

  • fiftyandfit
    fiftyandfit Posts: 349 Member
    Good Morning!!:flowerforyou:

    C'mon group.........I know we're busy, but we need each other! Keep posting!! :wink:

    Got all my water in yesterday, 12 thank you very much! But not enough fruit.
    Back to work today so lunch box is already packed for a 10hr shift.
    Walked with the kids last nite and came home and watched the lightning storm
    roll across the desert sky.

    Have a great day!

  • ClassiC
    ClassiC Posts: 259 Member
    Hey everyone!

    internet was down so couldnt get in my postings until now :sad:

    hope everyone has started the week off with a bang so far!!

    Positive thought today: "A dream is a goal not yet acheived. The only difference between the 2 is the effort involved in attaining what you hope to accomplish!"

    Dont count the steps ahead, just add up the total of steps already covered and multiply it by faith, confidence and endurance ladies!!

    mini goals for the week: 20 glasses of water p/day, working out am and pm, and 2lbs gone! WOOT!!!!

    who's with me!! :happy:

  • ClassiC
    ClassiC Posts: 259 Member
    Oh yeah, one great thing that happened to me this week...I BOUGHT MY 1ST SIZE 14 PANTS IN 5 YEARS!!! That was an AMAZING feeling!!!

    woot!!!!! congrats lady!!! that is AMAZING!!! :flowerforyou: you are fabulous!! size 12 here we come:wink:
  • anewday
    anewday Posts: 69 Member
    7/06 - 128
    7/13 - 126.5
    7/20 - 125.5
    7/27 -
    8/03 -
    8/10 -
    8/17 -
    8/24 -
    8/31 -

    Goal Weight - 112
    Total Lose- 2.5

    One pound down!!!! I'm excited, hope everyone does well this week!
    I have to lose 2.5 lbs every week to meet my goal. I better take it up a notch!!!!
  • fiftyandfit
    fiftyandfit Posts: 349 Member
    Good Morning! :flowerforyou:

    Where is everyone??? It's already 0930 hrs Calif time!! C'mon up up up!!

    Emotionally draining day yesterday :grumble: came home and ate about a dozen
    Cheetos before I pushed the bag away and was even more unhappy :grumble:

    Today is a new day...........:drinker: (no pun intended anewday!! :tongue: )

    Were we supposed to post numbers yesterday??? When the heck is August 31st anyway????

    Pam :flowerforyou:
  • anewday
    anewday Posts: 69 Member
    LOL - It's all good, I wouldn't of thought anything of it! :wink:
    I thought we weigh in every week, on Monday. I made a little weekly weigh in thing so I know whats what.
    Hope you do have a better day today. Mine hasn't been fabulous but I don't quite feel myself.

    Have a great day everyone!!!:flowerforyou:
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    Hi all. My week is going better but got TOM so I am not going to post my weight until at least Friday. I stepped on the scale this morning and it was NOT pretty!!!! :sad:
    Dang mother nature!!!

    Have a great day everyone.


    12 days till vacation!! Whoo hooo Jamaica here I come!!!
  • fiftyandfit
    fiftyandfit Posts: 349 Member
    LOL - It's all good, I wouldn't of thought anything of it! :wink:
    I thought we weigh in every week, on Monday. I made a little weekly weigh in thing so I know whats what.
    Hope you do have a better day today. Mine hasn't been fabulous but I don't quite feel myself.

    Have a great day everyone!!!:flowerforyou:

    I like your idea of keeping the dates on your post so we know when our numbers are due!! You are soooooo smart!!

    Ok, my numbers for yesterday were 171.6 :drinker:

    Think I'll go back and revamp my posts so I can see how well I'm doing...now that's motivation!
  • mrsprazak05
    mrsprazak05 Posts: 109
    Hey everyone!

    internet was down so couldnt get in my postings until now :sad:

    hope everyone has started the week off with a bang so far!!

    Positive thought today: "A dream is a goal not yet acheived. The only difference between the 2 is the effort involved in attaining what you hope to accomplish!"

    Dont count the steps ahead, just add up the total of steps already covered and multiply it by faith, confidence and endurance ladies!!

    mini goals for the week: 20 glasses of water p/day, working out am and pm, and 2lbs gone! WOOT!!!!

    who's with me!! :happy:


    Wow, that's like three people now, including myself, who's internet went down this week! Argh!! Mine went down because I forgot to pay the bill...oops! :ohwell: Too much on my plate right now I guess. I have the rest of this week and Mon-Wed of next week and then my night class is done! Finally! Too much stress!

    Well I weighed in yesterday, and I maintained. I didn't lose :grumble: , but I also didn't gain :love: . This week will be better! Going for a three pound week this week! And I PROMISE I'll do better at posting! You're right ...we need to continue posting to remain faithful! I need you ladies! It's such an encouragement reading your posts...SO PLEASE LETS NOT LET THIS DIE OUT! I promise I'll do my part, as the beginner of this thread!! One thing though...does anyone else have an obcession with their scale?? I've been trying to stick to weighing in just once a week...but it's so hard!! I want to step on that thing every time I go into the bathroom...and if I fluctuate and weigh more in the evening than I did that morning or afternoon, I get BUMMED! Big time! Any suggestions??

    And I'm with you, anewday! I'm gonna take it up a notch as well! I have to lose about 3 lbs a week average in order to make my 25lbs off by August 31st! I wanna walk into that class room and turn heads!! :laugh:
  • fiftyandfit
    fiftyandfit Posts: 349 Member
    MrsP......I weigh daily in the morning after the morning "ritual" lol :laugh:

    I try really hard not to get on at nite before I hit the hay, but that doesn't always work...
    logically I know at nite that it's gonna be higher...I just don't want it dramatically jumping!! :tongue:

    Hang in there kiddo
  • fiftyandfit
    fiftyandfit Posts: 349 Member
    GOOD MORNING GANG! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Where is everyone????????

    DD changed her mind about the dress she had previously purchased, went out with her
    sister yesterday and found a more traditional long dress........ok.......I need to remember
    to keep breathing here!! Actually, it didn't cost much so I'm ok with it. Now the groom's
    mom is calling saying she changed her "Welcome Home Ryan BBQ" to a "Congratulations
    Chelsea and Ryan Wedding Reception"..........thanks for the advance notice..NOT!! I'm
    in charge of the cake........it figures!! :grumble: So the reception bbq will be his side of the
    family and probably myself and our 8yr old son........the other 2 kids already have plans to
    be out of town with their mom, DH is working and other relatives are out of the country or
    already have plans. :ohwell: Thanks for letting me vent!! :tongue:

    Back to our group..........I hope everyone is being true to themselves and honoring numero uno!! :drinker:

    Have a great day!
    Pam :flowerforyou:
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    Got my exercise in yesterday, drank all my water, and stayed within my calories. All in all, it was a pretty good day.

    Weight did go down a bit but still up because of TOM!!! Hopefully I can drop those other 2 lbs before I go to the dr. on Friday!

    Have a healthy day everyone.

  • mrsprazak05
    mrsprazak05 Posts: 109
    I really don't know where everyone is! I had a whole list of people who wanted to join our group...but only a few are posting weights and checking in. :cry:

    so, today was my 'DAY OFF' of exercising. I really need two days, and I usually take Wednesday and Sunday. I stayed active, however, and cleaned my ENTIRE house...even scrubbed the floors and toilets!! :happy: I ate very healthy, and documented every calorie! I do need to drink more water, however. I don't drink pop...but lately...I have been drinking ANYTHING...or for the last couple of days anyway. Tomorrow...lots more water!!!

    Here's some motivation for today...or, probably tomorrow...since it's so late!!

    "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."
    ~ Lao Tzu

    I know its short and sweet...but oh so true! Results will not happen over night! But, everyone must start somewhere! As long as you're starting...you're half way there!!! Keep up the good work ladies!!
  • mrsprazak05
    mrsprazak05 Posts: 109
    You can do it Memaw!! I gain at my TOM also...and its frusterating...but you'll see results! I have faith in you!!
  • mrsprazak05
    mrsprazak05 Posts: 109
    Hey all!

    I was just thinking...should I start a new thread every Monday? As far as weighing in on monday...it really doesn't matter WHAT day you post your weight...as long as you post once a week. :wink: So...be on the lookout. I think I'll start a new thread every week...will be easier to flip through and see just the new posts...sound good? So, Mondays will be FIT BY FALL/July 27th.!!!
  • jklm
    jklm Posts: 281
    I am glad to be baaaaack on my favorite thread, "Fit by Fall". You all are so helpful and supportive! :flowerforyou:

    Starting WT 4/1/09 - 223
    WT 6/1/09 - 214
    Current WT - 201
    GOAL for Aug 31 - 192

    Good idea to start a new weekly thread - thanks for all you do, mrsprazak05!!!
  • ClassiC
    ClassiC Posts: 259 Member
    Hey everyone!!!

    Been super crazy at work lately and trying to keep up with working out, making meals, not giving in to temptation...ahh!!!!!!!!! lol :laugh: but doing good so far.... lol.... just need to keep up better with this thread!!! i agree, i totally need the motivation too! :flowerforyou:

    This evening i completely lost track of the day and missed my class at the gym... :explode: how loserish of me!! BUT i made it up with an hour HIIT/cardio :wink: .....still wasnt the same lol... i tried on an ancient pair of size 10 pants tonight and they fit (snugly and sucked in to zip) lol... well, i'll stick to what i'm actually working with (12/14) but that was a small pleasure :laugh: .....love those!! :blushing:

    I'm a scale addict too!! i actually bought one 2 weeks ago (instead of getting permission to use the one at my gym all the time)... lol.... every am and TRYING (and failing) not to weigh at night. i mostly ignore the night time tho b/c i work out in the pm so i just brush it off... lol... if the am weight is higher or still the same i freak out (altho, i seem to lose in decimals which my old fashioned scale doesnt show so i'm used to no movement) lol.... maybe we should just make a rule to hide it in the closet until Monday weigh in group thread ladies????:embarassed: .........it is soooooo discouraging that blasted thing! lol.... i'm going to hide my tape measure too :laugh:

    Thought for today: "It is good to keep small goals for a reason. Small works. Small fits. Small can be rescheduled, reorganized and easily resumed. Small builds early success and tons of momentum. Small changes can make a big difference!"

    well true, i'm aiming for 2lbs gone this week.... smaller than the 5 i usually want (and never get) lol....

    Have a good one all! Hope to be back soon but pls forgive me if i dont make it back in tomorrow nite! :flowerforyou:
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    Hi guys, sorry for not posting in a while, i had a REALLY bad weekend and gained 3lbs so didnt want to weigh in officialy, and i had begun weighing myself every day which wasnt good mentally at all, so im going back to weighing once a week, so i dont know what i weigh at the moment.
    i also joined the gym this week - ive been twice this week, but im trying to build up to going every week day.
    hope everyone else is doing well and keep up the good work guys!
  • fiftyandfit
    fiftyandfit Posts: 349 Member
    GOOD MORNING!! :flowerforyou:

    I like the idea of a weekly thread.........this one is getting sooooooooooooo long!!

    Happy to see everyone back to posting!! :bigsmile:

    I have been using a digital scale that calculates weight, body fat, bmi, water and bone density.
    Found it at Walmart for near $40. I get on every morning.........at least for now........I am
    extremely HAPPY...down to 169.6 this morning!! YIPPPEEEEEE:bigsmile: I haven't been
    this low in 10 years! Thank you all for your posts and motivation. YOU are what has kept
    me on track and not giving in to my cravings!! THANK YOU!!! :flowerforyou:

    Have a wonderful day!
    Pam :flowerforyou:
  • countindowntothin
    countindowntothin Posts: 201 Member
    I have just join mfp but would love to join this thread if I could! I need the motivation from other people and you guess seem so eager to motivate! My BFF is getting married October 3rd and I want to have lost at least 22 lbs by then so motivation is VERY HIGHLY welcome!

    I started going to the Y 2 weeks ago and have worked out every day so far. I start a bootcamp Monday that I pray gets me in great shape!

    Start weight 7/15- 202
    Current weight 7/22-198
    goal weight by Oct 3rd- 180
    18 lbs to go
    overall goal-150 however long that takes!