

  • ClassiC
    ClassiC Posts: 259 Member
    Hey group!!! :happy:

    Well..... so far, i'm still the same as last week - 180lbs :grumble: ....o well, better luck this week right :drinker: LOL!

    I'm actually leaving work shortly and heading to the gym! woohoo! Decided to switch up my diet a little over the next 2 weeks too to eliminate the more "carby" snacks and eat more fruit (they havent really been my best friends over the last 2 months)...wish me luck!! :embarassed:

    Happy thoughts for today - I've started doing squats when i go to the bathroom at work (a quick set of 25 each time). i have to go so often with my aim of drinking no less than 20 glasses of water a day over the next few weeks....Try it out too and it just might help burn some quick calories and takes so little time!! :glasses:
    "Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might" (Ecclesiastes 9:10) Keep up the good work everyone!! :flowerforyou:

    on to Tuesday............... woot!
  • mrsprazak05
    mrsprazak05 Posts: 109
    It looks like there's still a few who need to weigh in...would love to see ALL your results!! It's so encouraging to see NO GAINS thus far!! Maintenance is ALWAYS positive too!!! I'm in need of some motivation today...and it sucks that I feel discouraged. I will not get off of my diet...I will not go back to eating the way I used to...I will not gain...but I am having some pretty serious marriage issues...and I'm feeling defeated today...and at a loss for words...so, my immense apologies for not being encouraging today. Keep up the good work ladies...
  • fiftyandfit
    fiftyandfit Posts: 349 Member
    Good Morning!! :flowerforyou:

    MrsS, Sorry you're having a bad day. No matter what ~ anger, depression, anxiety, you need
    to be true to yourself and DO NOT have the I DON'T CARE attitude!! You DO CARE and
    we care about you. If you give in to the dumps, you're going to feel even worse. Hang
    in there kiddo.......you'll find the strength to deal with the marriage and you'll be even
    stronger for not giving in to your food issues. :heart:

    I was out late last night on another traffic collision.......will these people not learn to drive???
    Got in some more walking which is a good thing cuz now that I'm back to work have not
    been doing the AM walk with DH. Am enjoying the last couple of weeks of summer vacation and sleeping in!!

    Have a wonderful HEALTHY day!

    Pam :flowerforyou:
  • bakergirl62
    bakergirl62 Posts: 248 Member
    Hi Everyone. This is a great thread and would love to join ya'll.

    I just got back from vacation in the Montana rockies. It was a great vacation and I did not gain any weight. I started following this website in May. I have kicked my *kitten* to work out and I am doing it, finally, being true to myself! I get up at 3:30AM every morning go I can do 45 minutes of cardio and then I do another 30 minutes when I get home from work. I am eating the 5 small meals a day and this seems to be working quite well.

    I bought new pants before I went on vacation which are too baggy on me now :ohwell: and donated all my skinny clothes (I thought I would never wear again) in February. I'll have to shop a little more for new skinny clothes :blushing: I'm so excited. It took about 5 weeks before I lost my first 2 lbs. So everyone out there who has only lost a pound or two, it will come come off. Stay focused and come here to get motivated.

  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    Well, not having a good day at all!!
    I had a fight with the hubs last night and it has spoiled my day today. Then I got on the scale and after eating right and exercising I am still up a pound. Very discouraging. But I will NOT give up. I could have easily gone for some comfort food but I didn't. I know chinese has lots of sodium BUT I had steamed rice and chicken broccoli so I was still fairly good and on track. I hope the argument ends soon because I hate feeling this way!!!!

    Congrats to everyone else for doing so well!!!

  • lesliemk
    lesliemk Posts: 382 Member
    Well, I spent my entire weekend out of town and in a girlfriend's wedding. I feel very proud of making sensible food choices all weekend, but I may have gone a bit overboard with the wine at the rehearsal dinner and wedding!! :ohwell:

    I weighed myself on Monday morning and it said I was up two pounds, which was pretty much all water weight b/c I got on the scale this morning and it was back down. Wednesday is my typical weigh in day though, so I'm hoping for a little loss tomorrow morning.

    I guess I just want to say that it's a bit frustrating to still be battling out my first 6ish pounds, b/c I feel like I'm doing really well in the eating dept. and I'm getting in more exercise yet it's harder to shed these pounds than it ever was in my 20's or prior to children. But either way I'm carrying on... this is more than weight loss--it's a new lifestyle!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • jklm
    jklm Posts: 281
    I guess I just want to say that it's a bit frustrating to still be battling out my first 6ish pounds, b/c I feel like I'm doing really well in the eating dept. and I'm getting in more exercise yet it's harder to shed these pounds than it ever was in my 20's or prior to children. But either way I'm carrying on... this is more than weight loss--it's a new lifestyle!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I agree with you, it really has to be about choosing a new lifestyle! I think it's great that you've got the attitude of "carrying on" - no matter what the scale says. Just keep to the good work you're doing with your food choices and exercising and you're sure to see some pounds go soon!
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    Guess I'm first this morning.
    Lost the lb that I had gained yesterday! Whoo hooo!!! So I am back to where I was. Thank goodness. Yesterday really bummed me out.
    I didn't work out yesterday, I was exhausted so I just went to bed (fighting with the hubs wears me out!)
    Any way, I hope everyone has a glorious day and stay healthy!!!


    LW 210.4
    CW 208.6
    GW 150 (entire goal)
  • lesliemk
    lesliemk Posts: 382 Member
    I'm checking in this AM to say I lost a pound! YAY!!!! It feels great to lose a pound even after a sort of indulgent wedding weekend. So, now that I have my inspiration for the day (heck, the rest of the week!) I want to get in more workouts and eat even healthier, b/c I'd love a 2lbs loss for next Wednesday AM. I love MFP!!
  • fiftyandfit
    fiftyandfit Posts: 349 Member
    Good Morning!! :flowerforyou:

    Happy to hear that those that have posted today are on the downward side!! :drinker:

    MrsS.....where are you and how are you??????? :frown:

    I'm doing pretty well......haven't had a chance to walk the last couple of days, but am doing
    well with my food and getting in LOTS of water :drinker:

    Have a wonderful day and be true to yourself!

    Pam :flowerforyou:
  • ClassiC
    ClassiC Posts: 259 Member
    It looks like there's still a few who need to weigh in...would love to see ALL your results!! It's so encouraging to see NO GAINS thus far!! Maintenance is ALWAYS positive too!!! I'm in need of some motivation today...and it sucks that I feel discouraged. I will not get off of my diet...I will not go back to eating the way I used to...I will not gain...but I am having some pretty serious marriage issues...and I'm feeling defeated today...and at a loss for words...so, my immense apologies for not being encouraging today. Keep up the good work ladies...

    Hey everyone!!!

    Hope y'all are doing well.... :flowerforyou: and hope your discouragement and home situation have improve MrsP:flowerforyou:

    sorry i havent been in touch as often as i'd like. I've been at all day workshops this week for a course i'm doing thru my office, studying, working late at the office and getting in workouts with minimal sleep (and personal computer time).....ugh! lol... good thing about the week was that during the workshop we had the chance to take regular breaks for snacks (which i brought) and LOTS of water provided, with good lunch options (fish/greens, etc)... so not all bad :happy: My boss who went with me, gave me props for sticking to my plan with all the tempting baked goods, pasta and desserts offered to us:blushing: lol.... that was encouraging! lol....

    Well, got ALOT disappointed tonight. My "diet and gym" partner for the last 3 months did an impromptu weigh in after we worked out (which usually comes out heavier we've noted) and found out she lost another 8lbs (on top of the 10 she's already down, to equal a total of 18lbs)... congrats for her though!! i'm really proud :happy: - gotta love her b/c she's been good support too! but her continued success only made me feel REALLY defeated, having struggled to get my small loss this far along.....i just wanted to choose to stop eating altogether for the rest of the month!! :cry: :sad:

    well..... i didnt "comfort/failure" eat at least...and i've sucked it up and eventually found the bright side- i did wear two pairs of size 12 pants this week (down from 14 since i started) so i'll let that be my small victory......:love: i've vowed to stay off the scale until our next group weigh in next week so no more disappointment can hit me as hard..... sigh*

    i hope you all have a great night!!! I know its late so again i apologise but i have a quick happy thought for you all "If you enter this world knowing you are loved, and leave this world knowing the same, then everything that happens in between can be dealt with" - RIP Michael Jackson.

    So true! i love alll of you for your support and encouraging time and efforts so do know you are loved!!:flowerforyou: PLEASE DO NOT EVER GIVE UP! you deserve to be the best you possible and this is a journey we must all continue to struggle through no matter what! :wink: Yes, everything in between CAN be dealt with and this is our positive and fulfilling way of dealing with one of those things!

    Be blessed!
  • ClassiC
    ClassiC Posts: 259 Member
    Hey everyone!!!

    Where is everybody??? :frown: lol....

    Thought for today:

    "When you do the common things in life in an uncommon
    way, you will command the attention of the world."

    --George Washington Carver

    Tip for today!

    Dolphin Pose Exercise.... yoga strengthener to target your abs, shoulders, and back‏

    Starting Position
    Start in an inverted V: forearms on floor, elbows wide, hands clasped, butt lifted, legs straight. Tip head between arms to look at feet.

    Looking up, press body forward until chin is above hands. Return to start to complete one rep.

    Muscles Worked: Abs, Shoulders, Upper back

    Time Involved: 2-4 minutes

    Body Benefit: Stronger core, defined shoulders :happy: woohoo!!

    Keep up the good work & Happy Friday all:flowerforyou:
  • fiftyandfit
    fiftyandfit Posts: 349 Member
    Good Morning~~:flowerforyou:

    ClassiC.......don't know where everyone else is???? Is our group falling apart?? :frown:

    Went with the guys to El Pollo Loco last nite, did well, had a classic chicken burrito.
    Stayed within my counts yesterday, under on cals and over on protein, 12 waters!!! :drinker:

    It's now my weekend, and it's gonna be stressful. Have to remember how happy I
    was stepping on the scale this morning and not give in to stress eating! Baby girl (18yrs)
    told us she's getting married when her BF comes home on leave in 2 weeks! Soooooooooo
    lots of phone calls and running around today trying to plan this event :grumble:

    have a great day and stay true to yourself

    Pam :flowerforyou:
  • ClassiC
    ClassiC Posts: 259 Member
    Good Morning~~:flowerforyou:

    ClassiC.......don't know where everyone else is???? Is our group falling apart?? :frown:

    Went with the guys to El Pollo Loco last nite, did well, had a classic chicken burrito.
    Stayed within my counts yesterday, under on cals and over on protein, 12 waters!!! :drinker:

    It's now my weekend, and it's gonna be stressful. Have to remember how happy I
    was stepping on the scale this morning and not give in to stress eating! Baby girl (18yrs)
    told us she's getting married when her BF comes home on leave in 2 weeks! Soooooooooo
    lots of phone calls and running around today trying to plan this event :grumble:

    have a great day and stay true to yourself

    Pam :flowerforyou:

    ahh.... i sure hope not!!! lol...... :flowerforyou:

    woohoo you!! :drinker: i'm up to 16-20 glasses a day [gives me a chance to sneak some squat exercises ini during the day in the stall] LOL!!

    awww congrats on a soon to be son in law:happy: I wish them many happy years together!

    Remember dont get over worked and forget about YOU during that whole planning process!! it is going to be hard to stay on such good of a track when you're rushing about the place - weddings are a big event after all!

    keep up the good work & happy weekend!
  • mrsprazak05
    mrsprazak05 Posts: 109
    Ok...Mrs. Prazak is back!! Sorry for the short leave...it's been a crazy week. On wednesday, we noticed that a pipe burst in our basement...in an area we don't often venture into..so we've been working on getting the carpet pulled up...and mold under control!! Sorry if I made you all worry!! :)

    Okay...I am BACK ON TRACK! We weighed in for our final weigh in for my biggest losers competition...and I came in second...like I knew would happen. I was BUMMED!! Struggling with trying to be happy for the gal who won, but still being ticked I didn't "succeed"...so I took a "free" day on Tuesday...for a break. I've decided I'm going to have a "free" day (1500 calories, as opposed to 1200) once a week!! I've heard such great things about this boosting your metabolism!! So...here's hoping!! I'VE SUCKED at working out this week! I've set my alarm for 5...and wake up...but then roll over and go back to bed...so I WILL GET UP IN THE MORNING AND WORK OUT!! I am so thankful for MFP...because without the motivation on here...I would have given up when I 'FAILED" that competition!! It's never to late to begin again...and that's what I'll do!!! Have a great night everyone...and a great day tomorrow!!
  • mrsprazak05
    mrsprazak05 Posts: 109
    Oh yeah, one great thing that happened to me this week...I BOUGHT MY 1ST SIZE 14 PANTS IN 5 YEARS!!! That was an AMAZING feeling!!!
  • fiftyandfit
    fiftyandfit Posts: 349 Member
    Good Morning! :flowerforyou:

    Mrs P WELCOME BACK and CONGRATS on the 14's!! woohoo!! :drinker:

    I did pretty well yesterday considering it was stressful, running around trying
    to organize the wedding. She decided Vegas was ok, so found an inexpensive
    chapel and booked it,. She didn't want a traditional dress, so went to the mall
    and found a cute one she can wear again. She's going to wear my mom's ring
    set, so took that to the jeweler to be resized. My gf's dad owns a condo in Vegas,
    so she offered that to us. :happy: Now it's up to the bride and groom to take
    care of everything else. I know I'll keep stressing as I am The Organizer....but sometimes
    you have to try and step back and let others do!

    I didn't get in enough water or fruit yesterday so that is my goal for today, supposed
    to be 107' here.....yikes!

    Pam :flowerforyou:
  • anewday
    anewday Posts: 69 Member
    Oh yeah, one great thing that happened to me this week...I BOUGHT MY 1ST SIZE 14 PANTS IN 5 YEARS!!! That was an AMAZING feeling!!!

    That is sooo exciting!!! Congrats!!!! I can't wait till I can go shopping.. LOL Hopefully not to far in the future.

    So I have to admit, I've been straying: I'm trying to do good but I haven't gotten in any real good exercise for a while now. I came on here to check how everyone is doing and get some motivation! :wink: So when my son gets up from a nap we are going out for a walk, tomorrow is weigh in... I'm kinda dreading it, I hope I didn't gain. Hopefully if anything I'm the same. I'll be okay with that. See everyone tomorrow! GL:flowerforyou:
  • fiftyandfit
    fiftyandfit Posts: 349 Member
    GOOD MORNING!! :flowerforyou:

    Have to admit I caved in to my sugar craving last nite. The kids baked pb cookies
    and I had 2, in addition I had 3 choc riesens........ugh. :grumble: At least I stopped
    there and went to bed.

    Hope you have a great day!

  • timeforchange
    Hi all!
    Sorry it's been awhile! I have been away at a friends cottage for most of the week!
    Also, yesterday was my birthday so I've been eating ALLLL weekend. I was so nervous to weigh in the morning because I literally ate twice as much this week as I normally do ( pasta, steaks, burgers, KD, pizza, cake, ice cream and a whole lot of wine.. other ppl are a bad influence on me) but I'm still down 1 lb. Which makes me wonder how the heck I lose a lb eating crappy food for a week and I don't budge eating fairly healthy in previous weeks? Anyone have any thoughts? I much prefer the healthy foods anyways because I always feel less sluggish when I eat right, but STILL. I'm a tad bit frustrated here!