North Carolina Amendment to Ban Gay Marriage, thoughts?



  • Biggipooh
    Biggipooh Posts: 350
    This thread is going to be closed soon.... lol
  • rhythmicveggie
    It's absolutely disgusting that it passed. There is supposed to be a separation of church and state in our government, but that line was crossed with this amendment. It's discriminatory and there are many unclear parts of the amendment.

    I am sick that this amendment passed. Absolutely sick.

    This. I agree wholeheartedly. (I mean, I'm Canadian, so I can't say it's *my* government, but I believe I'm still allowed to have an opinion on the matter. )

    Edit: Oops.. just realised this sort of wasn't allowed on the forums, heh.
  • courtxoney
    courtxoney Posts: 59 Member
    it's lame that it passed, but i'm honestly not surprised at all.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    It sucks.
  • 13519485
    13519485 Posts: 264
    Marriage is a biblical idea. Where else do we get the idea from? I'm glad they banned it.

    Marriage existed long before MAN created that stupid book. :flowerforyou:
  • WhittRak
    WhittRak Posts: 572 Member
    Marriage is a biblical idea. Where else do we get the idea from? I'm glad they banned it.

    Pure unadulterated idiocy.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    It's only a matter of time. :smile:
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Marriage is a biblical idea. Where else do we get the idea from? I'm glad they banned it.


    Right click and select "View Image" to see the whole thing.
  • rossi02
    rossi02 Posts: 549 Member
    Hopefully my profile picture helps explain it.

    *ETA: I was born, raised and still live in NC.
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    Really I don't see a problem with the ban, homosexuality is a personal choice, you can't force the acceptance of your lifestyle on anyone else. 1Cor 6:9-10 sums it up pretty well and for those who argue that there is a seperation of religion and state, you can not leave God out of His own arrangement Gen2:24.

    Hit it on the nail!!

    I'm so glad we had someone chime in here that has 1. walked around in a body of a hetorsexual and 2. walked around in the body of a homosexual so all of this "choosing" debate can be put to bed. Thank you for your input.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member

    Marriage is an institution designed to raise families, yes I know some people can't, but I'm talking about the main reason for the union.

    So since I have no intention of procreating with my husband, even though I have a fully functional uterus, then my marriage is less valid?

    C'mon. You know better than that.
  • Uisgich
    Uisgich Posts: 7 Member
    For me marriage is a civil right and to not allow a group of people that right is 100% wrong. It's just like when they made interracial marriage illegal. Very sad that people still feel this way, even more so because the divorce rate is over 50% now. What are gay couples going to ruin, that we haven't already ruined ourselves? NOTHING!! Some of the couple i know that have been together the longest are gay couples, one who have been together almost 30 years. Again very sad and breaks my heart. Love is love, in every shape or form, and just because someone doesn't follow what YOU want, doesn't mean its wrong. I think people that are against gay marriage need to look deep into themselves and figure out what their own problems are before pointing the finger or judging

    This! I couldn't have put it better myself :)
  • mangozulu
    mangozulu Posts: 90 Member
    I think they are a bunch of lunatics personally. Why this is even an issue in government is beyond me. Leave it the the churches to be biased and judgmental, it's their job if they want it.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Marriage is a religious thing, so shouldn't the church be aloud to say no.

    Marriage has two components, a religious component and a secular one.

    The religious component is, should always be, and hopefully will always be the domain of one's chosen religion. No religion should be forced to accept or recognize the religious component of a marriage they disagree with (this has to do with acceptance by their God or Gods, acceptance of people as members of their religion, etc). This is an important freedom to defend - the right of people to practice their religion in the way they see fit.

    The secular component has more to do with inheritance law, spousal access to the deathbed and/or critical care, common law, shared property, insurance, and a series of financial and legal things that society offers to married couples. This imparts certain rights to the couple to make it easier to live as a couple.

    As an example, I was married by a Justice of the Peace in a rented hall. There was absolutely no religious component to my (heterosexual) marriage. I do not ask any Church, Synagogue, or other religious institution to accept, recognize, or even acknowledge my marriage. Never have, never will.

    I have devout family members to this day who refuse to accept my 20+ year marriage as valid in the eyes of their God, and think of my daughter as a *kitten* child in the eyes of their God, and I believe that is their absolute right to see it that way if they so wish, and if they refuse to allow me in their home I will accept their wishes. Regretfully, but it's their religion and their God and their home. It's too bad, because they are really nice people, but they've decided they don't want "my kind" in their life any more. And that's their RIGHT.

    I will defend a religion's right to practice what they wish as vigorously as I will defend an individual's right to marry whom they wish.

    I agree. And from a religious (Christian) standpoint, it shouldn't be allowed. From a civil standpoint, what does the religious standpoint have to do with it?

    Even my mother, who is as absolutely anti-gay (extremely religious) as it gets...feels this way.

    I mean, I'm not gay...I'll never be gay, that's my choice. If someone else is...that's THEIR choice (or whatever you consider's their perogative), and I respect it, as there is no one harmed by it.

    Common sense people.
  • PapaverSomniferum
    PapaverSomniferum Posts: 2,677 Member
    The sad thing is that even if the amendment had not passed.. Gay marriages would still NOT be recognized in North Carolina.... the truth is that by passing the amendment they are hurting far more heterosexual couples than gay couples.... children born out of wed lock can be denied health insurance and widows lose their pensions now due to the passing of this amendment.... :( I'm more concerned about the elderly widows and children whose parents arent' married than homosexuals... it's just sad.. :( It was described as allowing gay marriges I believe to get ppl to vote for it... when the reality is that it covered far more than that and alot of the ppl who voted for the amendment may one day be negatively affected by what they voted for....

    ^^ this

    it isn't about your religion and how much you want to impose your will on others

    it's about denying families the ability to legally care for eachother

    and it's incredibly sad.
  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    the people have spoken... democracy wins again!!
  • LoViNlIFe0225
    LoViNlIFe0225 Posts: 121
    I have a question, If the separation of church and state is so important in this country... why is everyone trying to push for legalizing gay marriages. Marriage is a religious thing, so shouldn't the church be aloud to say no.

    I could be mistaken, never looked into marriage, but the only thing that changes, from being a living together situation, is someone's name changes.

    This isn't really true. A lot of things change when you are "legally" married. Marriage started as a religious thing, but has become legal. You gain more rights where your partner is concerned, especially in the case of injury or death. I can't imagine anyone else having the right to say that my husband stay on or come off of a ventilator, but if we weren't legally married that decision would be made by his most immediate family member. The name change is just a symbol of the marriage...but there are many legal aspects to the commitment.
  • cannonsky
    cannonsky Posts: 850 Member
    Marriage is a biblical idea. Where else do we get the idea from? I'm glad they banned it.

    Marriage existed long before MAN created that stupid book. :flowerforyou:

    So did homosexuality for that matter.
  • HiKaren
    HiKaren Posts: 1,306 Member
    I think those people are absolutely dumm-*kitten*. The ones who banned it. And years from now, I think people will look back amazed at what dumm *kitten* they were. The people who want to make rules like that. Ummmm, they are the same people who think you shouldn't marry anyone thats of a different color than yourself.... They are also the same people who are unhappy in their marriages, and they beat their wives, and cheat & have affairs. It makes me sick too. I'm personally a straight female who is happily married to wonderful man. Those are the same people who lie, cheat, and steal to ahead in this world. You know those ballots are fixed don't you? Lots of tampering going on. I bet, I bet. Absolutely dumm *kitten*....
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
This discussion has been closed.