Fit and Fun Sized (those under 5'4") for May 2012



  • litatura
    litatura Posts: 569 Member
    Another shorty here. I'm 5'3", which I find to be such an annoying height because I'm too tall for petite clothes and too short for regular!

    I started my weight loss journey in mid-July 2011 and hope to hit my 75lbs. goal by my one year anniversary. I've got 10lbs. left to go, but I have a feeling that they are going to be a PITA to lose.

    SW: 214.5 (size 16/18)
    CW: 149.5 (size 8)
    GW: 139.5 (but will be re-evaluating once I get there as I'm pretty sure that I will want to go lower)

    I started off on WW and had good success, but switched exclusively to MFP about a month ago. I try to average between 1200-1600 cals/day (my BMR is 1347 so ideally that's where I try to aim). I also work out every day - power walk on the treadmill for an hour 5X a week and I either do an exercise video or Zumba on my 'day off'.

    My story is that I've been into sports my whole life and could eat whatever I wanted without being overweight. I didn't become overweight until I had my son. I also became inactive and kept eating what I wanted. The weight started creeping on slowly (about 7-8lbs a year) and then it finally hit me last summer that I was over 200lbs. This is my first real attempt at weight loss and guarantee it will be my last because there's no way I'm letting myself put it back on!
  • busymnmom
    busymnmom Posts: 133
    I'm 5'3" and current weight is 184.5.
    The last couple of weeks and I've been getting outside more and doing yard work and being more conscious of what I eat. Which is really hard!
  • gogojodee
    gogojodee Posts: 1,243 Member
    Yay! FunSized right here!!I started somewhere in the mid to low 180's in late Jan/Feb, I forgot because that is my alll freaking time high. No kids so it makes me even more sad. I joined MFP in March at 169 and I'm currently 159 and 5'2", finally broke a plateau that was the whole flipping month of April. I had my birthday and stress at home so I wasn't logging in everyday. :( I started March 9th and lost lost lost almost 9 lbs til the last week of March then April when the standstill happened. I overate and ate a lot of crappy food, but I'm determined to lose 10 lbs by the end of this month!! I've been running 5k 3-4x a week, exception this week since I had to send my shoes back. And I try to do Zumba once or 2x a week! My sister is coming home at the end of the month before she, her hub and my niece leave for Korea. She's throwing a pool party (ack!) And I want to wear at least my tankini that I didn't wear last year! Here's to hoping I do well! Haha.
  • gogojodee
    gogojodee Posts: 1,243 Member
    Fun sized momma here... I am 5'2" and currently weigh 153. I got up to about 167 and then i realized I was a little more than chubby. I started doing Paleo diet in April and lost 4 pounds without exercising but I lost inches. My plan is to start my workouts now and burn baby burn while eating good and nutritious food.

    LEts go shorty!

    Ditto! About the lil more than chubby. :[
  • susiek80
    susiek80 Posts: 19
    Hi! I'm joining in, too!
    I'm 5'3.5" we all know that half an inch is so important!! LOL.
    I started MFP seriously about 6 weeks ago and have logged in for the last 36 days.
    My stats are
    SW (on MFP) 158
    CW: 152
    GW: 138

    I lost 60 lbs in 2007 when I cut a bunch of bad foods out of my diet and started running. I ended up putting about 15 of it back on and I am determined to take that back of, plus!
    I get really frustrated because I have hardly seen the scale move and I workout like a beast. 4-5 times a week, for an hour, kickboxing. I can see the changes in my body, i.e., I actually have muscles and I can sort of see my belly going away... but the scale is just not moving!
    Any advice or encouragement would be so fantastic!
  • tanya7712
    tanya7712 Posts: 441 Member
    Good Morning Everyone!

    SO I lost 3 pounds this week. So I am down to 134 pounds. I wanna loose 5 more pounds and then as a treat for myself I will get my belly button pierced. Can't wait! I think I only want to loose a total of 10 pounds from now and then I will go into maintenance.

    Good luck to everyone with your weight loss journey!

    You can do it!

  • cmkaminski
    cmkaminski Posts: 1
    I am 5' tall and weigh 153 lbs. I just had a baby 3 months ago but since I am in the military I have only 3 months left to get into peak shape. I started at 155 gained 2 then lost 4. It's been a month since i've been cleared to start working out. I actually weigh less now than I did prior to getting pregnant but NOTHING fits. I know I didn't gain this weight over night but that military puts such an all or nothing face on everything. It's stressing me out big time, which I know doens't make it any better. My goal weight is 130ish. I don't need to be super thin but I don't want an obese BMI anymore.
  • aswieser
    aswieser Posts: 19
    I used to be able to buy (and fit into) really small jeans that were short enough when they come in short, medium, or long. Then I put on 20 pounds and when I went to buy my short pants in a larger waist size they were wayyyyy too long. I need to lose weight so I can go back to buying pants I don't have to hem!
  • rockinright
    rockinright Posts: 241
    Are short MEN welcome? I'm 5'7 but that's equivalent of about 5'1 in a woman! ;)
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    My scale did not move for 3 months..actually, I did move the same 5lbs up and down. I upped my caloric intake from 1200 to 1400 and kept the same exercise regiment. I was able to lose 12.8lbs in April. My profile pic is the 30 day result.

    EAT MORE!!! 1200 a day will not help you lose weight. As of yesterday I upped my calories to 1600. I'm planning to get under 200 for may.

    Height: 5 Feet
    SW: 260 (before MFP)
    CW: 208
    GW: 150 (toned)

    OMG, I thought I was the only one who gained and lost the same 3-5 pounds for a month! I had been working out for 3.5 months, and only lost 7 pounds...then last Monday I decided to start limiting my net carbs to 50-100 per day. I lost 4.8 pounds the first week. Hoping to lose 2-3 this week.

    GW:145 ( will probably change...)

    I am 5'2"

    If you want to move the scale, eat more food. Stay away from processed food, its high in sodium. I also lowered my carbs. I would suggest checking out either phase one of the south beach diet, which I did the whole month of April. Another good one is Jamie Eason LiveFit program. She gives you a 12 week diet and exercise plan.

    Good luck!

    PS: My diary is open if anyone wants to look.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Yes, short men are welcome here.

    Hemming pants - Yes, I agree. It is worth loosing weight just to have pants the correct length. lol

    CM- Congrats on the baby. Please feel free to post pictures. I don't know about everyone else but baby pictures always make me smile.

    Tanya - Congrats on loosing weight and being at 134.

    As for me, I am finally getting back into the routine of exercising everyday again. I am doing a Tai Chi warmup every morning I can and walking more. I did not do well over the weekend. It was a depressing weekend in general.

    Happy Hump Day everyone and good luck in making good choices today.

  • i am 4 10 and losing weight is near impossible for me! ive been working hard for months, and have a few pounds left to lose! im hoping that i get to my goal by the summer. i leave for vacation in 10 days and i wish i was at the weight i wanted to be at, so that i could feel comfortable spending a week in a bathingsuit.
  • small_ninja
    small_ninja Posts: 365 Member
    I'm 5'0"
    Age: 20

    I started MFP at around about 131lb, but my highest weight was probably around about 150lb (I didn't really weigh myself back then). I eventually got myself down to about 120lb but have gained some of it back. I really want to get down to a size where I feel I look good in a bikini - good enough to commit myself to a navel piercing :P

    So at the moment my goal weight is back to 120lb, with a bit more muscle than I had last time; currently I'm at 129lb.

    I exercise most days, either at the gym on the treadmill or eliptical along with a bit of lifting or at karate (the intensity of which varies a lot, which can be a bit disappointing). Currently I've set my calorie goal to 1400 (even on non-exercise days) because that's what I should be eating at my goal weight, but I don't eat back all my exercise calories; I eat around 1400-1600 a day.

    Feel free to add me if you've got similar stats - my diary should be open to everyone.

    (Also, soz for the formal profile pic - it was for a job interview and is the most recent one (from last month) I have on this computer - can't be bothered taking a new one :P )
  • poshmonkey
    poshmonkey Posts: 15 Member
    Hi all...I want to join in :)

    5' 1.5" (yes the half inch matters!)
    30 years
    SW: 266.4 on 5/7/12
    CW: 253 on 5/13/12
    GW: 110 (VERY long term goal - should I decide to stop anywhere above that I'm cool with it too as long as I'm healthy)

    I also have PCOS with insulin resistance. Doing low carb. I've done the WW thing for over 10 years and apparently it wasn't getting me anywhere lol
  • meckiemelt
    meckiemelt Posts: 27 Member
    I am 5' even and 163 lbs. This group sounds great I am also looking to add friends because I fall often. I have realized I need support and motivation from someone who understands. So please feel free to add me.
  • Sharon909
    Sharon909 Posts: 46 Member
    I am 5'2" and I"m down to 179.4 right now. I started January at 196.4. So far so good. I've had a steady slow weight loss. I am doing 3 days of cardio a week for 45 minutes and 2 days of strength traning with a personal trainer for 30 min. I'm trying to stick to a 1200 cal day diet but I eat the calories I burn so some days my intake is closer to 1500 cals.
    Even with all the exercise and calorie restrictions my loss is so slow.....I really love this app it makes it easy to log my info and stay on top of it.
  • Hi all! I just found myfitnesspal today and so far I am thrilled with all the tools and information. I am a shorty too. I'm 5 foot even and started at 195 pounds 6 weks ago. I am now 180 pounds and about 55 pounds away from goal. I'd love some supportive friends on here to help me with my journey and in turn I will also support you!
  • huango
    huango Posts: 1,007 Member
    I may be opening up a big can of worms, but many of you have the same story I HAD.
    And I've made big changes and I love the results!

    I used to be the 1200 calories a day, carefully choosing my food, since that is not a lot calories. Often feeling bad when I went over (which was easy to do).
    But I thought, since I'm so short (4'11"), my body couldn't handle more calories.
    Boy was I wrong.

    I also used to try to run 3x a week and aerobics classes, etc.
    But now I lift weights. Lots of heavy weights. I used to be concerned about bulking up, because I'm short and stocky, I didn't want to look like Popeye (short w/ bulging arms/legs). But instead, the weight lifting is sculpting my body, and I like what I see!

    SW = 119 (roly poly)
    CW = 116.5 (from 1week ago, I don't weigh myself now, maybe once a month: you're CRAZY to weigh yourself everyday. The moon, your monthly cycle, your sodium/water intake, your bowel movement, etc, could be easily 0.25 to 5 pounds difference!)
    GW = look hot in a bikini

    I have about 5# of fat covering my abs/arms/legs, so I am lifting heavy weights to sculpt it off.

    Now I try to eat ~1700 calories a day (yes, for someone under 5' tall!! shock). If I work out a lot - like my high intensity day - Turbokick, then I allow myself up to 2000 calories.

    My workouts:
    - Doing every day: Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred (just to try something different)
    - Mon: 1 hr Muscle Conditioning (weights)
    - Tue: 1hr Turbokick (high intensity)
    - Fri: 1hr Body Pump (weights)

    - sometimes: Wed: 1hr Zumba for fun (it's like going dancing w/ Latin music), Thu: 1hr Pilates (to work on core)

    Drink lots of water!
    I usually drink 14 cups a day.

    Love to friend anyone.


    My scale did not move for 3 months..actually, I did move the same 5lbs up and down. I upped my caloric intake from 1200 to 1400 and kept the same exercise regiment. I was able to lose 12.8lbs in April. My profile pic is the 30 day result.

    EAT MORE!!! 1200 a day will not help you lose weight. As of yesterday I upped my calories to 1600. I'm planning to get under 200 for may.

    If you want to move the scale, eat more food. Stay away from processed food, its high in sodium. I also lowered my carbs. I would suggest checking out either phase one of the south beach diet, which I did the whole month of April. Another good one is Jamie Eason LiveFit program. She gives you a 12 week diet and exercise plan.
  • cjv428
    cjv428 Posts: 124
    I may be opening up a big can of worms, but many of you have the same story I HAD.
    And I've made big changes and I love the results!

    I used to be the 1200 calories a day, carefully choosing my food, since that is not a lot calories. Often feeling bad when I went over (which was easy to do).
    But I thought, since I'm so short (4'11"), my body couldn't handle more calories.
    Boy was I wrong.

    I also used to try to run 3x a week and aerobics classes, etc.
    But now I lift weights. Lots of heavy weights. I used to be concerned about bulking up, because I'm short and stocky, I didn't want to look like Popeye (short w/ bulging arms/legs). But instead, the weight lifting is sculpting my body, and I like what I see!

    SW = 119 (roly poly)
    CW = 116.5 (from 1week ago, I don't weigh myself now, maybe once a month: you're CRAZY to weigh yourself everyday. The moon, your monthly cycle, your sodium/water intake, your bowel movement, etc, could be easily 0.25 to 5 pounds difference!)
    GW = look hot in a bikini

    I have about 5# of fat covering my abs/arms/legs, so I am lifting heavy weights to sculpt it off.

    Now I try to eat ~1700 calories a day (yes, for someone under 5' tall!! shock). If I work out a lot - like my high intensity day - Turbokick, then I allow myself up to 2000 calories.

    My workouts:
    - Doing every day: Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred (just to try something different)
    - Mon: 1 hr Muscle Conditioning (weights)
    - Tue: 1hr Turbokick (high intensity)
    - Fri: 1hr Body Pump (weights)

    - sometimes: Wed: 1hr Zumba for fun (it's like going dancing w/ Latin music), Thu: 1hr Pilates (to work on core)

    Drink lots of water!
    I usually drink 14 cups a day.

    Love to friend anyone.


    I'm in the same boat as you girls! I had been eating ~1000-1200 calories for about two months now and lost about 14 lbs. I just upped my caloric intake to 1550 because I've started weight lifting and I'm shifting my focus from weight loss to cutting body fat. I will probably be raising my caloric intake even more in the coming weeks. Here are my stats.

    SW: 130
    CW: 116
    GW: 105
    BF: 24.2%
    GBF: 18%

    I am excited to see how these new changes to my diet affect my progress. I understand I will be losing weight at a slower pace (and maybe not at all at first), but I'm completely okay with that as long as I'm losing inches and body fat! I've just begun to realize how arbitrary that number on the scale really is and I'm so glad to be free of a 1200 calorie diet. I feel like a real person now that I can eat a typical amount for a normal adult. I had always felt really short-changed that I supposedly couldn't eat more just because I am a petite girl. This topic really helped me figure things out: Maybe it will be helpful to some of you.
  • mweyers
    mweyers Posts: 1
    Hi there, I am 5'1", well just under, I weigh 165 and determined to lose the weight-I started gaining weight 5 years ago after a hysterectomy, the weight gain caused me to become pre-diabetic and now I am told to really cut back on the carbs (really -tell an Italian woman no carbs). I think I looked my best at 120-125 and that is where i want to be again. My goal is to lose at least 25 lbs by August and I think I can do it. I put myself on 1200 calories a day and am doing pretty good with it. I do the weight watcher meals for breakfast and lunch, snack on apples or cheese sticks and sugar free jello-I joined a gym and go at least five days a week where I do 25 minutes on the bike, 15 minutes on treadmill or elliptical, 45 minutes of strength training and between 20-30 minutes in the pool. I have been doing this for two and a half weeks and have lost approximately 3 pounds (2 before I joined) but now it looks as if my weight is going in the opposite direction. Anyone have any ideas? I tried upping my calorie intake to 1800 to account for the workout calories but I can never seem to make it to that many calories. Am I being unrealistic in my goal? Is my body starting to go into starvation mode? And I keep seeing everyone say add me-what is that and how do I do it.

    Thanks everyone-I hope this gives me the motivation I need to keep going.