I really want a damn cupcake



  • KarenJean91
    KarenJean91 Posts: 283 Member
    There are these cupcake mints you can get online... i'm about to order them.. lol
  • _Elemenopee_
    _Elemenopee_ Posts: 2,665 Member
    Now I want a damned cupcake too!
  • kittymeeowmeeow
    kittymeeowmeeow Posts: 22 Member
    Bump for the recipes :D
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    3-2-1 cake.

    Take 1 box of your favorite flavor cake
    Take 1 box of Angel Food Cake


    Spray a mug with cooking spray

    Take 3 Tbsp Mix
    Add 2 Tbsp Water
    Microwave 1 minute

    Makes a nice little cake for you at around 100ish calories
  • Vi0l33t
    Vi0l33t Posts: 117 Member
    there are also recipes out there for vegetarian cake, lower calories. Not my thing, but you might like one of them.

  • jcohio85
    jcohio85 Posts: 43
    I just ate half of a cookie from panera and I almost feel horrible for it, but work paid for it and I only did eat half.
  • LuckyAng
    LuckyAng Posts: 1,173 Member
    Eat the damn cupcake.
  • sherri85
    sherri85 Posts: 148 Member
    on skinny taste and spark recipes there are some really good recipes for cupcakes and you can eat one without the guilt.. I love cupcakes also!! I think it was on spark recipes the coconut one that was on there for easter was the bomb!! It has sour cream icing and it was awesome. I think it was jenny's coconut cupcakes..
  • Serenstar75
    Serenstar75 Posts: 258 Member
    Reminds me of last week sitting next to my sweet friend. She had a muffin that was chocolate, huge, and over 760 calories. Tons of fat. I wrote her a note on a post it: "I will not eat the huge chocolate muffin, I will not eat the GIGANTIC chocolate muffin," and similar statements over and over again and at the bottom I added, "But I will sit here and look at it longingly." She drew me a picture of a giant chocolate muffin on a sticky note and "shared" it with me that way. :P I instead enjoyed my water and felt good that I wasn't giving in. I can have small treats on other days, like the weekend, and feel like I'm not deprived.

    I couldn't imagine 700+ calories into one muffin or cupcake. I also didn't eat donuts and muffins when work provided them. I don't tend to deprive myself if I'm craving. I'll have a bite, and I'm done and that helps. I found I really didn't -want- the muffin, but we had fun with the moment.
  • princeza9
    princeza9 Posts: 337 Member
    I know the feeling. I had it Monday after an interview (that took 90 minutes to get to) didn't go so well. And the cupcake shop nearby was closed.

    So I made a carrot cake cupcake and all was well.

    This is where I found my recipe, and she has many other single-serving cupcake recipes as well.

  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I'd say what someone once told me.....that it's not worth it, it's only the first few bites that really taste good. But we all know that that's a load of crap.....that whole cupcake tastes frickin awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    But I tip my hat to you....good job on sticking with the broccoli! When you wake up tomorrow morning and your belly feels nice and skinny you will know you made the right choice!!!
  • rmartin72
    rmartin72 Posts: 1,085 Member
    What is your favorite type of cupcake? I want that cupcake too!!
  • Sabresgal63
    Sabresgal63 Posts: 641 Member
    Bump for later:bigsmile:
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    But, instead I'll just eat this brocawi.

    And that is a perfect example of a NSV (non-scale victory).

    My well-meaning project manager brought in a box of Dunkin Donuts, with three of my favorites - chocolate glazed (squee!), and I sat there through a one-hour meeting with the box directly in front of me, smelling the delicious aroma, seeing the array of goodies, being offered one repeatedly. Staring longingly at the little star-shaped white sprinkles on The Chosen One. The One That Was To Be Mine. The One that I JUST NEEDED TO REACH OUT AND.... (((((NNNOOOOO!!!))))

    In the end I spent the entire morning at my cubicle, with the box in the next cubicle. The box was open, releasing the sweet, sweet aroma, calling to me. Knowing that The Chosen One was still there. Waiting...

    The box is now in a trash can in the kitchen.

    The Chosen One is still in it.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Eat a cupcake...enjoy your life. Run a couple extra blocks.

    Do you realize how many extra blocks she would have to run to offset the calories in a cupcake?
  • Linda_Darlene
    Linda_Darlene Posts: 453 Member
    THEN EAT A DAMN CUPCAKE! :laugh: But just eat one. You can do some extra exercise or cut back somewhere else for the day! :wink:
  • AmbyrJayde
    AmbyrJayde Posts: 257 Member
    not sure if being dense but what is brocawi?
    Also eat a cupcake, exercise it off, unless you are eating a HUG cupcake it won't take that much work to offset it
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Eat a cupcake...enjoy your life. Run a couple extra blocks.

    Do you realize how many extra blocks she would have to run to offset the calories in a cupcake?

    First item in search for "cupcake" per MFP: 250 calories

    A 150 pound person (no idea of her actual weight...somewhat random number here) running at 5 mph for an hour burns about 540 calories. That's 28 minutes of running to burn 250 calories. (Ignoring the lesser issues such as burning fewer calories throughout the day after cardio, the possible impairment of recovery from strength training, etc.)

    I'm not saying it isn't a viable solution, but it's important to know what's involved.

    (Sorry, this rant is most likely the result of too many times reading things like "Go ahead and eat that extra Chipotle burrito, just do some extra situps tonight" without realizing that someone would have to do 1,600 situps in 2.5 hours to burn the 900ish calories.)

    Dagnabbit...now I want a cupcake.
  • djg0418
    djg0418 Posts: 35
    It's really okay to have "a cupcake" on occassion. Just consume in moderation, AKA, don't make it a daily habit. If you deprive yourself of something you really crave then you could set yourself up for failure, or even an episode of binge eating. We still have to live and enjoy our lives. Cupcakes are definitely the simple pleasures in life.....

    One cupcake will not cause you to gain weight, not even a pound. But 3500 calories worth of cupcakes will!!!!
  • djg0418
    djg0418 Posts: 35
    Eat a cupcake...enjoy your life. Run a couple extra blocks.

    Do you realize how many extra blocks she would have to run to offset the calories in a cupcake?

    First item in search for "cupcake" per MFP: 250 calories

    A 150 pound person (no idea of her actual weight...somewhat random number here) running at 5 mph for an hour burns about 540 calories. That's 28 minutes of running to burn 250 calories. (Ignoring the lesser issues such as burning fewer calories throughout the day after cardio, the possible impairment of recovery from strength training, etc.)

    I'm not saying it isn't a viable solution, but it's important to know what's involved.

    (Sorry, this rant is most likely the result of too many times reading things like "Go ahead and eat that extra Chipotle burrito, just do some extra situps tonight" without realizing that someone would have to do 1,600 situps in 2.5 hours to burn the 900ish calories.)

    Dagnabbit...now I want a cupcake.

    LOL LOL...me too!!!
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    Have a cupcake. I wanted an ice cream sundae last night so I made it. I measured it out, 320 calories of pure goodness...oh and I was still under my calorie macro for the day. Even if I wasn't, one day isn't going to kill my lifestyle.

  • LiddyBit
    LiddyBit Posts: 447 Member
    I'm probably going to have ice cream later! And I'm not going to run an extra step today.

    I think if you look at your diet as a weekly thing instead of daily, you can more easily adjust to make room for these 2-300 calorie indulgences.
  • AzhureSnow
    AzhureSnow Posts: 289 Member
    Make some sugar free pumpkin chocolate cupcakes. Only 66 calories and very moist and yummy.

    This sounds yummy - do you have a recipe!?
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    you could have one of the small cupcakes. i would to satisfy the craving.
  • ShanR77
    ShanR77 Posts: 287 Member
    :wink: I'm gonna make a low fat low cal Pink lemonde cupcake. If it turns out great i'll be sure to send some your way :wink:
  • Bumdrahp
    Bumdrahp Posts: 1,314 Member
    NOMNOMNOMNOM CUPCAKE INHALATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Bumdrahp
    Bumdrahp Posts: 1,314 Member
    Just kidding.. but I will be snagging these recipes.
  • Gutter19
    Gutter19 Posts: 141
    Eat a cupcake...enjoy your life. Run a couple extra blocks.

    Do you realize how many extra blocks she would have to run to offset the calories in a cupcake?

    First item in search for "cupcake" per MFP: 250 calories

    A 150 pound person (no idea of her actual weight...somewhat random number here) running at 5 mph for an hour burns about 540 calories. That's 28 minutes of running to burn 250 calories. (Ignoring the lesser issues such as burning fewer calories throughout the day after cardio, the possible impairment of recovery from strength training, etc.)

    I'm not saying it isn't a viable solution, but it's important to know what's involved.

    (Sorry, this rant is most likely the result of too many times reading things like "Go ahead and eat that extra Chipotle burrito, just do some extra situps tonight" without realizing that someone would have to do 1,600 situps in 2.5 hours to burn the 900ish calories.)

    Dagnabbit...now I want a cupcake.

    How many calories did you burn creating this educational rant?
  • chrisb75
    chrisb75 Posts: 395 Member
    Eat a cupcake...enjoy your life. Run a couple extra blocks.

    Do you realize how many extra blocks she would have to run to offset the calories in a cupcake?

    First item in search for "cupcake" per MFP: 250 calories

    A 150 pound person (no idea of her actual weight...somewhat random number here) running at 5 mph for an hour burns about 540 calories. That's 28 minutes of running to burn 250 calories. (Ignoring the lesser issues such as burning fewer calories throughout the day after cardio, the possible impairment of recovery from strength training, etc.)

    I'm not saying it isn't a viable solution, but it's important to know what's involved.

    (Sorry, this rant is most likely the result of too many times reading things like "Go ahead and eat that extra Chipotle burrito, just do some extra situps tonight" without realizing that someone would have to do 1,600 situps in 2.5 hours to burn the 900ish calories.)

    Dagnabbit...now I want a cupcake.

    How many calories did you burn creating this educational rant?

    This is why I like the fat2fit method. I eat at my goal weight's TDEE. I don't track exercise (unless I work really hard, I want to ensure I am above my BMR). If it fits in my daily goal and doesn't wack out my macros I eat it. Its by far the EASIEST method I have found yet. I am getting 2500 calories a day, have energy for workouts, and I am NEVER EVER hungry. Oh yeah...and I am almost a size 32 waist again. :D
  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member
    I want a cupcake too.

    And I make the BEST chocolate cupcakes with whipped chocolate ganache.