Last 10 - kick-off



  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Do you have room for another?

    Only if you share the secret of those fabulous arms! :tongue:

    Welcome! :flowerforyou:
  • mnichol
    mnichol Posts: 642
    Wondered what happened to everyone!!

    I've been pushing my exercise up, increasing weight on machines and eating enough but no progress with the scale. Some of my clothes are getting big on me, I wore a shirt the other day that was big on me and I know last summer it just fit. :bigsmile:

    I'm going to try to curb some carbs, certainly not all, but on some days I eat bread with every meal, so will try to change this up.

    anyone else do this??
  • ChaChaMommy
    Wondered what happened to everyone!!

    I've been pushing my exercise up, increasing weight on machines and eating enough but no progress with the scale. Some of my clothes are getting big on me, I wore a shirt the other day that was big on me and I know last summer it just fit. :bigsmile:

    I'm going to try to curb some carbs, certainly not all, but on some days I eat bread with every meal, so will try to change this up.

    anyone else do this??

    Carbs are certainly MY biggest struggle!!! I'm trying to cut down on the "bad" ones and keep the "good" ones (fruit & whole grains).....but last night in Las Vegas we REALLY blew it at the Treasure Island buffet!!!!:laugh: the suchi and sweet potatos were good starters.....but THEN the dessert table was incredible!!! (I normally pass on dessert except frozen yogurt or fruit).....I porked out on carrot cake, creme brulee, bread pudding, and even part of a chocolate macaroon.....!!!:blushing: now I'm sick to my stomache and don't want to even look at food for awhile!! Back on the program!:bigsmile:
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    Hi everyone, Just found this thread again.
    Height: 5' 6"
    Weight: 146
    I'm 1 pound from my goal weight but I've decided to try for another 10 pounds.
    I read in Jillian Michaels book "Making the Cut" that we should drink 8 oz of extra water for every caffeinated beverage that we consume. My vice is coffee and sweet tea. I can control my tea consumption, but I drink 4 glasses of coffee every morning and I'm not willing to give it up yet. But now I know to drink more water... I'm going to post it under a different thread so others can read it as well.
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Where's everybody?

    I had some busy days, some stress, worked till late, little workout. Whatever, I am not giving up. :smile:
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member

    Been stuck at 212 pounds (12 from goal) for 2-1/2 weeks, even went back up a pound for a couple days there. Finally got to 211 this morning.

    I seem to get stuck for a while, then work it, then drop 4 or 5, then get stuck again. Wierd,,, Long as it keep moving.

    I'm teaching a motorcycle class tonight, so 6 hours on blacktop, so I shortened my elliptical workout this morning and skipped the lower body portion of my weight training. :tongue:
  • ChaChaMommy
    Well....I'm still in the 5th Santa Fe today and have had several days of no internet (no excuse) and in checking my food diary....I confess I've been over-consuming BAD:blushing: I'm hoping I won't undo all my work before we get home!!! Hope you all are doing better than me! I'm not even going to go near a scale until August 23rd when we get back, so I'll do all my "confessions" then!:laugh:
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    I got a reminder: hey, what about those last 10? :wink: Are we gonna shed them of or what? :grumble:
    It'd be more honest if I said "last 15", but let's just say I'd be just as happy to be back at 127 again :ohwell: .

    The lesson I learnt the past couple of months is: calories in - calories out = extra lbs. Well, I knew that already :embarassed: . But still, I could not stop, I had to munch all the time. (Stress?)

    September's started well, though. I've stayed away from any kind of sweets for 3 days now (yeay :drinker: ) and have not put food in my mouth after dinner so far. Hope I can stick to this :smile: .

    How're the old budies in here? Already at their goal weight?
  • Ripgirl
    Ripgirl Posts: 172 Member
    Can I join? Really getting frustrated and could use the support of a group like this!

    Height: 5'3"
    Weight: 121

    I'd like to get back to my former fit, healthy & happy weight of around 115 - last scale sighting of that number was around 5 years ago. Had twins 18 months ago so there will be changes and I'm open to a new goal weight.
    What I'm really keen to do is drop these inches and the jiggly bits, the muffin top being my least favourite.

    I'm not sure how everyone else measures their waist, but I put the tape measure right across my belly button (where the hateful muffin top is at it's widest) and get a measurement of 31". If I move the tape measure up 2" or so to the narrowest part (about halfway between belly button & sternum) I am 28".

    I've learned that I rarely drink enough water, and have been making a huge effort during last 2-3 weeks to not only make sure I am drinking lots, but also to spread it throughout the day.
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Can I join? Really getting frustrated and could use the support of a group like this!

    Yeah, sure, great! Though I have to warn you, you have to support the group yourself, so that it supports you in return :laugh: . We're kinda lazy here, but I'm confident that we can do better.

    Jill's a really nice suporter, btw :wink:

    And congrats on the twins! :flowerforyou: Boys? Girls? I've got twin cousins and being around them when the boys were little was... demanding :smile: . But they can be a lot of fun, too. Twins are so special :flowerforyou: .
  • Ripgirl
    Ripgirl Posts: 172 Member
    Thanks - hello everyone!

    The twins are identical girls and they are hilarious, running around (rarely in the same direction) climbing and trying really hard to talk. Maybe they make my day-to-day less sedentary than I think......

    I'd love to hear any new insights to getting things moving again, I feel stalled and losing motivation but I'm going to fight it!
  • ChaChaMommy
    Thanks for the compliment Dewdrop! Staying committed to this lifestyle change is a challenge!.....but I think that's why the last 10 is so hard!!!.....close enough to not feel bad enough to keep with it!:laugh: But I'm home now and hoping to get back on track AT LEAST until the next trip:blushing: We're taking a driving trip down Baja to Cabo San Jose. We'll be scuba diving in a couple of places on the way down so we'll get some exercise....but I see margaritas and flan (my favorite Mexican dessert) on the horizon!:blushing: I have from now until September 25th to lose a couple of pounds before I leave.
    Current weight: 132 (up 1 pound this week! :cry: )
    Goal weight 130

    P.S. Ripgirl WELCOME!!! I've always been confused on where to measure the waist. I think as long as you are consistent where you put it then you can measure your progress. I find that measuring more often than once a week though is frustrating (kinda like weighing) because of fluid retention/fluxuation.
  • ChaChaMommy
    Options I am again.....talking to myself??? We're back home in San Felipe now so you would THINK that my normal routine of exercise and nutrition would be easy.....NOT!!!! It's SO HOT that getting out of the house even to walk the dog is torture!!! Our normal 60 minute walks have been cut to 15-20 and barely daybreak to beat the heat of the sun! Buddy (my dog) can barely handle that! So, I'm going to need to incorporate some DVD exercise into my day. Also, I got spoiled with being able to treat myself to a frozen yogurt on a fairly regular basis in the states. Now......just fruit and frozen yogurt in San Felipe:sad: But the good news is that I weighed in this am at 131....just one pound from my goal!!!!:happy: If I can focus this week on ILIKE2MOVEIT's suggestion of drinking more WATER!!!!! maybe I'll survive the heat and get to goal by our Cabo trip in 2 weeks. Have a great week everybody!!!!
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Been thinking of this thread today. The scale's moving in the wrong direction for me and I seem to loop in a vicious cycle. Dunno how to gain the strength back. I keep trying to ignore how bad it is, just to not get discouraged. :ohwell: Now the weight that I had when I started the thread seems like a dream. :brokenheart: Want to hear me complain more? :smile: Nah, I'll just stop.
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Jill, well done! Keep up the good work and stay strong. Yeah, you need to drink water.
    Hope you'll get some rain to cool the air, but on the other hand, enjoy the summer - autumn is just around the corner...
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Come to think of it: since I'm not going to give it up in any way, even if I am dissapointed of what the scale told me the past couple of days (yeah, I know, it's not good to weigh in every day), how about:

    I'll keep on trying! :glasses:

    We were at some point discussing the lessons learnt (during this challenge): one thing's clear to me: eating a lot = gaining weight. As simple as that. What's not simple is how to not snack ALL the time :explode: . I'll be working on that.
  • ChaChaMommy
    What I've learned is that you can't get overly confident with the scale (it LIES!!!!) Now I'm up a pound!!! :mad: Started a new "ABS diet" DVD workout yesterday and can barely MOVE today!!!:laugh: I'm hoping to start feeling stronger and maybe lose that recently gained pound by next 55th birthday!:bigsmile: ......otherwise I'll probably fall into an OLD FAT and FLABBY depression!:laugh: gotta get some good affirmations going!!!!
  • ChaChaMommy
    Come to think of it: since I'm not going to give it up in any way, even if I am dissapointed of what the scale told me the past couple of days (yeah, I know, it's not good to weigh in every day), how about:

    I'll keep on trying! :glasses:

    We were at some point discussing the lessons learnt (during this challenge): one thing's clear to me: eating a lot = gaining weight. As simple as that. What's not simple is how to not snack ALL the time :explode: . I'll be working on that.

    Yeah!!! keep on keep'n on. Frustration just leads to bad choices. The other thing I've learned is that its not so much eating alot as WHAT we eat! Now that I have no frozen yogurt access I need to avoid the snacking on too much fruit and drinking too much wine (or whining too much..LOL)
  • ChaChaMommy
    Been thinking of this thread today. The scale's moving in the wrong direction for me and I seem to loop in a vicious cycle. Dunno how to gain the strength back. I keep trying to ignore how bad it is, just to not get discouraged. :ohwell: Now the weight that I had when I started the thread seems like a dream. :brokenheart: Want to hear me complain more? :smile: Nah, I'll just stop.

    Dewdrop ....don't get discouraged!!! I'm so grateful that you started the thread!
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Dewdrop ....don't get discouraged!!! I'm so grateful that you started the thread!

    Thank you :flowerforyou: .
    Well, I'm all better today. Yesterday morning the scale showed 141.4 and I was :angry: and :brokenheart: all day. I was hoping it would be water weight, but still. Well..., this morning it was at 137.7 :noway: . Yeay! So it was water weight! *happy dance*

    Lesson learnt: follow one of my friend's advice and put the scale away. Maybe weigh in once a week for a start and gradually move to weighing in once a month. I am a scale addict, I am.

    Lesson no 2: eating late is bad. Even if it's just about water retention.

    Btw, did any of you experience a weight gain after some heavy aerobic class? If this is the case, there must be an explanation - I think I've read somewhere that the muscles retain some fluid to recover or so - is anyone informed on this?

    Speaking of which - where is everyone? Come on, ladies, even you failed - take me for an example and get back. Please :brokenheart: .