Ask me anything about fat/weight loss....



  • TheOfficialEpic
    247.4 lbs.
    was eating 1900 PLUS my exercise calories, been gaining weight. My BMR is 1864, my TDEE is 2500.
    When I ate 1600 calories PLUS exercise calories I was losing weight...that worked for me, but the whole "must eat BMR" confuses me, is that FOOD or NET, because if it's "food" and not "net" I am getting that with the 1600 Net calories.
    I make sure I walk 10,000 steps a day, and calculate 500 calories for that (1600+500 =2100 food eating), would you say that's enough??? It seemed to always work, but I also hear about eating and NETTING your bmr (which for me would be 1864) but I wind up gaining and it's so frustrating for me. :-/

    If you're losing, you're losing. Don't overcomplicate it with the bmr(it's usually way off anyways). Bmr, eating back your calories, netting....all this make such a simple thing so complicated. If you're losing, then keep on doing what you're doing. When you stall out, readjust your calories downward or add in a little more activity.
  • TheOfficialEpic

    What is fat?.....Stored energy. If you are not ingesting enough calories to maintain it, then it gets burned. So who is going to need more calories to maintain their weight, a 300 pound person or a 200 pound person? Obviously the 300 pounder. So say the 300 pound person decides to diet down. He loses 50 pounds. What it takes to maintain himself at 250 is less than what he needed at 300(all things equal). Because of this, what may have been a deficit at 300 pounds, might be maintenance now that he is 250. If that is the case then he will most likely need to readjust his calories lower to continue to lose. I myself, when I start a cut, my maintenance is usually around 3,000+ calories a day just sitting on my bum.....towards the end it drops as low as 2,250. Make sense?....

    Lol. I'd like to think so. ;)
    Wow!! Absolutely makes sense :flowerforyou:
  • weigh2go577
    247.4 lbs.
    was eating 1900 PLUS my exercise calories, been gaining weight. My BMR is 1864, my TDEE is 2500.
    When I ate 1600 calories PLUS exercise calories I was losing weight...that worked for me, but the whole "must eat BMR" confuses me, is that FOOD or NET, because if it's "food" and not "net" I am getting that with the 1600 Net calories.
    I make sure I walk 10,000 steps a day, and calculate 500 calories for that (1600+500 =2100 food eating), would you say that's enough??? It seemed to always work, but I also hear about eating and NETTING your bmr (which for me would be 1864) but I wind up gaining and it's so frustrating for me. :-/

    If you're losing, you're losing. Don't overcomplicate it with the bmr(it's usually way off anyways). Bmr, eating back your calories, netting....all this make such a simple thing so complicated. If you're losing, then keep on doing what you're doing. When you stall out, readjust your calories downward or add in a little more activity.

    THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!! :D
  • mikek333
    mikek333 Posts: 78 Member
    I'd like to join the many who have already thanked you for doing this thread. It's very informative and motivating!
  • TheOfficialEpic
    Wow. I am in complete agreement with those who elevate what they have found in your answers in this thread above any other source for weight loss and fitness. People aren't just saying it when they say that this is the best thread they have ever read on the subject. When I read those comments, I resonate with them; I second their emotion. You have a rare blend of "applied intelligence" that is informed yet street-level in its composition. I'd venture to say your heart and mind (read: soul) is in the same great shape that your phyisique clearly is.

    My takeaway from all that I have read (and I have read it all) from you is that I need to lean out first (using basic calorie info) and then seek to add muscle. I am wondering if that is that possible for me at 56 years of age. I want that to be true mind you, but I get this fear that, in order to go down in weight class, I will lose my muscle tone for good; a sort of later-in-life muscle atrophy. I started at close to 250 lbs, and am presently at 236. I wonder, given my build, knowledge of my own body, and personal history, if leaning out for me might mean going down to like 155, then seeking from that lean base to add 10-15 lbs. of muscle.I am eating 1,550 calories a day (no possibility of hidden cals) and have recently build up to where I am running 6 days per week on a high school track for 2 miles without stopping.

    Knowing that you are going to advise me to do this with the necessary weekly evaluations, I want you to tell me if I am on the right course. I've been overweight/obese for as long as I can remember, and it's high time for that to change. From some other research and personal knowledge of my own body, I THINK I can be at 165 lbs. by January 1st, a sort of inverted New Years Resolution. I am confused a bit about "refeed" a recovering food abuser I read "gorge". I know you will say just a few hundred over my then-adjusted-if-and-as-it-is-still-working-for-me target of 1,550 daily calories.

    Thanks for the help. And to help you, and given that I consider myself to be a pretty good judge of horse flesh, I'd like to plant a seed of thought in your fit soul...You should consider the prospect and future of taking your rarified gift of helping people in this arena to the next level. Methinks you have a following here, and that this could only grow, but only if a larger world were to be exposed. I appreciate your help in advance, even as I appreciate your help already.

    1. You'll become MORE toned as you lose body fat because you won't have so much obscuring it.
    2. As you lose body fat, you WILL lose SOME muscle. It is inevitable. But you can spare the STRONG strong majority of it simply by not reducing your calories in drastic amounts, making sure you're recovering between workouts, and meeting your daily protein requirements.
    3. A refeed is NOT a gorge. It is basically a break on your metabolism to remind the body that everything is ok. The body is the master of adaptation. Go on a set caloric amount too long, and ya best believe your body is going to adapt to it. Throw in the occasional refeed and the body gets says basically "Oh, can't lower the metabolism too much just yet. This chippie's throwin' more calories at me."
    4. Theoretically you CAN build muscle and lose fat at the same time, but it is DEFINITELY not going to be as effecient as the person who is concentrating on one or the other at a time. Noobs can burn fat and add muscle EASILY....but as I've said before, that will come to a SCREECHING stop and plateau withing 3-6 months from most of my observations. At which point I'd recommend them focusing on one or the other. At the moment, I'm cutting right now for the beach this summer....but VERY much so looking forward to my bulk in a couple months where I can relax the calories and indulge some more for while.
  • TheOfficialEpic
    I'd like to join the many who have already thanked you for doing this thread. It's very informative and motivating!

    Thanks. That's why I do it. I would have KILLED more lots of this knowledge 8 years ago. I can only imagine where I could have been by now! It's so funny how every decade it's something new. In the 80s, fat was the enemy. In the 90s, carbs were the it's sugar. So much hype out there when everything we really need to know about dieting, we learned from our mothers when we were kids! I got the nutritional cert yes, and myself and my clients have been guinea pigs over the many years....but it's still funny how it all comes back to the basics. :)
  • jennifeffer
    jennifeffer Posts: 98 Member
    Bumping and loving this thread. You are awesome! A great kindness in you:)
  • t2kburl
    t2kburl Posts: 123 Member
    Thanks for all the great tips!

    6' 3", 297 lbs, 41 yo

    Got any for losing moobs?
    I know I have a long way to go, overall, and I'm just getting started, but these things have to go!
  • TheOfficialEpic
    Thanks for all the great tips!

    6' 3", 297 lbs, 41 yo

    Got any for losing moobs?
    I know I have a long way to go, overall, and I'm just getting started, but these things have to go!

    Lol on the "moobs." Just steadily losing the body fat and throwing in some basic pressing movements for the upper chest yeh. Incline bench press for example assuming healthy and doc approval to participate in exercise.
  • ady41
    ady41 Posts: 23 Member
    :wink: bump
  • philfinallyfit
    philfinallyfit Posts: 20 Member
    Thank you for your reply, and I thus take it that the thing to do is lean out first. Does 155 lbs. sound like the general vicinity of where I am heading, as I lean out prior to focusing on building muscle? I am 5'9", 56 years old, and the last time I was lean was college, and around that weight. I would love to add back around 10-15 lbs. of muscle once I get to that leaned out place where nothing jiggles like jello. I will be "cutting" as you say for months, hoping to reach my goal by year-end (2 lbs. per week sustained loss), and it helps knowing I am on the right course of action. Thanks!
  • tripod271
    tripod271 Posts: 112 Member
  • Theweebarrell
    Theweebarrell Posts: 100 Member
    Hi i am female, 42 years old, 5ft 1 inch and weigh 140lbs i would like to get to 122lbs, i am on feet for 8 hrs a day , 4 days a week, can you work out how many cals i should eat to lose weight - thanks
  • TheOfficialEpic
    Hi i am female, 42 years old, 5ft 1 inch and weigh 140lbs i would like to get to 122lbs, i am on feet for 8 hrs a day , 4 days a week, can you work out how many cals i should eat to lose weight - thanks

    I can only give you an estimate, hon. The big picture is energy in vs energy out. You need to just reduce calories on the weekly till you start losing. When you stall out, readjust down as necessary. There are too many factors that come into play. I can take two females exactly the same age, weight, and height as you....and all three could have drastically different caloric levels needed to maintain or lose.
  • twoboys2012
    twoboys2012 Posts: 352 Member
    Hi there .. firstly your a legend doing a great thing here

    Secondly I would like to know how to reset my metabolism and where to start from there? I have been low on cals and higher on cals and feel like i have been all over the place. Now very very confused. :(

    I am 5ft4
    exercise 2.5hours a week, basically 30 mins 5x/wk (I burn 250-400cals each time)
    2 days cardio, 3 days jillian michaels dvd

    Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks

    A reset. Just take a couple days and don't count ANYthing. Enjoy life. Spend time with your family. Don't exercise. Just relax. Afterwards set yourself around 200-300 calories above bmr. After a week goes by reevaluate. If losing, then great. If not, then cut 100 calories out of each day. Reevaluate again at the end of the next week. So long as you're losing, don't cut more. This is where most people go wrong and screw their metabolisms up. Simple cuts don't haywire the body. Going from 2,000 calories a day to 1,000, and 90 minutes of exercise a week to 5hours and the body is like "What the bloody hell is going on here?!! Protect. Protect. Protect. Protect." This is where immune systems go down, hormones go crazy, and metabolism goes to ****e. The slower the cut, 99x out of 100, from my experience with clients, the stronger their metabolisms in the end, and the more healthier they look in the end....AND the more options we have available to get rid of that last few inches.

    Thank you so much ....

    When i eat 200-300 above my BMR do i also eat back my exercise cals on top of that or just ignore them???

    Don't exercise on the reset days. Relax and give your body a break.

    Yip will do ... but once i start back at just above my BMR what do i do with exercise cals then or just eat at flat rate whole time regardless of exercise?
  • mpf1
    mpf1 Posts: 1,437 Member
    saving to read later- thanks
  • TheOfficialEpic
    Hi there .. firstly your a legend doing a great thing here

    Secondly I would like to know how to reset my metabolism and where to start from there? I have been low on cals and higher on cals and feel like i have been all over the place. Now very very confused. :(

    I am 5ft4
    exercise 2.5hours a week, basically 30 mins 5x/wk (I burn 250-400cals each time)
    2 days cardio, 3 days jillian michaels dvd

    Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks

    A reset. Just take a couple days and don't count ANYthing. Enjoy life. Spend time with your family. Don't exercise. Just relax. Afterwards set yourself around 200-300 calories above bmr. After a week goes by reevaluate. If losing, then great. If not, then cut 100 calories out of each day. Reevaluate again at the end of the next week. So long as you're losing, don't cut more. This is where most people go wrong and screw their metabolisms up. Simple cuts don't haywire the body. Going from 2,000 calories a day to 1,000, and 90 minutes of exercise a week to 5hours and the body is like "What the bloody hell is going on here?!! Protect. Protect. Protect. Protect." This is where immune systems go down, hormones go crazy, and metabolism goes to ****e. The slower the cut, 99x out of 100, from my experience with clients, the stronger their metabolisms in the end, and the more healthier they look in the end....AND the more options we have available to get rid of that last few inches.

    Thank you so much ....

    When i eat 200-300 above my BMR do i also eat back my exercise cals on top of that or just ignore them???

    Don't exercise on the reset days. Relax and give your body a break.

    Yip will do ... but once i start back at just above my BMR what do i do with exercise cals then or just eat at flat rate whole time regardless of exercise?

    Still missing the point. Say you do say you don't eat back your "exercise calories"....whether you do or you don't, if you're not losing, then you're not consistently burning more than you intake, and THAT'S what matters most in losing weight.....the simple energy equation.
  • tashaa1992
    tashaa1992 Posts: 658 Member
    My bodyfat is 20.8, what is a healthy bodyfat for my height?
    I'm 5ft, would I need to lose weight to drop my bodyfat?
    I have been doing just cardio up till now, but I would like to start up with weights, just don't know where to start really yet.
    I would love to be toned, I don't want abs as such, just the toned look.
  • TheOfficialEpic
    Will catch up with everyone tomorrow morning. Time to train. There are PRs needing to be broken, asanas needed to be mastered, and amalgamations needing to be drilled.
  • koutroulakis
    What a great thread!...I have had to quit working out due to planters facitius( hope I spelled that right)...anyway, I've cut back on my calories so that hopefully I will continue to lose weight. Is it ok that my calories on some days is as low as 900 cal but on other days maybe 1900 cal? I tend to eat less on a regular day (no snacking, drinking, clean eating) but on social days I may drink or have a desert...but at this time I'm doing no workouts due to my injury...I'm losing weight but I want to be sure I am not messing up my body so that when my foot heals I can jump right back into my workouts...any advice is so appreciated