Heartbroke and defeated...



  • jessicaoliver79
    jessicaoliver79 Posts: 28 Member
    Dont give up! This is going to be a long and at times rough battle, but you did not get to where you are over night.. it isnt going to come off over night.. Keep at it, you are doing great so far! If what your doctor said is really getting to you.. then get a second opinion.. Just dont give up on yourself, you CAN DO IT! :) Add me if you would like!
  • wwk10
    wwk10 Posts: 244 Member
    Search this site and you will find lots of MFPers who lost 100+ without surgery etc.
    There will be times when you dont feel you are making progress or you feel like giving up etc.
    Use that Dr. as motivation.
    You cant give up or quit bc you have to enjoy the pleasure of proving the Dr. wrong.
    I bet you pass the 66 mark and lose 100 lbs
  • Kenhabes
    Kenhabes Posts: 187 Member
    I've been at this (MFP) since April 4, 2012 and have only lost 2 pounds... BUT! I have dropped almost an inch around my waist (Non-Scale Victory!). What has really boosted my body change is the incorporation of strength exercises. I'm not familiar with the exercise programs you are doing, but do they include lifting?

    DON'T GIVE UP! That's the only sure way to ensure failure!

    Have you been tested for thyroid problems or other medical conditions that might make you keep weight/fat?

    Do you feel tired during the day? If so, you might want to ask about a sleep study. I have severe sleep apnea and once I started treatment with my CPAP machine, I dropped 10-15 pounds just by sleeping well!


    Oh, and find a new doctor if you can.
  • concerto3
    concerto3 Posts: 94 Member
    Your doctor is a **** and you need a new one. Simple as that. Any doctor that would tell a patient that he/she cannot lose weight and should get surgery is a fool and obviously not in it for the patients best interests or welfare.

    You CAN lose weight. You CAN get healthy, and you do NOT need surgery to do it. Keep at it and don't let an ignorant doctor tell you otherwise.
  • irishcanadianwoman
    I agree.... find a new doctor. Also DO NOT GIVE UP!! Keep in mind that if you are exersizing alot, then you are most likely gaining muscle, and that weighs more than fat, so you may get unreliable results at the scale. Try tracking your weigh loss in measurements instead of pounds. Measure belly, hips, bust, arms.... you should see the results there. Im rooting for you. I have just started my weight loss journey, so feel free to add me as a friend as well. We all need the encourgement!

    This is excellent advice!
    try to get a new doctor. Get one who is supportive of your healthy choices.
  • PhenomeNae
    PhenomeNae Posts: 130 Member
    I agree.... find a new doctor. Also DO NOT GIVE UP!! Keep in mind that if you are exersizing alot, then you are most likely gaining muscle, and that weighs more than fat, so you may get unreliable results at the scale. Try tracking your weigh loss in measurements instead of pounds. Measure belly, hips, bust, arms.... you should see the results there. Im rooting for you. I have just started my weight loss journey, so feel free to add me as a friend as well. We all need the encourgement!

    I agree with this... you should allow yourself a day of rest, and you're never "too fat" to lose weight on your own. Lap band surgery isn't a cure. You will still need to eat right and exercise. You may want to get a 2nd opinion and also have your body fat measured, as others have said in this thread, you could be dropping inches and body fat, but gaining muscle.
  • Meaganandcheese
    Meaganandcheese Posts: 525 Member
    Sounds like time for a second opinion. And probably a rest day! Activity is important for health but make sure you're focusing on proper nutrition too!
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    Ive lost over 100 lbs with no surgery.............again, try a new Dr.........

    Its hard, Im sure you have done everything you can...........add me as a friend, Ill keep you in my thoughts and hope it will happen

    read some of these peoples stories, they did it........you can, you're young

    You have little children who need you. Do it for yourself , your kids and your husband............they need you. Best wishes, Add me as a friend........Lloyd
  • sonofpaul
    sonofpaul Posts: 3 Member
    You can do it...don't give up! Try something drastic with your diet for a week...cut out pop, or carbs or something. I did phase 1 of the 17 day diet and in 2 weeks, dropped 10 pounds (I had already been on Weight Watchers for 2 years, dropped 30 pounds and hit a plateau)....just needed the jump start.

    Add me too!
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    Time to find a new doctor. Your current one is an idiot.

    Oh my God, this. I can't believe a doctor would recommend an unnecessary surgery. You CAN and WILL do this, regardless of what you've been told!
  • atlantapiper
    atlantapiper Posts: 133 Member
    Can you make your diary public? And, with that, I hope that you truly enter every single bite or drink that goes in your mouth :) Be honest with your diary and explore what may be working for others...do your research, you can do this?
  • cadillacfrank
    cadillacfrank Posts: 68 Member
    There is no such thing as no hope. I shake my fist at your doctor. I'm a doctor (of divinity, I know)

    What I would do is check with a nutritionist. Show 'em your food journal from MFP. There is nothing that a determined person CAN'T accomplish.

    The place I get my protein shakes from actually has this printed on their website, granted they use it to sell fat-burning supplements, but having taken the sales pitch out of it, it's not bad:

    "3 Tips To Reach Your Goals
    1. Willpower won't work alone. Willpower is for short-term success, but long-term success requires planning, discipline and finding ways to motivate yourself every day.

    2. Motivation will not magically happen. What motivates you will change from day to day. You have to recommit to your goals each day, tweak them to fit changes in your lifestyle and attitude, and find new ways to motivate yourself over the course of your life.

    3. You will not always want to exercise and eat healthy. Even the most committed exerciser doesn't always want to do it. Know that you will have to work on it every day."
  • liog
    liog Posts: 347 Member
    I agree that you need a new doctor. You can do this. It will take time, but believe in yourself and work hard and you'll see the results.
  • Sumo813
    Sumo813 Posts: 566 Member
    There is no such thing as no hope. It may be better to consult with a nutritionist as well as your regular doc. It's possible that maybe your eating is not as great as you believe it to be, or even if you are eating wonderfully clean, you may not be fueling your burns.

    Do NOT be disheartened. Surgery should not be an option, or if it is, it should be the absolute last.

    There is so much useful information in cyberspace in general, but especially on here (although, some of it has to be taken with a grain of salt).

    Look at some of the threads for TDEE and BMR and RMR and go from there. It may be dizzying at first (believe me, I'm still trying to figure this stuff completely out after a year and a half), but give yourself a better opportunity before resorting to any sort of surgery. There are a lot of success stories here that will tell you you CAN do it!

    One of my faves... a pal of mine, Anthony - http://www.myfitnesspal.com/imdabeast. He's lost over 200lbs without surgery. Just hard work and an iron will.

    Good luck to you!


    Anthony has actually lost close to 300lbs (283lbs).
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Your doctor sounds mad as cheese.

    Vanilla cheese with cinnamon sprinkles.
  • krystina_letitia9
    krystina_letitia9 Posts: 697 Member
    Surgery is drastic and should be done when nothing else works - and look at you, you've already lost 7 pounds! You've got a great start! That should prove to yourself that YOU CAN DO IT! I agree with everyone else - get a second opinion. MOST doctors don't advocate surgery so quickly, especially a major surgery such as this. A weight loss surgery has life time effects (like vitamin deficiencies, complete diet overhauls - more extreme than anything you are doing here, just to name a couple), even if the surgery doesn't work. Keep up the hard work - feel free to add me if you need extra support! :smile:
  • HotDog1969
    HotDog1969 Posts: 25 Member
    I agree about your doctor. They should be ashamed of themselves coming out with such rubbish.

    Are you eating enough for the amount of exercise you are doing? You can definitely do this but just maybe get some opinions on your diary if you are comfortable opening it up.

    Feel free to add me if you like.
  • BriskisGrl
    BriskisGrl Posts: 461
    I read this and just wanted to wrap you in my arms and give you a BIG hug. You need to find a new doctor.. There is risk to every single surgery. Doctor should be helping and encouraging to continue to try and work to lose the weight. Not jumping right away to surgery. Maybe there is something wrong hormonally? have they check? Your thyroid? etc. I for example have a fertility issue that can cause type 2 diabetes. I all of a sudden starting putting on weight and the doctor was concerned and we found it early. I am NOT diabetic, but without this medication I would blow up like a balloon not to mention become diabetic b/c my body no longer processes insulin on its own. Losing weight has helped with this issue.
  • TXBelle1174
    TXBelle1174 Posts: 615 Member
    I should lose 100 lbs to be in the "healthy" range for my weight. I had to start completely over with a new Dr. and endocrinologist to get on the right track and surgery is not an option for me either. It can be done! It is hard, you will have to overcome obstacles, there are weeks you think you should lose and you will gain, but you WILL get there!!! Go to the Success Stories board and read through them. Every time I get discouraged I go into that forum and read through the stories. They inspire me, they make me cry sometimes because I realize that there are other people out there with the same struggles that HAVE succeeded. Dont give up. I agree with the other posters - time for a new Dr. or at least a second opinion. Feel free to add me as a friend if you want. I try really hard to be motivational to my MFP peeps and I "talk" with them on a regular basis. Do you possibly have underlying medical issues - hypothyroid, insulin resistance, etc? Has your Dr. even explored these things?
  • sammi402
    sammi402 Posts: 232 Member
    So I have been at this for a while now and have lost 6 lbs, keep in mind to be at a "healthy BMI" I need to loose 100 but going for more like 66lbs...I work out everyday 7 days a week, wear a Polar F7 to track my burn eat pretty good and pour my heart and soul into weight loss. Today I went to the dr b/c I have been having such a hard time...she recommends that I consult a dr about a lap-band....:cry: Apparently I am so big that I have no hope of dropping of the weight. I'm sure she thinks I am crazy- I broke down and cried in her office. :embarassed: I am planning on starting Insanity Saturday- tomorrow is my last day of RI30 ( I have done 60day straight of Jillian) now I really don't see the point I am big - will always be big and the only thing to help is a surgury that I can not afford :frown: :cry:

    Thanks for the vent I needed it

    You're "doctor" is a damn fool. Honey, there are people on here that started off @ literally TWICE your size and lost weight without being cut open. Check out the success stories forum, get a new dr, and keep your chin up. It will happen as long as you don't give up!!

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