pseudo science and weight loss BS



  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    ok, I may take some heat for this one:

    Muscle weighs more than it doesn't. Muscle is more dense so it takes less mass to equal a pound.

    a pound is a pound is a pound :huh:

    a 1 pound box of feathers is still one pound

    But if you can lift a 10lb ream of paper why can't you lift a 10lb dumb bell?

    (joke. reference to an old thread discussing this.)
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    ok, I may take some heat for this one:

    Muscle weighs more than it doesn't. Muscle is more dense so it takes less mass to equal a pound.

    a pound is a pound is a pound :huh:

    a 1 pound box of feathers is still one pound

    I truly believe most people know the fact that 1 pound is 1 pound...but when they say it they probably just don't bother to clarify it by saying "per volume". That's just how I see it. :) I don't believe they are that stupid. LOL
  • Glucocorticoid
    Glucocorticoid Posts: 867 Member
    "Oh you want to lose fat? CARDIO CARDIO CARDIO"
    "Oh you want to gain muscle? LIFT LIFT LIFT"
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    "Oh you want to lose fat? CARDIO CARDIO CARDIO"
    "Oh you want to gain muscle? LIFT LIFT LIFT"

    and this is wrong? I am honestly wanting to know...
  • cherrybomb_77
    cherrybomb_77 Posts: 411 Member
  • Glucocorticoid
    Glucocorticoid Posts: 867 Member
    "Oh you want to lose fat? CARDIO CARDIO CARDIO"
    "Oh you want to gain muscle? LIFT LIFT LIFT"

    and this is wrong? I am honestly wanting to know...

    Without qualifiers, potentially. I wouldn't call it psuedoscience really, more of something that's just not the whole picture.

    For starters:

    - the two aren't mutually exclusive. Certain amounts of cardio can have benefits for even muscle gain.
    - if you want fat loss while preserving muscle mass, a high tension muscle stimulus is usually necessary, among other requirements. (especially for lean folks). Meaning it's usually more critical than cardio in a deficit (unless you want muscle loss).
    - overdoing cardio can aid in muscle loss (also depends on other factors)
    - cardio usually isn't mandatory for fat loss
    - it's possible that even resistance training can aid in muscle loss in certain situations

    Overall point is that it's not so simplistic as many people think and everything will depend on context
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member

    I can never concentrate on my porn when I'm knitting
    DAMMIT WOMAN! I choked on my water when I read that.

    Oh, and btw, did you head choking on water burns 6,000 calories if you do it before sunrise in a Kimono?

    Ah hahahahahaha! EXCELLENT!
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    "Oh you want to lose fat? CARDIO CARDIO CARDIO"
    "Oh you want to gain muscle? LIFT LIFT LIFT"

    and this is wrong? I am honestly wanting to know...

    Without qualifiers, potentially. I wouldn't call it psuedoscience really, more of something that's just not the whole picture.

    For starters:

    - the two aren't mutually exclusive. Certain amounts of cardio can have benefits for even muscle gain.
    - if you want fat loss while preserving muscle mass, a high tension muscle stimulus is usually necessary, among other requirements. (especially for lean folks). Meaning it's usually more critical than cardio in a deficit (unless you want muscle loss).
    - overdoing cardio can aid in muscle loss (also depends on other factors)
    - cardio usually isn't mandatory for fat loss
    - it's possible that even resistance training can aid in muscle loss in certain situations

    Overall point is that it's not so simplistic as many people think and everything will depend on context

    Well since you put it this way, I guess most of the weigh loss statements fall into this catagory...Nothing will be true standing alone. :) We all know it's a complex and hard process.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member

    "Muscle kills girls" -- Amber
  • ariant23
    ariant23 Posts: 161 Member
    you are my new best friend. I can't stand the morons out there with the "sodium". I think they feel smart using the *gasp* chemical name rather than saying salt. OMG! It's a chemical. I need to cleanse the chemical toxin!!!
    After any minimum weight gain: "It's your sodium, you need to cut your sodium".

    Seriously, I wonder if these people know anything about hyponatremia and how it can affect your body. I often check on these peoples diaries and they don't follow the rule themselves -- still eat salted butter, condiments, salty processed foods (and not judging who does! I do it myself). Maybe if they knew what lack of sodium does to your body -- the cramps, the muscular weakness, etc, they would actually stop with that BS.
    It only proves that people just repeat the "sodium is the villain on weight loss" myth and spread the word without actually thinking about it.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Sodium and salt are actually two different things. You can have sodium without actually eating salt.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    In fact, insisting that someone says "salt" when they mean sodium is the equivalent of insisting someone says "water" when they mean oxygen. Doesn't make sense.
  • Mcctin65
    Mcctin65 Posts: 507 Member
    Wait!! Bananas make you fat?? That explains everything!
  • Mcctin65
    Mcctin65 Posts: 507 Member
    I had a coworker tell me the other day that he has a friend who swears he builds muscle best by following this nightly routine: Lift weights, eat 50 grams of protein, watch 30 minutes of porn, go to bed. I laughed in the guys face... he swears it's because watching porn pumps in testosterone that will build muscle while you sleep. lol
    That sounds to me like a good excuse to watch porn
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I've heard lots of silly stuff but without a doubt, the most bizarre thing I have heard is that legumes are poisonous.
  • Mcctin65
    Mcctin65 Posts: 507 Member
    Oh, and for some reason a lot of people seem to think that vodka is 0 cal.

    oooh I hate when people say this of any alcohol!! :grumble:
    WHAT!?!?!?!?! Alcohol has calories?? Not if you mix it with diet pop, right?
  • futuremalestripper
    futuremalestripper Posts: 467 Member
    I had a coworker tell me the other day that he has a friend who swears he builds muscle best by following this nightly routine: Lift weights, eat 50 grams of protein, watch 30 minutes of porn, go to bed. I laughed in the guys face... he swears it's because watching porn pumps in testosterone that will build muscle while you sleep. lol
    That sounds to me like a good excuse to watch porn

    Well it is scientifically proven that "stimulation" temporarily increases testosterone production. Granted I don't know the quantities and whether it would have any significant effect.

    That being said, I've actually seen a couple posts that are factual and not psuedo-sicence.
  • pantsdailyon
    pantsdailyon Posts: 173 Member
    Sodium and salt are actually two different things. You can have sodium without actually eating salt.
    ...and you can buy potassium chloride salt.
  • saraht131
    saraht131 Posts: 86
    Anything homoeopathy related. Homoeopathy will not help you lose weight. It won't help you do anything except increase your intake of sugar pills and BS!

    Ditto for reiki, acupuncture, acupressure, cleansing auras, asking ghosts for help or magical sky/garden/whatever fairies!

    Also those diet pills that you have to take along with a healthy diet and exercise. It's not the pills that make you lose weight! It's the diet and exercise!

    Also that high amounts of caffeine gives you energy and makes you less tired. Food gives you energy. And if you're really sleep deprived, caffeine doesn't make you less tired - it just makes you more weird and neurotic and just as tired as you were.
  • Daytonsmommy
    Daytonsmommy Posts: 162 Member
    "Exercise gives you a natural high."

    Yeah, that's great. Thanks for the chemicals. But that doesn't mean busting my *kitten* on an elliptical machine is my idea of a fan-friggin-tastic time.

    Bahahaha! Amen.