Welcome!! I am so excited we had a good turn out...and I'll try my hardest to get on here every day and keep everyone motivated! Odd..but by helping keep others motivated...it motivates me as well!! Just remember how good you feel when you step on that scale, and the numbers are lower....remember how good you feel when those clothes start getting baggy...remember how you feel when someone says, "wow you look great!!" Those are the things that keep me going. That...and the bikini I have hanging in my kitchen...as a visual of what I'd like to be wearing next summer!! :) Have a great week everyone!!!


  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    Okay so I guess I'll start.

    My weight is still the same today 212
    I did 50 minutes of aerobics and 22 minutes on the treadmill. I walked 1 mile set at level 3. That's a BIG achievement for me as I HATE to exercise!!
    Hope my weight see some changes soon!!!

    Have a good day everyone and STAY HEALTHY!!!

  • pammiles47
    pammiles47 Posts: 36
    You have a blessed week also!!!!! :smooched:
  • mrsprazak05
    mrsprazak05 Posts: 109
    Okay so I guess I'll start.

    My weight is still the same today 212
    I did 50 minutes of aerobics and 22 minutes on the treadmill. I walked 1 mile set at level 3. That's a BIG achievement for me as I HATE to exercise!!
    Hope my weight see some changes soon!!!

    Have a good day everyone and STAY HEALTHY!!!


    Wow!! That is AWESOME!! I didn't weigh today, and I'm trying to weigh only once a week...but weigh to go you!! With work outs like that...you're sure to see changes!! :) When I first started, I HATED exercise too (I don't know how long you've been at this...but it took me a long time to WANT to work out!)..Keep up the great work!! Yesterday...I did Jillian Michaels in the morning....then met a friend at the gym and did 30 min on the elliptical level 6, incline 6....then ran 20 minutes incline 4 on treadmill...and am planning on meeting her at gym again today. Have a wonderful day Memaw!!
  • fiftyandfit
    fiftyandfit Posts: 349 Member
    Good Morning!! :flowerforyou:

    Well DH set the alarm for 0800hrs......ugh! It's summer, I'm supposed to be allowed
    to sleep in!! So, what does he do, rolls over and hits the snooze. Well, I'm up!! So,
    drag his sorry butt out of bed and tell him, "You set the alarm, let's get up and walk!"
    Walked our morning 2 miles.......did I mention I really HATE sweating??? Really loved
    when I used to take water aerobics!

    So, got in my exercise, will def get in my water as it's a work day and I pack 6-8 16oz bottles...
    will try to get in one more veggie and one more fruit today.

    Have a wonderful day!
    Pam :drinker:
  • timeforchange
    Hey all!
    I'm only going to be weighing myself once a week as well because I find it more exciting that way! So, yesterday I weighed 190 lbs. I have a lot going on a the moment and so the only exercise I'll be getting this week is my 30 day Shred videos. I'm not expecting to lose weight by next Monday, but it's the best I can do at the moment! After this week is over I will have LOTS more time to work out!!
    I'll be in touch!
  • mrsprazak05
    mrsprazak05 Posts: 109
    Great job Pam!! And weigh to set a goal of eating an extra veggie and an extra fruit! Little mini goals like that are what keep me going!! And Lindsey! Stop that talk!! :bigsmile: 30 day shred is a GREAT workout...and if you combine that with eating healthy....I would put money on the fact that you lose this week...you MUST expect to lose...that's our goal!! :wink: But...on that same note...if you DON'T lose one week...you can't get yourself down in the dumps...we pick up...and start fresh the next day! :drinker: I have faith in ya Lindsey...:flowerforyou:
  • fiftyandfit
    fiftyandfit Posts: 349 Member
    Did I mention how much I love your lil love notes to everyone!
    Here's one for you;
    I'm glad that you started this thread...you be da bomb baby!! :drinker:
  • mrsprazak05
    mrsprazak05 Posts: 109
    Oh, Thanks so much Pam!! I truly just want EVERYONE to be successful on their journey!!
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    i'm going to try and weigh in once a week, ive been weighing in everyday recently and it hasnt done me any good - this morning i was 150.6lbs

    im doing a exercise class tomorrow called 'fatburner' so im hoping that wil burn a lot of calories, and if i enjoy it im going to try and go every weeks, and if the gym membership is a reasonable price i am going to join as a 'pay as you go' member

    i determined so much now to lose the weight and get back down to what i was two years ago

    good luck everyone! we can do this!!

  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    Are we checking in daily here? Or will there be a new thread each day? Please let me know, don't want to miss anything.

  • mrsprazak05
    mrsprazak05 Posts: 109
    Are we checking in daily here? Or will there be a new thread each day? Please let me know, don't want to miss anything.


    Let's plan on checking in here daily...and I'll try to add a little encouragement every day...and I'll also try to get it done right after my 5 AM workout...so hopefully everyone can read it as they start their day...or close to it! I hope everyone is doing well today...and making healthy choices!! Remember...every day is FULL of choices...WE ALL need to make sure we're making the right choices!! :love: Here are some encouraging quotes I found!!

    "Stand up to your obstacles and do something about them. You will find that they haven't half the strength you think they have."
    - Norman Vincent Peale

    "Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors."
    - African Proverb

    "The reason most people never reach their goals is that they don't define them, or ever seriously consider them as believable or achievable. Winners can tell you where they are going, what they plan to do along the way, and who will be sharing the adventure with them."
    - Denis Watley

    I TRULY hope you're all finding this Hump day a glorious one...and I TRULY hope you're staying encouraged!!!

    :drinker: Jen
  • fiftyandfit
    fiftyandfit Posts: 349 Member
    late posting for today...getting ready to head home from work

    didn't get in my extra veggie and fruit yesterday :cry:
    but, think i walked an additional 4 miles at the scene of the traffic collision!!
    boy! do flares burn out quick! back and forth, back and forth!!

    today......well today woke up tired, had to work over due to the t/c...
    didn't really have any goals except to eat what i packed and not stop
    in for any carbs/comfort food due to being tired..
    met that goal! didn't have time to stop running around today!! :tongue:

    so am out of here and going home to put up my feet and sit with the 4 legged critters
    for a bit before hitting the hay

    (5am workout??? are you crazy woman??? :tongue: )

  • lesliemk
    lesliemk Posts: 382 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I wasn't sure if this was weekly or daily, but daily is great so I'll always be on the look out for this thread!

    Each week I go do an EcoTrek Fitness routine w/ a personal trainer. It's a 75 minute workout with a group of women and we work out outdoors and it's awesome--I love being outside in the summer, but it totally kicks my butt!! We power walk the trail, jog, do polymetrics on the trail, get in some ab work, use a nearby park to do squats, lunges and use bands on anything we can find to get in our arm work. It's awesome. The ladies are great and so encouraging and very friendly compared to my old gym membership and the bonus is that this goes year round and I'm hoping in the next few weeks to be able to go 2-3 times per week. You burn about 500-800 calories depending on how hard you work. Last night was killer, but it feels amazing and it really helps me stay on track with exercising and eating right all week!

    Anywho, I was down .5 this morning from yesterday, which feels great after such a hard workout. Plus, AF just left town, so I'm hoping I'll shed a few more pounds too. Now I've just gotta keep my eating in check through the weekend since I will be out of town and in a girlfriend's wedding. I hope everyone has a great rest of the week!!
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    Morning all!!!

    Yesterday was a great day!

    I drank lots of water!
    Someone noticed my weight loss!
    I worked out hard and stayed within calorie range!!!
    I know it's not good to weigh everyday but I do it anyway and whooo hooo I was down a lb this morning!!

    Hope everyone has a great and healthy day!!!

  • fiftyandfit
    fiftyandfit Posts: 349 Member
    Good Morning!!

    Way to go memaw!! :love: ( i weigh in every am too...let's me know mentally if I'm on track or not!)

    Don't think I ate enough yesterday, up .2 of a pound this am...course it could be water weight too...
    not too upset about it...will just have to try harder today to eat EVERYTHING I pack in my lunch.

    It's my Friday......yeehaw!!!

    DH has a 4 day weekend, so he wants to go up to Solvang or up the coast tomorrow. That always
    worries me when I'm away from my structure.

    Have a wonderful day!

  • mrsprazak05
    mrsprazak05 Posts: 109
    Good afternoon everyone!! I am staying out of town at my parents, as my grandparents are in town from Oklahoma...and I am finding it SO easy to stick with my 1200 calorie range!! Thank God! I was worried! My grandma (and mom) keep saying how great i am looking...and that is a HUGE encouragement! My sister...kind of a downer...but always seems to rain on my parade. Not sure if its jealousy or what...but she's done it my ENTIRE life...I mentioned I was down 28 lbs...and was proud cause I've worked HARD at it...and she goes "I've lost 30...just by not drinking pop"...and I was TICKED!!! Difference is...she's casually dropped over 1.5 years not drinking pop!!! I don't drink pop...but I've worked my tail off to get 2.8 lbs off in 3 months!!! She must have been ircked because grandma had just said I looked great, and asked how much I've lost...and needed to put the spot light back on her!!! So...that was kinda a bummer...but I REFUSE TO LET NEGATIVITIY HAVE A PLACE IN MY LIFE!!! :)

    Weigh to go ladies!!! Its so encouraging to see blogs about others making healthy choices!!! I am so glad you're all here...it boosts my spirit...and keeps me encouraged and motivated!!! Here's some quotes for today...have a great day everyone!!!

    "Into each life some rain must fall, some days be dark and dreary."
    - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

    "Life's challenges are not supposed to paralyze you, they're supposed to help you discover who you are."
    - Bernice Johnson Reagon

    "You must do the thing you think you cannot do."
    - Eleanor Roosevelt
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    Oh hi guys. Just wanted to let you all know that I won't be able to post this weekend. My home computer is in the hospital but I will be back on Monday to report good things!!!
    I'm off on Fridays.
    Stay healthy everyone!!

  • jklm
    jklm Posts: 281
    I'm inspired by your great attitude and your weight loss! I'd like to join your group, but don't know if I'm supposed to join only this thread and/or the "Finish Summer Fit" thread.

    My high weight was 223.
    June 2nd at 214
    June 29 at 204
    July 6 at 202
    Goal weight 159
  • anewday
    anewday Posts: 69 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm excited to hear everyone is doing so good so far! After my son's nap we are going for a brisk walk, hoping to get a little something done everyday. Yesterday I walked over 2 miles, probably close to 3 but not too sure on that. I have fallen in love with my fresh fruits! Yumm, and found alternatives to snacks, like the mini rice cakes, chocolate is so yummy and much better then a candy bar. Have a great weekend ladies, and I will see everyone for weigh in soon!

    I wanted to re-post this so I have it on this post and not the old on. Thanks! "It helps me keep track of my progress" :wink:

    7/06 - 128
    7/13 -
    7/20 -
    7/27 -
    8/03 -
    8/10 -
    8/17 -
    8/24 -
    8/31 -

    Goal Weight - 112
  • anewday
    anewday Posts: 69 Member
    I'm inspired by your great attitude and your weight loss! I'd like to join your group, but don't know if I'm supposed to join only this thread and/or the "Finish Summer Fit" thread.

    My high weight was 223.
    June 2nd at 214
    June 29 at 204
    July 6 at 202
    Goal weight 159

    I am pretty sure this is the new thread. Good luck!!!