Ask me anything about fat/weight loss....



  • choface
    choface Posts: 107 Member
    180 lbs

    I need help figuring out how many calories I should start eating to lose weight. I have my food set to 1400 calories and I feel like I'm starving. I am about to start working out, but anytime I try to regulate and lower how many calories I am consuming and start a workout regimen. I end up eating a crazy amount because I feel like I'm starving. Any tips would be appreciated.
  • littlepinkhearts
    littlepinkhearts Posts: 1,055 Member
    simple question....i'm building a weight-lifting routine, well attempting to anyways. I have 28 different lifts n stuff I want to do. I'm doing 2 sets of each. While i'm resting from doing a set of bicep curls, say....can I be doing a set of deadlifts for example. Or is it more beneficial to just be completely resting between sets and do the 2nd set of whatever you're doing, immediately after the 1st set. I'm still kinda in the 1st stages of weight-lifting and still figuring stuff out. I'm not lifting anywhere near heavy yet, but I expect when I am this won't be a concern. I hope the question makes sense and thanks...again :):flowerforyou:
  • secretgirl4611
    secretgirl4611 Posts: 474 Member
    Do u believe in the NEVER eat below ur BMR, find your TDEE minus the 500 calories to lose 1 pound per wk??.. I am now eating 1900 calories and believe it may be working.. :)
  • mylovelyhumps
    mylovelyhumps Posts: 16 Member
    I looove this thread. Not like I want to marry it but like I enjoy it :-)
  • moe5474
    moe5474 Posts: 162
    What rate of weight loss is realistic (and healthy) for someone who is of a healthy weight but is wanting to get down to their fighting weight. I've listed them in a previous question, but below are my stats

    26 yo female
    23% bg

    I'd like to get down to 135. I know it's more about the journey than a quick fix, so I'm not looking for that. I know there isn't any typical rate of weight loss because everyone is different, but would it be too eager beaver of me to shoot for 1 or 2 lbs of loss per week?

    it's just that I've always heard that 1/2 lb/week is better if someone is closer to their goal weight.

  • mikek333
    mikek333 Posts: 78 Member
    Someone pointed me here from a thread I made asking if it's possible to build muscle/strength or not in a deficit? My curiosity was caused because I notice I'm stronger in my workouts than when I started. I was curious as to whether your body sort of makes up the difference, if you've got fat stores to break down and use as energy to build the muscles? Or is it just that, like someone suggested in my thread, your body just sort of starts working more efficiently with the muscles it already has?

    Lol. You don't need to build muscle to get strong. There's correlation, but it's definitely not the end-all. Look at Olympic lifter Pyrros Dimas. The guy is 175 pounds soaking wet, but routinely throws 400+ pounds over his head like it's dirty laundry! And lord knows there are plenty of extremely big people that are weak as hell. You can get stronger while being in a deficit. No big eal there, but growing MUSCLE while in a deficit, well that is exTREMELY hard unless you're experiencing noob gains. Most think they're gaining muscle, but the fatloss is just making the muscle they already had more visible.

    I'm a male, 44y/o 5' 9", 155lbs. Almost near my goal weight, but now I want to build muscle, and burn remaining fat. How should I eat (currently at 1470 cal)? I.e. How many cals should I raise my daily intake to? How should I work out (just started a stronglift 5x5)? Should I ignore the scale now, if so, how should I track progress?
  • caseydimples
    caseydimples Posts: 173 Member
    If you had limited time and had to chose between doing cardio and weight lifting, what would be more beneficial? I'm working on losing weight and ideally want to do both cardio and weights, but sometimes I don't have time for it all so I'm forced to chose. Which one?

    Neither. Much more easier to focus on the food. I can eat 800 calories in 5 minutes, but that's basically over an hour of cardio on an elliptical. Good forbid you have the chips too. ;D
    Seriously Official Epic - I freaking love your responses. What I'm picking up is I need to make it simple. I work out all the time but I haven't had my nutrition dialed in so I've not lost anything in a very long time. I'm focusing on the food! Don't get me wrong, I'll still be running about 20 miles this week but the food is my focus. Deficit is key. Thanks!
  • Pascua_j
    Pascua_j Posts: 67 Member
    Thank you very much! The closer I get the more I want better, if that makes sense.
  • rach7turtle
    rach7turtle Posts: 47 Member
    Ive been reading through these posts and am learning so much! I just wanted to say thank you soo much for giving all your insight and knowledge. I can tell you're passionate about being healthy and fit. For so long I've put all this stuff in a box and you put it in ways that take it outside that box and make it about each individuals needs. I also like how you say we have to push past the hard stuff because getting to where you want to be in life is rarely easy. THANKS AGAIN!
  • how do you prepare whey protein drinks?

    Mine taste yuk

    I don't. I usually just snort the protein and then chase it with a shot of whiskey.

    I don't use protein powder often....not unless I can't get to real food. If I do though, I usually keep it bones simple: Just the powder and milk or water. But that's just me. My powder actually tastes pretty freakin' awesome on it's own.
  • Stats:
    180 lbs

    I need help figuring out how many calories I should start eating to lose weight. I have my food set to 1400 calories and I feel like I'm starving. I am about to start working out, but anytime I try to regulate and lower how many calories I am consuming and start a workout regimen. I end up eating a crazy amount because I feel like I'm starving. Any tips would be appreciated.

    Lol on the starving.

    1,400 sounds pretty good for right now. You'll eventually have to readjust, but looking at yer stats, this is decent. Be serious as you can with the counting on calories in and calories out. The more black and white you make it, then easier to figure yourself out. People screw it up, because they don't count everything, or throw in an occasional cheat. It's like you're in a lab basically. Ok this didn't work, so let's vary X but still keep Y and Z the same. If you were to manipulate all three variables, then how do you know which of them really did the work?!
  • simple question....i'm building a weight-lifting routine, well attempting to anyways. I have 28 different lifts n stuff I want to do. I'm doing 2 sets of each. While i'm resting from doing a set of bicep curls, say....can I be doing a set of deadlifts for example. Or is it more beneficial to just be completely resting between sets and do the 2nd set of whatever you're doing, immediately after the 1st set. I'm still kinda in the 1st stages of weight-lifting and still figuring stuff out. I'm not lifting anywhere near heavy yet, but I expect when I am this won't be a concern. I hope the question makes sense and thanks...again :):flowerforyou:

    Depends on what your ultimate goal is. You don't train a bodybuilder like a crossfitter. You don't train a sprinter like a marathoner.
  • dia77
    dia77 Posts: 410 Member
    I am new to the gym and I want to boost my energy so I get the most of it .
    Do you think that taking a pre-workout supplement such as Jack 3d is safe? Will you recomended ?
    If not , what pre-workout suplement should I take to boost my energy?

    I tried protein shakes and B12 ,but they don't help too much...:(
    Thank you:)
  • Do u believe in the NEVER eat below ur BMR, find your TDEE minus the 500 calories to lose 1 pound per wk??.. I am now eating 1900 calories and believe it may be working.. :)

    No I don't. I do a detox once every about 4 months. The first day is nothing but water. That's probably just a lil' bit under my bmr. ;D

    As far as for dieting purposes. It CAN be beneficial in the right situation, but these are usually VERY limited occasions where people have destroyed their metabolisms by going way too low way too fast and for way too long on their calories and refuse to do a refeed to try and bump it back up a bit.
  • I looove this thread. Not like I want to marry it but like I enjoy it :-)

    I think you should marry it. He's nice, and he enjoys long quiet walks on the beach. ;)
  • firstnamekaren
    firstnamekaren Posts: 274 Member
    Hello! I have a question.
    I've bumped my calories up to 1776 because of the heavy lifting program I'm on. I stopped doing as much cardio, and only do 30 minutes sessions 2-3 times a week, in addition to lifting heavy 3 times a week. It's only been about 3 weeks of eating this much, and honestly, it's usually between 1700-2000 calories. So far, I've gained about 4-5 lbs - how long should I wait before going back lower, if I need to? And do you think this is to many calories? I'm 5'5, 180 lbs. Thanks!
  • What steroids do you take?
  • What rate of weight loss is realistic (and healthy) for someone who is of a healthy weight but is wanting to get down to their fighting weight. I've listed them in a previous question, but below are my stats

    26 yo female
    23% bg

    I'd like to get down to 135. I know it's more about the journey than a quick fix, so I'm not looking for that. I know there isn't any typical rate of weight loss because everyone is different, but would it be too eager beaver of me to shoot for 1 or 2 lbs of loss per week?

    1-2 is good number for you at this point. I'd recommend this to 90% of the people I work with on losing weight. It keeps you accountable. Now if you were 125 pounds, it definitely wouldn't be AS reasonable. At that point I would probably cut those numbers in half for you.

    it's just that I've always heard that 1/2 lb/week is better if someone is closer to their goal weight.

  • Someone pointed me here from a thread I made asking if it's possible to build muscle/strength or not in a deficit? My curiosity was caused because I notice I'm stronger in my workouts than when I started. I was curious as to whether your body sort of makes up the difference, if you've got fat stores to break down and use as energy to build the muscles? Or is it just that, like someone suggested in my thread, your body just sort of starts working more efficiently with the muscles it already has?

    Lol. You don't need to build muscle to get strong. There's correlation, but it's definitely not the end-all. Look at Olympic lifter Pyrros Dimas. The guy is 175 pounds soaking wet, but routinely throws 400+ pounds over his head like it's dirty laundry! And lord knows there are plenty of extremely big people that are weak as hell. You can get stronger while being in a deficit. No big eal there, but growing MUSCLE while in a deficit, well that is exTREMELY hard unless you're experiencing noob gains. Most think they're gaining muscle, but the fatloss is just making the muscle they already had more visible.

    I'm a male, 44y/o 5' 9", 155lbs. Almost near my goal weight, but now I want to build muscle, and burn remaining fat. How should I eat (currently at 1470 cal)? I.e. How many cals should I raise my daily intake to? How should I work out (just started a stronglift 5x5)? Should I ignore the scale now, if so, how should I track progress?

    Fat loss comes from a deficit...and it's very hard to build muscle on a sub-threshold diet. I bulk basically the opposite of the way I cut. I add in 250 calories above maintenance, and then slowly increase this as I stop gaining. Usually the 250 is enough for the first 3 weeks, and then it's another bump of roughly the same. Towards the end I'm usually taking in about an extra thousand calories a day from where I started.

    As for the lifting. Stronglifts is good, but not the first thing I would recommend. More importantly is just that you're lifting, and that you're doing it progressively more intense. Powerbodybuilding, 5X5, HIT, classical, 5-3-1, etc......they all work, you just have to apply them correctly.
  • Ive been reading through these posts and am learning so much! I just wanted to say thank you soo much for giving all your insight and knowledge. I can tell you're passionate about being healthy and fit. For so long I've put all this stuff in a box and you put it in ways that take it outside that box and make it about each individuals needs. I also like how you say we have to push past the hard stuff because getting to where you want to be in life is rarely easy. THANKS AGAIN!

    Thanks for the love yeh. You hit it on the head. It's all about figuring yourself out. If there was one end-all cure-all, we'd all be taking it! Wtf?! We're all unique. The science is there, but you still have to find out how it applies to your unique situation. It IS calories ingested vs calories expended....but some of us have faster or slower metabolisms depending on everything from body comp to gender, stress levels, etc. Cheers yeh