Diet soda... friend or foe?!?



  • i would try carbonated water if plain water is getting boring or a submerge a tea bag of anything you want in a water bottle and add some stevia for some flavor. Diet soda is a tricky topic, every once in a while is fine, real sugar is better though because your body can recognize it and know how to handle it. Fake sugar create a fake high and high craving for more sugar.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Drinking diet coke will turn you into and obese, sugar craving monster, but diet cherry pepsi with some rum in it will make all of your troubles disappear - just sayin'

  • nofattrish
    nofattrish Posts: 10 Member
    if you put diet coke on rust it burns it right off, cant be good for the body in any way shape or form... stick to h2o

    The same is true of full sugar coke, and in fact can be used as a degreaser.

    Personally, I do tend to drink water. I don't personally like diluting cordials and most fizzy drinks, but I am partial to the odd can of diet coke now and then. As others have said, I don't like the taste of most full sugar drinks.

    Everything in moderation.......
  • frixtine
    frixtine Posts: 965 Member
    I always tended to believe that diet drinks were better, and had become a diet coke junkie back in 2004. Earlier this year though, I wound up getting put on a medication for migraines that makes all carbonated drinks taste like butt, so I had to say goodbye to the diet cokes. You no longer want them when they no longer taste good.

    Much to my surprise, I lost 13 lbs in two weeks by doing nothing more than ditching the diet cokes. I didn't change anything else at all!!!!

    That's what got me started on the idea to lose weight. If that simple change could make a difference, why not make a few more. So now it's water only for me.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    I've been drinking nothing but water for the past two weeks and this morning I couldn't take it anymore! I got a diet soda out of the vending machine. Zero calories, zero carbs and 85mg of sodium. Can someone tell me if its okay to drink diet sodas???
    Been drinking them for the last 20 years. On rare occasion I'll have a regular one, but I drink diet soda daily. You'll hear a lot of anecdotal evidence on how "bad" it is for you, but science has pegged it as being as bad as anecdotal evidence claims. Si drink up.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • n25philly
    n25philly Posts: 75 Member
    There are a ton of bad things in soda's regular or diet. Have one here and there of either time is fine. Drinking them all of the time is not.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    The ways they make it 0 calorie is disgusting...If it's not from the earth you shouldn't be putting it into your body. Why not try some Green Tea or flavored Green Tea. No Calories, and has properties that help boost Metabolism and weight loss.

    + it tastes good.
    Lol, so the ingredients are from outer space and alien in origin?:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • corradini
    corradini Posts: 3
    Look, people -- you can get all righteous and eco-political as you want -- but can we try to stick to (a) the TOPIC at hand, and (b) actual FACTS...!?!

    I just loooove [end dripping sarcasm] wildly flung passionate assertions like: "If you have cellulite and you want it to stick around, sucking down aspartame is one sure way to make sure of it." Oh, really? And you know this because of which study? Or are you a biochemist? Or... is it more likely that you're repeating something you've heard from someone who heard it from someone....? (And they wonder where urban legends and net-myths come from. Did you hear the one about waking up in a bathtub full of ice missing a kidney?)

    "If it's not from the earth you shouldn't be putting it into your body." Well, hey. Sounds nice as a platitude. My sister sure likes her athsma inhaler, though. And - hey - sugar and carbs *are* from the Earth -- but there are *lots* of good reasons that you should NOT be putting THEM in your body.

    "Can you pronounce the ingrediants [sic]? If so, do you even know what they are? Do you think your body truly recognizes those when you put it [sic] in your body regularly?" Hey, some people can't pronounce dextrorotatory pantothenate or eicosapentaenoic acid, but I'd sure put vitamin B-5 and Omega-3 fish oils in *my* body.


    (A) There's a (very good) reason that Wikipedia requires sources, and a 'neutral POV' -- NOT personal opinions or assertions. When someone's asking for advice, on something as serious as health and diet, and as personally important as losing weight, it's irresponsible at best to toss out what you just sorta think and believe (especially when it's, well, wrong).

    (B) I will actually ANSWER the OPs original question in the next reply - with some facts, some explanation of those facts, and some (clearly identified as such) personal experience.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,716 Member
    Tragedies can occur however. I lost a dear friend to diet soda.

  • uvagirl
    uvagirl Posts: 4
    Diet Soda is not good for anyone. The Chimicals in the soda are really bad for thoes who have issues with migrains. If you want a soda you might as will have the real thing. Personally I was told by my doctor at UVA not to drink Diet there are alot of reasons why but we are all adults and make our own decions. Everyone have a great day
  • WhittRak
    WhittRak Posts: 567 Member
    Its definitely MY friend because it keeps me awake all day and its probably YOUR friend, because if you cross me when I haven't had a diet Coke in a out!! :laugh:

    Your friend is backstabbing you.
  • tiamaria3
    tiamaria3 Posts: 92 Member
    It's all about moderation! I'm still learning this.

    you'll be fine!!! :smokin:
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    I drink it. I only have two heads. You'll be fine.

    P.S. You're gonna get a whole bunch of different answers, all backed up with good or lousy science, anecdotal evidence, or simple make-believe, and you're gonna have an even harder time knowing what to believe. And googling it will give you even more answers and scary not-scientific baloney.. I suggest you go to reputable websites like the Mayo Clinic or WebMD, read what they have to say, think about it, list the pros and cons of partaking, and choose to drink or not drink.

    One of the best replies I've read here on MFP :glasses:
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    That depends. Do you want to be skinny or do you want to be healthy? What is in it that is good and nourishing for you? What is in it that serves no purpose and is simply and additive for your body to process? And personally, I stay far far away from artificial sweeteners. If you have cellulite and you want it to stick around, sucking down aspartame is one sure way to make sure of it.
    Sure if all you care about is being skinny there's nothing wrong with a zero calorie drink. If you care about the ingredients that are going in to your body, just don't do it.
    Lol, you'll NEVER get rid of cellulite. It ALWAYS sticks around regardless of how lean you get. Love the alarmism and misinformation that follows diet soda debates.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
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    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • musicianbob
    musicianbob Posts: 12
    Long thread so admittedly did not read; but just in case:
    Diet Soda good if it keeps you from drinking worse ... but know that the more sodium you have, the more water weight you will hold when you weigh in. good luck!
  • bethb4
    bethb4 Posts: 48
    I have been drinking at least 5-7 CANS of Diet Coke a day for over a year now.... The past week and a half I've cut that down to 3 or 4 cans and introduced MUCH more water into my day. There used to be ENTIRE days that went by when i wouldn't drink a single cup of water!

    1 or 2 a day should be fine although I wouldnt even start that habit because eventually it could turn into 3 or 4 and more and more. Try out other different options if you want flavor- there's tons of low to no cal drinks out there :)
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    A Registered Dietitian told me to avoid Diet Coke. I would try to keep the consumption of diet sodas to a minimum.
  • JPod279
    JPod279 Posts: 722 Member
    The ways they make it 0 calorie is disgusting...If it's not from the earth you shouldn't be putting it into your body. Why not try some Green Tea or flavored Green Tea. No Calories, and has properties that help boost Metabolism and weight loss.

    + it tastes good.

    I didn't realize they get stuff from outter space to make diet sodas.
  • MommaKit79
    MommaKit79 Posts: 852
    I've been drinking nothing but water for the past two weeks and this morning I couldn't take it anymore! I got a diet soda out of the vending machine. Zero calories, zero carbs and 85mg of sodium. Can someone tell me if its okay to drink diet sodas???

    When I lost my weight through WW, I cut back on the soda, period! I had one everyone so often, like when we went out to dinner. But, then I didnt want it. I think it that was ALL you drank, then there would be a problem. But, one every so often shouldnt bother you. Just up you water intake later if there is a worry. Actually, you may find that it either affects you or it doesnt by not having it so often. :) To each body it can react different, like everything else!! :)

    GOOD LUCK!!!
  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
    I drink at least one a day cause I just can't seem to give them up completely