

  • ClassiC
    ClassiC Posts: 259 Member
    Good afternoon everyone!! I am staying out of town at my parents, as my grandparents are in town from Oklahoma...and I am finding it SO easy to stick with my 1200 calorie range!! Thank God! I was worried! My grandma (and mom) keep saying how great i am looking...and that is a HUGE encouragement! My sister...kind of a downer...but always seems to rain on my parade. Not sure if its jealousy or what...but she's done it my ENTIRE life...I mentioned I was down 28 lbs...and was proud cause I've worked HARD at it...and she goes "I've lost 30...just by not drinking pop"...and I was TICKED!!! Difference is...she's casually dropped over 1.5 years not drinking pop!!! I don't drink pop...but I've worked my tail off to get 2.8 lbs off in 3 months!!! She must have been ircked because grandma had just said I looked great, and asked how much I've lost...and needed to put the spot light back on her!!! So...that was kinda a bummer...but I REFUSE TO LET NEGATIVITIY HAVE A PLACE IN MY LIFE!!! :)

    Weigh to go ladies!!! Its so encouraging to see blogs about others making healthy choices!!! I am so glad you're all here...it boosts my spirit...and keeps me encouraged and motivated!!! Here's some quotes for today...have a great day everyone!!!

    "Into each life some rain must fall, some days be dark and dreary."
    - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

    "Life's challenges are not supposed to paralyze you, they're supposed to help you discover who you are."
    - Bernice Johnson Reagon

    "You must do the thing you think you cannot do."
    - Eleanor Roosevelt

    Go u!! :flowerforyou:

    dont let her get to you! mine is the same way... think it's jealousy indeed but we'll keep on keeping on!!!! :glasses: wooo!!!!!!!

    thanks for the encouragement! i've been getting demotivated this week...i expected to lose at least a lb and havent yet so.... ugh! (lol) ...... so i'd like to join the thread!

    High weight - 196lbs (size 16)
    MFP start weight 185lbs (size 14)
    Current weight - 180lbs (size 14/12)
    goal weight - 145lbs (size 8) .....and we'll go from there:wink:

    Thanks everyone!! Let's try to keep each other going on this ever so challenging but necessary journey!!!

    Thought for today:
    **Go the Extra Mile**

    "And whoever compels you to go one mile, go with him two" (Matthew 5:41)

    Let us choose an attitude of excellence:happy: Let us find creative ways to be a blessing to those around us & keep moving forward from glory to glory! We CAN do it! :flowerforyou:

    Happy Friday all!
  • fiftyandfit
    fiftyandfit Posts: 349 Member
    Happy Friday All! :flowerforyou:

    Didn't do so good yesterday, gave in to my craving and had a Blimpie sub....
    stayed away from the mayo, used vinegar, but put me over on cals and I'm
    up on the scale today. Not gonna sweat it....knew it was gonna happen....

    1st day of my weekend.......gonna walk tonite when it cools off......today
    is laundry day...ugh :frown:

    Hope everyone is good to themselves!

    Pam :flowerforyou:
  • mrsprazak05
    mrsprazak05 Posts: 109
    Here are today's inspiratoinal quotes...

    "How tight can life be without the space of hope?"
    - Arabian Proverb

    "Everything that is done in the world is done by hope. No merchant or tradesman would set himself to work if he did not hope to reap benefit thereby."
    - Martin Luther

    "Diligence is the mother of good luck."
    - Benjamin Franklin

    Welcome Casb and asdfjkl!!! this is our new thread...and you can go ahead and weigh in here...every monday...and we'll try to keep you motivated and encouraged!!! I am in love with MFP...and I love this thread...such a great group of people!! I am so blessed to have met everyone on here...and your stories and thoughts and ideas keep me motivated!!! I pray everyone here has a fabulous weekend...and stay on track!! Keep your eyes on the prize!! You've got to want it bad enough!! you can do it!
  • ClassiC
    ClassiC Posts: 259 Member
    thoughts for the weekend!! :flowerforyou:

    "The Victor"
    By: C. W. Longenecker

    If you think you are beaten, you are.
    If you think you dare not, you don't.
    If you like to win but think you can't,
    It's almost a cinch you won't.
    If you think you'll lose, you're lost.
    For out in the world we find
    Success begins with a fellow's will.
    It's all in the state of mind.
    If you think you are out classed, you are.
    You've got to think high to rise.
    You've got to be sure of your-self before
    You can ever win the prize.
    Life's battles don't always go
    To the stronger or faster man.
    But sooner or later, the man who wins
    Is the man who thinks he can.

    happy weekend:happy:
  • mrsprazak05
    mrsprazak05 Posts: 109
    Here we sit...Saturday...the weekend...sometimes that hardest time for us to stay on track. So...I'm here to MOTIVATE you to stay focused....and motivated towards a change!! I have posted a few quotes...and I'm going to share with you what these quotes mean to me...

    "It's not only the most difficult thing to know one's self, but the most inconvenient."
    - Josh Billings

    This means, to me, that....often times...it's easy to judge others...it's easy to read others...its easy to point out other people's flaws. But, how often do we sit in denile of the life we're living?? Until we open up and discover WHO we are and WHY we eat the foods we do...we won't be able to have a complete life transformation...and ultimately, that is what this weight loss journey is...or should be. I have been a yo you dieter MY ENTIRE LIFE!!! ...well, at least from the age in which i realized I was way over weight...probably early teens...ANYWAY...I would lose the weight, just to put it back on. I'd cut out this or that...and deprive myself of those 'COMFORT' foods...then one day...I'd binge...and all would be lost and I'd be right back at square one. Some of you might know where I am coming from. It wasn't until I sat back...relized that I really disilked myself...and didn't feel worthy of being thin and fit...and was just a depressed...unhappy person...that I could change. I didn't WANT to be that person!!! I wanted to be happy...I wanted to be fit, fun, and fantastic!!! When I made that conscious choice...and discovered my comfort foods...and WHAT I was trying to comfort myself from...then the weight loss journey became much easier! I made the CHOICE...TO NEVER BE FAT AGAIN!!! Was it easy to get here?? Heck no! Do I sometimes find myself wanting those COMFORT FOODS (mine is fried foods)....YES!! But, now I know WHY i crave such foods at times...and I know how to quickly change my attitude!!

    "There are two ways of meeting difficulties: You alter the difficulties or you alter yourself to meet them."
    - Phyllis Bottome

    Simple...you can't always change life's circumstances....but we can ALWAYS change the way we handle them!! The way we persever through lifes curves and difficulties...THAT is what makes you stand out above the rest!!

    "Real difficulties can be overcome; it is only the imaginary ones that are unconquerable."
    - Theodore N. Vail

    Many times, WE are our own worst enemies...WE are our own stumbling blocks!! WE make our own difficulties. Life is only MISERABLE if YOU let it be! Life is what you make of it!! There are some people that just have a flare for the dramatic...and aren't happy unless there's drama in their lives...and so they MAKE their own difficulties...or exagerate a minor difficulty...or make a mountain out of a molehill. these "difficulties" are often what cause us to stumble...these "difficulties" often become our excuses for straying off the beaten path.

    I urge you...stay on the path this weekend!!! Keep your eyes on that prize! Be encouraged this weekend!!!
  • applepie
    applepie Posts: 105 Member
    wow, what an encouraging thread this is. I just found it. Love it! :D
  • ClassiC
    ClassiC Posts: 259 Member
    Here we sit...Saturday...the weekend...sometimes that hardest time for us to stay on track. So...I'm here to MOTIVATE you to stay focused....and motivated towards a change!! I have posted a few quotes...and I'm going to share with you what these quotes mean to me...

    "It's not only the most difficult thing to know one's self, but the most inconvenient."
    - Josh Billings

    This means, to me, that....often times...it's easy to judge others...it's easy to read others...its easy to point out other people's flaws. But, how often do we sit in denile of the life we're living?? Until we open up and discover WHO we are and WHY we eat the foods we do...we won't be able to have a complete life transformation...and ultimately, that is what this weight loss journey is...or should be. I have been a yo you dieter MY ENTIRE LIFE!!! ...well, at least from the age in which i realized I was way over weight...probably early teens...ANYWAY...I would lose the weight, just to put it back on. I'd cut out this or that...and deprive myself of those 'COMFORT' foods...then one day...I'd binge...and all would be lost and I'd be right back at square one. Some of you might know where I am coming from. It wasn't until I sat back...relized that I really disilked myself...and didn't feel worthy of being thin and fit...and was just a depressed...unhappy person...that I could change. I didn't WANT to be that person!!! I wanted to be happy...I wanted to be fit, fun, and fantastic!!! When I made that conscious choice...and discovered my comfort foods...and WHAT I was trying to comfort myself from...then the weight loss journey became much easier! I made the CHOICE...TO NEVER BE FAT AGAIN!!! Was it easy to get here?? Heck no! Do I sometimes find myself wanting those COMFORT FOODS (mine is fried foods)....YES!! But, now I know WHY i crave such foods at times...and I know how to quickly change my attitude!!

    "There are two ways of meeting difficulties: You alter the difficulties or you alter yourself to meet them."
    - Phyllis Bottome

    Simple...you can't always change life's circumstances....but we can ALWAYS change the way we handle them!! The way we persever through lifes curves and difficulties...THAT is what makes you stand out above the rest!!

    "Real difficulties can be overcome; it is only the imaginary ones that are unconquerable."
    - Theodore N. Vail

    Many times, WE are our own worst enemies...WE are our own stumbling blocks!! WE make our own difficulties. Life is only MISERABLE if YOU let it be! Life is what you make of it!! There are some people that just have a flare for the dramatic...and aren't happy unless there's drama in their lives...and so they MAKE their own difficulties...or exagerate a minor difficulty...or make a mountain out of a molehill. these "difficulties" are often what cause us to stumble...these "difficulties" often become our excuses for straying off the beaten path.

    I urge you...stay on the path this weekend!!! Keep your eyes on that prize! Be encouraged this weekend!!!

    THANKS!! :flowerforyou:
    weekends are always horrible!!!! grr......lol.... BUT getting to a regularly scheduled gym class & making plans with a friend to join me is usually good incentive for me to keep up with my workouts over the weekend and not fall off the wagon:wink: If anyone here doesnt go to the gym, make plans with a buddy to take a walk, run, bike, swim, video, etc.... knowing someone else is waiting for you will keep you motivated, on schedule and you'll find they may even be inspired by YOUR dedication to keep moving over the weekend (which is usually considered "break" time)!! Always great to encourage others while working away yourself:bigsmile:
    Also, try your best to plan out your meals for the weekend (of course MFP helps with that).... I find that since my WEAKNESS is SWEETS:ohwell: i make my snacks on Saturdays 100 calorie treats from Hostess (instead of just my usual fruit during the week).... makes me feel like i'm treating myself and i dont fall off b/c its actually a "good" snack:happy: :happy:
    Find something low fat, low cal, etc that is a version of your favorite "bad" /weakness food (100 calories chips, cakes, baked french fries instead of fried, etc - u get the idea:love: ) and you'll be surprised how satisfying it feels when u think you're cheating but you're actually NOT!!! lolol...woohoo!! :glasses:

    Summer is here guys! Get outside and enjoy the sunshine activities this weekend, drink lots of water & keep up the good work!!! :flowerforyou::flowerforyou:
  • fiftyandfit
    fiftyandfit Posts: 349 Member
    Whoops! Double post!! :blushing:
  • fiftyandfit
    fiftyandfit Posts: 349 Member
    Happy Weekend!!! :flowerforyou:

    Inspiring today!! You girls are great!!
    Yesterday I had planned the meals for the weekend, went to the market and shopped
    just for those items. The kids didn't miss a thing last nite....they had their baked
    potatoes....I had mushrooms and grilled asparagus, which they despise!! lol :ohwell:
    We ALL went and walked 2 miles after dinner...was nice to have the kids join us.
    For dessert, wasn't really hungry, but wanted something sweet. Had a handful of
    sugar free choc covered raisins.

    Remember to stay true to yourself.......when you cheat, who is it really hurting??????

    Have a wonderful day!

    Pam :flowerforyou:
  • mrsprazak05
    mrsprazak05 Posts: 109
    Okay, so I worked all day today...so didn't get a chance to post. But , I am having a TERRIBLE day today!! Eating and drinking is going fine. I'm just down and out!! I started a "biggest losers" competition with some of my nursing friends, and me and another girl have been neck and neck. Well...I think I've rocked this competition, but since we're going by percentage, and she had less to lose...she took the lead...so her 3 lbs loss, is my 6 lbs loss...as far as percentage of body weight...anyway...I'm totally bummed about it...and pissed at myself for not stepping it up...and taking back the lead. I'm annoyed...and simply pissed...and yet trying to be happy for her also...
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    well, i weighed in this morning and ive lost 0.4lbs, so at least its a loss
  • mrsprazak05
    mrsprazak05 Posts: 109
    My weight last week was 196-and it's 191 this morning...for a weight loss of 5 lbs this week!
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    I went from 24lbs lost to 26!!! Whooo hoooo!!!!
    I need to lose 9 more pounds by Aug 1st. Is this attainable????

    Anyway, I am doing great and having a good time at it!! I'm even enjoying working out!! Can't believe I just said that!!

    Keep up the good work everyone!!!

  • mrsprazak05
    mrsprazak05 Posts: 109
    It's VERY attainable!! Just remember...don't go under 1200 calories (however, I did a two day "fasting cleanse"...to boost my metabolism...and that's okay...in moderation)...but it's just important to burn more calories than you take in! so 9 lbs in three weeks is VERY attainable!!!
  • fiftyandfit
    fiftyandfit Posts: 349 Member
    Well........ I can't really remember what I started at, think it was 174.6.......
    am down to 174.2 this a.m... not a big change, but for me, any
    change on the downward side is good.

    Back to work today, more structured food intake, even tho, I must say, over
    the weekend I did pretty well. Cooked Fri/Sat/Sun nite and made chicken,
    fish and very lean beef steaks. no starches, just veggies to go with. Picked
    up some Oroweat Protein Health bread at the market, 6 gr protein per slice.
    Lunch should be about 15-20 gr of protein, making a chicken sandwich.

    Mrsprazak........PLEASE.........don't get down in the dumps just because of numbers!
    What you have done so far is FANTASTIC!! I'm SO PROUD OF YOU!! :flowerforyou:

    Have a wonderful day.........be true to yourself!

    Pam :flowerforyou:
  • fiftyandfit
    fiftyandfit Posts: 349 Member
    I'm glad I went back and looked at my original post on 070609:

    HI! I'm in!! Great idea for those of us that missed out on other threads! flowerforyou

    Starting weight: 177.2
    Current weight: 175.8
    Goal 08/31/09 - 167 (fingers crossed! the older you get, the harder it gets to lose it!cry )

    So that's 1.6 for the week! :drinker:

    I was still happy just to be down anyway!!

    Pam :flowerforyou:
  • timeforchange
    I weighed myself this morning and I'm still exactly 190 lbs. I wish I had a digital scale so I knew if I lost or gained even a fraction of a pound! either way, I'm not surprised at my lack of weight loss, it's been a bad/busy week! I'm heading to a cottage tonight until Sunday so we'll see what happens :S
  • anewday
    anewday Posts: 69 Member
    7/06 - 128
    7/13 - 126.5
    7/20 -
    7/27 -
    8/03 -
    8/10 -
    8/17 -
    8/24 -
    8/31 -

    Goal Weight - 112
    Total Lose- 1.5

    I'm so glad everyone is doing so well. I'm happy with my 1.5, hope it keeps droping! GL this week everyone!
  • proudmama0118
    proudmama0118 Posts: 433 Member
    I would love to join this group. My current weight is 205.75 and I would like to be 190 by my B-day Sep 2.
  • hetipt01
    hetipt01 Posts: 32
    Hello Everyone!
    Is it too late to Join?? I'm 5'7'' and weight 151 lbs and I would like to get down to 130 lbs. I'm not sure how much time to tive myself to lose this weight. Any suggestions??