Why are some of you so angry?



  • I suppose maybe they are in permanent PMS mode? Or completely filled with Too much testosterone? Or perhaps they are trying to be the "Cool-Kid" that they so desperately wanted to be in school? I know - They're Attention *kitten* - that's it... they are looking for attention, be it positive or negative - WAIT - they're Toddlers acting out! That's it, they are all BABIES!! There. Figured it out.

    LOL! :laugh:
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    .... sometimes with all the chatter on the site from various evangelists (no carb, low carb, any sort of carb, carb, no fat, low fat, high fat, not THOSE fats!!) some people feel they have to hammer their point home with a mallet. So they do.

    These evangelists are what annoy me the most on this site, and the only time I travel into Troll Territory is when they say something so utterly ridiculous or insulting or close-minded - I guess I just feel the need to challenge their notions, usually because I hate the thought of some noob reading the garbage diatribes they spew and eating it up with big, hungry spoonfuls.
  • radscorpion
    radscorpion Posts: 55
    Yeah I've noticed this... I remember reading this thread about a women who had an awful marriage but had 2 young children by him, she was reaching out for advice and support and she just got flamed completely. It was a mixture of "What's wrong with you posting about your personal life on the internet! What kind of mother are you" and "You're dumb as f* if you think that marriage is about love, you're selfish, you have to work at it for your kids!" "Your kids will grow up without a father because you're a selfish b*" you know, real nasty stuff. God it stressed me out. I mean yeah, I wouldn't personally air my private life on the internet but she was looking for support and she just got shot down. Made me kinda sad. I mean as I say I wouldn't post about my issues online, maybe they wouldn't, but is there need for such hostility?

    It just seems unnecessary to be so judgmental - I mean this is a support site, if you've got nothing nice to say or you can't state your opinion in a non-aggressive constructive manner, it's time to move on from the thread? Haha.
  • theoriginaljayne
    theoriginaljayne Posts: 559 Member
    Maybe they're hungry or sore or retaining water?
    Maybe they're tired of misinformation?
    Maybe they spilled coffee on their suit while driving to work?
    Maybe they missed the My Little Pony reruns?
    Maybe they're just angry inside?

    Seriously, though, if you take a day or two and devote it to exploring the corners of the internet... you'll find that MFP is by far one of the cleanest and most respectful communities.

    Edited to add: Also, no matter where you go, online or offline, you'll always find some of Those People. You know who I'm talking about: the people that make you despair for the future of humanity. They're absolutely everywhere, rather like ants or glitter, and they also refuse to go away, also like ants and glitter.
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    This occurs on every website with a forum or a way for members to interact. You get nice, decent conversations and you get knock-out fights over ridiculous crap. That's life on the internet.

    Me personally I have anger issues and mental disorders and I live on less than what someone on minimum wage makes. So I'm fairly p*ssy but I'm also civil and can be very supportive.
  • soulynyc
    soulynyc Posts: 302 Member
    i chalk it up to having low communication skills. sadly a lot of people do not know how to hold conversations without accusations and hostility. its' all over.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    I think it stems from lots of things....

    .... boredom...
    ...low self-esteem. I find a lot of people (mainly the bullies) who are mean to others act overly confident and superior because they feel weak and insignificant... They have to bring others down too.
    .....shame.... maybe these people feel full of shame for being a failure or weak at something.
    ......fear.... people are afraid their own personal short-comings will be exposed, so they point out others .....

    ....lack of proper communication and social skills......other people don't know when to keep their mouths shut....they were never taught that if they have nothing nice to say then say nothing at all....
  • janey1306
    janey1306 Posts: 83
    I saw a post yesterday where somebody had replied with a deragotory and down right rude comment. It could in no way be a matter of fact type comment, taken the wrong way. When a couple of people asked if there was really any need for that, the poster openly admitted that she had deliberately been derogatory, and the op had deserved it, and also that she didnt feel she was rude.
    It left me wondering if people like this are only rude/ bad mannered when they are hiding behind their keyboards, or if they are really that nasty and bad mannered face to face, in most cases I doubt it. However as this person didnt even realise she had been rude, she obviously has no clue what good manners are, and so in her case she probably is.just a bad mannered person going through life not knowing how much she hurts people, my annoyance of her hurtful comments, became more of a feeling of pity.
  • LiddyBit
    LiddyBit Posts: 447 Member
    well, a few reasons

    1) Freedom of speech. The right for which once people gave their lives, nowadays its considered wrong NOT to use that right, no matter if you're right or wrong

    Actually, this is not even close to what freedom of speech actually means. And yes, it does matter if you're right or wrong.
    LTGPSA Posts: 633 Member
    I've seen some pretty inspiring stuff on MFP and some really amazing people who offer the knowledge they've accumulated to help out a newb or someone struggling to find a solution.

    That being said I've seen some pretty hostile stuff from some of you too.

    Why are you so angry - why do you feel the need to rip someones head off about something they wrote? Does it not make more sense to just skip the post all together?

    You must be exhausted.

    LOL ~ Great question! :flowerforyou:
  • erxkeel
    erxkeel Posts: 553 Member
    We're Fat and hungry. Why the F&ck else?
  • Peta22
    Peta22 Posts: 377 Member
    I agree with everyone who said 'they're hungry'!!

    I've heard it said before and though it was most amusing... 'Go eat a cupcake'!!!
  • Simone_King
    Simone_King Posts: 467 Member
    I deal with angry people all the time. All over the net. It's not just here. I am on many different sites and frankly, if they want to nick pick on what I say? Go right ahead. I will either reply and explain myself or B: Ignore it.

    Not only that this has the facter that they don't really know you and it's the net. So therefore, they can say and act how they want to. (From what I seen.)

    Frankly, in my point of view they are trolls. (my point of view. You can't change it.)

    I came here to find people to help me lose weight. So, I don't really care what they have to say.
  • newclothesat120
    newclothesat120 Posts: 8 Member
    I hope you won't let it stop you from enjoying the support and kindness from all of the others. It would be nice to have a block ready if needed
  • denisembari
    denisembari Posts: 11
    Bottom line...whether its on this site or any other site. If you don't like or care about a post, or it annoys you...then move on. Why bother posting at all?
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    Bottom line...whether its on this site or any other site. If you don't like or care about a post, or it annoys you...then move on. Why bother posting at all?

    If the post is an off-topic then I agree but if it is a post about unhealthy advices or promoting unhealthy ways then as much as it is annoying, we still post something to correct them & at the same time to educate the newbies about what is right or wrong. Remember that this is a fitness & health site & so any unhealthy tips shouldn't be tolerated.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    This is not a fluffy bunny admiration society, it is a primarily a weight-loss site

    NO this is a fitness & health site. Although the overwhelming majority here are using this site for weight loss but there are minorities here like me & others who use this site for weight maintenance or weight gain (muscle gain).
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Bottom line...whether its on this site or any other site. If you don't like or care about a post, or it annoys you...then move on. Why bother posting at all?

    If the post is an off-topic then I agree but if it is a post about unhealthy advices or promoting unhealthy ways then as much as it is annoying, we still post something to correct them & at the same time to educate the newbies about what is right or wrong. Remember that this is a fitness & health site & so any unhealthy tips shouldn't be tolerated.

    ^^totally this
  • soontobesam
    soontobesam Posts: 714 Member
    Aren't you being a bit of a hypocrite by starting a separate post just to bad-mouth those angry people??

    I don't believe so. The post isn't about people bad mouthing other people so right there I can't be acting hypocritcal. Also I'm not bad mouthing anyone - I'm posing a direct question.
  • george29223
    george29223 Posts: 556 Member
    yeah when someone hurts my feelings in here i usually print off one of there profile pictures cut a tiny hole where there mouth is and start shovin m&m through it ,kinda like one of those voodo dolls , really piss me off ill cut a hole down south on your profile picture jam m&m down there in hopes you will start walking funny