30 Day Shred.....Lets Support Each Other!



  • kkmarie11
    kkmarie11 Posts: 114
    staring level 2 this should be interesting.....not gonna lie kind of scared
  • cheeky1095
    cheeky1095 Posts: 83 Member
    i just popped my dvd in yesterday. is it possible to do this at 5'6" and almost 195 pounds? :( I watched level 1 and think it's very doable but when do u move to level 2? after 1 week, 2 weeks, etc..??thanks.
    Yep it is definately possible. Like Jillian says "you can make it as easy as you like or as hard as you like, just dont stop moving"
    Im currently on Level 3, day 5 (today) & at Level 1 I couldn't do push ups, lift weights very well or do the cardio without stopping a million times, now I can do all of Level 3 without stopping, including push ups & plank/arm raises. It is only thanks to 30DS that I have the energy, strength & stamina to do this as I haven't done any other form of exercise apart from walking.
    The programme is 10 days of Level 1, followed by 10 days of Level 2 & lastly 10 days of Level 3 all consecutively without a break (which is what I did up until yesterday, I took 1 day off for my anniversary) alot of people take breaks though either a weekend off OR just the one day. It is entirely up to you
  • EmilyGetsSkinny95
    EmilyGetsSkinny95 Posts: 54 Member
    Fell off the bandwagon :( sorry for my lack of support!
  • Titanuim
    Titanuim Posts: 337 Member
    Day 1 of Level 2 completed. Yay. It wasn't as horrific as I anticipated (thank you pilates for introducing me to hideous moves previously).

    I took my measurements pre the start of Level 2 and since begining I have lost and inch off my waist, and inch off my natural belly button, and inch off my bust (hopefully this is just back fat not actual norks) and half an inch off my hips. Nothing much happening on the scales but I don't care as those measurements are pretty good.
  • hippietofugirl
    I started today and couldn't even do 10 minutes of it before I had to quit. I felt all shakey and weak. I'm going to try to finish the rest of the video tomorrow and slowly work my way up. Its so pathetic that I can't even finish level 1! haha
  • strawberrygashes
    strawberrygashes Posts: 210 Member
    I started today and couldn't even do 10 minutes of it before I had to quit. I felt all shakey and weak. I'm going to try to finish the rest of the video tomorrow and slowly work my way up. Its so pathetic that I can't even finish level 1! haha

    Modify the moves as much as you need to. Are you using weights? Try using something lighter (look in your kitchen cupboard for tins).
    Soon your stamina will increase and you'll be able to do more. I find that when I just push myself and feel like I'm going to collapse, Jillian then starts slowing things down.
    Are there any particular parts you find most difficult? The strength or cardio? As some people here may have tips for making them a little easier until you can kick things up a notch.

    Don't give up!! Feel the burn & love it :D
  • FireSwan
    FireSwan Posts: 170 Member
    I started today and couldn't even do 10 minutes of it before I had to quit. I felt all shakey and weak. I'm going to try to finish the rest of the video tomorrow and slowly work my way up. Its so pathetic that I can't even finish level 1! haha

    Make sure you are feeding your body as well. You really need the fuel for this workout. I will usually eat a small protien bar or have 1/2 of a protein shake about 30min to 1 hour before. I also drink water with a little orange juice or recovery powder in it, and a recovery drink after. (The trainer at my gym suggests skim chocolate milk as a great recovery drink)

    Modify, Modify, Modify. I started this 30 DS weighing 220lbs. The first 10 min I was huffing and puffing and cursing Jillian, but I stuck through the rest of the 20min. I took small 5 second breaks and modified my moves the best I could. Each day, I pushed myself to do more and have been pleasently suprised how far I could go. If you really want to do it, you can. :happy:

    I have just finished the 30DS today and I feel much stronger and my endurance level has increased incredibly! I haven't taken my measurements yet, and my weigh in is tomorrow, so I'll update everyone on how I did.

    Good luck, and don't give up!
  • FireSwan
    FireSwan Posts: 170 Member
    i just popped my dvd in yesterday. is it possible to do this at 5'6" and almost 195 pounds? :( I watched level 1 and think it's very doable but when do u move to level 2? after 1 week, 2 weeks, etc..??thanks.

    Yes, it is ABSOLUTELY possible, I'm proof...I just finished the entire 30 days today. I am 5'6" and started the program at 220 lbs. I moved on to each level after 10 days without a break in between. I also added additional 30 - 45 minutes of cardio to this program, because I feel I need the cardio as well.

    I used light weights 3lb & 5lb weights and I modified the moves (I usually fell inbetween the levels of Anita and Natalie. Some moves I could do the full move others I had to do the modified move. The important thing I found was to push myself to go further each time.

    I feel much stronger and my endurance level has increased. I'm either going to go through the entire routine again or I may move on to ripped in 30. I better decide quickly...I'm on to the next strength training on Thursday! :)
  • puckers82
    puckers82 Posts: 200 Member
    Day 29 for me!!! Ive also hurt myself doing it :-( pulled a muscle on my outer thigh, dont ask how as i couldn't tell you!

    Today was measure day and doing this ive lost 8lbs, 5 inches off my waist, 4 off my hips and 1 off my thigh. Wish i did before pics as apart from feeling 100% better i just cant see it in the mirror. As i live in a flat i couldn't do it to a full 100% but never stopped just modified the moves slightly so i was still working hard just not banging about, so the results might have been better!

    I feel soooo much stronger in myself and sooooo glad ive done it!!

    Good luck to others still doing it!
  • nano2317
    nano2317 Posts: 5
    You are starting out exactly how I am starting out 225 and 5'7... did you see big results at the end? I am also running 2 miles 5 days a week.
  • FireSwan
    FireSwan Posts: 170 Member
    Not huge results in weight or inches, but drastic changes in my endurance. I'm also startingo to run on the treadmill and I can run at a 5 mph pace for a full 2 min. I've never benn able to do that.

    I have PCOS, so for me, the weight comes off slowly, but it's coming off.
  • gr8pillock
    gr8pillock Posts: 374 Member
    I'm thinking of doing this workout once ive shed some more pounds, but im afraid to gain muscles, ive seen alot of before and after pics and alot of the females have muscles and its something i dont really want, i want to maybe have a very slight definition of looking toned etc, so maybe i shouldnt do the 30 day shred lol, but to all that are and will ,, well done and good luck :)

    The muscle won't show up until you've lost a good amount of fat. you won't turn into a body builder with 30DS, but you'll burn fat and slim up. Even if you don't want to look muscular, you WANT muscle.
  • HornsUT32
    HornsUT32 Posts: 163 Member
    I love this workout. I am on day 22, level 3. There is a noticeable change in my body, particularly my arms and tummy. My thighs are smaller too, now that I think about it. It is a hard workout, but so worth it. It has helped me in so many ways, not just strength. When I started, I was barely running 2 miles without stopping. Yesterday I ran 5, at a faster pace. That is a big change in less than 30 days,
  • Reana27
    Reana27 Posts: 63 Member
    the only part I can't seem to do is the lower ab crunches where you roll your butt up and lift it. that move has always hurt my back. I'm doing leg lifts instead.

    I had the same problem with the lower ab crunches and what I did was put a rolled up towel or just my hands underneath my bum and it took away the intensity a bit. Not sure if it would work for everyone, but it definitely helped me modify!

    I do these on the bed instead of a mat...it's a lot easier on my back.
  • Reana27
    Reana27 Posts: 63 Member
    By the way, I'm on day 2, L1 and I would love to join the group if y'all will have me :smile: I just joined MFP last month and then fell off the wagon for a couple of weeks. I think it will help me immensely if I have a group to ba accountable to (and to share succes with as well).
  • debwaid
    debwaid Posts: 573 Member
    Day 29 for me!!! Ive also hurt myself doing it :-( pulled a muscle on my outer thigh, dont ask how as i couldn't tell you!

    Today was measure day and doing this ive lost 8lbs, 5 inches off my waist, 4 off my hips and 1 off my thigh. Wish i did before pics as apart from feeling 100% better i just cant see it in the mirror. As i live in a flat i couldn't do it to a full 100% but never stopped just modified the moves slightly so i was still working hard just not banging about, so the results might have been better!

    I feel soooo much stronger in myself and sooooo glad ive done it!!

    Good luck to others still doing it!
    Those are awesome results!! Great job!
  • debwaid
    debwaid Posts: 573 Member
    Level 2, day 2 done! I've had days when I have hurt so bad and thought I just couldn't do it! But I have pushed through!! No Pain, No Gain!! :bigsmile:
  • dlpnrn2b
    dlpnrn2b Posts: 441 Member
    I finished today!! I went overboard and did all 3 levels ... I will put together a blog tomorrow with before, during and after pics to share and also my measurements chart I have kept. I will not be posting pics in the forum threads.

    I am proud of myself and all of you. Keep up the great work :)
  • Titanuim
    Titanuim Posts: 337 Member
    Day 2 of Level 2 complete. I really am not fond of the strength moves in this level. There is no way I am taking a rest day during level 2 as I just want it over and done.

    Well done to those have seen it through to the end - your results are keeping me motiviated to keep on going so I hopefully see similar reuslts
  • smileyface_2510
    5/30/12 will be my 5th day on level 1 of 30 DS ..I love it! 2nd and 3rd day was a killer bcuz of how sore I am.. lol but i pushed thru and did it. Also I cant do the ab/floor exercises bcuz of my back problem so I usually do jumping jack,butt kicks, run up and down my hallway lol.
    *** I have a spot on my lower back that is about a small fist size that is very sensitive to the touch..I cant put pressure on it without the pain droping me to the floor and putting me in tears.......so therefore cant lay on floor on my back***