Men gamers..



  • rugbyphreak
    rugbyphreak Posts: 509 Member
    After the sex what is he going to do for the other 23 hours 55 minutes of the day? Play video games of course.

    more like 23 hours 30 minutes left to the day... and if he'd just do it first thing in the morning, he could game the rest of the day away in peace, but since he won't, i'll nag ALL DAY!!!!!!!!
  • Tristis
    Tristis Posts: 288 Member
    I bet there are plenty of men willing to satisfy. Maybe it's time to find someone new.
  • harlanJEN
    harlanJEN Posts: 1,089 Member
    haha, he chooses xbox over your box?

    sorry hun. time to dump that dude. Life is too short

    ^^^^^^ this
  • calvert6183
    calvert6183 Posts: 539 Member
    There needs to be set times for certain things such as hobbies, me time, and games. I think guys get burned out by who they are with and disconnect themselves from other by doing something that is fun and it not inolving their woman. SOmetimes guys feel smothered to death. From what many say is they just run out of energy trying to meet their woman needs and attention needs, work, kids, and chores. Its perfectly fine to playing games and have his me time but he cant ignore his woman either and stop being physical. Also, women, it cant always be about you either, some of you demand so much attention that is makes your man miserable and then he just doesnt try or care anymore and then you cant get him away from the tv. Its all about balance and communication. Maybe instead of fussing about him playing games, ask to play sometime and dont critisize and have fun and then you both do what you want. Its about being involved in each other's life even if you think its stupid.
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,167 Member
    There needs to be set times for certain things such as hobbies, me time, and games. I think guys get burned out by who they are with and disconnect themselves from other by doing something that is fun and it not inolving their woman. SOmetimes guys feel smothered to death. From what many say is they just run out of energy trying to meet their woman needs and attention needs, work, kids, and chores. Its perfectly fine to playing games and have his me time but he cant ignore his woman either and stop being physical. Also, women, it cant always be about you either, some of you demand so much attention that is makes your man miserable and then he just doesnt try or care anymore and then you cant get him away from the tv. Its all about balance and communication. Maybe instead of fussing about him playing games, ask to play sometime and dont critisize and have fun and then you both do what you want. Its about being involved in each other's life even if you think its stupid.
    O_o oh oh
  • s1lence
    s1lence Posts: 493
    @calvert6183 I like your advice. I wish I could play his games with him, we have a tendency to be competitive and I am no good at controlling the camera which drives him insane. If it's about the feeling tired thing I understand it, I've left him alone for hours so that he can relax and have his time after work. I try not to bother him, it just seems that 6 hours behind the controller is a little much for relaxing time every day. The communication problem is a constant because it's always put off (relax first talk later) then if talks do happen it's all about blame on one thing or the other not ever working out how things could be better for both.

    I guess it doesn't hurt to try again though.
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,611 Member
    There needs to be set times for certain things such as hobbies, me time, and games. I think guys get burned out by who they are with and disconnect themselves from other by doing something that is fun and it not inolving their woman. SOmetimes guys feel smothered to death. From what many say is they just run out of energy trying to meet their woman needs and attention needs, work, kids, and chores. Its perfectly fine to playing games and have his me time but he cant ignore his woman either and stop being physical. Also, women, it cant always be about you either, some of you demand so much attention that is makes your man miserable and then he just doesnt try or care anymore and then you cant get him away from the tv. Its all about balance and communication. Maybe instead of fussing about him playing games, ask to play sometime and dont critisize and have fun and then you both do what you want. Its about being involved in each other's life even if you think its stupid.

    I wouldn't recommend asking to play. If the issue is "his" time, then don't try to step in on that. Talk to him away from said game and calmly ask to schedule game nights and date nights. Don't force it but calmly explain how you feel and what you want.
  • karylee44
    karylee44 Posts: 892
    so .. how much is too much then.. he will play at least 2 hours a day. i know as soon as i leave the house.. he gets back on (kids tell me).. they are ignored as well most of the time. he puts gaming infront of work, me and pretty much anything. weekends he doesn;t leave the bedroom.. he plays xbox or "works" on the computer.. i have lost interest in trying. not to mention the weight gain he has since sitting on his butt for the last 3 years. he refuses to go to conceling.. because he feels there is no problem. he has low t but takes meds (per me chatting with his doctor) but that hasnt helped. and he takes a heavy dose of perscripts..

    i have even gone so far as to ask for an open marrage just to take care of my needs..

    i have never met someone as non-sexual as him.. very very frustrating to say the least.
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,611 Member
    so .. how much is too much then.. he will play at least 2 hours a day. i know as soon as i leave the house.. he gets back on (kids tell me).. they are ignored as well most of the time. he puts gaming infront of work, me and pretty much anything. weekends he doesn;t leave the bedroom.. he plays xbox or "works" on the computer.. i have lost interest in trying. not to mention the weight gain he has since sitting on his butt for the last 3 years. he refuses to go to conceling.. because he feels there is no problem. he has low t but takes meds (per me chatting with his doctor) but that hasnt helped. and he takes a heavy dose of perscripts..

    i have even gone so far as to ask for an open marrage just to take care of my needs..

    i have never met someone as non-sexual as him.. very very frustrating to say the least.

    This smacks of addiction or self medicating. If he has low T, perhaps it hit him a bit harder than he wants to admit.
  • Drenched_N_Motivation
    Drenched_N_Motivation Posts: 1,004 Member
    so .. how much is too much then.. he will play at least 2 hours a day. i know as soon as i leave the house.. he gets back on (kids tell me).. they are ignored as well most of the time. he puts gaming infront of work, me and pretty much anything. weekends he doesn;t leave the bedroom.. he plays xbox or "works" on the computer.. i have lost interest in trying. not to mention the weight gain he has since sitting on his butt for the last 3 years. he refuses to go to conceling.. because he feels there is no problem. he has low t but takes meds (per me chatting with his doctor) but that hasnt helped. and he takes a heavy dose of perscripts..

    i have even gone so far as to ask for an open marrage just to take care of my needs..

    i have never met someone as non-sexual as him.. very very frustrating to say the least.

    Did he say no about the open marrage? Maybe you should just cheat on him. Is that something you think you could do? Maybe it would force him to open his eyes, or at least put the nail in the coffin of an otherwise dismal sounding marrage. ( No offense)
  • BrownsFan16
    BrownsFan16 Posts: 38
    haha, he chooses xbox over your box?

    sorry hun. time to dump that dude. Life is too short


    Maybe that isnt the only thing that is too short.... lmao!!!!!
  • Jack3r
    Jack3r Posts: 96
    Damn, that man is messed.
    Im a gamer and im horny all the time! lol
  • dlwyatt82
    dlwyatt82 Posts: 1,077 Member
    Weird. I'm a gamer (met my wife playing WoW, for crying out loud), but I have never failed to instantly turn off the PC or Xbox when she mentions she's in the mood. Damn internet connection always seems to die at just that moment! :laugh:
  • lour441
    lour441 Posts: 543 Member
    what would you pick.. computer/xbox games... or having fun with your sig other? Really.. i can't seem to understand why a grown man would rather play computer games than sex? someone please explain this to me!!

    Being a gamer and being addicted to gaming are two different things. If he would rather game then spend time with you he is addicted. How would it affect your relationship if he were addicted to drugs or gambling? It is similar.

    It won't get better until he accepts it and deals with it. Sadly I have lots of experience. :(
  • karylee44
    karylee44 Posts: 892
    well, i would have to say he is pretty addicted then.. he "has" to have his time on the xbox.. and gets really cranky if one of the kids want to use it. when he is not on the xbox, he is on the computer or watching tv. i go to bed alone.. and wake up alone. i have no idea where he is this morning.

    i have worked very hard to get my body in shape over the last two years and have gone from a size 16 to a 6. i am tired of being ignored.
  • iceqieen
    iceqieen Posts: 897 Member
    Why not both? haha!

    You win. ;)

    OP: It's difficult to tell sometimes if the games are just a hobby or a real addiction. but it Sounds like he is addicted.. and its probably a hint that there's something more wrong than just liking games. Talk to him, find out what is going on. Game addiction is like any other addiction, you use it to escape something else. Have a talk with him, find out what he's trying to avoid.
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    I know this is going to sound weird but... play with him! I believe men (and a lot of women - including myself) play games as a form of escapism and relaxation. Try it, it might be fun. And couples SHOULD have fun together.

    If you simply can't force yourself, try other types of play. Does he like sports? Could you play racquetball together? Or tennis? Or just shoot hoops? Not a sports guy? Try board games or cards. Anything to get your both having fun and being relaxed around one another. I think sometimes (not saying this is you specifically), couples stop associating each other with fun. Their spouse is there when its time to clean the house, or pick up the kids, or pay the bills. But when its time to have FUN, that's what the blinkly electronic screen is for.

    Rather than focus on the sex, focus on the relationship and the fun factor, sex should follow. If not, then at the very least, he may be more receptive to talking about why it is a problem. :smile:
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    Why not both? haha!

    You win. ;)

    OP: It's difficult to tell sometimes if the games are just a hobby or a real addiction. but it Sounds like he is addicted.. and its probably a hint that there's something more wrong than just liking games. Talk to him, find out what is going on. Game addiction is like any other addiction, you use it to escape something else. Have a talk with him, find out what he's trying to avoid.

    gaming addiction is very real. it contributed to my weight gain and being almost 500 lbs. in the past. I still enjoy gaming but I don't play as much as I did in the past. I for one would choose sex over games. I hope you can work things out.
  • MrEmoticon
    MrEmoticon Posts: 275 Member
    well, i would have to say he is pretty addicted then.. he "has" to have his time on the xbox.. and gets really cranky if one of the kids want to use it. when he is not on the xbox, he is on the computer or watching tv. i go to bed alone.. and wake up alone. i have no idea where he is this morning.

    i have worked very hard to get my body in shape over the last two years and have gone from a size 16 to a 6. i am tired of being ignored.

    so... why are you even with him?
  • Slendermike
    Slendermike Posts: 1,776 Member
    what would you pick.. computer/xbox games... or having fun with your sig other? Really.. i can't seem to understand why a grown man would rather play computer games than sex? someone please explain this to me!!

    If SEX is the option, I take sex 100% of the time, sex comes first