What is the craziest thing you believed to be true as a kid?



  • Laura_Suzie
    Laura_Suzie Posts: 1,288 Member
    I believed women pushed the baby out from their bellybuttons and that everyone waited until marriage to have sex. haha

    Also, both my parents have blue eyes so I believed that you could only marry people with the same eye color as you. :)
  • osualex
    osualex Posts: 409 Member
    I thought India and Indiana were the same place until I was like eight...
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    Swallowing watermelon seeds grows a watermelon in your stomach (Lol)

    It doesn't? I can once again eat watermelon!! Lol

    I saw a Rugrats episode about Chuckie eating a watermelon seed and he grew it in his stomach, I was scared to eat fruit for years. ... lol.
  • BobinNC66
    BobinNC66 Posts: 192 Member
    White and black cows made white milk and black cows made chocolate milk!
  • BobinNC66
    BobinNC66 Posts: 192 Member
    When I was very young, "Missle Command" came out in the arcade... I used to think those big antennae's you see around the city with the red flashing lights were ant-ballistic missles that the government stationed around the city to protect us from the Russians.

    Loved that game!
  • pigwidgeon82
    pigwidgeon82 Posts: 79 Member
    i was very gullible as a child (still am).

    there was a hotel near my house with a sign showing a sunset with a bird on it. my dad told me it was the bat motel and that kept bats in all the rooms. terrified me, so i always thought witches lived there and was afraid to go near it on halloween.

    i also thought planes could drop bombs on me so anytime i was outside and saw a plane i would run and hide so they couldn't see me.

    i thought all cats were girls and all dogs were boys and that all horses were girls and cows were boys. i was kind of disappointed when i found out this was not true.

    i also was very nosy. i would always ask my mom who was on the phone and she would always reply, "Nunya", for none ya business. I always just accepted Nunya as a weird name, wondered why she called so much, and really wanted to meet her.

    my mom told me when she was little she believed two wrongs DID make a right, so when she would do something bad, she would do something else bad to even it out.
  • julie0506
    julie0506 Posts: 4 Member
    This is cute!

    My dad loved to mess with me, he told me he was 138yrs old, so of course i told everyone he was.

    We were going to the drive in and i wanted to bring a friend, so her mother wanted to know what we were going to see, my dad told me " The Underwater Basket Weaver" LOL, love him!
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    My brother told me there was a troll living in my heating vent and would come out and eat my hamster while I slept. So I used to sleep with my hamster's cage next to my pillow. My mother would get mad because it would shred my pillowcase and the edge of my pillow.

    He also told me that raisins are dead cockroaches and I still can't eat them.
  • gizziemonkey
    gizziemonkey Posts: 451
    growing up by train tracks...at night...a train would pass and my bed would shake....I always thought it was a variety of animals under my bed shaking it....to this day I have to sleep with at least a sheet covering my feet :0)
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,291 Member
    my grandfather had me convinced that if I behaved badly that he could kick me to the moon, he also convinced me that we had a cardinal that watched over our family......no matter where we went, or how many different places we lived
    I also believed that gum stayed in your system 7 years if swallowed
    if you ate any type of seeds they would grow in your stomach
    the tooth fairy, bigfoot, and santa was real, and if we were bad around christmas time, that my folks could call santa and it would be "minus 1, no hard feelings".
  • SewingLynx
    SewingLynx Posts: 27 Member
    Thought when people died in the movies that they actually died. Always thought to myself why would they volunteer for that! LOL

    Haha! I used to think that too! Someone told me that to scare me--jerks!
  • SewingLynx
    SewingLynx Posts: 27 Member
    I actually believed that if you lied or said cuss-words you'd get welts/bumps on the back of your tongue, my parents tried to trick me... I quickly learned that was bullcrap!!!
  • transfixedtoast
    transfixedtoast Posts: 89 Member
    My friend convinced me that she had a rare mental condition that made her unable to see peoples hair.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    I thought that dead people roams the house at night and they will come & pull my feet under my bed if I don't sleep at night.
  • ball858
    ball858 Posts: 395 Member
    That every girl was born with a baby inside her belly and as she got bigger the baby got bigger and eventually came out. I don't know how I reconciled that idea with the fact that some people have more than one kid and that some had no kids at all.

    ^^^^ AWESOME ^^^^
  • sassylilmama
    sassylilmama Posts: 1,495 Member
    That if you swallowed a seed said food would then grow in your belly (watermelon, apple etc)
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    that when people who worked in grocery stores got all the money that went in their tills...haha i wish!
  • k011185
    k011185 Posts: 320 Member
    That there were sharks in the deep end of the pool... thanks for that phobia, dad!
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    I grew up around a lot of farms. My dad had us kids convinced there was hill cows... Hill cows had two legs shorter so they could stand on the hill.

    I also would not allow my feet to hang out of the covers for fear that something would grab them

    I also thought that after my grandpa died he could still receive all my cards that I would make him...I would put them in my window thinking he would fly down and pick them up.

    My dad told there were haggis in Scotland with the same thing and as they go only go up a mountain one way and there were different haggis's with the shorter legs on the other side. (To get down the mountain they would have to roll down)
  • cfriend71
    cfriend71 Posts: 207 Member
    When I was really little (7 maybe?) I believe there were little people in the radio singing LOL!