Do you donate blood?



  • Amy911Gray
    Amy911Gray Posts: 685 Member
    The fresh out of the oven chocolate chip cookies and Welch's Grape Juice. I do not like it when they "drill for blood", don't listen to me, and then air comes out--and they can't try again.
  • Jo_permiegirl
    Jo_permiegirl Posts: 38 Member
    i donate whenever i can. i think for such a small price of time & slight discomfort, to be able to give life is incredible
  • M1chelles5
    M1chelles5 Posts: 107
    I'm severly anemic and have bleeding issues, so I can't donate. However, I'm a registered organ donor!
  • klakers3
    klakers3 Posts: 189 Member
    I LOVE donating blood too! I'm also a rare blood type (AB-). I really like the feeling of knowing I'm helping people. I also enjoy the goodies and the stickers that they give out. I've donated waaay more than a gallon but never gotten a gallon pin :( I don't know if it's because I've donated in so many different places and with several different groups (United Blood Services, American Red Cross, etc.). Oh well. That won't stop me from donating. :) My least favorite part is reading the booklet and answering all of the questions. That seems to take forever!
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    I want to donate, but tattoos and pericings.

    Also, I've had sex with men that have had sex with men.

    And we all know all gay men have aids right?
    it's not the 80s anymore?

    Ah okay...but for some reason, gay men aren't allowed to give blood. At least in the UK. Oh wait - they changed it this year, you can give blood if you abstain from sex for a whole year.
    Yaaaaaaaaaay for no sex so that you can get stabbed with a needle and drained of blood!

    but srsly, I'd like to donate blood, when my tattoos are a year old. And hopefully they change the rules so me and my best friend can go together by the time that happens (:
  • Giraffe33991
    Giraffe33991 Posts: 434 Member
    Yup every chance I get!!
    A- blood type is always in demand.

    I hate when my iron level is low & can't do it. Total bummer.
  • Elizabeth_M
    Elizabeth_M Posts: 562 Member
    I used to - but then I tested a false positive for something (due to human error) and now I am banned. lol Until they change the rules.... sigh.

    I started when I was 17 and loved doing it. I, too, have a little bit of a rare type, A-, but it's not as needed as the O types!
  • ReinasWrath
    ReinasWrath Posts: 1,173 Member
    I donate as often as I can ^_^ I love doing it cuz I feel like I'm helping out. I hate the dizzyness/light headed I get sometimes after =P
  • Elizabeth_M
    Elizabeth_M Posts: 562 Member
    I'm severly anemic and have bleeding issues, so I can't donate. However, I'm a registered organ donor!

    I'm an organ donor, too. No way am I going to be selfish in death. Just imo of course!
  • 05HeatherLouise05
    05HeatherLouise05 Posts: 178 Member
    I used to donate until they shut my local clinic down. The only place to donate now is 4-5 hours away.
    And i'm also signed up to be an organ donor :)
    DAMNCHARLIE Posts: 569
    I actually found out I am very anemic (my son donates). So I may need some if these iron pills dont work.
  • ChubbyStudent25
    I tried to once but my weight was too low. I could now if I wanted since I am heavier.
  • shammxo
    shammxo Posts: 1,432 Member
    I love donating! I was diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia a while back, but my levels are normal again. It might not be smart for me to do it right away, but I think I'm going to. I've been waiting 9 months!
  • aircantu1
    aircantu1 Posts: 55 Member
    I have a million scars on my left arm from donating. :)

    Me too :)

    I have donated regularly for years, got my gallon mug, T-shirts, etc... then went one day before lunch (had a small breakfast) and passed out. It was horrible. I vomited everywhere, they called an ambulance, I was in bed for 2 days.

    So, after years of good experiences that scared me away for a while. I finally got up the nerve to donate again just a few weeks ago (after a huge lunch) when my grandma was in the hospital right above the blood bank and everything went great so I hope to get back into the every 8 weeks pattern again.

    I love the cookies :)
  • delco714
    delco714 Posts: 229
    for all you A's out there.. they ask you for platelets I assume.. some crazy stuff donating platelets.. not for the faint of heart
  • lackie09
    lackie09 Posts: 123 Member
    As a child I had to be given blood due to a wreck I was in and I think everyone of you that give. So my story is simple I give because I was given to as a child. I agree that the finger prick is the worst!
  • Elizabeth_M
    Elizabeth_M Posts: 562 Member
    Im not allowed because I have had transfusions myself... but thank you to those of you who do donate! I wish I could personally thank the people that donated blood to me because they saved my life. :)

    I think that's a great thank you from someone who has benefitted from good donations. :) Makes ME feel good! :)
  • Ronngie
    Ronngie Posts: 295 Member
    I don't donate, due to a slight clotting issue & that I tend to be borderline anemic. I had to receive blood once, and am so grateful to the person(s) who donated. Without it, I don't know what my recovery would have looked like. My husband is B positive and he donates all the time.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    I do! I had to stop for pregnancies, but now I get to donate blood this week. I love knowing that I can help others, especially since my blood type is a little rarer (AB+) and I enjoy the guilt free cranberry juice and cookie. I just got my gallon pin and I'm working on the next gallon. The only drawback for me is when they poke my finger... it seems like that hurts the most.

    If you donate, what do you like most and least about it?
    i'm also an AB+. I donate plasma just for that reason since we are universal donors for plasma. for regular blood i dont donate as much as i should. i kind of figure since ab+ can accept just about everything, my type is pretty safe. of course if i were an O I'd be all about donating blood.

    with donating plasma, i admit i do like the feeling of the room temperature red blood cells being pumped back into my body. it's like free air conditioning in the summer
  • Helenacabral1
    I have donate blood for the pasted couple years but since a started to lose weight my Iron is too low!SO I;m working on gettting it back up!!!