What is the craziest thing you believed to be true as a kid?



  • lilac67
    lilac67 Posts: 311
    If you crossed your eyes long enough, they'd get stuck.

    My mom told me this......years later when I was about 27......I was working as an optiician, a little boy came to the window crossing his eyes . He kept doing it for a long time. I said to a man I worked with, man that kid"s eyes will stick like that. He asked what I just said and I said you know, your eyes stick like that and they have to take your eye out and lay it on your face to untangle all the nerves and muscles. He asked me to wait for him, he left and brought back the eye doctor and asked me to repeat what I told him, I asked why, he already knew. They asked me to repeat it and I did. when I finished, they asked me where I heard that and I said my mom. They busted into wild laughter. At which point I asked, I suppose a sump pump won"t really suck you underground, hu?

    When I stopped at my mom"s to pick my dauhgter up after work I thanked her, I relayed the whole stupid conversation to her. She thought it was the funniest thing heard and asked me if I was still waiting for the toothfairy. LOL, I sure miss her!
  • Perisylpha
    Perisylpha Posts: 139
    My parents used to tell me that if I ate an apple core I would get appendicitis from the seeds, if I picked my nose I would lose my finger, if I kept biting my nails I'd wear them down to my elbows, if I pulled a face and the wind changed direction I would stay that way, or that Jesus would come back to earth and possibly turn up in my bedroom (I lay awake all the time sweating and trembling over that one!!) I always thought that disembodied hands would come up the sides of my bed and strangle me, so I always tried to sleep with my head under the covers...or make a dash for the light switch. Why do all parents make their kids sleep in the dark!? I would/have never imposed that on my children.
    Oh and the best and most stupid of all, babies arrive under gooseberry bushes, by stork or by God putting a seed in your food that grows into a baby in your stomach...sheesh.
  • Sp1nGoddess
    Sp1nGoddess Posts: 1,138 Member
    I didn't realize that hockey players & football players wore pads. I thought they all had huge muscles!
  • Bankman1989
    Bankman1989 Posts: 1,116 Member
    As a kid I used to think Balck and white tv showswere the way they actually looked..lol.That everything was in black and white.

    I ALSO believe(d) that I was from Krypton and had super powers like Superman. I am STILL convinced however =)
  • Mgregory723
    Mgregory723 Posts: 529 Member
    If you make a nasty face it will freeze and stay that way forever, the boogie man and the man on the moon
  • dyannajoy
    dyannajoy Posts: 466 Member
    I thought everyone lived until they were 100 years old and died face-down while blowing out their birthday candles. No joke.

    OH MY GOODNESS.........I have not laughed that hard in a long time!!!!:laugh:
  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,071 Member
    My older brothers and sisters always told me that cotton candy "disappeared" overnight.

    I'll never forgive them for eating MY cotton candy and just leaving the paper cone thingy behind.
  • amnsetie
    amnsetie Posts: 666 Member
    I know about cats being girls and dogs being boys
    Also about seeds growing in your tummy, for me it was grapes.
    Here's one no-one else has said in this thread

    I used to think there was something like an invisible string on your back and when you went somewhere it would roll out. If you walked back over exactly the same track on your way home you would get your string back. If you walked another way or around a pole the string would not be recovered. You only had so much string then you would die.
  • dyannajoy
    dyannajoy Posts: 466 Member
    oh mygosh stop already!!!! I am dying from laughter.......seriously one of the funniest threads I have read in forever...........oh how I needed this today!! thank you ALL.........
  • CaseRat
    CaseRat Posts: 377 Member
    Mum convinced me that if I was pulling a funny face, sticking out my tongue or something like that, and then the wind changed direction, my face would be stuck like that forever!
  • SomeMorr
    SomeMorr Posts: 220 Member
    As a kid I used to think Balck and white tv showswere the way they actually looked..lol.That everything was in black and white.

    Even now when I see old news footage that is in Black and White, I sometimes forget that they had colors back then.
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    as small kids, my brother and I were convinced that if someone unscrewed your belly button, your bum would fall off.

    that every grown up man had false teeth

    that when cats stretch out their paws up a wall or door frame, they are looking for ghosts (wtf)
  • jennlove79
    jennlove79 Posts: 36 Member
    I was told by the father of a friend that eating shrimp is how you get pregnant but that it only worked on girls...shrimp looked like a baby fetus so I believed it...

    and if you ran really fast and lifted your feet, you could fly forever
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    When I was a kid I got into a bottle of cherry flavored vitamins and probably ate a dozen because they tasted like candy. When my mom saw how many were missing she said whoever ate them would probably be dead by the time they are 20. I knew I did it and every time I had a birthday I was terrified because I was getting closer to 20 and it would be the end of me! :(

    I was also terrified of the sump pump. I thought it was the deepest hole in the world and it scared the hell out of me. Then one day it overflowed and I was beyond terrified. I still have nightmares about that.

    I also feared toilets and then the septic tank overflowed! That added even more nightmares. I guess plumbing in general. lol

    My grandfather always told me that if I ate the crust on bread, I'd grow hair on my chest. I hated the thought of that. Eww He also told me that if I swallowed watermelon seeds and ate without washing my hands, I'd grow one in my belly.

    My brother used to grab my ankles from under the basement stairs and had me believing that some 'man' lived under there and that he was the one doing it. I STILL run up the stairs. I still hate him for that.

    Now I'm wondering why everyone was so mean. lol
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    I thought the families on t.v. were like "real" families :huh:
  • Steve_Runs
    Steve_Runs Posts: 443 Member
    Ok, this is gonna sound really stupid, but here it goes. My mom had polio as a child. She was in a wheelchair my whole life. She has this stiff leg from when they removed her knee. Well, there was this 'hole' where the incision was. I was told that is where I came from. Right from that hole. For years that's what I thought. To many years for me to admit too. So yep, that is the craziest thing I believed as a kid!
  • hapoo100
    hapoo100 Posts: 940 Member
    Ok, this is gonna sound really stupid, but here it goes. My mom had polio as a child. She was in a wheelchair my whole life. She has this stiff leg from when they removed her knee. Well, there was this 'hole' where the incision was. I was told that is where I came from. Right from that hole. For years that's what I thought. To many years for me to admit too. So yep, that is the craziest thing I believed as a kid!

    lol, parents told us everything to avoid saying how babies were born. My parents told us that women save up money in their belly and when they have enough, they go buy a baby.
  • marathon64
    marathon64 Posts: 378 Member
    My daughter's friend told her her American Girl doll would come to life during the night and shoot her with a gun. Nice. She no longer wanted the doll after that.
  • Trail_Addict
    Trail_Addict Posts: 1,350 Member
    That my parents loved each other. :sad: :sad: :sad:
  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,071 Member
    That my parents loved each other. :sad: :sad: :sad:
    aw :(