Telling people or not.

Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
I have made the decision not to tell anyone except from my sister and my husband ( who is also trying to lose weight) that I am trying to lose weight.

Maybe I'm just worried about failing or I'm just waiting to see if people notice. Also I have had friends in the past who have tried to sabotage my weight loss.

I think as I am also doing this for me ( not to look fab - though a bonus) for health reasons and I think sometimes others don't understand that.

I'm just wondering if others out here are keeping it a secret


  • newgrandma2011
    I am right with you. I am not telling nobody. I want to see if anyone will notice or not. I just started all over again on May first.
  • Marge321
    Marge321 Posts: 131 Member
    Same for me !

    I told my boyfriend, because he would have noticed anyway. But I kept it from my sister and my mother because I don't want to fail and disappoint them. I wanna do this by myself, for myself.
  • kurenaikumo
    kurenaikumo Posts: 271 Member
    Everyone and their mom knows what I'm up to. But, I do so hoping some people I know that really need to get motivated for the sake of their very life, might do so.
  • gseburn
    gseburn Posts: 456 Member
    I agree. Just do it for you. Your husband and sister will certainly provide support, but announcing it can lead to disapointment. All the best!
  • ZugTheMegasaurus
    ZugTheMegasaurus Posts: 801 Member
    My boyfriend knows (and is my support system) and just the other day, I sent my parents some progress pics (they live 2000 miles away and I knew they'd be thrilled with my success). I don't really have any social life otherwise, so there's no one else to tell, but I haven't even mentioned it to extended family on Facebook or anything. I figure I'll let people know when I hit my goal, though I might see family in June, so there will be no hiding it then!
  • SlimSammy2012
    SlimSammy2012 Posts: 893
    My oppinion is that people should be told especially those who are aound you all the time. They can help with the weight loss. What is gonna happen when everyone wants to go out for Pizza and Ice Cream? They'll think twice about these things and not eat items that cojuld cause you to slip. Just Say'n...
  • Hattieross
    Hattieross Posts: 17
    I would tell no one. After all, you are doing this for yourself and your health!

    In the past when I announced I was "losing weight" it seemed as if that's all my friends wanted to talk about.

    It was always, "how much have you lost, what size are you now?" kind of stuff.

    No, keep it to yourself and let your RESULTS speak for themselves.

    Stay focused on your goal and do not let anyone/anything get in your way of SELF-Fulfillment!
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    I have made the decision not to tell anyone except from my sister and my husband ( who is also trying to lose weight) that I am trying to lose weight.

    Maybe I'm just worried about failing or I'm just waiting to see if people notice. Also I have had friends in the past who have tried to sabotage my weight loss.

    I think as I am also doing this for me ( not to look fab - though a bonus) for health reasons and I think sometimes others don't understand that.

    I'm just wondering if others out here are keeping it a secret

    My husband knows how important it is that I get my health up to snuff and he has been an AWESOME guy about it.

    Anyone else in my family - its none of their damn business. They are the most spiteful, overweight, alcoholic, smoking, eat the worst kinds of foods, never exercising type of family and they do EVERYTHING to sabotage the minute they hear someone is trying to lose weight.

    My mother one time snuck in breadcrumbs in one of her dishes (after hearing I had to get rid of eating bread altogether) to see if I was lying to her. Well, within five minutes, my mouth started breaking out with bleeding kankar sores...

    Needless to say, I got up from the table and left. Ive been almost a year, gone without bread, pasta, rice, corn, flour to the point that I react, some mild while others are severe. And, the flare up takes a while to clear...

    So, my family can kiss my *kitten*... everytime they see me and make a half-attempt at a compliment, I dont say one freakin' word.
  • tehzephyrsong
    tehzephyrsong Posts: 435 Member
    My oppinion is that people should be told especially those who are aound you all the time. They can help with the weight loss. What is gonna happen when everyone wants to go out for Pizza and Ice Cream? They'll think twice about these things and not eat items that cojuld cause you to slip. Just Say'n...

    Yeah, but then again depending on the types of people you have around you, they might interpret you telling them about your weight-loss goal as a license to become the f***ing Food Police, constantly on your case about whether you should be eating that. I totally understand where OP and others who aren't renting billboard space to tell people about their weight-loss journey are coming from. Those people mean well but their comments really don't help and it's hard to get them to stop without any hurt feelings on either side.
  • Charlottejogs
    Charlottejogs Posts: 351 Member
    I don't really talk about it either; for me it feels like an area that I feel insecure and vulnerable so I don't really go there. I do talk with some good friends about goals to be more healthy.
  • LilGiselle21
    LilGiselle21 Posts: 110 Member
    My mom, sister and SO besides that i dont tell even though most have figured it out when i dont eat certain things when im out with them or when they call im like always on my way trying to get ready or just finished doing some sort of workout. The funniest has got to be when people come over they dont understand how everything i have has to be cooked! kinda cracks me up everything is whole grain lots of chicken and vegetables and they dont understand how me, SO and kids arent starving. It was a family decision when we go out of our way to "cheat" our tummy feels the consequences. Now i have a group of like 10 people where someone is always ready to workout because they had no idea what we (SO is also trying to get fit) were doing but they noticed the change and see how dedicated I am and how full of energy i am all the time.
  • KateCon912
    KateCon912 Posts: 200 Member
    I never told anyone either.. and I still don't tell people even though I've lost 50 lbs. When they ask, I get really embarrassed so I guess that's why I keep it quiet. But it's really personal and no one else's business.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    I tell people I am going to the gym. I casually mentioned to my sister, parents, and a couple of friends that I am looking to lose a bit.

    My sister....hasn't been very supportive in the past... she thinks that it wil just come back. I am trying to encourage her to join me, since she isn't feeling happy in her body at the moment, but it isn't really working.

    So I guess, she'll just have to see when I get there. Then ask me what I did!

    WEight isn't a popular topic in my social circle, but health is...we are all doing things to be healthier in one way or another.
  • misty0413
    misty0413 Posts: 212
    Told a few co workers, just because we eat out all the time so if I order healthy I saw oh yeah I am trying to be careful with summer coming up. Husband does not know he is working out of town. You always get FAT together and DIET alone. WHY? It's so dang hard.
  • f1ctional
    f1ctional Posts: 235
    I am doing it for myself this time around, just my immediate fam know what I am doing. Its hard to not notice me walking around scanning everything with my phone. I'm just going to bust my *kitten*, eat the stuff I am supposed to, and shed the pounds.
  • schillewis
    schillewis Posts: 144 Member
    I'm keeping it quiet as well. It's not a big secret and I'm not ashamed, I'm just not broadcasting it. Sometimes I find people who are constantly talking about their diets and what they can't have a bit...overwhelming. I applaud their efforts, but it's their journey and I don't need to hear about every.single.thing.they.ate.or.didn''

    So while my husband/kids are super supportive, I'm leaving it at that. And since I'm never over- hungry and never feeling deprived, it hasn't been such a big deal, LOL!.

    Of course, I can barely move my arms today after Day One of 30 Day Shred...but no one has asked me why I'm walking like a Zombie.
  • BJPCraig
    BJPCraig Posts: 417 Member
    When I started (almost a year ago) I didn't really "keep it a secret;" I just never bothered to mention it to others. When the weight really started to fall off and people asked if I was losing weight (and how so), I told them "yes," and pointed them toward MFP. I guess I just figured that it really wasn't anybody's business,and, really, it's not like I told everyone a few decades ago, "I'm going to make a series of bad choices concerning how much I eat and how little I exercise that's ultimate going to put me in the 'obese' category..."
  • Nikki_42
    Nikki_42 Posts: 298 Member
    I feel ya'. I've found it's best to only bring it up to a few close people who genuinely want to know and are supportive. Others tend to be unknowing (and knowing!) jerks about it in some form or another.
  • missbaby
    missbaby Posts: 2
    I am keeping it a secret for now. I don't think I could handle the pressure of people constantly asking me how my diet is coming along; especially until eating smart and exercising is more of a habit. Good luck!
  • missbaby
    missbaby Posts: 2
    Can you tell me how to use my iphone to scan barcodes? I read about people doing it but don't know what app to get. Thanks!