Does anyone else NOT do a "cheat" day?



  • desert_rhino
    desert_rhino Posts: 104 Member
    I don't do a cheat day. If I go over my allowance, I go over my allowance, and I log it. Everything gets logged. It's the only way to be sure you're not sliding down the long, fat slope.

    Also, if I'm going to eat anything really carb-heavy, candy, or sugar, I make sure that I'm eating something with a lower glycemic index at the same time, so I don't have insulin rebound hunger. (That's the WORST!)
  • finallyFIT_ForMe
    I don't do cheat days either. In my mind a cheat day is like falling off the wagon. If I cheated it surely wouldn't be for just one day. I account for any treats in my calories and earn them through exercise. It works for some people but cheat days just aren't for me. Besides, when you cheat at dieting you're only cheating yourself.
  • shaelataylor
    shaelataylor Posts: 224 Member
    no cheat days for me either...that doesnt mean i never have things that arent good for me. i just dont have them if they make me go over on calories. they have to fit in the goal or i wont eat them.
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    I do not have a cheat day. If I am craving something I work it into my calories and/or exercise my butt of that day. I am just curious, does anyone else not do a cheat day?

    I don't. And I've been given a strike before for commenting on peoples "cheat day" threads. lol silliness.
  • littleworm23
    littleworm23 Posts: 341 Member
    I do not have a cheat day. If I am craving something I work it into my calories and/or exercise my butt of that day. I am just curious, does anyone else not do a cheat day?

    I do exactly the same thing. Since I don't think of this as being on a diet I really don't feel like there is anything to cheat on.
  • odumsmith00
    odumsmith00 Posts: 25
    I don't have a "cheat day" but I do eat and exercise in such a way that if we are having a special meal (birthday, holiday, especially crazy stressful wacked out day) then I don't stress out about what I eat. I don't go overboard but a small piece of cake or a cookie won't kill me. Like a pp (or two) said, "I don't have a diet, I have a lifestyle". Life happens and I refuse to be crazy. For example April was a crazy month for me. We traveled out of the country for a wedding, I had a crazy week long event at work (I was in charge of a huge 3 day party, including food, prizes and entertainment and only had a week to pull it together while caring for my 2 kids under 4).... and then a work 3 day conference. I exercised when I could and ate simply when I could but we ate a lot more junk than normal (god help my husband but he is not a great cook and I only have some many easy freezer meals)... in the entire month I gained 5 pounds (WOOOOOOHOOOO!!!) and lost them within a few days of returning to normal. I've been living my new lifestyle since January and have lost a total of 38 pounds!
  • Nix_
    Nix_ Posts: 94
    I don't have a cheat day. Some people find that if they have a cheat day they will be good for the rest of the week. I do not. haha. If I have a 'cheat' day, it all goes down hill from there!!
  • k9caver
    k9caver Posts: 4
    so far, I've not given myself any "cheat" days, I have certain foods that feel indulgent - I **LOVE** sashimi tuna, and it's fairly low in calories -- so I'll slice up a nice chunk of tuna to fill an empty space. Or maybe grab a bag of freeze dried fruit if I need a sweet fix. If I REALLY need a chocolate/candy type fix, I'll grab an Advocare Snack bar - 140 cal, 2 g fat, 2 g sugar, 10 g protein
  • Linbo93
    Linbo93 Posts: 229 Member
    I consider myself to be living a healthy lifestyle. As part of this, I make a conscious effort to make healthy choices every day. If you look at a person with a healthy lifestyle, they will have that 'cheat food' on occasion, go out to eat and order something terrible for you, have a few beers every so often, etc. The real difference between them and "dieters" in my opinion is that they don't have to think about it as a 'cheat meal' or 'cheat day'. And thats because 90% of the time, they choose healthy foods and keep active, so it all balances out naturally.

    That is the philosophy i have adapted. If i want something bad for me, I will eat it. But I make sure that 90% of my food choices are good food choices, and it all balances out. I have been doing this since December 26th, 2011, and I have remained on a downward trend consistently.

    The second I start thinking about it as a "cheat meal" or "cheat day" I suddenly feel like I'm on a diet, not living a healthy lifestyle. So I say ditch the diet terminology and start living a healthy lifestyle! Its so liberating!!
  • mommaincharge
    I agree... so as of fact right now I am stopping the CHEAT day cuz all it does for me is tempting for others days... so it's time to get back on track!! So I feel you... Cheat day isnt a thing for me.
  • cmm7303
    cmm7303 Posts: 423 Member
    I have one or two a year for big holidays. If I'm eating at the In-laws house, I have to be polite (BIG cultural differences) and eat some of the food, but I have NO IDEA how to log her stuff. So, I work my butt off, eat light where have the option, opt for small portions and pray.

    That is only 1 or 2 days a year, though.
  • kazzari
    kazzari Posts: 473 Member
    I don't have planned cheat days and I don't crave bad foods. But if I'm at work and their is a potluck or birthday cake, I will indulge and make every effort to fit it into my calories. I also cheat at holiday meals...that would be the only planned cheat. But like I said there is nothing foodwise that I crave that isn't in my plan. If there was, I wouldn't deprive myself and might plan the occasional cheat meal. If you don't have a regularly planned cheat day, then you're better prepared for the unexpected.
  • journeytocaitlin
    journeytocaitlin Posts: 49 Member
    I have one cheat day a week. But it's not the WHOLE DAY. I allow myself one kind of treat, and I get the smallest size(say a shake/ice cream/etc) OR if I go out to eat I'll just have a cheat meal. I usually do fridays or saturdays. But I still exercise and try to do extra that day if I can. It keeps me sane.
  • Insangelous
    Insangelous Posts: 33
    Depends. Some weeks i may have... 2 cheat days, some none - some I just have one little cheat thing a day, and just work out or something. It really depends on what I'm craving and eating that day anyway.
  • anacbridge
    anacbridge Posts: 5 Member
    Doesn't a cheat day help you restart your metabolism? I know if you WAY over do it and eat too much that it won't help. but if you never go over a set amount of calories your body gets to adjusted to your diet, and your weight loss goes much slower. Does anyone else find that it helps?
  • helenprimorac
    I'm guilty of cheating. I have to get better at finding the right foods to eat, but I've only been on here for about a week so I'm still learning. I made a promise to spend more time going for walks since the weather is so nice.
  • iamers
    iamers Posts: 74
    I don't have a cheat day, in fact I think it's a bad idea!
    If I had one day where I could eat anything then I would eat too much and spoil my diet. It would play havoc with my weight loss and general health. I'm trying to eat a healthier diet and incorporate any 'unhealthy treat foods' into this, its all about moderation!
  • Amybcb
    Amybcb Posts: 292 Member
    I can't either... it's all or nothing for me. If I do a cheat day, it ends up turning into a cheat week. I just do not have the ability to do a cheat day and not go off track!
  • maltaman99
    maltaman99 Posts: 9 Member
    Thats great! I like how you give yourself a cheat day, without taking advantage of it any other day of the week. Knowing you can have a certain food on Sunday really helps the craving go away. Read my latest post and tell me what you think. As I said, I like how you have your "sunday", and I'm going to do the same!
  • naija1983
    naija1983 Posts: 10
    I never have a "planned" cheat day. I just end up eating too many calories a few days a week and I count those lol