Low-Carb High-Fat thoughts & discussion



  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    It's got nothing to do with processed food. It's calories. People in the US eat, on average, 2700 calories a day, which is 600 calories more than 40 years ago, and is 700 calories more than the USDA "2000 calorie diet" recommendation. It's really very easy to see the problems when you look at the big picture, rather than try and find one "demon" to blame for it.

    I read this as saying that it's only about calories, the type of food doesn't matter? Because a twinkie (150 calories) = 5 cups of broccoli (30 cal/cup) = roughly 2 apples (80 calories each). I'm going out a limb and saying that the Okinawans are not healthy because they've been eating Twinkies every day for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

    American's may be eating more, but it's not from over-eating veggies. It's from drinking 32 oz sodas, and going back for refills, it's from having a triple portion of ramen noodles, and 1/2 a bag of Cheetos for dessert. All of those = made in a factory.

    I believe he's just saying that the overconsumption of calories is what makes people fat.
    I'm not sure how I could've made that clearer. As for Twinkies all day, the "Twinkie Diet" story has been linked to enough, so I'll leave it alone. :laugh:
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    Low carb diets may have a negative impact on the thyroid so something to consider.

    Based on what research?

    Can you provide a link please?

    Sorry that is rediculous - Ive been following a low-carb intake now for almost a year and my thyroid has been tested three times - and each time it has been within normal limits...

    Youre gonna need to put up a credible link to prove this because my Endocrinologist could prove you wrong with or without that link.

    Just do a search. There has been quite a lot of discussion in low carb community re this topic. Also I wrote - MAY have a negative impact - not definitive.
    When they tested your thyroid did they look at T3 as well as reverse T3 levels?

    I should hope so considering I know how to read lab reports considering I work in the medical field with the same Endocrinologist that treats me - who treats other patients....

    Good for you. A lot of people don't.
  • RachelsReboot
    RachelsReboot Posts: 569 Member
    As for your second part, there have been several threads posted in just the past few days on the "evilness" of carbs from low carb pushers, as well as the insistence that people need to cut carbs out in just about every thread talking about someone's diet.

    Guess I've missed those, the ones I see are usually someone asking for help with low carb and then when we offer help we get the backlash. Just for the record I don't think carbs are evil, I love veggies and I love fruit, I can do without bread, it's merely a transportation convenience but I miss the heck out of pasta. If someone can eat those things and lose weight then good for them, I wish I could. Being carbohydrate intolerant it doesn't work for me. What I do think is evil is the over processed, nutritionally void, carbohydrate filled foods that people consume and then say "I don't know why I am not losing!"
  • Elle562018
    Elle562018 Posts: 89 Member