Telling people or not.



  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    I've only told two people. My good friend and my SO. They are supportive and don't care if I flub up or eat crap. I don't have anyone policing what I eat, "oh you're off your diet," "should you eat that.." ect. I just figure it's a change in eating habits while saving money with buying more healthy food at the store and less fast food. Eating out is not bad because I just eat simple chicken and greens or a salad. Like others said, I'm doing this for me and my health, losing the weight is an added benefit.

    Also, it seems that everyone has their own weightloss advice and their way is the best. My way is working just fine and I really don't need the two cents advice from every person that I come across. I have a lot to lose so the slow and steady road is the way for me and quick fixes are not going to fix a long term problem.

    I just find that I feel a lot less pressure when I just do my thing and make simple, healthier choices.
  • kalyy
    kalyy Posts: 59 Member
    I told everyone :P I even convince some family members to diet too! We made a biggest loser type contest for 3 months, we're doing it again but for 4 months now. :D
    I also told other family members and they're very supportive, some friends too and I had to tell at work because they were constantly offering me food and didn't want to seem rude.
  • ZugTheMegasaurus
    ZugTheMegasaurus Posts: 801 Member
    Can you tell me how to use my iphone to scan barcodes? I read about people doing it but don't know what app to get. Thanks!
    It's the MFP app. When you click the meal to add to, there's a little button with a picture of a barcode next to the search field. Click on that and it will open the camera; just point it at the barcode and move it around until it snaps it, and it will pull up the information for that product.
  • Jem_Girl
    Jem_Girl Posts: 110 Member
    I've told my husband because, well, I don't really hide anything from him and it would look weird if I stashed the phone every time he walked by when I was entering my data. :tongue: He's also very supportive and is sufficiently impressed when I finish a work out all sweaty that it gives me a boost of motivation. (Then he tells me to go take a shower before I can have a hug. :laugh:) Edit: Actually, last night I started 100 Squats in 100 Days and was too embarrassed to do them in front of him even though I told him about them. Even though we've been married for several years, the body insecurities still crop up now and then. He was very supportive and eventually I moved out from hiding behind the door (no, really! :laugh: ) and did them while we were watching a movie. He didn't care. :smile:

    As for anyone else... not really. In general my mother knows because we discuss Wii workouts and food every now and then. I don't share any specifics, though, because if it gets back to my father then, despite being 31 years old, I invariably find myself in an emotionally numbing conversation about weight and health the next time I see him.

    I don't want to share my goals and hopes with anyone at work because I don't want to feel as if they're judging me. Most likely they wouldn't even think about it and the paranoia is just that, but it makes me feel safer knowing that they have no expectations and I don't have to spend each month dreading some question about "how's the weight loss going?" I don't want to draw attention to myself because I just might get it. :ohwell:

    On MFP, though... here I feel safer because I can share goals and progress and failures without having anyone staring at me while I wonder what that expression on their face actually means.
  • Jem_Girl
    Jem_Girl Posts: 110 Member
    Can you tell me how to use my iphone to scan barcodes? I read about people doing it but don't know what app to get. Thanks!
    It's the MFP app. When you click the meal to add to, there's a little button with a picture of a barcode next to the search field. Click on that and it will open the camera; just point it at the barcode and move it around until it snaps it, and it will pull up the information for that product.

    Oh my god, that is soo cool! I never noticed that button. And it worked!
  • missa0208
    missa0208 Posts: 25
    I never said anything about me trying to lose weight because I know people would ask questions or have a smart remark if I wasnt losing weight. But my mom noticed I had been losing right away (she is not one to give compliments lol). But my mom, sisters & of course my husband knows as well. I have kept it from the rest of my family. I have cousins who get togther to go walking or work out, they will invite me or I will ask to come, but when the time comes I don't hear from them & they post on facebook that they went walking or working out ! But they will invite me to eat out or go shopping =/. So I just figured since I'm losing weight for myself anyway I'll just keep it to myself and do it all myself. I know when they actually see me, since I have kept my distance they will ask what I'm doing & want to know all the details. Yea I got some weird & shady family members, I tend to think I was adopted lol.
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    My oppinion is that people should be told especially those who are aound you all the time. They can help with the weight loss. What is gonna happen when everyone wants to go out for Pizza and Ice Cream? They'll think twice about these things and not eat items that cojuld cause you to slip. Just Say'n...

    I can understand where you are coming from but I'm on of those people who very rarely eats out or has take -aways as I have quite severe food intolerances and my friends are used to me ordering them something - especially if they bring the kids over and I'll get something out of the fridge. Plus If I do go out they know that I dont eat most things on the menu ( we will often walk the kids down to McDonald and all I will have is a black coffee) so me having a salad is no different.
  • 120weeks
    120weeks Posts: 242 Member
    I've spent 20+ years of yo-yo and not telling anyone. FORGET IT! Now, I am telling everyone!!! I even have a blog and twitter account because :) Public records and I feel much more free because of it. And like a pp said, I scan everything so I look a little crazy!
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    I made it known when I started losing weight back in November 2010. I stopped partaking in pizza day at work, and would pass on the chocolates if I didn't have calories spare, so it was clear what I was doing.

    Once people found out what I was doing, there were months of them trying to tell me why their latest fad diet was incredible. These were the same people who I'd seen starve themselves, stick to strict diets, get ill and stressed and 'fall of the wagon', then try something new or the same thing over and over again. I ignored them, and I plugged away.

    However, I've lost at such a slow rate that almost anyone who knew what I was doing and noticed my initial loss has now become so used to seeing me very, very gradually lose weight that nobody is really aware of it. I actually had someone from our other office stop me in the corridor the other day and ask "Wow, are you losing weight?", I said yes, and she said "Of course you are! You can really tell! Well done!". This is someone who's seen me regularly during my weight loss since November 2010, at one point knew I was losing weight and has since forgotten.

    I've also had to take off my engagement ring. It's been working its way along my hand for a few months, and now only fits on my thumb, which isn't comfortable. I've taken it off, and I'm wearing it on a chain on my neck until I get it re-sized. Someone noticed that the other day and said "Oh, are you losing weight?". I laughed and said I was, and responded "All in the hands at the moment, apparently!". She replied with "Yep. Well, I didn't want to say. I didn't know how to say that without sounding rude". Losing at the pace I am, it seems nobody really realises what size I was and how things are changing, and then occasionally something will happen or they'll realise the change and make a comment. After that, it stops again.
  • thriftycupl
    thriftycupl Posts: 310 Member
    I did it for a few months before telling anyone and then my husband blurted it out to his entire family. I recently added friends here on MFP (add me if you like) because I felt like I needed support from other people trying to do the same thing I am. To me, it's about losing weight, but really about taking back control of my life. We can do this. Find the support system that works best for you -- mine is people trying to do the same thing.
  • KevinLamb77
    KevinLamb77 Posts: 87
    My wife and I neither one intended on telling anyone. However, it is difficult to hide it when you completely change how you order when you go out with friends and family, or when you're dropping weight. I hit my 100 day mark yesterday and so far have dropped 51lbs. that's something that anyone who knows you is going to notice. And unfortunately will begin everyone talking to you about it. In the past I have felt insecure about it and have failed because the diet was too hard to stick to. I really am confident though that this is going to work, and that I have actually made a true lifestyle change. Logging food everyday, keeps it more interactive, and it's not so much of a guessing game as to where I am for the day. And the fact that I have not denied myself any one specific type of food, I don't feel the need to have cheat days.
  • Narisong
    Narisong Posts: 191
    I didn't tell anyone in my husband's family. I had been losing for almost 6 months when someone noticed. I guess when you are so fat no one notices until you REALLY look different. Oh well ! No one in my family knows yet (they don't live here) so I'm hoping that I can wait to tell them until I can post a new "skinny" picture on FB. Only another year or two to go :grumble:
  • serena569
    serena569 Posts: 427 Member
    When I quit smoking, I told everyone. It was a way to hold myself accountable. And I quit the first time I tried.

    I have not done this for weight loss. I have not been very successful. There may be a direct correlation.
  • Burlesque12
    Burlesque12 Posts: 177 Member
    I didnt tell anyone either besides my hubby. By the time people were noticing, I was already in the groove of healthier ways, so no one could sabotage my efforts. No need to tell people. Its a new way of living and you dont need anyones permission for that. Good luck!
  • sunshine__angel
    sunshine__angel Posts: 366 Member
    When I started here almost a year ago, the only people whom I told that I was trying to lose weight were my fiancé and parents. I didn't think it was anyone's business but my own, but thought those people I mentioned deserved to be kept in the loop. I still haven't told anyone else that I am continuing to try and lose weight. I want to do this for myself and not for anyone else - though it is nice that a few friends have noticed!!
  • catti41
    catti41 Posts: 24 Member

    I don't share any specifics, though, because if it gets back to my father then, despite being 31 years old, I invariably find myself in an emotionally numbing conversation about weight and health the next time I see him.

    OMG this is me. I started MFP with a friend, but other than that i have not really told anyone what exactly i am doing apart from "making a better version of myself".
    I refuse to tell my parents as i end up in this situation, crack it with my dad and quit, hurting him in the process, but really only hurting myself in the long run.
    So this time, I'm not telling them so that I won't get emotional with him, and quit. This time if i quit the only person i would hurt would be myself and that's not what i want.
    A few people have noticed which is nice, but really they notice my eating habits more than my weight! They even come over when i am eating lunch to see what i have cooked up for the day!
  • bladesmom
    bladesmom Posts: 8
    I've only told a few people that I'm seriously working on losing weight. I regret ever telling a couple of those people... Especially my MIL, she feels it's her job to tell everyone (other family members, friends, the waitress if we're eating out) that I'm dieting and then tries to tell me & them what I can eat and what I should stay away from... She even tried to change my order when we went out to celebrate my niece's birthday. I finally had to pull her aside and tell her that #1 I am not on a diet... I am simply eating healthier. #2 What I eat is my business and no one elses. #3 If I want someone to know I'm losing weight I will tell them myself so keep your mouth shut. Since then she's been somewhat better... but she's such a pain in the *kitten*. lol The other person I regret telling is my mom. The only things she has said is when I first started that she would probably die of shock if stuck with it longer than a month. Then a few weeks ago I pointed out how baggy some of my clothes are getting and she said she couldn't really tell any difference... Really? Are you serious? I've lost almost 45lbs. I'm constantly having people comment on how much better I'm looking. Other than those two everyone I've told has been great.
  • AmyMK
    AmyMK Posts: 164
    I don't specifically tell people I'm trying to lose weight - just that I'm trying to be healthier.

    I'll more focus on what I've been doing physically...things like kickboxing or training for a road race.
    It's only been in the last month that I've recieved lots of comments about how much slimmer I'm looking, which is funny because it's the month I've lost the least amount of weight!

    Other then my kickboxing instructor, I've never right out said to anyone "I need to lose weight". It's a touchy subject among my social circle - which includes lots of both bigger and smaller people - so it's not something we talk about!
  • beardmouse
    beardmouse Posts: 19
    I don't specifically tell people I'm trying to lose weight - just that I'm trying to be healthier.

    I'll more focus on what I've been doing physically...things like kickboxing or training for a road race.
    It's only been in the last month that I've recieved lots of comments about how much slimmer I'm looking, which is funny because it's the month I've lost the least amount of weight!

    Other then my kickboxing instructor, I've never right out said to anyone "I need to lose weight". It's a touchy subject among my social circle - which includes lots of both bigger and smaller people - so it's not something we talk about!

    ^^^ This! It's a personal thing I suppose but I'm not bothered what anyone thinks. I'm neither telling nor not telling. I'm not in the habit of commenting on others eating habits, it's rude - so I expect the same courtesy from those around me.

    I know for some people that family members/friends can be a bit toxic when it comes to these things.
    Try not to let it phase you, it's usually just a reflection of their own insecuritues. In a nutshell - screw them!
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,312 Member
    I'm the same way. I've only told a few people like my boyfriend, my parents, and a girl at work who is also trying to lose weight. Everytime I tell someone I'm trying to lose weight, they give me a big long drawn out speech about basically stuff I already know. I don't need to hear it 100x a week. Therefore, my mouth is zipped!