why do women seem to want WHO they can't have?



  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    because women in general (not all but A LOT ) are a bunch of backstabing dirty over competive hookers

    i also agree with this. especially the "overcompetitive" part. How many women have you heard say "I hate women/girls/females." Or "i don't have female friends."

    Why do you think that's the case?
  • Sherbog
    Sherbog Posts: 1,072 Member
    Could be my age and the fact I have been married (to the same guy) for 43 years.....but I am more attracted to peach ice cream right now as it is something I know I can't have as I can't stop at a 1/2 gallon.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    er, isn't it the husbands fault for cheating on his future wife?

    I never said anything about cheating actually. Just because she wants him doesn't mean that he's going to indulge her and give in.
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    Women, for the majority, seem more fond of Drama.

    except nope.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    Chris Rock has a great bit about this, where a guy's friends basically wants to find a girl just like his friends girl, but a girl's friend just wants the girl's boyfriend. It's obviously a lot funnier when he does the bit, so I apologize and will keep the comedy to him next time.

    must youtube this.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    For what it's worth, I seem to get hit on more now that I'm married, but that could just be in my head.

    It's my main mission in life to bang all your husbands and boyfriends.

    <---- gets in line.
  • Hanablu2
    Hanablu2 Posts: 134 Member
    The guy who is now taken must be worth something since a woman felt he was good enough for a serious relationship. That is likely the sick thought of trifling women behaving badly by trying to be with a taken man. There is also a lazy side to it. The woman that chose this man to be her serious guy did the work in finding out that he was right for a serious relationship, the trifling woman wants to step in and get what she thinks is a good man from the work you did, without putting in work to find out if a single man is right for her. It all ends in pain and misery in the long run.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    The guy who is now taken must be worth something since a woman felt he was good enough for a serious relationship. That is likely the sick thought of trifling women behaving badly by trying to be with a taken man. There is also a lazy side to it. The woman that chose this man to be her serious guy did the work in finding out that he was right for a serious relationship, the trifling woman wants to step in and get what she thinks is a good man from the work you did, without putting in work to find out if a single man is right for her. It all ends in pain and misery in the long run.

    amen sister :)
  • badgerbadger1
    badgerbadger1 Posts: 954 Member
    For what it's worth, I seem to get hit on more now that I'm married, but that could just be in my head.

    It's my main mission in life to bang all your husbands and boyfriends.

    <---- gets in line.

    *checks for ring* :devil: how you doin'?
  • Micahroni84
    Micahroni84 Posts: 452 Member
    I have personally never wanted a guy more because he was with some one or even suddenly thought how great he was when he started dating someone else and I can't say I've ever witnessed any of my friends act this way but I have seen women hit on my husband knowing he is married. It's like they like the challenge or maybe they just like trying to mess with me.

    It's fun for me though because my husband is so blunt to annoying women like that, right to their faces. He straight up calls them out in front of everyone. It equals embarassment for them and entertainment for me.LOL!
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    We really don't need yet another post by a woman (or anyone else for that matter) putting women as a group down by insisting that the majority of women fall into some specific pattern of behavior.

    We all need to stop degrading women and men. We need to stop stereotyping. Seriously.

    I don't want WHO I can't have. I don't know many women or men who do. Are there some out there with a penchant for chasing the taken man/woman? Sure. You'll find them. But I seriously doubt they're more prevalent in one sex vs. another.

    well that is YOUR opinion and you're entitled to it. if you don't like the thread then stay away from it.

    Yes, it is my opinion, and yes I am entitled to it. But I will not stay away from a thread trash-talking a gender. We have a serious problem in society. Instead of seeing each other as individuals, we group them into categories and we assume that that individual shares all of those qualities simply because they fit that category based on a few outward characteristics. Because we do this, we still have serious problems with racism, sexism, bigotry, and so on.

    YOU, a woman, are propagating a negative view of woman as a whole simply because you've encountered a few individuals who engage in behavior that you don't like.

    As another woman, I find this sad, frustrating, and it makes me angry. I am sick and tired of being judged for the "sins" of others. I am a woman. I am not a catty woman. I am not a "*****" that seeks another's man. I am not drama loving or overly emotional. My hormones don't control me. My ovaries, uterus, and vagina are not me.

    Everything that you said.

    Also, I'm sick of women being blamed entirely for these kinda situations.
    If a man leaves his wife for someone, she's a ***** that stole him. If a woman leaves her husband for another man, she's a ***** that left him. Is the man never equally to blame?
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    My husband comments to me that he notices many more women flirting with him now that he's married. And this is not when I'm on his arm either... it's when he's out alone working, etc. He thinks it's because he's happy, confident and isn't looking at them. I think the women want him because now he's just not interested in them.

    ETA: And I agree with a previous poster... we certainly don't need another woman bashing woman thread.
  • jhardenbergh
    jhardenbergh Posts: 1,035 Member
    From what I hear a wedding ring on a man is a chick magnet, the woman see he's obviously good enough for someone why not her.
  • misty0413
    misty0413 Posts: 212
    Honestly I think when you are with some one you are happy and confident and people pick up on that.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    why do women seem to want WHO they can't have?
    Because Hugh Jackman is sooooooo hot!
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    My husband comments to me that he notices many more women flirting with him now that he's married. And this is not when I'm on his arm either... it's when he's out alone working, etc. He thinks it's because he's happy, confident and isn't looking at them. I think the women want him because now he's just not interested in them.

    ETA: And I agree with a previous poster... we certainly don't need another woman bashing woman thread.

    Well, regardless--the phenomenon is one that your husband, at least, has witnessed. that's my point. I'm not trying to "bash" women. I am a woman if you haven't noticed.
  • mzbatson
    mzbatson Posts: 27 Member
    Men and women are both capable of being grimey!!! I have seen it happen. No matter who does it, it is wrong! If you are going to be in a relationship, why is it so hard to be faithful? If you want someone else, leave the relationship!!!! For a person to approach someone who they know is in a relationship is even more wrong! Relationships are hard but you have to love yourself enough to be able to leave someone who is cheating. If the person you are with enjoys the attention of others, than they are not ready to be in a relationship. There are nasty people out there who will try and test the faithfulness of the person in a relationship, but it is up to the person to make the decision to cheat.
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    er, isn't it the husbands fault for cheating on his future wife?

    I never said anything about cheating actually. Just because she wants him doesn't mean that he's going to indulge her and give in.

    In your sexist little rant,
    2 of my closest friends SCREWED one of our other best friend's now husband

    They both shagged another girls guy once each, but he cheated on her twice.
    I think that story says more about him than them.

    And maybe you just pick really ****ty friends?

    I can't think why better people don't wanna be friends with you, you're clearly such an open minded, intelligent individual.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    because women in general (not all but A LOT ) are a bunch of backstabing dirty over competive hookers

    i also agree with this. especially the "overcompetitive" part. How many women have you heard say "I hate women/girls/females." Or "i don't have female friends."

    Why do you think that's the case?

    And women who say that annoy me as well. They too are making negative generalizations about their own sex. They obviously haven't taken the time to get to know a good amount of women in order to find women who are like them. None of female friends that are catty, competitive or into drama. Why? Because there are a lot of women are NOT that way, and I take the time to find that out (and actually it's not that hard to find in the right groups). Women need to stop being prejudice against other women, plain and simple.
  • hapoo100
    hapoo100 Posts: 940 Member
    rule #1- never try to figure out women, you will be wrong