Ladies, TOM products and exercise? Possible TMI.



  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    You know, I had a similar messy and very painful situation. For the longest time, I was against using birth control because I didn't want to put anything in my body that would mess with my hormones. I finally couldn't take it anymore--it was nothing that tampons in combination with maxipads or unbelievable amounts of midol or a heating pad could control. It was embarrassing and debilitating! I gave in and went to see my GYN. She rx'd BC for me, and since then, I have never had a messy problem, or intense cramps ever again. A tampon is finally enough! I suggest that you talk to your GYN if you're open to this option...and if you're already on BC and you're still having a problem with excessive bleeding, talk to your GYN.

    I am already on BC, actually I have been for years. It never really helped to reduce my cramps which sucks :grumble: But actually, my TOM is never super heavy, at all. Normally one day is heavy but not unbearable, and the other days are actually pretty light. That's why I'm confused by this... it's not like I've ever had a problem with excessive bleeding. Maybe the tampons I use just suck, hahaha.