will budge this week! My goal for May is to finish the C25K program, I am currently on week 7 day 2. Since it's an 8 week program I am pretty much on track (only 5 runs left.) After that I plan on starting the Couch to 10K program.

    I think this month I will add in some other workout besides running and bicycling. I think I need to dust off my Zumba dvd's. I also would like to get to a point where I don't eat all of my workout calories.
  • cjv428
    cjv428 Posts: 124
    I'm 4'11 and currently 111. Lost 6 pounds since I've started, but have been stuck at 111 for 5 weeks now. I would like to get down to 105. For exercise I walk, jog, do zumba, yoga, crossfit, pilates, kettlebell, and weights. I try to change it up alot. 1200 calories a day and my diary is open if you want to take a peek!

    Try increasing your intake in order to start losing again. You're eating too little for all of the exercise that you're doing and it is depressing your metabolism. It seems scary at first, but what do you have to lose when you've been restricting so severely and haven't lost weight in five weeks?
  • secretgirl4611
    secretgirl4611 Posts: 474 Member
    FUN SIZED! I am 5'2 and 138 pounds
    goal weight: 120 pounds
    I eat 1800-1900 calories per day, NO more 1200-1400 calorie starvation!!!
    and Yea doin good been working out for about 4 months now, I have learned alot JUST upped my calories too 1900 and doin good
    Losing weight again. gonna get fit.. LIFE STYLE CHANGE all the way 100% and no quick fixes!
  • cjv428
    cjv428 Posts: 124
    Hi there, I am 5'1", well just under, I weigh 165 and determined to lose the weight-I started gaining weight 5 years ago after a hysterectomy, the weight gain caused me to become pre-diabetic and now I am told to really cut back on the carbs (really -tell an Italian woman no carbs). I think I looked my best at 120-125 and that is where i want to be again. My goal is to lose at least 25 lbs by August and I think I can do it. I put myself on 1200 calories a day and am doing pretty good with it. I do the weight watcher meals for breakfast and lunch, snack on apples or cheese sticks and sugar free jello-I joined a gym and go at least five days a week where I do 25 minutes on the bike, 15 minutes on treadmill or elliptical, 45 minutes of strength training and between 20-30 minutes in the pool. I have been doing this for two and a half weeks and have lost approximately 3 pounds (2 before I joined) but now it looks as if my weight is going in the opposite direction. Anyone have any ideas? I tried upping my calorie intake to 1800 to account for the workout calories but I can never seem to make it to that many calories. Am I being unrealistic in my goal? Is my body starting to go into starvation mode? And I keep seeing everyone say add me-what is that and how do I do it.

    Thanks everyone-I hope this gives me the motivation I need to keep going.

    If you are exercising, you should probably be eating more calories than 1200 (and definitely if you are strength training). I recently just jumped to 1550 because I'm not comfortable going higher yet. You could see where you feel comfortable, but I would definitely raise your caloric intake. With that said, you are probably going to not lose weight so quickly if you are building muscle, but you WILL lose body fat and inches which is even better than just losing weight.

    I would suggest only doing strength training 3x per week and doing cardio on your rest days (that is, the days you don't lift weights or do strength training). You need to give your muscles at least one day off between when you strength train.

    Although you haven't lost much weight, have you had any non-scale victories (NSV)? Do your clothes fit better? Are you getting stronger? Do you feel healthier? It is not all about the number on the scale... It is actually a pretty poor indicator if you are trying to get fit, that is build muscle and lose weight since the muscle you are building is going to add to your weight.

    Also you can add friends so that they can see your diary and progress. I think you go to their profile and click add as friend.
  • sandwichcat
    sandwichcat Posts: 22
    Height - 5'4

    Starting Weight - 133lbs
    Current Weight - 130.lbs
    Goal Weight - 121lbs

    On a 1200 calorie intake.

    I find it a bit frustraiting waiting for the weight to come off! (IT TAKES SO LONG) but I don't have a great deal of patiance :P
    For me finding an excersize I enjoy has really enjoy has inspired me! It has turned a chore into something I look forward to :) and helps to shift those extra pounds even quicker, which is always a good thing!

    I also love the support you can get on mfp being able to share your experiances with other people in the same situation :) I'm always looking for new friends!
  • msgremmy
    msgremmy Posts: 88
    I'm the petite of petite--- I'm not 5'0 tall yet (almost...), and I'm 25 and currently 133. I've been losing the same 3 pounds for a month now, and it's so frustrating. I'm eating 1200 calorie,and it's easy for me to stick around there. I plan out the day, don't buy junk food, and I'm vegan. I gained 10 pounds after getting married (it's a curse!), and I really want to get back to 115. I'd shoot for 110, but I think I would no longer exist at that point. I think I'm going to try upping my calories, but it's a challenge because I am one of the few who is full at 1200 or less, and I'm not lethargic. My family would say I've never eaten enough, so maybe that is my problem.

    New friends are always welcome!
  • lovetoosiing
    I am a fun sized girl who is 49 lbs overweight (damn baby fat) lol. I committed to working out 5-6x a week for an hour as on Monday and will start the 1200 cal diet to get to goal weight tomorrow. Im glad I found this topic its hard being shorty and gaining weight b/c you cant hide the fat like someone taller :(. You can see it all lbs .I wish everyone successful losing and thanks for the support!!!*Iwannabehappynskinny*
  • cjv428
    cjv428 Posts: 124
    I'm the petite of petite--- I'm not 5'0 tall yet (almost...), and I'm 25 and currently 133. I've been losing the same 3 pounds for a month now, and it's so frustrating. I'm eating 1200 calorie,and it's easy for me to stick around there. I plan out the day, don't buy junk food, and I'm vegan. I gained 10 pounds after getting married (it's a curse!), and I really want to get back to 115. I'd shoot for 110, but I think I would no longer exist at that point. I think I'm going to try upping my calories, but it's a challenge because I am one of the few who is full at 1200 or less, and I'm not lethargic. My family would say I've never eaten enough, so maybe that is my problem.

    New friends are always welcome!

    I bet if you started lifting weights that your appetite would increase. ;)
  • holly3585
    holly3585 Posts: 282 Member
    Hi Short Ladies!!!!

    I am 5' and finally down to 116! My highest weight was 185- a month after the birth of my daughter. (she is 5 now!) I have gone up and down and all around. I have cut calories, taken alli, worked out 8+ hours a week. Pretty much tried EVERYTHING. I can't believe how many of you ladies are eating ONLY 1200 calories...and a lot ARE NOT eating back exercise calories?!?!

    GIRLS:::: Just becuase we are shorter DOES NOT mean we need less calories. Please anyone who is on a 1200 cal plan right now go to and do the calculators for your body fat and the BMR. DO NOT NET under your BMR. I mean if you splurge a day or two then it is ok to dip below ( I personally zig zag calories so typically I go 'over' by 300 to 500 two days a week, and then stay about 100 under my goal the other 5 days. ) But if you are NETTING below your BMR for an extended period of time it makes it harder to lose weight! Your body doesn't want to give up calories in fear that it won't have enough to sustain energy, therefore your metabloism goes down. Please, please, pretty please ya'll just up that calorie intake by a few 100 calories a day- you will be fuller, happier, and if you stick with it for a few months, SKINNIER!!!

    OK that was my two cents :) Good luch to all my short friends!
  • FitSuperstar
    FitSuperstar Posts: 10 Member
    Hi! I want to be fit and fun sized! (5'3" and 129lbs) - instead of unfit and unfun-sized (currently 5'3" and 169lbs). Just started MFP this week and really started watching my diet and exercising. No changes yet but am definitely love having a place to go for support! My biggest struggle is with the food. I've gone up and down in weight a few times, but this is the heaviest I've ever been. And it is not fun - especially now that it is warmer - less clothes to hide under. I know this needs to be a lifestyle change, otherwise I'll just gain all the weight back once I lose it so I'm really focusing on keeping track of what I am eating and planning ahead so that I don't just reach for what is convenient.

    Happy that I found the fun-sized crew! :)
  • halliemarie86
    halliemarie86 Posts: 18 Member
    Im fun sized (5'1 on a good day, although I think the Dr. lied and I am 5'0, but I am in denial) I am however not fit. I lost about 25 lbs. 6 months ago and then started dating my boyfriend, I guess love makes you gain weight because I gained back 13 lbs. I am now 184. I am going to start using the Vi Shakes tomorrow though as a meal replacement. Hopefully this will give me the little boost I need. In a perfect world I would like to be 125. But I will settle for the moment just to fit into my "skinny" jeans again.
  • huango
    huango Posts: 1,007 Member

    Another note: what are the 1200 calories a day ladies going to do when you are in Maintenance?
    You're going to have to increase your calories. One canNOT live life on just 1200 calories a day (and work out and go dancing and have sex and go walking the dog and go skiing, etc).
    That's why many people GAIN BACK the weight once they stop "dieting".

    Start incorporating healty nutritious food (none of that box/high-carb stuff) and good work out (mostly weight training), and you can stick w/ this lifestyle for a long long time.

    THIS is my life now. I am not dieting. I am not deprived.
    I work out. I eat healthy and frequently. I choose more active activities to do with my friends/family (instead of the usual: meet up at a restaurant).

    You can do it!

    Did someone post this already?

    Now I'm curious what I can deadlift!



    Hi Short Ladies!!!!

    I am 5' and finally down to 116! My highest weight was 185- a month after the birth of my daughter. (she is 5 now!) I have gone up and down and all around. I have cut calories, taken alli, worked out 8+ hours a week. Pretty much tried EVERYTHING. I can't believe how many of you ladies are eating ONLY 1200 calories...and a lot ARE NOT eating back exercise calories?!?!

    GIRLS:::: Just becuase we are shorter DOES NOT mean we need less calories. Please anyone who is on a 1200 cal plan right now go to and do the calculators for your body fat and the BMR. DO NOT NET under your BMR. I mean if you splurge a day or two then it is ok to dip below ( I personally zig zag calories so typically I go 'over' by 300 to 500 two days a week, and then stay about 100 under my goal the other 5 days. ) But if you are NETTING below your BMR for an extended period of time it makes it harder to lose weight! Your body doesn't want to give up calories in fear that it won't have enough to sustain energy, therefore your metabloism goes down. Please, please, pretty please ya'll just up that calorie intake by a few 100 calories a day- you will be fuller, happier, and if you stick with it for a few months, SKINNIER!!!

    OK that was my two cents :) Good luch to all my short friends!