I love me more than I love.-------------------------------



    TROUBLE2 Posts: 6,660
    :huh: I thought you were stronger than that. shame. Where is the head shake smiley when you need it??

    keep your panties on... I just smelled em... geeesh... oh and ignore my first statement :wink:

    he he heeeee :devil:

    You are so going to end up the skeezy old man in the retirement home that squeezes the nurses' @$$.

    who says I dont already do that now???:tongue:
  • ericac
    ericac Posts: 2,679
    too late now... I already shed that single tear... like a diamond trikling down a sandy decline to fall away to a bleak nothingness!!!
    Okay....what's it going to take to make you smile?....Hmmmm??:wink:

    The trick is to get him to cry WHILE he's smiling....:devil: :bigsmile: :laugh:
    EXCELLENT!!......Bring em to their knees!.....lol:wink::bigsmile: :laugh:

    I still want to know where there are diamonds "trinkling down a sandy decline."
    In his fantasy land!....:laugh: :laugh: There's a LOT going on in that head!!:laugh:
    TROUBLE2 Posts: 6,660
    Okay....what's it going to take to make you smile?....Hmmmm??:wink:

    it was teh diamond talk that broke you wasnt it :wink: :heart: :happy: :laugh:

    you love diamonds dont ya?
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,304 Member
    too late now... I already shed that single tear... like a diamond trikling down a sandy decline to fall away to a bleak nothingness!!!
    Okay....what's it going to take to make you smile?....Hmmmm??:wink:

    The trick is to get him to cry WHILE he's smiling....:devil: :bigsmile: :laugh:
    EXCELLENT!!......Bring em to their knees!.....lol:wink::bigsmile: :laugh:

    I still want to know where there are diamonds "trinkling down a sandy decline."
    Well if....um....you see if Trouble's....um...yeah. I got nothin. I just want to know why they have to fall away into bleak nothingness...why can't they fall into endless oceans of despair or something...:indifferent:
    TROUBLE2 Posts: 6,660
    In his fantasy land!....:laugh: :laugh: There's a LOT going on in that head!!:laugh:

    you can build a mountain of sand (symbolism for a cheek) and if you place one grain of sand on an incline of 60 degrees it fall down... same thing if you put a diamon on a 60degree decline it will slowly trickle down... its all relative...

    and YES... my fantasy land is very large and expansive... I dont know if you could handle 1/2 of what goes on in my head... just be thankful you cant read my mind... :glasses:
  • ericac
    ericac Posts: 2,679
    Okay....what's it going to take to make you smile?....Hmmmm??:wink:

    it was teh diamond talk that broke you wasnt it :wink: :heart: :happy: :laugh:

    you love diamonds dont ya?
    I AM a girl!........If you doubt check the pics!....lol:laugh: :laugh: You didn't break me......Pshhh:laugh: :laugh: Your not that big!
    TROUBLE2 Posts: 6,660
    I just want to know why they have to fall away into bleak nothingness...why can't they fall into endless oceans of despair or something...:indifferent:

    the bleak nothingness was more symbolism of how I felt.. Bleak and empty... left hollow from her insults... :indifferent:
    TROUBLE2 Posts: 6,660
    I AM a girl!........If you doubt check the pics!....lol:laugh: :laugh: You didn't break me......Pshhh:laugh: :laugh: Your not that big!

    HAHAHA give me a second and look again :wink: :love: :happy: :laugh:
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    I still want to know where there are diamonds "trinkling down a sandy decline."
    In his fantasy land!....:laugh: :laugh: There's a LOT going on in that head!!:laugh:

    I have a distinct feeling that I don't want to know most of what is going on in that head. :tongue:

    I love me more than I love throwing things at people who chew gum with their mouth open.... I think.. :grumble:
  • ericac
    ericac Posts: 2,679
    I just want to know why they have to fall away into bleak nothingness...why can't they fall into endless oceans of despair or something...:indifferent:

    the bleak nothingness was more symbolism of how I felt.. Bleak and empty... left shallow from her insults... :indifferent:
    OMG.......:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Shall we talk about your lack of texts?......yeah, I already cried...sometimes I don't think you know me at all!.....:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • ericac
    ericac Posts: 2,679
    I AM a girl!........If you doubt check the pics!....lol:laugh: :laugh: You didn't break me......Pshhh:laugh: :laugh: Your not that big!

    HAHAHA give me a second and look again :wink: :love: :happy: :laugh:
    Ha ha...now what am I looking at?:laugh: :laugh:
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,304 Member
    I just want to know why they have to fall away into bleak nothingness...why can't they fall into endless oceans of despair or something...:indifferent:

    the bleak nothingness was more symbolism of how I felt.. Bleak and empty... left shallow from her insults... :indifferent:

    So do your tears (or diamonds...) fall different places depending on how you feel at the time? Remember this is for posterity, so be honest....
    TROUBLE2 Posts: 6,660
    I just want to know why they have to fall away into bleak nothingness...why can't they fall into endless oceans of despair or something...:indifferent:

    the bleak nothingness was more symbolism of how I felt.. Bleak and empty... left shallow from her insults... :indifferent:
    OMG.......:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Shall we talk about your lack of texts?......yeah, I already cried...sometimes I don't think you know me at all!.....:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    lack of texts??? what??? you could text me...
    TROUBLE2 Posts: 6,660
    I just want to know why they have to fall away into bleak nothingness...why can't they fall into endless oceans of despair or something...:indifferent:

    the bleak nothingness was more symbolism of how I felt.. Bleak and empty... left shallow from her insults... :indifferent:

    So do your tears (or diamonds...) fall different places depending on how you feel at the time? Remember this is for posterity, so be honest....
    we are men of sience it took a liftime to invint except instead of sucking water it sucks life... :laugh:
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,304 Member
    I need to start loving me more than I love caramel light frappacinos....*slurping bottom of cup* or at least I need to love me enough to get a smaller size...

    BTW. I am still giggling over this: We have a client we shorten to TPS and my manager just asked me to get her the "TPS report" for the month...hee hee hee :laugh: I'm a dork. :bigsmile:
  • Hey Missy, welcome! I like junk food too, but it is easy to give up when you see the rapid rewards of a thinner happier me!
    Thanks. I'm beginning to see that the rewardsof a slimmer me are far greater than giving in to a chicken sandwich with bacon from Burger King or an order of fries from McDonalds!
  • jentx
    jentx Posts: 244
    I love me more than I love greasy IHOP breakfast after dancing all night.......:drinker:
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    I love me more than ditching my coworkers so I can have a huge burger and fries instead of sushi. D@mn, I want red meat.
  • ericac
    ericac Posts: 2,679
    I just want to know why they have to fall away into bleak nothingness...why can't they fall into endless oceans of despair or something...:indifferent:

    the bleak nothingness was more symbolism of how I felt.. Bleak and empty... left shallow from her insults... :indifferent:
    OMG.......:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Shall we talk about your lack of texts?......yeah, I already cried...sometimes I don't think you know me at all!.....:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    lack of texts??? what??? you could text me...
    Oh yeah...I see you text me last!....lol:laugh: :laugh:
  • ericac
    ericac Posts: 2,679
    I love me more then that Frappaccino that just walked by......I nearly tackled that patient!....Mmmmmm
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