

  • Fit4Vet
    Fit4Vet Posts: 610 Member
    Weighed in this morning
    Down 2 lbs! Waaaahooo! :bigsmile:
    So, I'm at 195.4
    Just thought I'd let ya know.
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    You know.... I have been reading and I think most of you HATE weighing in on Mondays.....
    So, I say just keep doing what you are doing and we will just have a weigh-in week. We can start it on Mondays like we have been doing...then just post whenever you weigh in.... BUT please be sure and weigh in by Friday.... We need to have a cut off day for the week.... That way it will make it easier for Meags to do our chart....

    I also wanted to jump in and say that I weight this morning and was actually down to 222 lbs... That is down 1.5 lbs from last week.... So, yay!!!
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    so I finally weighed in... didn't want to all week becuase i was so bad over the weekend with my dads birthday and the holiday... but I finally sucked it up this morning and got on the scales and i'm only up 0.3 pounds... which is totally not bad at all considering i thought it'd be more like 3 pounds or something.. so i'm okay with that... i just have to work twice as hard the next few days to get it back down...

    Awesome!!!! :happy:
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I've been battling a weight gain (probably normal due to upping my calories out of starvation range and beginning working out for the first time in decades), but haven't wanted to blab it to ya'll.

    This morning is the first morning I'm back down to my lowest weight since I started, almost a month ago? I'd even lost an extra 1/2 pound. So I'm happy.
  • Meags23
    Meags23 Posts: 98
    I just wanna say that I worked out last night for the first time in a little while. With my parents visiting, it was difficult to do some Turbo Jamming! Even though I was walking everyday, it's just not the same as a good 20 min. workout with Chalene! I'm glad everyone is doing so well this week!!! Keep up the great work!!

    You're right! That workout with Chalene is the real thing! And congratulations on getting started again! Doesn't it feel great? Even though you've got visitors, you got it done! :happy:

    Aww, thanks for that pick me up... it made me feel much better!! :smile:
  • Meags23
    Meags23 Posts: 98
    You know.... I have been reading and I think most of you HATE weighing in on Mondays.....
    So, I say just keep doing what you are doing and we will just have a weigh-in week. We can start it on Mondays like we have been doing...then just post whenever you weigh in.... BUT please be sure and weigh in by Friday.... We need to have a cut off day for the week.... That way it will make it easier for Meags to do our chart....

    I also wanted to jump in and say that I weight this morning and was actually down to 222 lbs... That is down 1.5 lbs from last week.... So, yay!!!

    Sorry for the double post, but I agree. I like weighing in on Wednesday, but we need a cut off day, so starting next week, I'll do the chart on Friday morning. That way get weighed in and let me know by Thursday night. Then the chart will be posted by the end of the day Friday. Thanks!!!!! :happy:
  • kat05317
    kat05317 Posts: 96 Member
    Hello everyone!
    I did not weigh at all this week. We went to the beach Saturday and then I got sick with the sinus crud. I did not even log in my foods for three days. I will pick back up next week. :blushing:
