Newbies, beware.



  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member

    Quoting because it's worth repeating.
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    Actually, Newbies, the forums are awesome fun. Seriously. And there are some fantastic, helpful, smart and informed people out there. People tend to get "shot down' when they're promoting unhealthy behavior or spreading common diet myths. Sometimes people do this shooting down gently, sometimes not so gently, but it's usually done with the desire to help others. Unhealthy behaviors (like eating too few calories) and myths can jeopardize another's health or ability to succeed with their diet.

    The waters can get a bit choppy. I'll freely admit to that. That's the nature of any forum on the internet. But I hope you'll put on a brave face and come and 'play'. Really, it is fun and rewarding.... discussion and debate is great way of expanding your mind and learning new things.

    Best wishes, newbies!
  • delikium
    delikium Posts: 196 Member
    I always make sure i eat back the calories i burned during food preparation.
    the longer i take....the more peanut-butter i can smear... technically
  • mom23jmc
    mom23jmc Posts: 4
    I have found this to be the case on most Weight Loss/Improvement sights. Keep in mind that there will always be people who delight at bringing you down and making you feel bad about yourself. Remember, calorie counts include what you worked off in a workout. I don't eat for food. You need to burn more than need to lose weight. I eat the recommended daily amount and then I work out. What I burned I don't consume back. I won't be guilted into eating my fitness routine. I do that for me. Just ignore the critics and enjoy your success and progress. You aren't here for them, you are here for YOU. That is the only person on here you should be concerned about.
  • delikium
    delikium Posts: 196 Member
    i have found that people are moody on here. and do not always think before posting!!!!!!!!!!!!:smile:

    because we're all hungry apes haha
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    The best exercise for your tummy is to put down the cheeseburger and slowly back away :laugh:

    I'm sorry but is this supposed to be funny? Why are you assuming I eat cheeseburgers? I don't eat cheeseburgers, I never have. I'm not actually overweight, just trying to get a bit fitter. Why are you being so rude to me when all I did was ask for a little help? I thought people on here were supportive, obviously I was wrong.

    See the laughing emoticon at the end....Yes that means she was joking. Lighten up
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    I'm usually very helpful. But it doesn't hurt to search the site first to see if a question has been covered. I've been on this site for about 40 days and I've seen the same basic questions raised 80 times or more.
  • Shayztar
    Shayztar Posts: 415 Member
    Oh, and don't log cleaning, no matter how vigorous. Because apparently only hard cardio or weight training is an acceptable method of burning calories.

    I dont think you understand

    ?? Understand my sarcasm?? These forums can get really mean. About everything. Overweight people can't call themselves curvy. Slender people are too skinny. SAHMs are lazy. And people show too much skin in profile pics.

  • JD830278
    JD830278 Posts: 84 Member
    I think that reply you got was pretty damn rude actually, and completely unnecessary. Don't let it frighten you away, build up a support network by adding people as friends. I mainly only browse the message boards because there are a lot of rude, crude and opinionated people among the nice MFP users.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member

    Quoting because it's worth repeating.

  • LovingLisa2012
    LovingLisa2012 Posts: 802 Member
    i have found that people are moody on here. and do not always think before posting!!!!!!!!!!!!:smile:

    they are moody cuz they don't eat.. :laugh:

    OP: though i can't really help with your question about toning, you can add me if you like
    not every one on the forums are rude
  • sandrajune72
    sandrajune72 Posts: 550
    Hi, I saw your post and also the responses you got. I think you may have been too sensitive. I don't think the posters meant to be rude. One poster shared where you could find the answers and the other with the cheeseburger comment was trying to be funny.

    That's the disadvantage with posts like this, you don't see the persons face, inflection or smile.

    I do believe you will get the help you need here. Stick around for a time and see what happens.

    Good luck on your goals

    You may be right, but it upset me nonetheless. I am a bit fragile to be honest, and I thought it was ok on here to ask for other users opinions. Thank you for your kind words though.
  • jaxandmaksmom
    jaxandmaksmom Posts: 262 Member
    i agree it was down right rude and negitive.. she is new asking for help..

    i am new here too.. and learning so much.. there are some great great people.. anything you need to know or want to get through.. let me know.. and i will try ..

    and to answer the question .. as i have been told when i ask.. there is no way to spot lose.... it will just happen when it wants( grrrr cause my tummy is my bad spot and i hate it)
    lots of sit ups i guess.. lol

    enjoy the site!!!
  • Celeigh12
    Celeigh12 Posts: 763 Member
    My suggestion is build up a group of nice friends on here, and use them for your questions. It's a bit safer that way! :smile:
  • SofaKingRad
    SofaKingRad Posts: 1,592 Member
    I saw your response, I think you are too sensitive and need to relax. What was said was nothing bad at all. :happypillforyou:
  • tiffanic83
    tiffanic83 Posts: 64
    I agree that it was pretty rude. My advice, add the people who do seem encouraging and give you good answers. I'm pretty new and I have to walk away from a lot of the forum posts. A lot of the people are immature and rude. But then again I've added some great encouraging friends :)
  • NoSharpei
    NoSharpei Posts: 73

    From what I can see, you had a couple of people try to help, and one person trying to be funny - and, yeah.. They weren't funny.. But your reaction was hypersensitive. Why would you let a silly comment send you into such a spin. Moreso since you have now started a pretty childish thread as a consequence. These forums reflect real life. You will like some people, you will like others less. You will receive some good advice, and some people will say things you perceive as objectionable. Would you support your children if, in the event that they have ross words with another child saying "stay out of the schoolyard. Kids are nasty"
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    If you are fragile, the forums may not be the place for you. It takes a thick skin to dwell out there sometimes. I would recommend friending a bunch of like-minded folks and building a more personal private feed for support and questions.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member

    The very first reply was spot on. Then there was a joke. Then there was another decent reply. Then a few more replies to clarify that the joke was a joke.

    So, all in all, a simple question, some straightforward answers, a joke, and then a bit of extra noise.

    If only every thread was that clean and efficient.

    If you want unconditional niceness, make some friends here with like-minded folks. If you want answers, do some research or ask the forum. Usually you will get some factual answers mixed in with tons of noise and misinformation.

    Ask a question that's been asked thousands of times before, and you will likely get ridiculed. Which is fair in my opinion. It's common etiquette on internet forums to search before posting.
  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hi! Welcome! I read that thread and honestly....that is how it is here. The first poster gave good and true advice! No meanness that I saw. And the cheeseburger one was a joke. We all joke around here a lot. Try to lighten up a bit and post away! :)

    The best was to get rid of any fat is over all weight loss. There really is no spot training. Sometimes, especially after kids, the only way to completely get rid of a tummy is a good ol tummy tuck.

    Good luck and keep up the good work!