please take a shower before coming in da gym..ugghh!!



  • Bumdrahp
    Bumdrahp Posts: 1,314 Member
    Don't be ridiculous. The whole point of going to the gym is to sweat then shower AFTER not gonna waste water for middle class snobs like you. I don't see you smelling like roses after your gym session either and please use the English language properly. Da is not a word. I think you'll find it's the. And did you consider perhaps that she had gland problem? Which would mean it wasn't her fault.
    wow!!..middle class snobs like its people like you that keep hell hot and full

    OR maybe she just had a little extra cheese on her taco! ( Oh Jim Carrey, How I loveee thee)
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    I always take a quick shower before the gym in the morning. It does 2 things....1.) Gets rid of your funk & 2.) wakes me up. It is not ok to come into the gym smelling like *kitten*.

    Here's another thing....if you're running on the treadmill (or any machine for that matter), please keep a towel handy to wipe off with. It's not ok to drip everywhere and then clean it up after. It's f-ing gross. glad another person here knows what im talking about

    I would really see a doctor if I was you - I do not wake up, and I am sure 99% of people don't, smelling like *kitten*.

    Actually, I have to share a restroom in our office building with a lot of people and I can promise you that it's one of the grossest things to have to go into a stall after a person with an unwashed butt has been in there.

    As for what the OP is talking about, the stink of old, unwashed gym clothes is very offensive. I don't see why I should have to stay home or not use the gym as suggested by several posters here because the smell bothers me. The occasionally stinky person shouldn't have more of a right to work out at the gym than I do. I just move machines so I don't have to smell it.

    She may not have worded it perfectly, but there were plenty of us who understood what she was saying and who weren't waiting on the edge of our seats to pounce on her because we somehow twisted what she was saying into something offensive. If you sweat good for you. I sweat, too. But I also wear clean gym clothes every day, take a shower in the morning before work and after I get home from the gym, apply deo in the morning and before going to the gym and overall practice good hygiene.

    I'm not sure why so many people are taking offense to this post. Seriously.
  • beautifulblac84
    I knew there was a good reason for my lack of faith in the medical industry. i smell jealousy?
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    smh= shake my head
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