Last 10 - kick-off



  • Ripgirl
    Ripgirl Posts: 172 Member
    I'm here! And I was so glad to see your post about not giving up Dewdrop.

    It is such slow going at this stage, but lately I've taken to reminding myself that 8 weeks ago I was 4.5lbs heavier, so this IS working. Just not as quickly as I would like.
    Oddly, my measurements aren't changing, but I think my clothes are fitting better - strangest thing. How can my waist measured in the same place look the same on the tape measure, but the muffin top seems not as prominent?
    Maybe it's state of mind.....whatever the logic, I'll take it!!!

    I'm also realizing that because I'm feeling like I'm getting some results, I'm getting bold and my diet is slipping... the wine is creeping back in. I have to tighten up and stay the course or not only will I not lose any more, the ones I lost will find me again!

    JillR - you can do it!
  • ChaChaMommy

    I'm also realizing that because I'm feeling like I'm getting some results, I'm getting bold and my diet is slipping... the wine is creeping back in. I have to tighten up and stay the course or not only will I not lose any more, the ones I lost will find me again!

    JillR - you can do it!

    I'm trying to cut back on my wine consumption too! 120+ calories for 4 oz (and WHO really drinks only 4 oz???:bigsmile: is a lot of "empty" calories. A lower calorie alternative tonight was Diet Sierra mist Cranberry splash with 1 oz of Vodka (yummy and only 70 calories for the vodka).

    And I think its true that we retain water after a heavy seems that way to me!
  • ChaChaMommy
    Thank you :flowerforyou: .
    Well, I'm all better today. Yesterday morning the scale showed 141.4 and I was :angry: and :brokenheart: all day. I was hoping it would be water weight, but still. Well..., this morning it was at 137.7 :noway: . Yeay! So it was water weight! *happy dance*

    Lesson learnt: follow one of my friend's advice and put the scale away. Maybe weigh in once a week for a start and gradually move to weighing in once a month. I am a scale addict, I am.

    Lesson no 2: eating late is bad. Even if it's just about water retention.

    Btw, did any of you experience a weight gain after some heavy aerobic class? If this is the case, there must be an explanation - I think I've read somewhere that the muscles retain some fluid to recover or so - is anyone informed on this?

    Speaking of which - where is everyone? Come on, ladies, even you failed - take me for an example and get back. Please :brokenheart: .

    I'll join your happy dance!!!! I was bummed even though I knew it had to be water weight coming home and gaining 1.5 pounds but this morning I weighed in at 130.8!!! More than 1.5 lost!!! I think putting the scale away is probably a good idea.....maybe hide it in the refrigerator???:laugh:
  • mnichol
    mnichol Posts: 642
    Congrats on the loss!! That's a biggie!!! I've tried to stop hopping on the scale too.

    End of summer is a little depressing. I was really pumped in June, I figured I'd lose these last few pounds by getting outside more and working out hard, and i did, ate right, etc. Did i lose? No! So what gives? So cold weathers on the way and i do have the gym to go to but its not the same. :noway: So now i figure it'll be all winter trying to get rid of these last 5 lbs. Gggrrrr!!! :grumble: I was under 140 two weeks ago and then back up a few days later for no reason. Seems like such a simple thing...5 lbs...sure isn't though!!!

    Sorry...i needed to rant. I know we're all in the same spot more or less. I'm going to increase my weight lifting time and change around my cardio and keep plugging away!! :drinker:
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    And I think its true that we retain water after a heavy seems that way to me!

    This is why I did not dare to weigh in today, although is our group's official day. And guess what? I had the scale in the same spot in the bathroom and have not stepped on it since Sunday. Am I strong willed or what? :glasses:

    JillR, you're almost there! WOW!
    Ripgirl, thank you! :flowerforyou: You stay strong at it. Make it a lifestyle. Us loosing weight slowly means our bodies are actually happy at this weight and we have a healthy lifestyle now, one which we should maintain after we reach our goals.

    As I was sweating yesterday in the aerobic class, I said to myself "all good things in life have to be worked hard for. And this usualy involves some sort of pain." But we are stronger than we think. We can do this!
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    mnichol, how tall are you?
    It might be very hard to loose, if your body is comfortable at the weight. So it's just maintaining it :smile: . Maintainance is hard! :grumble:
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    Been thinking of this thread today. The scale's moving in the wrong direction for me and I seem to loop in a vicious cycle. Dunno how to gain the strength back. I keep trying to ignore how bad it is, just to not get discouraged. :ohwell: Now the weight that I had when I started the thread seems like a dream. :brokenheart: Want to hear me complain more? :smile: Nah, I'll just stop.
    I bounce between the same numbers 147-145, so I feel your pain. I started eating more calories and exercising less and it seems to have helped me break my plateau.
    CW: 144
    I need to start strength training. I have procrastinated too long!
    Good luck to all of you.
  • ChaChaMommy
    :laugh: :heart: YEAAAAAHHHH!!! The best birthday gift EVER!!! I've been bouncing back and forth between 130.4 and 132 for EVER!!!!:yawn: and splurged last night with sushi (not bad on its own...but....), saki (think I overdid that.....but it was my 55th birthday bash:laugh: .....and green tea cheesecake:blushing: .....and I weighed in this morning at 129.5!!!! :happy: :wink: :smile: :smokin: woo hoo!!!! NOW I'm .5 pound below my original goal. Nobody will call me "thin".....but I'm feeling "normal" and healthy!!! Hope to stay here! OH!!! and another birthday present....I have a new puppy!!!!
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    :laugh: :heart: YEAAAAAHHHH!!! The best birthday gift EVER!!! I've been bouncing back and forth between 130.4 and 132 for EVER!!!!:yawn: and splurged last night with sushi (not bad on its own...but....), saki (think I overdid that.....but it was my 55th birthday bash:laugh: .....and green tea cheesecake:blushing: .....and I weighed in this morning at 129.5!!!! :happy: :wink: :smile: :smokin: woo hoo!!!! NOW I'm .5 pound below my original goal. Nobody will call me "thin".....but I'm feeling "normal" and healthy!!! Hope to stay here! OH!!! and another birthday present....I have a new puppy!!!!
    Congrats and happy birthday!:flowerforyou:
  • mnichol
    mnichol Posts: 642
    Happy Birthday!!! It's good to have a great night out! :drinker:

    Yeah for the weight drop!!! :bigsmile:

    How long have you lived in CA???
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Happy birthday, Jill!!! :flowerforyou: It's so good to have you here with us. And congrats for dropping bellow 130. Yeay for you!!! :flowerforyou: :drinker:

    Your present to me on your birthday was getting the old pals in the group drop a line :laugh: . Thank you for that! :happy:

    So, how's everyone been and what are your achievements?

    Mine, for instance, is staying away from the scale for almost a week now. :noway: That was such a good decision! I've been exercising daily and kept track of my food intake and tried to eat clean just for the sake of it. And not in hope that tomorrow I'll weight less. I feel good and am so less worried. I'll weigh in when I'm ready :glasses:

    Looking forward to your stories.
  • ChaChaMommy
    Happy birthday, Jill!!! :flowerforyou: It's so good to have you here with us. And congrats for dropping bellow 130. Yeay for you!!! :flowerforyou: :drinker:

    Your present to me on your birthday was getting the old pals in the group drop a line :laugh: . Thank you for that! :happy:

    So, how's everyone been and what are your achievements?

    Mine, for instance, is staying away from the scale for almost a week now. :noway: That was such a good decision! I've been exercising daily and kept track of my food intake and tried to eat clean just for the sake of it. And not in hope that tomorrow I'll weight less. I feel good and am so less worried. I'll weigh in when I'm ready :glasses:

    Looking forward to your stories.
    Well thanks Dewdrop and all the rest of you!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: here's the rub......whether to weigh every day or every week or ???? The day AFTER my 129.5 weigh-in I fate-fully stepped on the scale and was back UP to 131!!!! Today I'm down to On one hand the up and down and up and down can be REALLY discouraging, but had I NOT weighed in on the 18th... I would have missed that BLESSED event of seeing the scale register under 130:laugh: !!! weigh or not to weigh.....that is the question I pose to to all!
  • mnichol
    mnichol Posts: 642
    I'm ready to get the hammer out on the scale. :noway: I got up yesterday morning, felt really light/thin, got on the scale, up 1/2 lb. uuggghhh! I keep telling myself to focus on firming up, etc but can't seem to forget the number on the scale. I say we boycott the scale and embrace our measuring tapes??!!

    what's everyone eating and what's your daily intake goal??
  • ChaChaMommy
    I AGREE!!!! The scale is NOT an accurate way to keep track, unless its averaged over a period of time....this morning I weighed in at 128.8!!!! That's crazy!!!!!:love: I wonder if the tape measure fluxuates as much?? I'm afraid to check:laugh: I guess the most important thing is to keep on keep'n on and eventually we'll reach our goals. I'll be leaving this week for a driving trip down the Baja, so I won't weigh in until we return around October 13th. For those of you who believe.......keep on keep'n on and I hope to see lots of success from all of you when I return! Oh, and I'll probably weigh in every morning until we leave on Friday and post my BEST one :bigsmile:
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    So, how's everyone doing? I propose we post again: "starting weight - highest weight - current weight - goal weight" and (optionally) height, so that we have an overview :smile: . I'll start :smile:

    SW:130, HW 140, CW: 137.3, GW: 125 lbs. Height: a little over 5ft 7in

    Copy paste the above line and add your data (feel free to put a dash where you have nothing to say :smile:)

    Jill, are you maintaining? :flowerforyou:
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    SW:270, HW 270, CW: 213, GW: 200 lbs. Height: 5ft 8in

    Been stuck at 212/213 for a couple months now. Have been weight training and supplementing protein - MFP set at 500cal deficit/1 pound a week loss. I do eat most of my exercise calories.

    I am improving, my waist is down another 1/2" (total 12-1/2" off the waist, 48" to 35-1/2" :smile: ). I'm getting muscle definition I've never seen before, I'm getting stronger. Doing most of my dumbbell exercises (rows/curls/flies/incline flies/pullovers<2 sets 'til failure>) with 45lbs each dumb now. We bought a "dip tower" a couple months ago, and when I set it up I couldn't do a single dip. Now I knock out 2 sets of 8-failure every "weights day".

    When I lost most of my pounds I was getting up early and doing 1/2hour elliptical on an empty stomach first thing every morning. Now that I think of it, when I subbed bicycling for the ellip work was when I quit losing weight. Hmmm,,,, The biking is a great workout, but I think it was the early morning/empty stomach thing that made the diff. I've read some bodybuilding mag articles that say the early morning - empty stomach thing is for real. Anywho, started this morning back on the elliptical and will stick with that for a while and see what happens. Will still bike when I can, but that'll be a supplement for the ellip, not a replacement.

    Again, I don't know if I'll ever get to 200 even, and I don't really care. I have a 6 pack peeking thru now, and I want that tighter and more defined. I'd also like to get the waist down to an honest 34" or better.

    Progress,,, :bigsmile:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    I just realized that I qualify for the last 10 now since I only have 8 I too late to join you guys???
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Rule of thumb - it's never too late for Chrissy to do any *$# thing she wants to do. :smile:

    You rock sister, now testify.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Well I lost a couple last week and by my pattern, that means it will be a week or so before I see movement on the scale - no big deal I will keep on moving forward.

    I decided to start half marathon training :noway: - I just finished day 4 of week 1 (12 weeks total) which was strength training for an hour and a 3 mile run...did a bit over 3....actually don't feel that bad - finised running 1/2 hour ago and I'm not aching - feeling pretty darn good:smile: I figure with winter coming it may take me a little longer than 12 weeks - I may repeat weeks towards the end to move forward slowly without getting injured - or I may finish in 12 - either is ok as long as I can say I did it...I'll shoot for a half marathon in the spring....

    will be running in my second 5k next weekend and my third on Halloween! I just did the Komen Race for the Cure last weekend and that was my first 5k ever - awesome experience and I want more of that so off I go! I also registered for World Run Day Nov 8--kind of on your own run but I paid and made a donation so I also get a shirt.
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Rule of thumb - it's never too late for Chrissy to do any *$# thing she wants to do. :smile:

    You rock sister, now testify.

    I second that! I had Chrissy in the "No more late night snacking" if I'm not mistaking and she is inspirational. Actually, I recognized the name, but hardly recognized the girl I saw in the profile photo :flowerforyou: . Well done! :flowerforyou: and good luck with the marathon.

    Share all your tips and tricks with us :smile: and tell us how being over 80lbs lighter feels.